# Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the # License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA import grt import mforms import migration from grt import DBLoginError from workbench.ui import WizardPage, WizardProgressPage from workbench.utils import replace_string_parameters from workbench.db_driver import get_connection_parameters, get_odbc_connection_string, is_odbc_connection def ping_host(hostname): import sys import subprocess try: if sys.platform == "win32": return subprocess.call(["ping", "-n", "1", "-w", "3000", hostname]) == 0 elif sys.platform == "darwin": return subprocess.call(["ping", "-c", "1", "-t", "3", hostname]) == 0 else: return subprocess.call(["ping", "-c", "1", "-t", "3", hostname]) == 0 except: return False def request_password(connection, forget_old = False): # Get the password: for param in connection.driver.parameters: if param.paramType in ('keychain', 'password'): if param.paramType == 'keychain': connection_params = get_connection_parameters(connection, do_not_transform=True) username, storage_string = replace_string_parameters(param.name, connection_params).split('::', 1) accepted, passwd = mforms.Utilities.find_or_ask_for_password('Enter password for user ' + username, storage_string, username, forget_old) if accepted: return passwd else: # Plain password field return connection.parameterValues['password'] break return None def test_connectivity(connection, error_title): # get the hostname and port hostname = None port = None if connection.driver.owner.name == "Mysql": if connection.driver.name == "MysqlNative": hostname = connection.parameterValues["hostName"] port = connection.parameterValues.get("port", 3306) else: hostname = connection.parameterValues.get("hostName", None) port = connection.parameterValues.get("port", None) if hostname and port: import socket # try connecting to the port s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(10) # 10s timeout try: s.connect((hostname, port)) except socket.gaierror, (errno, e): if errno == 8: # cannot resolve mforms.Utilities.show_message(error_title, "Unable to connect to the provided host and port combination.\n\n"+ "Could not resolve %s\n" % hostname+ "Make sure that the provided hostname or IP address is correct.", "OK", "", "") return False else: mforms.Utilities.show_message(error_title, "Unable to connect to the provided host and port combination.\n\n%s\n\n" % e+ "Make sure that:\n"+ "- the provided hostname or IP address is correct\n"+ "- the database server is running and listening in the provided port number\n"+ "- the machine hosting the database server allows external connections to the database port\n"+ "- your network connection is properly functioning", "OK", "", "") return False except socket.timeout, e: if ping_host(hostname): mforms.Utilities.show_message(error_title, "Timed out connecting to %s:%s, although the host could be pinged.\n\n%s\n\n" % (hostname, port, e)+ "Make sure that:\n"+ "- the database server is running and listening in the provided port number\n"+ "- the machine hosting the database server allows external connections to the database port\n"+ "- the provided hostname or IP address is correct", "OK", "", "") else: # if ping fails, we don't know what it could be, because some servers just disable ICMP ping mforms.Utilities.show_message(error_title, "Timed out connecting to %s:%s.\n\n" % (hostname, port)+ "Make sure that:\n"+ "- the provided hostname or IP address is correct\n"+ "- the database server is running and listening in the provided port number\n"+ "- the machine hosting the database server allows external connections to the database port\n"+ "- your network connection is properly functioning", "OK", "", "") return False except socket.error, (errno, e): if errno == 61: # connection refused if ping_host(hostname): mforms.Utilities.show_message(error_title, "Connection refused at %s:%s, although the host could be pinged.\n\n" % (hostname, port)+ "Make sure that:\n"+ "- the database server is running and listening in the provided port number\n"+ "- the machine hosting the database server allows external connections to the database port\n"+ "- the provided hostname or IP address is correct", "OK", "", "") else: # if ping fails, we don't know what it could be, because some servers just disable ICMP ping mforms.Utilities.show_message(error_title, "Error connecting to %s:%s.\n\n%s\n\n" % (hostname, port, e)+ "Make sure that:\n"+ "- the provided hostname or IP address is correct\n"+ "- the database server is running and listening in the provided port number\n"+ "- the machine hosting the database server allows external connections to the database port\n"+ "- your network connection is properly functioning", "OK", "", "") else: if ping_host(hostname): mforms.Utilities.show_message(error_title, "Timed out connecting to the provided host and port combination, although the host could be pinged.\n\n%s\n\n" % e+ "Make sure that:\n"+ "- the database server is running and listening in the provided port number\n"+ "- the machine hosting the database server allows external connections to the database port\n"+ "- the provided hostname or IP address is correct", "OK", "", "") else: # if ping fails, we don't know what it could be, because some servers just disable ICMP ping mforms.Utilities.show_message(error_title, "Timed out connecting to the provided host and port combination.