@Qci@sUddidd6dddfddd ffddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6id d 6gd6dd6dd6idd6fd dfddfddfdd fddfddffdddffgd 6idd6dd6dd6dd 6gd6dd6dd6idd6fd dfddfddfdd fddfddffddd ffgd 6dddfd6dd6idd6dd6dd6dd 6gd6dd6idd6dddffddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6id d6d!d 6d"d d#gd$6gd6d%d6dd6id&d6fd dfffgd 6ed6d'd6idd6dd6dd6dd 6gd6d'd6id(d6fddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6d)d*6d+d6idd6dd6d*d6dd 6gd6d+d6id,d6fddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6id-d 6gd6d.d6d,d6iid/d06d16d2d6ddd3ffddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6d4d6id-d 6gd6d4d6iid5d06d16d6d6dddffddfdd fffgd 6d7d6id-d 6gd6d7d6id8d6ddd9fddd:fdddffddfddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6id;d6d<d=6d d 6d>d?6gd6d@d6d8d6idAd6fddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idd6dBd6dd 6gd6dCd6dAd6id)d6fddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idd6dBd6dd 6gd6dDd6d)d6g fdEidFd6fd dfddfddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idGd6d<d6dd 6gd6dHd6dFd6gfdIidJd6dddffddfdd fffgd 6idKd6d<d=6d d 6dLd?6gd6dMd6dJd6idNd6fd dfddfddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idddfdO6dPd6dQdR6dSd?6dTd=6d d 6idddfdU6dVd6dQdR6dSd?6dTd=6d d 6idddWfdO6dPd6dQdR6dSd?6dTd=6d d 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d 6dGd?6gd6d{d6iid|d06d16d}d6dddffddfffgd 6d~d6id<d6d<d=6d d 6dvd?6gd6d~d6iidd06d16dd6dddffddfffgd 6dd6idBd6d<d=6d d 6dd?6gd6dd6iidd06d16dd6dddffddfffgd 6dd6idad6dpd=6d d 6dd?6gd6dd6g fdidd6fd dfddfddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idd6dQdR6d<d=6d d 6dSd?6idd6dYdR6d<d=6d d 6dZd?6gd6dd6dd6idd6d ddffd dfddfddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idfd6dQdR6dpd=6d d 6dSd?6idfd6dYdR6dpd=6d d 6dZd?6gd6dd6dd6idd6d ddffd dfddfddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idfd6dgd=6d d 6dd?6gd6dd6dd6idd6d ddffd dfddfddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6id>d6dGd=6d d 6d>d?6gd6dd6dd6idd6fd dfddfddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idd6dQdR6dd=6d d 6dSd?6idd6dYdR6dd=6d d 6dd?6gd6dd6dd6idd6fd dfddfddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idSd6dGd=6d d 6dSd?6idd6dddfdU6dGd=6d d 6dd?6gd6dd6dd6idd6d ddffd dfddfddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idfd6dpd=6d d 6dd?6gd6dd6dd6idd6fd dfddfddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idSd6dQdR6dGd=6d d 6dSd?6idZd6dYdR6dGd=6d d 6dZd?6gd6dd6dd6idd6fd dfddfddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idfd6dpd=6d d 6dd?6gd6dd6dd6idd6fd dfddfddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idSd6dQdR6dGd=6d d 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d 6dd?6gd6dd6dd6idd6fd dfddfddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idvd 6gd6dd6dd6idd6fd dfddfddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idvd 6gd6dd6dd6idd6fd dfddfddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idd6dvd 6gd6dd6dd6idd6d ddffd dfddfddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idd6d?d 6gd6dd6dd6idd6ddd}ffddfdd fffgd 6id%d6d-d 6d%d$gd$6gd6dd6dd6idd6d ddffd dfddfddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idd6d-d 6gd6dd6dd6idd6d ddffd dfddfddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idd6dd6dd6dd 6gd6dd6dd6idd6dddffddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idd6dd6dd6dd 6gd6dd6dd6idd6dddffddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idd6dd6dd6dd 6gd6dd6dd6idd6fd dfddfddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6id<d6dQdR6d<d=6d d 6dSd?6id<d6dYdR6d<d=6d d 6dZd?6gd6dd6dd6idd6dddffddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idddfdO6d<d6dQdR6dSd?6d<d=6d d 6idddfdO6d<d6dYdR6dZd?6d<d=6d d 6idddfdU6dd6dQdR6dSd?6d<d=6d d 6idddfdU6dd6dYdR6dZd?6d<d=6d d 6gd6dd6dd6idd6dddffddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idddfdO6d<d6dQdR6dSd?6d<d=6d d 6idddfdO6d<d6dYdR6dZd?6d<d=6d d 6idddfdU6dd6dQdR6dSd?6d<d=6d d 6idddfdU6dd6dYdR6dZd?6d<d=6d d 6gd6dd6dd6g fdidd6ddd}ffddfddfdd fddfddfdd fddfffgd 6idGd6dGd=6d d 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6dd?6gd6dd6dd6iidd06d16dd6dddffddfdd fffgd 6dd6idGd6d d 6gd6dd6gfgfg ZdS(tGeneraltFeaturest federatedtcaptioniiiiiiitversionstnumericttypetvaluess$Enables the FEDERATED storage enginet descriptiontnamesenable-lockingitfalsetdefaultttruetontofftbooleans1Deprecated option, use --external-locking insteads'Print a symbolic stack trace on failurei6t deprecateds enable-pstacksevent-schedulertOFFtenumtONtDISABLEDtchoicesEnable/disable and start/stop the event scheduler. Note that this variable underwent significant changes in behavior and permitted values in MySQL 5.1.11 and 5.1.12s4Obsolete. ISAM storage engine is no longer supportedtisams(Enable (or disable) partitioning supportsskip-partitiont disabledbyt partitiontplugintstrings.Prefix