-- MySQL dump 10.13 Distrib 8.0.34, for Win64 (x86_64) -- -- Host: localhost Database: jjlourens2 -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- Server version 5.5.68-MariaDB /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!50503 SET NAMES utf8 */; /*!40103 SET @OLD_TIME_ZONE=@@TIME_ZONE */; /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */; /*!40014 SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0 */; /*!40014 SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' */; /*!40111 SET @OLD_SQL_NOTES=@@SQL_NOTES, SQL_NOTES=0 */; -- -- Table structure for table `job_action` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `job_action`; /*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client = @@character_set_client */; /*!50503 SET character_set_client = utf8mb4 */; CREATE TABLE `job_action` ( `pkAction` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'links to fkActType table', `fkActType` int(11) NOT NULL, `actNote` longblob NOT NULL COMMENT 'the note that is made regarding action to be taken', `actDateCap` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT 'the date that the action is captured', `actDateFor` date NOT NULL COMMENT 'the action date of the note', `actTimeFor` time DEFAULT NULL, `actUserCap` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'the user that captured the note', `actUserFor` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'the user the note is for', `fk_job` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'the job the note is linked to ', `actIsDoneSuper` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'has the super ticked off that the item is completed', `actIsDoneUser` int(11) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'has the user indicated that the note is completed', `actDateUserIsdone` datetime DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' COMMENT 'the date and time the user indicated that the item is resolved', `rndm5` varchar(12) NOT NULL, `actSuperNote` longtext COMMENT 'completion note that supervisor makes', `actClerkNote` longtext COMMENT 'completion note that clerk makes', `actDateSuperIsdone` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'the date and time the super indicated that the item is resolved', PRIMARY KEY (`pkAction`), UNIQUE KEY `random5` (`rndm5`), KEY `fkActType1` (`fkActType`), KEY `fk_job6` (`fk_job`), CONSTRAINT `fkActType1` FOREIGN KEY (`fkActType`) REFERENCES `setup_acttype` (`pkactType`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT `fk_job6` FOREIGN KEY (`fk_job`) REFERENCES `job` (`pk_job`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=55 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; /*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */; -- -- Dumping data for table `job_action` -- LOCK TABLES `job_action` WRITE; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `job_action` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `job_action` VALUES (1,1,_binary 'this is a test only','2011-05-31 10:24:42','2011-05-30',NULL,14,16,39147,1,1,'2011-05-31 10:26:01','0ata20110531','jhvjvjhv','ghgdhdhgd','2011-05-31 10:26:35'),(2,6,_binary 'marthinus waars die terugvoering hier - dis al 3 dae later - thanx - veronica','2011-06-03 10:36:30','2011-06-03','10:40:00',6,23,41648,1,1,'2011-06-03 10:59:34','09rd20110603','hierdie flag nou eers by my na ek dit al in junie vanjaar gedoen het','feedback received','2011-10-04 14:53:29'),(3,8,_binary 'There has been no further feedback on this job since 2011/06/02. Please give feedback asap so the file can be closed','2011-06-20 22:46:42','2011-06-21',NULL,14,22,37178,1,1,'2011-06-21 09:43:25','0mma20110620','done','I called the client and follow up with him- see job notes','2011-10-04 14:49:23'),(4,8,_binary 'You were reminded to give feedback on the 12th of July on this job. No feedback has been captured yet. Please attend to this matter urgently','2011-07-18 10:23:32','2011-07-18',NULL,14,10,41704,1,1,'2011-07-18 12:13:23','0r1c20110718','done','pieter is till off and i cant take it up with him- there is a reminder set and as soon as he is at work will follow up- ','2011-10-04 14:49:13'),(5,5,_binary 'You captured a leak detection as a general note. It should have been captured as a leak detection reminder. This is not the first time i have picked it up, that is why i am registering a complaint, so that the matter is brought under your attention so that you can correct it. Please make sure that in future when you capture information from a client or the insurer that