import os import sys import bdb import wbpdb import traceback import tempfile import time STOP_REASON_STEP = 0 STOP_REASON_BREAKPOINT = 1 STOP_REASON_EXCEPTION = 2 STOP_REASON_HEARTBEAT = 5 STOP_REASON_PAUSE = 6 HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL = 0.5 # Notes on how this works: # # The Python debugger framework supports executing a callback (user_line) every time a # condition (breakpoint, stepping enabled, exception etc) is met. # Normally a program would only stop on a breakpoint or when you're stepping through the # code. Then when the user clicks continue, the program would continue the normal execution. # But that has 2 problems, if the program freezes (infinite loop for example), the whole app # will freeze. And if the program is simply slow, the program also freezes during that time. # There's no way to stop or pause the program from the debugger, since the UI is frozen # and also because there seems to be no other hooks to stop the program in the middle of its # execution (if I'm wrong, tell me!) # To workaround that, we always run the program in stepping mode, which makes user_line # get called after every instruction. We then make user_line call back to the UI for refresh # and user actions, which lets us pause or stop the program. # class PersistentBreakpoint: def __init__(self, owner, file, line, cond=None, funcname=None): self.owner = owner self.file = file self.line = line self.cond = cond self.funcname = None = False def set_condition(self, cond): self.cond = cond if self.deactivate() self.activate() def activate(self): f = self.owner.set_break(self.owner.canonic(self.file), self.line, cond=self.cond) if f is None: = True else: = False return f def deactivate(self): self.owner.clear_break(self.owner.canonic(self.file), self.line) class PyDebugger(bdb.Bdb): def __init__(self, ui): bdb.Bdb.__init__(self) self.ui = ui self.main_file = None self.current_stack = None self.top_stack_index = None self.started_stepping = False self.persistent_breakpoints = [] self.last_heartbeat = 0 self.is_stepping = False self.pause_pending = False def find_pbreakpoint(self, file, line): for pb in self.persistent_breakpoints: if pb.file == file and pb.line == line: return pb return None def enable_breakpoints(self): self.clear_all_breaks() for pb in self.persistent_breakpoints: s = pb.activate() if s: self.ui_print("Error activating breakpoint: %s\n" % s) def show_stack(self, stack): import linecache, repr self.ui_clear_stack() # index 0 is in and index 1 is the execfile() command from wdb_run() for frame, line in reversed(stack[2:]): show_args = True if frame.f_code.co_name: location = frame.f_code.co_name if location == "": show_args = False else: location = "" args = frame.f_code.co_varnames[:frame.f_code.co_argcount] if show_args: if args: location = location+ "(%s)"%", ".join(args) else: location = location+"()" self.ui_add_stack(location, self.canonic(frame.f_code.co_filename), line) def uncaught_exception(self, tb): self.handle_program_stop(tb.tb_frame, STOP_REASON_EXCEPTION) def handle_program_stop(self, frame, reason): filename = frame.f_code.co_filename line = frame.f_lineno self.current_stack, self.top_stack_index = self.get_stack(frame, None) if len(self.current_stack) == 2: # the 1st time we're called it's in the entry point of the debugger itself # (ie execfile('file')), which we don't want to bug the user about self.set_step() return self.current_frame = self.current_stack[self.top_stack_index][0] self.show_stack(self.current_stack) self.wdb_refresh_variables(self.top_stack_index) # call back into UI, which will block until the user clicks continue, stop or some other action button next_command_name = self.ui_program_stopped(filename, line, reason) if not next_command_name: next_command_name = "abort" # perform the next action clicked by the user next_command = getattr(self, "wdb_"+next_command_name) if reason == STOP_REASON_HEARTBEAT and next_command_name == "continue": next_command(quiet=True) else: next_command() ### Entry point methods for the C++ code def wdb_run(self, filename, stepping): self.pause_pending = False if stepping: self.started_stepping = True self.ui_print("> step\n") else: self.started_stepping = False self.ui_print("> run\n") try: self.enable_breakpoints() except Exception, exc: self.ui_print("Error activating breakpoints: %s\n" % exc) self.ui_print(traceback.format_exc()+"\n") return self.main_file = self.canonic(filename) try:'execfile(r"%s")' % self.main_file) except: self.ui_print("Uncaught exception while executing %s:\n" % filename) e, v, t = sys.exc_info() # print stack, except for 1st 3 entries (this function and the execfile() command) stack = traceback.extract_tb(t) self.ui_print("".join(traceback.format_list(stack[3:]))) self.ui_print("".join(traceback.format_exception_only(e, v))+"\n") while t.tb_next is not None: t = t.tb_next self.uncaught_exception(t) def wdb_stop(self): self.ui_print("> stop\n") self.set_quit() self.current_frame = None self.current_stack = None self.top_stack_index = None def wdb_abort(self): self.ui_print("> abort\n") self.set_quit() self.current_frame = None self.current_stack = None self.top_stack_index = None def wdb_pause(self): self.ui_print("> pause\n") self.set_step() self.pause_pending = True def wdb_continue(self, quiet=False): if not quiet: self.ui_print("> continue\n") #self.set_continue() self.set_step() self.current_frame = None self.current_stack = None self.top_stack_index = None self.is_stepping = False def wdb_step(self): self.ui_print("> step\n") self.set_next(self.current_frame) self.current_frame = None self.current_stack = None self.top_stack_index = None self.is_stepping = True def wdb_step_into(self): self.ui_print("> step into\n") self.set_step() self.current_frame = None self.current_stack = None self.top_stack_index = None self.is_stepping = True def wdb_step_out(self): self.ui_print("> step out\n") self.set_return(self.current_frame) self.current_frame = None self.current_stack = None self.top_stack_index = None self.is_stepping = True def wdb_refresh_breakpoints(self): self.ui_clear_breakpoints() for pb in self.persistent_breakpoints: self.ui_add_breakpoint(, pb.file, pb.line, pb.cond) def wdb_set_bp_condition(self, bp_index, cond): if bp_index >= 0 and bp_index < len(self.persistent_breakpoints): self.persistent_breakpoints[bp_index].set_condition(cond) return True return False def wdb_refresh_variables(self, frame_index): if not self.current_stack: self.ui_clear_variables() return if frame_index == 0: # toplevel frame index frame_index = 2 frame = self.current_stack[frame_index][0] self.ui_clear_variables() toplevel = False if frame_index == self.top_stack_index or (frame_index < 0 and -1*frame_index+1 == self.top_stack_index): toplevel = True if not toplevel: self.ui_add_variable("Arguments", "") for varname in frame.f_code.co_varnames[:frame.f_code.co_argcount]: if varname in frame.f_locals: self.ui_add_variable(" "+varname, repr(frame.f_locals[varname])) else: self.ui_add_variable(" "+varname, "") self.ui_add_variable("Locals", "") for varname in frame.f_code.co_varnames[frame.f_code.co_argcount:]: if varname in frame.f_locals: self.ui_add_variable(" "+varname, repr(frame.f_locals[varname])) else: self.ui_add_variable(" "+varname, "") else: self.ui_add_variable("Globals", "") for varname, value in sorted(frame.f_globals.items()): self.ui_add_variable(" "+varname, repr(value)) def wdb_toggle_breakpoint(self, file, line): pb = self.find_pbreakpoint(file, line) if pb: # remove bp self.persistent_breakpoints.remove(pb) pb.deactivate() self.wdb_refresh_breakpoints(); return False else: # add bp pb = PersistentBreakpoint(self, file, line) self.persistent_breakpoints.append(pb) pb.activate() self.ui_add_breakpoint(, pb.file, pb.line, pb.cond) return True def wdb_update_breakpoint(self, file, line, delta): # go through all breakpoints for the given file and update their line position for bp in self.persistent_breakpoints: if bp.file != file: continue if bp.line > line or (delta > 0 and bp.line == line): if bp.deactivate() bp.line += delta bp.activate() else: bp.line += delta self.wdb_refresh_breakpoints() def wdb_reload_module_for_file(self, file): path = os.path.splitext(self.canonic(file))[0] # find out what module the file corresponds to and reload it for module in sys.modules.values(): mpath = getattr(module, "__file__", None) if mpath: mpath = os.path.splitext(mpath)[0] if mpath == path: self.ui_print("Reloading module %s..."%file) try: reload(module) except: self.ui_print("There was an error reloading %s" % file) import traceback traceback.print_exc() raise break ### Wrappers for UI functions def ui_print(self, msg): wbpdb.ui_print(self.ui, msg) def ui_clear_breakpoints(self): wbpdb.ui_clear_breakpoints(self.ui) def ui_add_breakpoint(self, active, file, line, cond): wbpdb.ui_add_breakpoint(self.ui, active, file, line, cond) def ui_program_stopped(self, filename, line, reason): return wbpdb.ui_program_stopped(self.ui, filename, line, reason) def ui_clear_stack(self): wbpdb.ui_clear_stack(self.ui) def ui_add_stack(self, location, file, line): wbpdb.ui_add_stack(self.ui, location, file, line) def ui_clear_variables(self): wbpdb.ui_clear_variables(self.ui) def ui_add_variable(self, variable, value): wbpdb.ui_add_variable(self.ui, variable, value) ### Debugger stuff def user_call(self, frame, argument_list): """This method is called from dispatch_call() when there is the possibility that a break might be necessary anywhere inside the called function.""" #self.ui_print("enter: %s, %s\n" % (frame.f_code.co_name, argument_list)) pass def user_line(self, frame): """This method is called from dispatch_line() when either stop_here() or break_here() yields True.""" ## In the WB Debugger, this is called for every line, since we're always stepping through the program ## But when the stepping is not requested by the user, we don't do anything except if the heartbeat ## timeout occurs, in that case, the program stops to give the UI some time to refresh and check ## if the program should be paused if self.pause_pending: self.pause_pending = False reason = STOP_REASON_PAUSE elif self.is_stepping: reason = STOP_REASON_STEP elif self.break_here(frame): self.ui_print("Breakpoint hit\n") reason = STOP_REASON_BREAKPOINT else: t = time.time() if t - self.last_heartbeat < HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL: return reason = STOP_REASON_HEARTBEAT self.is_stepping = False self.handle_program_stop(frame, reason) self.last_heartbeat = time.time() def user_return(self, frame, return_value): """This method is called from dispatch_return() when stop_here() yields True.""" #self.ui_print("leave: %s, %s\n" % (frame.f_code.co_name, return_value)) pass def user_exception(self, frame, exc_info): """This method is called from dispatch_exception() when stop_here() yields True.""" #self.ui_print("user_exception: %s, %s\n" % (frame, exc_info)) #XXX show exception in UI pass def do_clear(self, bp_number): """Handle how a breakpoint must be removed when it is a temporary one.""" #self.ui_print("user_clear: %s\n" % arg) pass # clear temporary breakpoint