ó à@Qc@sRddlZddlZddlmZddlmZdefd„ƒYZdS(iÿÿÿÿN(t WizardPage(tserver_version_str2tupletMainViewcBs5eZd„Zd„Zd„Zd„Zd„ZRS(cCs?tj||ddtƒ||_|jj|dddƒdS(NtOverviewt no_buttonstOVERVIEWt migration(Rt__init__tTruetmaintadd_content_page(tselfR ((s ..\modules\migration_overview.pyRs cCsQtjdƒ}|jtjƒ|jj|ttƒ|jjdƒ|jj dƒtjddƒ}|jj|ttƒtjdƒ}|jtj ƒ|jj|ttƒtjddd d d d d dddddƒ}|jj|ttƒtj tƒ}|jtjdƒttƒtj ƒ}|j dƒ|j|jƒ|j|ttƒ|jtjdƒttƒtj ƒ}|j dƒ|j|jƒ|j|ttƒ|jtjdƒttƒtj ƒ}|j dƒ|jd„ƒ|j|ttƒ|jtjdƒttƒ|jj|ttƒdS(Ns/Welcome to the MySQL Workbench Migration Wizardi isdThis wizard will assist you in migrating tables and data from a supported database system to MySQL. sKYou can also use this to copy databases from one MySQL instance to another.t Prerequisitess9Before starting, check the following preparation steps: sý- The Migration Wizard uses ODBC to connect to the source database. You must have an ODBC driver for the source database installed and configured, as Workbench does not bundle any such drivers. For MySQL connections, the native client library is used. sC- Ensure you can connect to both source and target RDBMS servers. sa- Make sure you have privileges to read schema information and data from the source database and s?create objects and inserting data in the target MySQL server. sQ- The max_allowed_packet option in the target MySQL server must be enough to fit s\the largest field value to be copied from source (especially BLOBs and large TEXT fields). s snThe wizard supports migrating from specific database systems, but a "generic" RDBMS support is also provided. shThe generic support is capable of migrating tables from many RDBMS that can be connected to using ODBC, sealthough certain type mappings may not be performed correctly. A manual mapping step is provided for s=reviewing and fixing any migration problems that could occur.tsStart MigrationsOpen ODBC AdministratorsView DocumentationcSstjjdƒS(Ns7http://dev.mysql.com/doc/workbench/en/wb-migration.html(tmformst Utilitiestopen_url(((s ..\modules\migration_overview.pytJs(RtnewLabelt set_stylet BigBoldStyletcontenttaddtFalseRt set_spacingt set_paddingt BoldStyletnewBoxt newButtontset_texttadd_clicked_callbacktstartt start_odbctadd_end(R tlabeltboxt button_startt button_odbct button_doc((s ..\modules\migration_overview.pyt create_uisB   +       cCs5tjjjƒs1tjjdddddƒndS(NsOpen ODBC Administrators.ODBC Administrator utility could not be found.tOKR (tgrttmodulest PyWbUtilststartODBCAdminRRt show_error(R ((s ..\modules\migration_overview.pyR PscCsÞtjtƒ}|jdƒtjtƒ}|jdƒtjƒ}|jdƒ|j|ttƒ|j|ttƒtjtƒ}|jdƒ|jdƒtjƒ}|jdƒ|j|ttƒtj dƒ}|j|ttƒtjtƒ}|jdƒtj ƒ}|j dƒ|j|ttƒ|j|ttƒtjtƒ} | jdƒtj dƒ} | j tj ƒ| j| ttƒtjtjƒ} | j| ttƒtjtƒ} | jdƒtj ƒ} | j d ƒtj ƒ}|j d ƒ| j| ttƒ| j|ttƒ| j| ttƒ|j| ttƒ|j|ttƒtjtƒ}tjƒ}|jd ƒ|jtjƒ|j|ttƒ|j|ttƒ|j|ttƒdS( Niismigration_logo.pngi smigration_title.pngsÜTo perform a new migration click the [Start New Migration] button below. To re-run a previous migration or to perform a new migration based on a previous migration please double click one of the migration projects below.sStart New MigrationsProject OverviewsRe-Run MigrationsEdit Migration Projectsmigration_background.png(RRRRRRt newImageBoxt set_imageRRRRRRtnewTreeNodeViewt TreeDefaulttset_image_aligntTopRight(R t containert left_side_boxt logo_imageRt title_imaget help_labeltwrapper_button_boxtbutton_new_migrationt project_boxt project_labelt project_treetproject_button_boxtbutton_rerun_migrationtbutton_edit_migrationtright_side_boxtright_side_image((s ..\modules\migration_overview.pyt create_uixUs`                    cCsžyddl}Wn3tk rEtjjdddddddƒnHXt|jƒ}|d krtjjdd |jdddd dƒn|jjƒdS(NiÿÿÿÿsDependency WarningswCould not import the pyodbc python module. You need pyodbc 2.1.8 or newer for migrations from RDBMSes other than MySQL.R(R swb.migration.nopyodbcsDon't show this message againiiisWe have detected that you have pyodbc %s installed but the migration tool requires pyodbc 2.1.8 or newer for migrations from RDBMSes other than MySQL. Please install a supported pyodbc version. You may proceed with the currently installed version, but the migration may not succeed. To install the latest version of pyodbc, execute "sudo easy_install pyodbc" from a command line shell.swb.migration.oldpyodbc(iii( tpyodbct ImportErrorRRtshow_message_and_rememberRtversionR R(R RDtpyodbc_version((s ..\modules\migration_overview.pyR”s       (t__name__t __module__RR'R RCR(((s ..\modules\migration_overview.pyRs   1  ?(RR)t workbench.uiRtworkbench.utilsRR(((s ..\modules\migration_overview.pyts