you make out a reminder when follow up is required. ','2011-07-21 22:23:20','2011-07-22',NULL,14,30,43055,1,1,'2011-07-25 12:24:05','0bx820110721','done','will do--elna','2011-10-04 14:48:05'),(6,4,_binary 'Lenel, this should have been captured as a \"Waiting for insurer feedback\" please make sure that you capture these reminders correctly','2011-07-21 22:29:47','2011-07-22',NULL,14,32,43056,1,1,'2011-07-22 10:46:48','0gzs20110721','done','phoned patricia again. she is out of the office. left a massage with michelle. have a reminder on for monday. thanx and sorry lennel','2011-10-04 14:42:29'),(7,9,_binary 'There is no Directive received on JJLP database, from Fogi for the installation of the geyser as this geyser was supplied by Kwikot at the client\'s premises. A Zero Rand directive for the geyser should have been received before installation. Ashley from Fogi informed Zelda on 14/11/2011 at 14:50 that Fogi has not received any feedback or emails from JJLP requesting the directive and/or informing them of the feedback received from the inspection inspector. Fogi was also not informed that JJLP quoted the client privately to relocate this particular geyser. Fogi will decide, after deliberation, if they are going to pay JJLP for this geyser installation.','2011-11-14 14:48:19','2011-11-14','15:00:00',15,10,46045,1,1,'2011-11-14 15:04:40','012120111114','Now that the notes are stated more clearly on the data base, the process and payment is understandable.\r\n\r\nThe correct invoices have been made out and payments allocated.\r\n\r\nThanking you\r\nDvH','ive spoken to ashley - ashley informed me that she informed zelda to put everything in writing and then she will give it trough to chantelle. \r\n\r\npierre informed jacq about the client - jacq said that we need to qt client R2500. the qt is for the relocation and the installation of the geyser - not just for the relocation - \r\n\r\na non fogi should\'ve been send to fogi - to get the inspection fee as kwikot didn\'t want to install the geyser. \r\nthe relocation and the installation of the geyser is pvt.\r\n\r\nill call ashley and explain to her. \r\n\r\n\r\n ','2011-11-17 11:31:53'),(8,10,_binary 'Dear Henk\r\nCould you please be more specific on the job notes as to why Fogi has re-appointed this claim and why we cannot charge for an inspection fee.\r\n\r\nThanking you\r\nDianevH','2011-11-15 10:53:20','2011-11-15','11:05:00',15,10,46335,1,1,'2011-11-15 10:56:23','04hs20111115','Dear Henk\r\nWhy is this an error as Fogi sent us an instruction to do an inspection. If they made an error, why should we be penalized. According to our data base their cancellation was received after we did our inspection. Was there a reason why the inspection was not done yesterday already, when we received the instruction. ','diane, MR PLUM - went out before us! then the client made arrangements with them with out telling JJ LOURENS! we went out on ERROR. as per ashley FOGI will not pay both partys- only the company replacing the geyser who is MR PLUM. ','2011-11-15 11:07:18'),(9,10,_binary 'Dear Veronica\r\nWhy has this claim has been loaded twice. \r\n\r\nThanking you\r\nDvH','2011-11-15 11:13:36','2011-11-15','11:20:00',15,6,46328,1,1,'2011-11-15 11:33:42','09h220111115','Hi Diane---ek het met Elna gepraat en sy se sy het gaan search op telnr en eisnr maar niks op die stelsel opgetel nie--ons het dit onder shaun se aandag gebring--want dit gebeur nogal baie---thanx--veronica','Hi Diane---ek het met Elna gepraat en sy se sy het gaan search op telnr en eisnr maar niks op die stelsel opgetel nie--ons het dit onder shaun se aandag gebring--want dit gebeur nogal baie---thanx--veronica','2011-11-15 11:32:23'),(10,10,_binary 'Hi Diane, fogi wag al 2 dae vir die doks vir hierdie eis---hulle bel elke slag in en zeta sit hulle deur na henk maar dis nie sy navraag nie--die job is gedoen deur craig en fogi wag vir die dok --henk het vir diane small maandag for u information opgesit en dis nog steeds nie gedoen nie--thanx--veronica','2011-11-16 10:38:29','2011-11-17','09:15:00',6,15,46264,1,1,'2011-11-17 08:54:32','0gsu20111116','Hi Veronica\r\nDiane Small discussed this matter with me and we have taken up the necessary disciplinary steps with Craig, as he did not hand in his documents to enable Diane S to complete this transaction. However, he brought in the documents during the course of the morning and Zelda made out the invoice and sent it to Fogi at ± 11:00, therefore the matter is completed at Fogi. Diane Small was not in the office after 10:00 today. Please note: Invoices cannot be done if we do not have all the necessary documentation from the plumbers. This is a constant problem we face. \r\nAs far as the telephone calls are concerned, we cannot accept responsibility for calls being transferred incorrectly. Henk should have passed on the calls to me as the Supervisor, if it was such a big problem for him.