\n\n%s\n\n" % e+ "Make sure that:\n"+ "- the provided hostname or IP address is correct\n"+ "- the database server is running and listening in the provided port number\n"+ "- the machine hosting the database server allows external connections to the database port\n"+ "- your network connection is properly functioning", "OK", "", "") return False s.close() return True return None def show_missing_driver_error(e): mforms.Utilities.show_error("Connect to ODBC Source", "The ODBC driver that was selected for the source connection was not found by the ODBC manager.\n" "Ensure that you have the proper ODBC driver installed and retry.\n\n" "Error Text: %s" % e, "OK", "", "") class SourceWizardPage(WizardPage): def _toggle_store_connection(self): if self._store_connection_check.get_active(): self._store_connection_entry.set_enabled(True) else: self._store_connection_entry.set_enabled(False) def save_connection(self): name = self._store_connection_entry.get_string_value() if not name: if mforms.Utilities.show_message("Store Connection", "A name must be provided for saving the connection.", "OK", "Skip", "") != mforms.ResultOk: return False # check for duplicates dup = False for con in grt.root.wb.rdbmsMgmt.storedConns: if con.name == name: dup = True break for con in grt.root.wb.rdbmsMgmt.otherStoredConns: if con.name == name: dup = True break if dup: if mforms.Utilities.show_message("Store Connection", "There already is a connection named '%s'. Do you want to replace it?" % name, "Replace Connection", "Cancel", "") != mforms.ResultOk: return False try: self.panel.saveConnectionAs(name) except Exception, e: mforms.Utilities.show_error("Store Connection", str(e), "OK", "", "") return False return True def test_connection(self, source, caption): # check host 1st set_status_text = mforms.App.get().set_status_text set_status_text("Testing network connectivity to %s Server..." % caption) if test_connectivity(self.panel.connection, "Test %s DBMS Connection" % caption) == False: set_status_text("%s server could not be contacted" % caption) return set_status_text("Testing connection to %s DBMS..." % caption) force_password = False attempt = 0 extra = "" is_odbc = is_odbc_connection(source.connection) while True: try: if not source.connect(): raise Exception("Could not connect to DBMS") set_status_text("%s DBMS connection is OK" % caption) mforms.Utilities.show_message("Test %s DBMS Connection" % caption, "Connection succeded.", "OK", "", "") break except (DBLoginError, SystemError), e: if attempt == 0: if "[Driver Manager]" in e.message and "image not found" in e.message: set_status_text("Specified ODBC driver not found") show_missing_driver_error(e) return elif attempt > 0: if isinstance(e, DBLoginError) and not force_password: force_password = True else: set_status_text("Could not connect to DBMS") if is_odbc: extra = "\n\nODBC connection string: %s" % get_odbc_connection_string(source.connection, source.password) etext = str(e) if etext.startswith("Error(") and ": error calling " in etext: try: etext = eval(etext[7:etext.rfind("):")-1], {}, {})[1] except: pass mforms.Utilities.show_message("Test %s DBMS Connection" % caption, "Could not connect to %s DBMS.\n%s%s" % (caption, etext, extra), "OK", "", "") return attempt += 1 source.password = request_password(source.connection, force_password) except Exception, e: set_status_text("Could not connect to DBMS: %s" % e) if is_odbc: extra = "\n\nODBC connection string: %s" % get_odbc_connection_string(source.connection, source.password) etext = str(e) if etext.startswith("Error(") and etext.endswith(")"): etext = eval(etext[6:-1], {}, {})[1] mforms.Utilities.show_message("Test %s DBMS Connection" % caption, "Could not connect to the DBMS.\n%s%s" % (etext, extra), "OK", "", "") class SourceMainView(SourceWizardPage): def __init__(self, main): SourceWizardPage.__init__(self, main, "Source Selection") self.supported_sources_instances = grt.List(grt.OBJECT, grt.classes.db_mgmt_Rdbms.__grtclassname__) for rdbms in migration.MigrationPlan.supportedSources(): self.supported_sources_instances.append(rdbms) self.main.add_wizard_page(self, "SOURCE & TARGET", "Source Selection") def create_ui(self): self.back_button.set_enabled(False) # Main layout structure self.server_instance_box = mforms.newBox(False) self.server_instance_box.set_spacing(8) instance_label = mforms.newLabel('Source RDBMS Connection Parameters') instance_label.set_style(mforms.BoldStyle) self.server_instance_box.add(instance_label, False, True) # Add the view that corresponds to the selected RDBMS: self.panel = grt.classes.ui_db_ConnectPanel() self.panel.initializeWithRDBMSSelector(grt.root.wb.rdbmsMgmt, self.supported_sources_instances) if not self.panel.view: raise Exception("NO PANEL!!!") view = mforms.fromgrt(self.panel.view) self.server_instance_box.add(view, True, True) box = mforms.newBox(True) self._store_connection_check = mforms.newCheckBox() self._store_connection_check.set_text("Store connection for future usage as ") self._store_connection_check.add_clicked_callback(self._toggle_store_connection) box.add(self._store_connection_check, False, False) self._store_connection_entry = mforms.newTextEntry() box.add(self._store_connection_entry, True, True) self._store_connection_entry.set_enabled(False) self.server_instance_box.add(box, False, False) self.content.add(self.server_instance_box, True, True) self.advanced_button.set_text("Test Connection") def go_advanced(self): self.main.plan.setSourceConnection(self.panel.connection) self.test_connection(self.main.plan.migrationSource, "Source") def go_next(self): if self._store_connection_check.get_active(): if not self.save_connection(): return self._store_connection_check.set_active(False) self.main.plan.setSourceConnection(self.panel.connection) SourceWizardPage.go_next(self) class TargetMainView(SourceWizardPage): def __init__(self, main): SourceWizardPage.