for specifying plugin-specific options.splugin-load=plugin_listtformattoptypes*Set the list of plugins to load at startupis plugin-loadsplugin-load-add=plugin_lists)Add to list of plugins to load at startupsplugin-load-addtprofiling_history_sizei%it15t0tminimumt100tmaximums9How many statements to maintain profiling information forsskip-event-schedulertdels Sets the Event Scheduler to OFF.s'Do not enable user-defined partitioningt Transactionst autocommitt1sSets the autocommit modes Memory usagethost_cache_sizet128t65536sThe size of the host cachetjoin_buffer_sizet outversiont131072t32tbitsizet 4294967295t8200t inversiont262144ii t64t18446744073709547520s2The size of the buffer that is used for full joinstjoin_cache_levelit8sHow join buffers are useds large-pagestlinuxtplatformsEnable support for large pagestquery_alloc_block_sizet8192t1024t blocksizes5Allocation block size for query parsing and executiontsort_buffer_sizet2097144t32768sCEach thread that needs to do a sort allocates a buffer of this sizet Informationals server-idsUniquely identifies the server instance in the community of replication partners. Must be set to a value greater than 0 to enable replication.sserver-id-bitsi/t7sSets the number of least significant bits in the server_id actually used for identifying the server, permitting NDB API applications to store application data in the most significant bits. server_id must be less than 2 to the power of this value.t DirectoriestbasedirtfilenamesPath to installation directorytdatadirsPath to the database roott plugin_diriiCis%(basedir)s/lib/plugintwindowstdirnames%(basedir)s/lib/mysql/plugintothersDirectory for pluginsttmpdirsPath for temporary filestSystems core-files!Write core file on server crashessUse system (external) lockingsskip-external-lockingsexternal-lockingtgdbs#Set up signals usable for debuggings ignore-db-dirs(Treat directory as nondatabase directorytlower_case_table_namest2sIf set to 1, table names are stored in lowercase on disk and table names will be case insensitive. Should be set to 2 if you are using a case-insensitive file system.spid-file=file_names#Process ID file used by mysqld_safespid-filesSkip system (external) lockingsskip-host-cachesDon't cache host namessDeprecated options skip-lockingsskip-stack-traces$Don't print a stack trace on failures skip-symlinksODon't allow symlinking of tables. Deprecated option. Use --skip-symbolic-links.sUse symbolic linkssskip-symbolic-linksssymbolic-linksssysdate-is-nowisHNondefault option to alias SYSDATE() to NOW() to make it safe-replicablesFEnable symbolic link support. Deprecated option. Use --symbolic-links.suse-symbolic-linkstusersRun mysqld daemon as usersskip-safemallocs=Don't check for memory overruns during each memory allocationtlower_case_file_systemsMThis variable describes the case sensitivity of file names on the file systemtauto_increment_incrementt65535s4AUTO_INCREMENT columns are incremented by this valuetauto_increment_offsets&Offset added to AUTO_INCREMENT columnss big-tabless:Allow big result sets by saving all temporary sets on filesdefault-storage-enginetMyISAMtInnoDBs2The default storage engine (table type) for tablestdefault_tmp_storage_engines<The default storage engine (table type) for TEMPORARY tabless5This option is a synonym for --default-storage-enginesdefault-table-typesinit-file=file_names-Read SQL statements from this file at startups init-filetlock_wait_timeoutt31536000sTimeout for metadata lockstmax_long_data_sizei9i t1048576sFMax size of parameter values that mysql_stmt_send_long_data() can sendtstored_program_cacheit256t524288sSets a "soft" upper limit for number of cached stored routines per connection. Stored procedures and stored functions are cached separately; this variable sets the size for both of these.toldsICause the server to revert to certain behaviors present in older versionss one-threads/Only use one thread (for debugging under Linux)t Iternationalscharacter-set-client-handshakeisBDon't ignore client side character set value sent during handshakescharacter-set-filesystemis!Set the file system character setscharacter-set-serversSet the default character setscharacter-sets-dir=paths"Directory where character sets arescharacter-sets-dirscollation-serversSet the default collationsdefault-character-set=namesdefault-character-setsdefault-collation=namesdefault-collationsdefault-time-zonesSet the default time zonetdefault_week_formats0The default week format used by WEEK() functionssDClient error messages in given language. May be given as a full pathtlanguages%/usr/local/mysql/share/mysql/english/s lc-messagessThe locale for error messagesslc-messages-dirs.The directory where error messages are locateds#skip-character-set-client-handshakei s<Ignore client side character set value sent during handshaketdefault_time_zonesThe current time zone.t time_zonetSQLtansis+Use ANSI SQL syntax instead of MySQL syntaxtexplicit_defaults_for_timestamps<Whether TIMESTAMP columns are nullable and have DEFAULT NULLssql-bin-update-samesrThe update log is deprecated since version 5.0, is replaced by the binary log and this option does nothing anymoressql-modes''tsettALLOW_INVALID_DATESt ANSI_QUOTEStERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZEROtHIGH_NOT_PRECEDENCEt IGNORE_SPACEtNO_AUTO_CREATE_USERtNO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZEROtNO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPEStNO_DIR_IN_CREATEtNO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTIONtNO_FIELD_OPTIONStNO_KEY_OPTIONStNO_TABLE_OPTIONStNO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTIONt NO_ZERO_DATEtNO_ZERO_IN_DATEtONLY_FULL_GROUP_BYtPAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTHtPIPES_AS_CONCATt REAL_AS_FLOATtSTRICT_ALL_TABLEStSTRICT_TRANS_TABLESsSet the SQL server modetBackuptbackup_elevations5Enable or disable BACKUP DATABASE privilege elevationtbackup_history_logs*Enable or disable MySQL Backup history logtbackup_history_log_filesbackup_history.logs)Name of the MySQL Backup history log filetbackup_progress_logs+Enable or disable MySQL Backup progress logtbackup_progress_log_filesbackup_progress.logs*Name of the MySQL Backup progress log filet backupdirs#Default backup image file directoryslog-backup-outputtTABLEtFILEtNONEsThe destination for MySQL Backup history and progress log output. Syntax: log-backup-output[=value[,value...]], where "value" could be TABLE, FILE, or NONEs mysql-backupsEnable MySQL Backup featurestLoggingtAuditsaudit-log[=value]s(Whether to activate the audit log pluginis audit-logtFORCEtFORCE_PLUS_PERMANENTsSlow query log optionsslog-slow-admin-statementssiLog slow OPTIMIZE, ANALYZE, ALTER and other administrative statements to the slow query log if it is opensWhether to log slow queries. Logging defaults to hostname-slow.log file. Must be enabled to activate other slow query log optionsislog-slow-queriesslog-slow-slave-statementssRCause slow statements as executed by the slave to be written to the slow query logtlong_query_timet10sTLog all queries that have taken more than long_query_time seconds to execute to filetslow_query_log_filei t filedownloadsName of the slow query log filesAdvanced log optionstexpire_logs_dayst99sIf nonzero, binary logs will be purged after expire_logs_days days; possible purges happen at startup and at binary log rotationssLog some extra information to update log. Please note that this option is deprecated; see --log-short-format optionslog-long-formatslog-tcstc.logsPath to transaction coordinator log (used for transactions that affect more than one storage engine, when binary log is disabled)s log-tc-sizet24576s)Size in KB of transaction coordinator logs-Log some noncritical warnings to the log filesskip-log-warningss log-warningstconsolesIWrite error output on screen; do not remove the console window on Windowss general-logsEnable|disable general logs5.1.29s"Name of the general query log filetgeneral_log_files host_name.logs#Log connections and queries to filetlogs log-errorsError log fileslog-isamsLog all MyISAM changes to files log-outputs?The destination for general query log and slow query log outputslog-queries-not-using-indexess^Log queries that are executed without benefit of any index to the slow query log if it is openslog-raw[=value]s(Whether to log queries without rewritingslog-rawslog-short-formats9Don't log extra information to update and slow-query logsslog-slave-updatess`This option tells the slave to log the updates performed by its SQL thread to its own binary logsEnable|disable slow query logsslow-query-logsBinlog Optionssbinlog-checksumtCRC32s#Enable/disable binary log checksumss binlog-do-dbs+Limits binary logging to specific databasessbinlog-ignore-dbsZTells the master that updates to the given database should not be logged to the binary logsbinlog-row-event-max-sizesBinary log max event sizetbinlog_cache_sizet4096sXThe size of the cache to hold the SQL statements for the binary log during a transactiontbinlog_stmt_cache_sizesaThe size of the cache to hold nontransactional statements for the binary log during a transactionsbinlog-format=formats&Specifies the format of the binary logs binlog-formatt STATEMENTtROWtMIXEDii i'i3sbinlog-rows-query-log-eventssEnables logging of rows query log events when using row-based logging. Disabled by default. Do not enable when producing logs for pre-5.6.2 slaves/readers.t'binlog_direct_non_transactional_updatesi,sCauses updates using statement format to nontransactional engines to be written directly to binary log. See documentation before using.slog-binsEnables binary logs log-bin-indexs3File that holds the names for last binary log filesslog-bin-trust-function-creatorssIf equal to 0 (the default), then when --log-bin is used, creation of a stored function is allowed only to users having the SUPER privilege and only if the function created does not break binary loggings0(deprecated) Use log-bin-trust-function-creatorsslog-bin-trust-routine-creatorsslog-bin-use-v1-row-eventsi8ics4Use version 1 binary log row events (MySQL Cluster).tlog_bin_use_v1_row_eventssNShows whether server is using version 1 binary log row events (MySQL Cluster).smax-binlog-dump-eventssBOption used by mysql-test for debugging and testing of replicationtmax_binlog_cache_sizei#i$sRCan be used to restrict the total size used to cache a multi-statement transactiontmax_binlog_sizet 1073741824sIBinary log will be rotated automatically when the size exceeds this valuetmax_binlog_stmt_cache_sizesiCan be used to restrict the total size used to cache all nontransactional statements during a transactionssporadic-binlog-dump-failt sync_binlogs<Synchronously flush binary log to disk after every #th eventt Datafilestinnodb_data_file_paths(Path to individual files and their sizestinnodb_data_home_dirs'The common part for InnoDB table spacestinnodb_file_formati&tAntelopet Barracudas The format for new InnoDB tablestinnodb_file_format_checki)i*s:Whether InnoDB performs file format compatibility checkingtinnodb_file_format_maxs,The file format tag in the shared tablespaces Buffer pooltinnodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mbt63000saIf Windows AWE is used, the size in Megabytes of InnoDB buffer pool allocated from the AWE memoryt#innodb_buffer_pool_dump_at_shutdownsSpecifies whether to record the pages cached in the InnoDB buffer pool when the MySQL server is shut down, to shorten the warmup process at the next restarttinnodb_buffer_pool_dump_nows>Immediately records the pages cached in the InnoDB buffer pooltinnodb_buffer_pool_filenametib_buffer_poolsSpecifies the file that holds the list of page numbers produced by innodb_buffer_pool_dump_at_shutdown or innodb_buffer_pool_dump_nowtinnodb_buffer_pool_load_abortsInterrupts the process of restoring InnoDB buffer pool contents triggered by innodb_buffer_pool_load_at_startup or innodb_buffer_pool_load_nowt"innodb_buffer_pool_load_at_startupsSpecifies that, on MySQL server startup, the InnoDB buffer pool is automatically "warmed up" by loading the same pages it held at an earlier timetinnodb_buffer_pool_load_nowsrImmediately "warms up" the InnoDB buffer pool by loading a set of data pages, without waiting for a server restarttinnodb_buffer_pool_instancest autosizeds?Specifies how many parts the InnoDB buffer pool is divided intotinnodb_buffer_pool_sizet8388608it 134217728s2**32-1s2**64-1sQThe size of the memory buffer InnoDB uses to cache data and indexes of its tablestLogfilestinnodb_flush_log_at_trx_commits|Set to 0 (write and flush once per second), 1 (write and flush at each commit) or 2 (write at commit, flush once per second)tinnodb_flush_methodtasync_unbufferedt fdatasyncitO_DSYNCtO_DIRECTthpuxtsolarissSpecifies to flush datatinnodb_flush_neighborssoSpecifies whether flushing a page from the InnoDB buffer pool also flushes other dirty pages in the same extents"Where full logs should be archivedtinnodb_log_arch_dirtinnodb_log_archivetUnusedtinnodb_log_buffer_sizet16777216t2097152sNThe size of the buffer which InnoDB uses to write log to the log files on disktinnodb_log_compressed_pagessNSpecifies whether images of re-compressed pages are stored in InnoDB redo logstinnodb_log_file_sizet5242880t33554432t108576s!512GB / innodb_log_files_in_groups$Size of each log file in a log grouptinnodb_log_files_in_groupt3s+Number of InnoDB log files in the log grouptinnodb_log_group_home_dirsPath to InnoDB log filestinnodb_mirrored_log_groupssANumber of identical copies of log groups to keep for the databaset innodb_online_alter_log_max_sizesSpecifies an upper limit on the size of the temporary log file used during CREATE INDEX and DROP STATEMENTS statements for InnoDB tablestinnodb_undo_directoryt.sThe relative or absolute directory path where InnoDB creates separate tablespaces for the undo logs; typically used to place those logs on a different storage devicetinnodb_undo_logssDefines how many of the rollback segments in the system tablespace that InnoDB uses within a transaction; replaces the innodb_rollback_segments settingtVarioustinnodb_fast_shutdowns;Speeds up the shutdown process of the InnoDB storage enginetMemorytinnodb_additional_mem_pool_sizesiSize of a memory pool InnoDB uses to store data dictionary information and other internal data structurestinnodb_page_sizet16384t4kt8kt16ksASpecifies the page size for all InnoDB tablespaces in an instancetinnodb_sort_buffer_sizet67108864sWSpecifies the size of a buffer used for sorting data during creation of an InnoDB indexsFulltext searchtinnodb_ft_aux_tables~Specifies which InnoDB table with a FULLTEXT index to examine by querying several innodb_ft_* tables in the information_schematinnodb_ft_enable_stopwordsRDuring creation of an InnoDB FULLTEXT index, omits stopwords from the search indextinnodb_ft_num_word_optimizet2000s[Number of words to process during each OPTIMIZE TABLE operation on an InnoDB FULLTEXT indextinnodb_ft_server_stopword_tabletNULLsSpecifies a table holding a list of stopwords for InnoDB FULLTEXT indexes, which overrides the default stopword list and can be overridden by innodb_ft_user_stopword_tabletinnodb_ft_user_stopword_tablesSpecifies a table holding a list of stopwords for InnoDB FULLTEXT indexes, which overrides the default stopword list and also innodb_ft_server_stopword_tabletinnodb_ft_max_token_sizet84t252sCMaximum length of words that are stored in an InnoDB FULLTEXT indextinnodb_ft_min_token_sizet16sCMinimum length of words that are stored in an InnoDB FULLTEXT indextinnodb_ft_cache_sizes`Size of the cache that holds a parsed document in memory while creating an InnoDB FULLTEXT indextinnodb_ft_sort_pll_degreesuNumber of threads used to create an InnoDB FULLTEXT index in parallel, when building a search index for a large tabletinnodb_optimize_fulltext_onlysMakes the OPTIMIZE TABLE statement for an InnoDB table process the newly added, deleted, and updated token data for a FULLTEXT index, rather than reorganizing the data in the clustered index of the tablesignore-builtin-innodbi!sIgnore the built-in InnoDBtinnodbs4Enable InnoDB (if this version of MySQL supports it)tinnodb_adaptive_flushings/Control InnoDB adaptive flushing of dirty pagestinnodb_adaptive_flushing_lwmt70sbLow water mark representing percentage of redo log capacity at which adaptive flushing is enabled.tinnodb_adaptive_hash_indexi4s.Enable or disable InnoDB adaptive hash indexestinnodb_adaptive_max_sleep_delayt1000000syAllows InnoDB to automatically adjust the value of innodb_thread_concurrency up or down according to the current workloadtinnodb_api_bk_commit_intervalt5s 1073741824 s[Specifies how often to auto-commit idle connections that use the InnoDB memcached interfacetinnodb_api_disable_rowlockttinnodb_api_enable_binlogsBLets you use the InnoDB memcached plugin with the MySQL binary logtinnodb_api_enable_mdls}Locks the table used by the InnoDB memcached plugin, so that it cannot be dropped or altered by DDL through the SQL interfacetinnodb_api_trx_levels`Lets you control the transaction isolation level on queries processed by the memcached interfacetinnodb_autoextend_incrementt1000s+Data file autoextend increment in megabytestinnodb_autoinc_lock_modeis#Set InnoDB auto-increment lock modetinnodb_change_buffer_max_sizet25t50s_Maximum size for the InnoDB change buffer, as a percentage of the total size of the buffer pooltinnodb_change_bufferingtinsertstnonetalltdeletestpurgestchangess)Whether InnoDB performs insert buffering.tinnodb_checksum_algorithmtcrc32t strict_innodbt strict_crc32t strict_noneseSpecifies how to generate and verify the checksum stored in each disk block of each InnoDB tablespacetinnodb_checksumss"Enable InnoDB checksums validationtinnodb_cmp_per_index_enabledseEnables per-index compression-related statistics in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_CMP_PER_INDEX tabletinnodb_commit_concurrencys>Helps in performance tuning in heavily concurrent environmentst(innodb_compression_failure_threshold_pcttinnodb_compression_levelt6t9sWSpecifies the level of zlib compression to use for InnoDB compressed tables and indexestinnodb_compression_pad_pct_maxt75sSpecifies the maximum percentage that can be reserved within each InnoDB page for storing delta information when a compressed table or index is updatedtinnodb_concurrency_ticketst500t5000snNumber of times a thread is allowed to enter InnoDB within the same SQL query after it has once got the tickettinnodb_doublewrites Enable InnoDB doublewrite buffertinnodb_extra_dirty_writessmWhether to flush dirty buffer pages when the percentage of dirty pages is less than the maximum dirty percenttinnodb_file_io_threadst4s$Number of file I/O threads in InnoDBtinnodb_file_per_tables<Stores each InnoDB table to an .ibd file in the database dirtinnodb_flushing_avg_loopst30sNumber of iterations for which InnoDB keeps the previously calculated snapshot of the flushing state, controlling how quickly adaptive flushing responds to changing workloadstinnodb_force_load_corrupteds`Lets InnoDB load tables at startup that are marked as corrupted; use only during troubleshootingtinnodb_force_recoverysNHelps to save your data in case the disk image of the database becomes corrupttinnodb_io_capacityt200s<The limit on the maximum number of I/O operations per secondtinnodb_io_capacity_maxssee formula in descriptionseThe limit up to which InnoDB is allowed to extend the innodb_io_capacity setting in case of emergencytinnodb_large_prefixs-Enables longer keys for column prefix indexestinnodb_lock_wait_timeoutsUTimeout in seconds an InnoDB transaction may wait for a lock before a rollback occurstinnodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlogsLForce InnoDB not to use next-key locking. Instead use only row-level lockingtinnodb_lru_scan_depths[Influences the algorithms and heuristics for the flush operation for the InnoDB buffer pooltinnodb_max_dirty_pages_pctt90s/Percentage of dirty pages allowed in bufferpooltinnodb_max_dirty_pages_pct_lwmsrLow water mark representing percentage of dirty pages where preflushing is enabled to control the dirty page ratiotinnodb_max_merged_iosTThe maximum number of background I/O requests to merge to issue a larger I/O requesttinnodb_max_purge_lags8Desired maximum length of the purge queue (0 = no limit)tinnodb_max_purge_lag_delayszSpecifies the maximum delay in milliseconds for the formula calculated using the innodb_max_purge_lag configuration optiontinnodb_monitor_disablesMTurns off one or more counters in the information_schema.innodb_metrics tabletinnodb_monitor_enablesLTurns on one or more counters in the information_schema.innodb_metrics tabletinnodb_monitor_resetsfResets to zero the count value for one or more counters in the information_schema.innodb_metrics tabletinnodb_monitor_reset_allswResets all values (minimum, maximum, and so on) for one or more counters in the information_schema.innodb_metrics tabletinnodb_old_blocks_pctt37t95s>Percentage of the InnoDB buffer pool to reserve for old blockstinnodb_old_blocks_times]How long (in ms) blocks must remain in old end of InnoDB buffer pool before moving to new endtinnodb_open_filest300sCThe maximum number of files that InnoDB keeps open at the same timetinnodb_print_all_deadlockssVDuring shutdown, prints information about all InnoDB deadlocks to the server error logtinnodb_purge_batch_sizet20sHSpecifies the number of InnoDB redo logs that trigger a purge operation.tinnodb_purge_threadssSpecifies whether the InnoDB purge operation should be performed in one or more separate threads. By default, this operation is part of the InnoDB master thread.tinnodb_random_read_aheadsAEnables the random read-ahead technique for optimizing InnoDB I/Otinnodb_read_ahead_thresholdt56s+The sensitivity of InnoDB linear read-aheadtinnodb_read_io_threadss?The number of background I/O threads for read prefetch requeststinnodb_read_onlys#Starts the server in read-only modetinnodb_replication_delays)The slave server replication thread delaytinnodb_rollback_on_timeoutsLRoll back entire transaction on transaction timeout, not just last statementtinnodb_rollback_segmentsshDefines how many of the rollback segments in the system tablespace that InnoDB uses within a transactionsZTruncates the binary log after last nonrolled-back transaction after InnoDB crash recoverysinnodb-safe-binlogtinnodb_stats_auto_recalcssCauses InnoDB to automatically recalculate persistent statistics after the data in a table is changed substantiallytinnodb_stats_methodi t nulls_equalt nulls_unequalt nulls_ignoredsHSpecifies how InnoDB index statistics collection code should treat NULLstinnodb_stats_on_metadataisIEnable or disable InnoDB table statistics updates for metadata statementstinnodb_stats_persistents1Turns on the InnoDB persistent statistics featuret$innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pagessjThe number of pages to sample in each InnoDB index, when the persistent statistics feature is also enabledt#innodb_stats_transient_sample_pagess~The number of pages to sample in each InnoDB index, when the persistent statistics feature is turned off (the default setting)sinnodb-status-filesGEnable SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS output in the innodb_status.[pid] filetinnodb_support_xas1Enable InnoDB support for the XA two-phase committinnodb_sync_array_sizesSplits an internal data structure used to coordinate threads, for higher concurrency in workloads with large numbers of waiting threadstinnodb_sync_spin_loopss+Count of spin-loop rounds in InnoDB mutexestinnodb_spin_wait_delays/The maximum delay between polls for a spin locktinnodb_stats_sample_pagessEThe number of index pages to sample for index distribution statisticstinnodb_strict_modesMWhether InnoDB returns errors rather than warnings for exceptional conditionstinnodb_table_lockss$Enable InnoDB locking in LOCK TABLEStinnodb_thread_concurrencysdSets the maximum number of threads allowed inside InnoDB. Value 0 will disable the thread throttlingt%innodb_thread_concurrency_timer_basedsBWhether to use the lock-free method of handling thread concurrencytinnodb_thread_sleep_delayt10000stTime, in microseconds, that an InnoDB thread sleeps before joining InnoDB queue. Value 0 disables the sleep behaviortinnodb_undo_tablespacessbThe number of undo logs to place in each tablespace created by a non-zero innodb_undo_logs settingt'innodb_use_legacy_cardinality_algorithmiRsDWhether to use legacy InnoDB index cardinality calculation algorithmtinnodb_use_native_aios=Specifies whether to use the Linux asynchronous I/O subsystemtinnodb_use_sys_mallocs6Whether InnoDB uses the OS or its own memory allocatortinnodb_write_io_threadssZThe number of background I/O threads for writing dirty pages from the buffer cache to diskt timed_mutexessMSpecify whether to time mutexes (only InnoDB mutexes are currently supported)s skip-innodbsDisable InnoDBt NetworkingsData / Memory sizetmax_allowed_packett4194304s0Max packet length to send to/receive from servertnet_buffer_lengths1Buffer length for TCP/IP and socket communicationtSSLsBEnable SSL for connection (automatically enabled with other flags)sskip-ssltsslsssl-cas:The path to a file that contains a list of trusted SSL CAss ssl-capathsOThe path to a directory that contains trusted SSL CA certificates in PEM formatsssl-certs'X509 cert in PEM format (implies --ssl)s ssl-ciphers!SSL cipher to use (implies --ssl)sssl-crls=The path to a file that contains certificate revocation listss ssl-crlpathsGThe path to a directory that contains certificate revocation list filessssl-keys&X509 key in PEM format (implies --ssl)sssl-verify-server-certsNFor clients, verify server host name against Common Name in server certificates Don't use sslsTimeout Settingstconnect_timeoutsiThe number of seconds the mysqld server waits for a connect packet before responding with 'Bad handshake'tinteractive_timeoutt28800sbThe number of seconds the server waits for activity on an interactive connection before closing ittnet_read_timeoutsRNumber of seconds to wait for more data from a connection before aborting the readtnet_write_timeoutt60s]Number of seconds to wait for a block to be written to a connection before aborting the writet wait_timeoutt2147483sUThe number of seconds the server waits for activity on a connection before closing ittAdvancedtmax_connect_errorssbNumber of interrupted connections from a host before this host is blocked from further connectionstmax_connectionst151t100000s*The number of simultaneous clients allowedtmax_user_connectionssIThe maximum number of active connections for a single user (0 = no limit)tnet_retry_counts^Number of times to retry an interrupted read or write on a communication port before giving uptback_logtautosizes<The number of outstanding connection requests MySQL can havesbind-address=addrs"IP address or host name to bind tos bind-addresss0.0.0.0t*tportt3306s!Port number to use for connectionsport-open-timeoutsNMaximum time in seconds to wait for the port to become free (Default: no wait)sskip-name-resolves?Don't resolve host names. All host names are IPs or 'localhost'sskip-networkings"Don't allow connection with TCP/IPtsockets/tmp/mysql.sockt filebrowses!Socket file to use for connectionsenable-named-pipesEnable support for named pipes.tcompletion_typetNO_CHAINtCHAINtRELEASEsDefault completion typestransaction-isolationsREAD-UNCOMMITTEDsREAD-COMMITTEDsREPEATABLE-READt SERIALIZABLEs#Default transaction isolation levelstransaction-read-onlysDefault transaction access modettransaction_alloc_block_sizesAAllocation block size for transactions to be stored in binary logttransaction_prealloc_sizes=Persistent buffer for transactions to be stored in binary logt DeprecatedsDisable the ISAM storage engines skip-isams old-protocolsUse old server behaviorssold-alter-tables!Use old, nonoptimized alter tablesJChange the value of a variable; please note that this option is deprecateds set-variablesskip-news&Don't use new, possibly wrong routiness8Synchronously flush Berkeley DB logs. Enabled by defaultsskip-sync-bdb-logss sync-bdb-logss&Deprecated; use --log-warnings insteadtwarningssThread specific settingstslow_launch_timesuIf creating the thread takes longer than this value (in seconds), the Slow_launch_threads counter will be incrementedtthread_cache_sizes4How many threads we should keep in a cache for reusetthread_concurrencyt512sPermits the application to give the threads system a hint for the desired number of threads that should be run at the same timesthread_handling=namesThe thread-handling modeltthread_handlings no-threadssone-thread-per-connectionsdynamically-loadedspool-of-threadssthread_pool_size=#s.The number of thread groups in the thread pooltthread_pool_sizet thread_stackt196608sThe stack size for each threadsthread_pool_algorithm=#sThe thread pool algorithmtthread_pool_algorithms&thread_pool_high_priority_connection=#s,Whether the current session is high priorityt$thread_pool_high_priority_connections thread_pool_max_unused_threads=#s.The maximum permitted number of unused threadstthread_pool_max_unused_threadssthread_pool_prio_kickup_timer=#s?How long before a statement is moved to high-priority executiontthread_pool_prio_kickup_timert 4294967294sthread_pool_stall_limit=#s1How long before a statement is defined as stalledtthread_pool_stall_limitt600tbulk_insert_buffer_sizes3Size of tree cache used in bulk insert optimizationtgroup_concat_max_lens9The maximum length of the result of function group_concattkey_cache_block_sizes$The default size of key cache blockstkey_cache_division_limits2The minimum percentage of warm blocks in key cachetmax_heap_table_sizet1844674407370954752s4Don't allow creation of heap tables bigger than thist max_join_sizet18446744073709551615sUJoins that are probably going to read more than max_join_size records return an errortmax_length_for_sort_datas%Max number of bytes in sorted recordstmax_seeks_for_keysELimit assumed max number of seeks when looking up rows based on a keytmax_sort_lengths3The number of bytes to use when sorting data valuestmax_write_lock_countsDAfter this many write locks, allow some read locks to run in betweentmulti_range_countsTThe maximum number of ranges to send to a table handler at once during range selectss)Use very new, possibly 'unsafe' functionstnewtpreload_buffer_sizes@The size of the buffer that is allocated when preloading indexestquery_prealloc_sizes1Persistent buffer for query parsing and executiontrange_alloc_block_sizet2048s<Allocation block size for storing ranges during optimizationtread_buffer_sizet 2147479552srEach thread that does a sequential scan for a MyISAM table allocates a buffer of this size for each table it scanstread_rnd_buffer_sizesWhen reading rows from a MyISAM table in sorted order after a sort, the rows are read through this buffer to avoid a disk seeks. If not set, then it is set to the value of record_buffer.ttmp_table_sizessystem dependentsqIf an in-memory temporary table exceeds this size, MySQL will automatically convert it to an on-disk MyISAM tablesInsert delayed settingstdelayed_insert_limitsAfter inserting delayed_insert_limit rows, the INSERT DELAYED handler will check if there are any SELECT statements pending. If so, it allows these to execute before continuingtdelayed_insert_timeouts^How many seconds an INSERT DELAYED thread should wait for INSERT statements before terminatingtdelayed_queue_sizesIWhat size queue (in rows) should be allocated for handling INSERT DELAYEDtmax_delayed_threadssDon't start more than this number of threads to handle INSERT DELAYED statements. If set to zero, which means INSERT DELAYED is not usedt bootstraps"Used by mysql installation scriptstchroots#Chroot mysqld daemon during startupsdebug-sync-timeouts-Timeout for Debug Sync synchronization pointstdiv_precision_incrementsIScale of the result of '/' operator will be increased by this many digitsteq_range_index_dive_limits=The cutoff for switching from index dives to index statisticss exit-infos)Used for debugging; Use at your own risk!tflushs+Flush tables to disk between SQL statementst flush_timet1800sGA dedicated thread is created to flush all tables at the given intervalt init_connects4Statements that are executed for each new connectiont init_slaves>Command(s) that are executed when a slave connects to a mastertmax_error_counts6Max number of errors/warnings to store for a statements5.0.21s3Maximum number of prepared statements in the servertmax_prepared_stmt_countt16382tmax_sp_recursion_deptht255s(Maximum stored procedure recursion depthtmemlocks!Lock the mysqld process in memorysmin-examined-row-limitsQQueries examining fewer than this number of rows are not logged to slow query logsmutex-deadlock-detectors)Enable detection of incorrect mutex usagesold-style-user-limitsskEnable old-style user limits (before 5.0.3, user resources were counted per each user+host vs. per account)sopen-files-limitseIf this is not 0, then mysqld will use this value to reserve file descriptors to use with setrlimit()trestore_disables_eventss(Whether RESTORE disables restored eventstrestore_elevations-Enable or disable RESTORE privilege elevationtrestore_prechecks<Whether RESTORE performs privilege checking before restoringsskip-concurrent-insertsKTurn off the ability to select and insert at the same time on MyISAM tabless'Don't give threads different prioritiessskip-thread-prioritysslow-start-timeout=#s5Wait before trying to kill windows service at startupsslow-start-timeoutt15000tsync_frms/Sync .frm to disk on create. