SQLite format 3@  %,?tableliblibCREATE TABLE lib ( id_lib INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, caption TEXT NOT NULL, img_path TEXT NOT NULL, db_file_name TEXT NOT NULL, release_date DATE )!!Utableweb_sourceweb_sourceCREATE TABLE web_source ( id_web_source INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, url TEXT NOT NULL )]3!uindexidx_web_object_pathweb_objectCREATE INDEX idx_web_object_path ON web_object(path)P++Ytablesqlite_sequencesqlite_sequenceCREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq)n!!'tableweb_objectweb_objectCREATE TABLE web_object ( id_web_object INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, path TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, content_type TEXT NOT NULL, content BLOB, allow_embedded_code_execution INTEGER DEFAULT 0 )3G!indexsqlite_autoindex_web_object_1web_objects#9/webui/docs_index.htmltext/html MySQL Workbench Documentation Library

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