__init__(self, main, "Target Selection") self.main.add_wizard_page(self, "SOURCE & TARGET", "Target Selection") def just_script_toggled(self): pass def create_ui(self): # Main layout structure self.server_instance_box = mforms.newBox(False) self.server_instance_box.set_spacing(8) instance_label = mforms.newLabel('Target RDBMS Connection Parameters') instance_label.set_style(mforms.BoldStyle) self.server_instance_box.add(instance_label, False, True) # TODO: Enable the export to script option in future versions: # self.just_script_choice = mforms.newCheckBox() # self.just_script_choice.set_text('Do not use a live instance (SQL script output)') # self.just_script_choice.set_tooltip('Check this if you just want an output script to execute it later') # self.just_script_choice.add_clicked_callback(self.just_script_toggled) # self.server_instance_box.add(self.just_script_choice, False) # Add the view that corresponds to the selected RDBMS: self.panel = grt.classes.ui_db_ConnectPanel() self.panel.initialize(grt.root.wb.rdbmsMgmt) view = mforms.fromgrt(self.panel.view) self.server_instance_box.add(view, True, True) box = mforms.newBox(True) self._store_connection_check = mforms.newCheckBox() self._store_connection_check.set_text("Store connection for future usage as ") self._store_connection_check.add_clicked_callback(self._toggle_store_connection) box.add(self._store_connection_check, False, False) self._store_connection_entry = mforms.newTextEntry() box.add(self._store_connection_entry, True, True) self._store_connection_entry.set_enabled(False) self.server_instance_box.add(box, False, False) self.content.add(self.server_instance_box, True, True) self.advanced_button.set_text("Test Connection") def go_next(self): if self._store_connection_check.get_active(): if not self.save_connection(): return self._store_connection_check.set_active(False) self.main.plan.setTargetConnection(self.panel.connection) SourceWizardPage.go_next(self) def go_advanced(self): self.main.plan.setTargetConnection(self.panel.connection) self.test_connection(self.main.plan.migrationSource, "Target") PAGE_DESCRIPTION="""The following tasks will now be performed. Please monitor the execution. The names of available schemas will be retrieved from the source RDBMS. The account used for the connection will need to have appropriate privileges for listing and reading the schemas you want to migrate. Target RDBMS connection settings will also be checked for validity. """ class FetchProgressView(WizardProgressPage): def __init__(self, main): WizardProgressPage.__init__(self, main, "Fetch Schema List", description=PAGE_DESCRIPTION) self.add_task(self.task_connect, "Connect to source DBMS") self.add_task(self.task_test_target, "Check target DBMS connection") self.add_threaded_task(self.task_fetch_schemata, "Retrieve schema list from source") self.main.add_wizard_page(self, "SOURCE & TARGET", "Fetch Schemata List") def format_exception_text(self, e): return str(e).replace(";", ";\n") def task_connect(self): grt.send_progress(-1, "Connecting to source...") force_password = False attempt = 0 while True: try: if not self.main.plan.migrationSource.connect(): raise Exception("Could not connect to source RDBMS") self.main.plan.migrationSource.checkVersion() break except (DBLoginError, SystemError), e: if attempt == 0: if "[Driver Manager]" in e.message and "image not found" in e.message: show_missing_driver_error(e) return if attempt > 0: if isinstance(e, DBLoginError) and not force_password: force_password = True else: #if mforms.Utilities.show_error("Connect to Source RDBMS", str(e), "Retry", "Cancel", "") != mforms.ResultOk: raise e attempt += 1 self.main.plan.migrationSource.password = request_password(self.main.plan.migrationSource.connection, force_password) def go_back(self): self.reset(True) WizardProgressPage.go_back(self) def task_fetch_schemata(self): connection = self.main.plan.migrationSource.connection only_these_catalogs = ( [connection.parameterValues['schema']] if (connection.parameterValues.has_key('schema') and connection.parameterValues['schema']) else [] ) self.main.plan.migrationSource.doFetchSchemaNames(only_these_catalogs) self.main.plan.migrationSource.disconnect() def task_test_target(self): grt.send_progress(-1, "Connecting to target...") attempt = 0 if self.main.plan.migrationTarget.connection.hostIdentifier == self.main.plan.migrationSource.connection.hostIdentifier: if self.main.plan.migrationTarget.connection.parameterValues['userName'] == self.main.plan.migrationSource.connection.parameterValues['userName']: self.main.plan.migrationTarget.password = self.main.plan.migrationSource.password force_password = False while True: try: if not self.main.plan.migrationTarget.checkConnection(): raise Exception("Could not connect to target RDBMS") self.main.plan.migrationTarget.checkVersion() break except (DBLoginError, SystemError), e: if attempt > 0: if isinstance(e, DBLoginError) and not force_password: force_password = True else: raise e attempt += 1 self.main.plan.migrationTarget.password = request_password(self.main.plan.migrationTarget.connection)