\r\nRegards\r\nDiane ','Please refer to Diane v Huyssteen\'s notes','2011-11-16 15:45:19'),(11,10,_binary 'Hi Veronica\r\nCould you please follow with the plumber, Johan Slabbert, why he has noted that he has arrived at this job at 15:51 if he only left the JJLP offices at 16:26.\r\nThanking you\r\nDvH','2011-11-17 16:19:48','2011-11-17','16:30:00',15,6,46279,1,1,'2011-11-17 16:24:43','0nay20111117','Hi Diane, Jac het die loodgieters gese as hulle oppad is na die kliente moet hulle al arrive at client sodat ons op die bord kan sien waar hulle is of waarnatoe hulle oppad is---thanx--veronica','Hi Diane, Jac het die loodgieters gese as hulle oppad is na die kliente moet hulle al arrive at client sodat ons op die bord kan sien waar hulle is of waarnatoe hulle oppad is---thanx--veronica','2011-11-17 16:23:42'),(12,10,_binary 'Hi Veronica\r\nCould you please sort this matter out. This claim was loaded incorrectly as M&F JHB and it should have been M&F Cape Town. This has a profound effect on JJLP Stores and our invoicing as M&F Cape Town supplies us with consignment stock and JHB is JJLP stock. Zelda discussed the matter with Danie, after which he confirmed with her that it should have been M&F Cape Town and not Jhb. However, he did not receive the piff in writing, as she requested him to do. The piff must be received in writing as Graham has to attach it to his documents to order consignment stock so that he can replace the JJLP stock that he issued on this claim.\r\nThanking you\r\nDvH','2011-11-18 11:01:44','2011-11-18','11:15:00',15,6,46216,1,1,'2011-11-18 11:11:35','0xj820111118','Thank you Veronica and Danie. PS - the instruction sheet is not only for the accounting office but very crucial for the stores for re-ordering.\r\nRegards\r\nDvH','danie kry \'n email request van juanita af as bewys dat die eis van die kaapse tak afgekom het asb---dit is vir die rekeninge afdeling se doeleindes----wanneer jy dit kry laat weet vir zelda asb---DIS DRINGEND DANIE--thanx--veronica \r\n','2011-11-18 15:43:31'),(13,10,_binary 'Hi Veronica\r\nCould you please bring to the attention of the claims personnel that they must please make sure of how they book out a claim for an inspection. In this case the inspection was booked out for a burst pipe but it should have been a geyser leak as per the instruction sheet. The result is, that the non-fogi was not filled in by the inspection inspector via his blackberry and because it is a Fogi, the chances are good that he will have to travel out to the clients premises again in order for him to fill in a correct non-fogi.\r\nThanking you\r\nDvH','2011-11-18 15:35:34','2011-11-18','15:50:00',15,6,46437,1,1,'2011-11-18 15:47:25','0egk20111118','Thank you','i will inform the guys on this side','2011-11-18 15:51:24'),(14,10,_binary 'Dear Henk\r\nAs discussed with you before on other matters, please attach the contractor\'s invoice to the data base so that I can capture it and arrange for payment.\r\nKind regards\r\nDvH','2011-11-22 11:31:33','2011-11-22','11:45:00',15,10,46127,1,1,'2011-11-22 11:45:57','09do20111122','Henk\r\nFor your information, I do not receive any email from claims. Secondly, when you arrange for the contractors to open roofs etc etc, and request us to do the payments, you must make sure that the invoices are attached to the data base. You are responsible for the Fogi account and this is a new rule of Fogi that JJLP must pay the contractors we use on there claims. . If you don\'t know about this rule, I suggest you make the necessary enquiries and familiarize yourself therewith. As you are the first point of contact with the contractor, and you know who you have appointed on a certain claim, in future, request them to send their invoice to you and attach it to the data base. Then when payment needs to be arranged with Ronelle, everything is at hand.\r\nRegards\r\nDvh','diane, i dont know what your talking about , i have no invoices of any contractors - that\'s the emails we all receive from fogi send to claims- \r\n','2011-11-22 13:24:43'),(15,10,_binary 'Dear Veronica\r\nCan you please ask Marjah to give feedback on the database as to why excess was collected on this claim. There are two claims for this particular client and excess was only payable on the geyser replacement. What is the protocol for the 2nd excess as we have received the monies = R1750 in our banking account. Zelda had requested her via telephone some time ago to clear this matter up.\r\nThanking you\r\nDvH\r\n','2011-11-22 11:35:16','2011-11-22','11:50:00',15,6,45818,1,1,'2011-11-22 13:36:17','0pac20111122','Dear Marjah\r\nI spoke to Egen and we have agreed that the excess monies be kept by JJLP. \r\nEgen will send you an email to claims@jjlp.co.za to confirm this. Please follow it up.\r\nThanking you.\r\nDvH','gave to marjah to follow up','2011-11-24 08:40:31'),(16,10,_binary 'Dear Veronica\r\nThere is no proof of payment attached to the data base and the monies have not yet been received in our bank. Could you please urgently follow this matter. The plumber should not have worked without proof of payment.\r\nThanking you\r\nDvh \r\n','2011-11-22 13:22:17','2011-11-22','13:45:00',15,6,46155,1,1,'2011-11-22 13:36:07','0gam20111122','I can confirm that the monies have been received in our bank account on 25/11/2011 = R1750\r\nThanking you\r\nDvh','gave to marjah to follow up','2011-11-28 12:45:59'),(17,9,_binary 'Dear Veronica\r\nA directive for opening the tile roof of this client was not received beforehand and there are no notes on the database reflecting any authorization for the roof opening. Pascal did the job and has indicated on his notes that he opened the tile roof. We cannot complete our invoice unless this matter has been resolved. Please do so urgently.\r\nThanking you\r\nDvH','2011-11-23 12:10:33','2011-11-24','09:00:00',15,6,46472,1,1,'2011-11-24 09:07:11','0onb20111123','Thank you - appreciate it.','see general notes--got authorisation from OUT--thanx--veronica','2011-11-25 13:43:18'),(18,10,_binary 'Dear Veronica, I am sure you are 100% aware of the under mentioned but......\r\nWhen Danie booked Pierre for this private inspection, Danie should have explained to the client that the JJLP Call Private call out fee = R228 (vat incl) before we attempt to do any work. Once these monies are paid, JJLP then does the inspection and gives the client a quote. If the client accepts the quote and JJLP does the repairs, the R228 is subtracted from the final account.\r\nPlease ensure that EVERYBODY is informed of the JJLP policy regarding private call outs.\r\nThanking you\r\nDvh','2011-11-25 13:35:56','2011-11-25','14:00:00',15,6,46580,1,1,'2011-11-28 09:51:57','0v3c20111125','Dear Danie\r\nThis will be deducted from your salary and once payment has been received, JJLP will reimburse you again.\r\nThanking you\r\nDvh','sien nota','2011-11-28 12:46:52'),(19,10,_binary 'Dear Veronica\r\nPS: Danie will be liable for this call out payment of R228.00\r\nThanking you\r\nDvh','2011-11-25 13:40:27','2011-11-25','14:00:00',15,6,46580,1,1,'2011-11-28 09:51:25','04xq20111125','Dear Danie\r\nThis will be deducted from your salary and once payment has been received, JJLP will reimburse you again.\r\nThanking you\r\nDvh','ek hou dit in my vakkie tot danie die geld ingevorder het--hulle weet van die prosedure---thanx--veronica','2011-11-28 12:47:49'),(20,9,_binary 'Hi Veronica\r\nAccording to the notes on our database the following was not received from Outsurance beforehand:\r\n\r\n1. The go ahead to open the asbestos roof even though the client signed an indemnity. We need this go ahead so that JJLP is covered by Outsurance as well, should any damages occur after the installation. \r\n2. The go ahead to replace the geyser. There was only a go ahead for the thermostat, valve and element.\r\n\r\nWe urgently need the following before we can complete our invoices.\r\nThanking you\r\nDvH','2011-11-28 15:03:00','2011-11-28','15:20:00',15,6,46606,1,1,'2011-11-28 15:22:01','0bn420111128','Thank you. I trust you have urgently informed her that this MUST BE DONE BEFOREHAND.\r\n','im giving it to marjah to get the authorisation for the opening of the roof and the replacing of the geyser','2011-11-29 11:34:04'),(21,10,_binary 'Hi Veronica\r\nJulle moet asseblief hierdie saak baie dringend opvolg met Standard Bank. Al doen Danie dit elke dag of 2. Ek sien Danie het laas iets hieraan gedoen 16/11. As Candice nie na jul terugkom binne 1 dag nie, moet jul die saak weer met Tiro opneem en as jul nie daar \"joy\" kry nie, kontak dan vir Perusan Moodley. \r\nDankie\r\nDvH','2011-11-29 11:27:30','2011-11-29','11:45:00',15,6,45129,1,1,'2011-11-29 11:39:42','04y920111129','Diane Claassen het toe hierdie saak uitgesorteer.\r\nDankie','give to danie','2011-11-30 11:02:46'),(22,10,_binary 'Hi Veronica\r\nHere is another example of a Call out fee not charged. I had the same complaint on JJ111123-283. Your feedback assured me that the clerks in your office are aware of the Call Out fee and the JJLP procedure. \r\nThis amount will also be deducted from Danie\'s salary.\r\nThanking you\r\nDvH','2011-11-30 10:52:52','2011-11-30','11:10:00',15,6,45422,1,1,'2011-12-01 09:56:45','0tuy20111130','Await instructions from Jacques w.r.t salary deduction.','GAVE TO DANIE','2011-12-05 09:48:16'),(23,10,_binary 'Veronica\r\nHas this claim been followed up again and if so, where is the \"closed file\" instruction so that we can make out an Inspection invoice.\r\nThanking you\r\nDvH','2011-11-30 11:28:40','2011-11-30','12:00:00',15,6,45392,1,1,'2011-12-01 09:04:35','0z1v20111130','Await Danie\'s feedback.','give to danie to sort out','2011-12-05 09:47:07'),(24,8,_binary 'Dear Veronica\r\nWhat was the feedback on this claim and was the client attended to.\r\nThanking you\r\nDvH','2011-12-01 15:39:46','2011-12-01','16:00:00',15,6,44890,1,1,'2011-12-01 15:44:07','0y4201112011','Unsatisfactory ','Diane please see Danie\'s note dd 23/09---\r\n\r\nTrace from fogi called to say that we must not go out to the client as per ABSA \r\n','2011-12-05 09:47:46'),(25,10,_binary 'Dear Veronica\r\nAccording and understanding the notes on our database, this client requested JJLP to do an inspection and quote without providing us with a valid Claim number. An call out fee should have been charged and explained that it would be paid back once we received the instruction from the Insurance or if the client accepted the quote and JJLP did the work. You sent out 2 x plumbers to this specific site. In other words, it cost JJLP twice the amount in petrol and our time and JJLP got R0 for this. \r\nI will refer this matter to Jacques.\r\nThanking you\r\nDvH','2011-12-06 10:51:21','2011-12-06','11:30:00',15,6,44949,1,1,'2011-12-06 11:37:53','0qc320111206','Will then do so. Thank you.','Diane, this came through with a claimnr. Why should i charge call out fee. U need to sent the inspectionfee out to the insurance company. Thanx. Veronica','2011-12-06 11:51:47'),(26,10,_binary 'Hi Henk\r\nWhy have you done all you ticks on the database if this matter has not yet been solved. Please sort out and put a reminder on for yourself.\r\nThanking you\r\nDvh','2011-12-06 10:59:11','2011-12-06','11:15:00',15,10,45127,1,1,'2011-12-06 11:05:27','08xh20111206','Henk -PLEASE NOTE - I REMOVED THE TICKS AFTER I SENT YOU MY REQUEST so that this matter could reflect back to your Planning Overview. I can read and I DID read your notes - the complaint is the fact that the ticks were marked BEFORE the matter was solved. Be wake up and make sure that when you put reminders etc on the data base for yourself, the planning ticks are NOT done before the matter is solved. This matter must reflect on the planning overview until it is solved 100%.','diane pls see notes- i have a reminder set for myself to follow up and i did not complete the ticks as im not the only one working on the claim - ','2011-12-06 11:20:43'),(27,8,_binary 'Dear Marjah\r\nWas a report sent to the Insurance company that the client did not want to pay 2x Excess payments? What was the feedback from the insurance company? Is this a close file? Please do not mark off all your ticks if the matter is not sorted out 100%. Thanking you. DvH\r\n','2011-12-06 11:07:19','2011-12-06','11:30:00',15,33,45206,1,1,'2011-12-06 11:17:15','04sa20111206','Thank you for copying and pasting the Close File on the data base, after my request. Please always do this first in the future.','see close file attached','2011-12-06 11:19:16'),(28,8,_binary 'Dear Veronica\r\nTwo questions: 1. Why was this matter not followed up with the client. It is a potential geyser replacement JJLP could have done?\r\n2. Why are your planning ticks marked off if this matter has not yet been solved 100%.\r\nThanking you\r\nDvH','2011-12-06 11:26:15','2011-12-06','11:45:00',15,6,45600,1,1,'2011-12-06 11:35:58','08tp20111206','Dear Veronica\r\nWhen something like this happens, we HAVE to contact the client and make sure that he/she has registered a claim and ask if they requested OUT to appoint JJLP on the matter. Jacques informed the client to register the claim, you should have followed it up with the client. ','Diane this was an sos and we informed mr to register a claim--more i cannot do---for the ticks --sorry--thanx--veronica','2011-12-06 13:18:24'),(29,3,_binary 'Dear Marjah\r\nAccording to the notes on the data base, this matter is an excess delay. Why have your planning ticks been done if the matter is not sorted out 100%. Please set another reminder and follow up on this excess delay.\r\nThanking you\r\nDvH','2011-12-06 12:01:51','2011-12-06','12:30:00',15,33,45653,1,1,'2011-12-06 12:26:45','0zdc20111206','I have un-ticked your ticks again as this matter will only be sorted once you have a final answer on your excess. It has to appear on the Planning Overview until solved. ','client does not have the XS now see notes must phone again on 2011/12/15','2011-12-06 13:20:27'),(30,10,_binary 'Dear Danie\r\nWhy was there not a call out fee charged to this client.\r\nThanking you\r\nDvH','2011-12-06 13:01:10','2011-12-06','13:30:00',15,22,45915,1,1,'2011-12-06 14:22:54','0ave20111206','Thank you - please keep following up on the payment','I will follow up on the client and try to get the call out fee. I will make a note on the system and I will inform you if we have received it.','2011-12-12 15:31:23'),(31,10,_binary 'Dear Lenel\r\nThe piff from Outsurance is not attached to the database. I cannot follow up on payment of our assessment fee. Can you please locate it and attach it.\r\nThanking you\r\nDvH','2011-12-09 15:31:24','2011-12-09','16:00:00',15,32,44907,1,1,'2011-12-09 15:49:19','0jjy20111209','Thank you','I have located it..copied and pasted, and attached. Sorry...lennel','2011-12-12 15:29:36'),(32,8,_binary 'Dear Marjah\r\nWhat is the feedback on this claim. Has the claim been sorted out. I cannot collect payment on this claim without proper feedback.\r\nThanking you\r\nDvH','2011-12-09 15:35:20','2011-12-09','15:50:00',15,33,44387,1,1,'2011-12-09 16:04:02','0nw520111209','Thank you','AS PER NOTE MADE BY BRADWYN ON THE 12/10/2011 THERE WAS NO OTHER LEAK FOUND','2011-12-12 15:30:37'),(33,10,_binary 'Make sure that this excess shortage of R500 is sorted out after speaking to Henk today. ','2012-01-16 13:02:47','2012-01-19','09:00:00',15,15,45887,1,1,'2012-02-29 14:26:44','0y9f20120116','Henk to follow up.','Afgehandel','2012-02-16 09:48:22'),(34,10,_binary 'Please complete','2012-02-28 15:52:29','2012-02-28','16:00:00',15,10,45887,1,1,'2012-02-28 16:02:56','045t20120228','Thanking you.','please see attachments - 2nd proof of payment attached on 2012-02-17. ','2012-02-29 14:27:09'),(35,10,_binary 'DANIE WE ARE DOING THE INVOICE FOR FOGI IN THE MEANTIME BUT PSE SORT OUT THE BRACKETS TO BE PUT AS FOGI HAS ADDED IT TO THEIR INVOICE AMOUNT. THANKS.','2012-05-08 12:25:50','2012-02-08','12:30:00',16,22,50765,1,1,'2012-05-08 12:36:57','039x20120508','NOTED','I called Chilly Pepper and spoke to mark he will let me know if they have in stock he will have to check --- I will follow up again','2012-05-16 06:52:28'),(36,10,_binary 'Hi Diane - Has the JJLP invoice for the resultants been done as we have received an invoice from JK for payment for the cupboards. Regards DvH.\r\n','2012-08-08 10:48:37','0000-00-00','10:55:00',15,16,53056,1,1,'2012-08-08 13:25:00','013v20120808','Done','NOTIFIED D. SMALL AND SHE CALLED JACQUES K FOR HIS PAPERWORK ETC','2012-08-23 12:08:21'),(37,6,_binary 'Make sure this job has been booked out - otherwise do inspection invoice-Thanking you DvH','2012-08-28 08:53:58','2012-08-29','09:00:00',15,15,54176,1,1,'2012-09-05 08:52:26','0wos20120828','Done','Done','2012-09-05 08:51:48'),(38,10,_binary 'Marjah - please request close fine before you complete your ticks. Thanking you -Dvh','2012-08-29 13:59:53','2012-08-29','02:05:00',15,33,53442,1,1,'2012-08-29 14:52:03','0uut20120829','Hi Marjah - yes please as you only had dealings with the Assessor.','our work is done at the clients house ---- do I still need to get an close file?','2012-08-29 16:29:05'),(39,10,_binary 'Henk - Please see the report you sent to SAHL. This was not the final report. It appears that Henry must still go out. Please advise Insurance of correct feedback. Thanking you - DvH.','2012-08-29 14:06:10','2012-08-29','14:08:00',15,10,53765,1,1,'2012-08-29 14:12:40','0bfz20120829','Henk - your ticks were done - that is why it appeared on our Financial overview. I unticked your ticks. Please read the report on the attachments you sent to the insurance company. Its not the same that you now have in your feedback to me. Have your requested the close file? ','FEEDBACK ON COMEBACK INSPECTION \r\n\r\n# Plumber that did comeback inspection: HENRY\r\n# Who\'s fault is the comeback? N/A\r\n# Comeback category: Workmanship - Other \r\n# Has the problem been fixed? No\r\n# Note: Mrs phoned me back to say that her husbands nephew will replace thermostat self.......\r\n\r\nwhy must henry go back if the client will sort out themselves?\r\n\r\non the question why i did i not do my ticks -- we was instruckted by jacq to not complete the tics before we have a close file -- \r\n','2012-08-29 16:26:46'),(40,2,_binary 'Hi there,\r\n\r\nA query has arisen on this job. Your feedback does not indicate whether you phoned the client back or not. It was a note that was left for Lenel but you completed it .\r\n\r\nPlease give feedback as to if and when you phoned the client. See below for reference. Thank you\r\n\r\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nNote: Lenelle, please phone Mr Blair - 0836586088 - very very urgent\r\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nCompletion note: why--malunga is finished with the job \r\nCompleted by: Veronica\r\nDate completed: 2013-05-10 12:24:07','2013-05-13 14:58:24','2013-05-13',NULL,14,6,60801,1,1,'2013-05-14 08:20:00','0aad20130513','***i spoke several times to the client--if i remember correct the reminder was made before malunga arrived at the client--lennell did not call the client back when malunga arrived so i removed the reminder thinking that if the client has any query malunga would have helped him or call us to help--malunga did not call so i figured the client has been helped','done','2013-05-14 08:23:08'),(41,10,_binary 'test','2023-04-13 11:52:16','2023-04-13','11:55:00',22,22,135535,1,1,'2023-04-13 11:53:47','0k3c20230413','done','done','2023-04-13 11:55:41'),(42,10,_binary 'Hey Monique,\r\n\r\nIt is my understanding that the clients geyser is not leaking, the only want the geyser moved. So this will not be covered by the insurance. I see you opened a private and the client is booked out on the private for the job to be done. \r\n\r\nCan\'t this claim be closed on Job tracker and the Outsurance website so that we can charge our inspection fee?\r\n\r\nRegards \r\nDanie','2023-07-17 16:07:59','2023-07-17','16:15:00',22,71,155126,1,1,'2023-07-17 16:33:09','01mf20230717','The geyser is being replaced on the claim and the relocation and upgrade is for the clients own account on the private claim. Monique will rebook the job and do the set appointment on the website.','As discussed with Danie','2023-07-17 16:49:19'),(43,2,_binary 'Test','2023-09-09 10:11:06','2023-09-09','10:12:00',22,22,135535,1,1,'2023-09-09 10:12:56','0sbg20230909','Done','Client has been phoned','2023-09-09 10:13:14'),(44,10,_binary 'Hey Margaret,\r\n\r\nI see the client did not have the money for the PRV valve. Please do a courtiesy call and inform the client you are just giving her a call as a followup to find out if she had the valve replaced or if she is still interested in having the valve replaced.\r\n\r\nThanks\r\nDanie','2023-09-09 12:58:24','2023-09-11','09:00:00',22,45,156699,1,1,'2023-09-11 15:05:36','0rqu20230909','Margaret was in contact with the client','called the client and mr said thank you for the call but they are sorted with the valve ','2023-09-21 20:54:54'),(45,10,_binary 'Hey Shantell,\r\n\r\nCan you and Diane please have a look at this case number and the second one 1352811.\r\n\r\nAs per Moniques notes this case was canceled and a new case number was sent which is 1352811. Whey did we invoice for a SOS on this case and on the second case?','2023-09-09 13:42:21','2023-09-11','08:00:00',22,70,156745,0,1,'2023-09-11 08:33:47','0eh202309091',NULL,'Received SOS 15/08/2023 and on the same day the Case Number was cancelled. On 16/08/2023 Diane did SOS invoice without reading the notes where it says the Case Number was Cancelled. On the 24/08/2023 Ilana paid on Web and there was no notes for me to Credit the Invoice. The invoice JJ160057 was paid on the 25/08/2023. This was for Case No 1352705.\r\n\r\nCase Number 1352811 - on the 17/08/2023 an invoice was done by Ilana JJ160111. On the 25/08/2023 Ilana ask me to do a Credit Note. Credit note was done. The same day 25/08 Ilana did x2 SOS invoice JJ160343 and the notes said that both SOS will be paid as per Rescue.\r\n\r\n',NULL),(46,10,_binary 'Hey Monique,\r\n\r\nIs both the cllients contact numbers unavailable?\r\n\r\nHave you tried phoning the client again?\r\n\r\nThanks\r\nDanie','2023-09-09 15:26:59','2023-09-11','08:00:00',22,71,156892,1,1,'2023-09-11 09:55:56','0c3x20230909','MOnique is trying to get hold of the client.','I tried calling the client again but both numbers are off. I will make a note to contact the client again','2023-09-21 21:02:06'),(47,10,_binary 'Hey Monique,\r\n\r\nDo a courtesy call and tell the client you are just follow up if the earth leakage has been replaced. If not ask them if they are interested in us giving them a quote.\r\n\r\nThanks\r\nDanie ','2023-09-09 15:43:13','2023-09-09','16:00:00',22,71,156866,1,1,'2023-09-11 10:16:55','06r420230909','Monique sent the client a quote and we are installing the earth leakage on 22/09','They would have gotten the part but still trying to get parts\r\n\r\nThe client would like us to send a quote so that she can compare it','2023-09-21 21:04:01'),(48,10,_binary 'Hey Margaret,\r\n\r\nHelpas gave the wrong feedback as per your notes, but do we need to go back or was the repairs done?\r\n\r\nThanks Danie','2023-09-09 17:00:44','2023-09-11','08:00:00',22,45,156917,1,1,'2023-09-11 14:58:24','0t8j20230909','Done','please see repairs were done on the 23/08 - helpas said burst geyser but were a prv\r\n\r\nWhat tools did you hire to do this job? None\r\nAdditional notes: We replace the prv 100kpa closey valve\r\n\r\nCaptured by: Planning Contact\r\nDate captured: 2023-08-23 10:22:13','2023-09-21 21:05:01'),(49,10,_binary 'Hey Margaret,\r\n\r\nDid we follow up again with this client after the 23rd?\r\nIf not please follow up.\r\n\r\nThanks\r\nDanie\r\n','2023-09-09 17:04:24','2023-09-11','08:00:00',22,45,156923,1,1,'2023-09-11 14:56:37','0k9j20230909','Done','called mr and he said that they bought a geyser and replaced it that is why he never came back to us ','2023-09-21 21:05:30'),(50,10,_binary 'Hey Fairoza,\r\n\r\nIn Rodneys feedback it states that the client only has content cover. It is my understanding that the client is not covered for the geyser. Did we offer the client the option of a private quote for the replacement of the geyser?\r\n\r\nThanks\r\nDanie','2023-09-10 08:57:06','2023-09-11','08:00:00',22,66,157087,1,1,'2023-09-11 09:13:47','0tpc20230910','Done','Hey Danie\r\n\r\nOn this day when I called rescue and told them what Rodney has said they told me they dont know anything about contents cover and will report to claims department.','2023-09-21 21:06:50'),(51,10,_binary 'Hey Monique,\r\n\r\nWhat is happening on this claim?\r\nThe geyser wise is faulty wy aren\'t we replacing the geyser wise?\r\n\r\nThanks \r\nDanie','2023-09-10 10:43:30','2023-09-10','11:00:00',22,71,156513,1,1,'2023-09-11 10:31:10','0oan20230910','Done','I called in and spoke to Melida at Outsurance as I sent a report asking for Authorization to replace geyser wise and Kaya send it to Leak Tech and they did the repairs','2023-09-21 21:09:57'),(52,10,_binary 'Hey Margaret,\r\n\r\nWhy didn\'t we receive a SOS to repair the pipe?\r\n\r\nThanks Danie','2023-09-10 11:38:51','2023-09-11','08:00:00',22,45,156596,0,1,'2023-09-11 14:51:57','0aq202309101',NULL,'we were maybe fully booked on the day that feedback were given and we declined the sos or the client never registered the rescue other wise we would have received it and done the repairs under the sos ',NULL),(53,6,_binary 'Hey Monique,\r\n\r\nPlease arrange that this job is booked out ASAP.\r\nIn the future if you can not get hold of a client for a booking please make a reminder for the claims clerk on standby so that that person can try and get hold of the client afterhours.\r\n\r\nThanks\r\nDanie','2023-09-14 07:28:25','2023-09-14','07:30:00',22,71,157440,1,1,'2023-09-15 13:26:54','047420230914','Job was booked for the same day.','noted','2023-09-21 20:54:07'),(54,10,_binary 'Hey Ilana,\r\n\r\nPlease see note made by Fairoza:\r\n\r\nNote\r\nSpoke to RILESH at rescue regarding the below and he says we must send our electrician, they will pay another call out.\r\n\r\n\r\nCaptured by: Fairoza Jappie\r\nDate captured: 2023-08-31 16:45:47\r\nFollow-up date:\r\n2023-08-31 16:45:00','2023-09-23 13:00:33','2023-09-26','08:00:00',22,61,157152,0,1,'2023-09-25 10:11:15','0bg720230923',NULL,'NOTED ',NULL); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `job_action` ENABLE KEYS */; UNLOCK TABLES; /*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE=@OLD_TIME_ZONE */; /*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE */; /*!40014 SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS */; /*!40014 SET UNIQUE_CHECKS=@OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */; /*!40101 SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION */; /*!40111 SET SQL_NOTES=@OLD_SQL_NOTES */; -- Dump completed on 2023-10-09 19:23:24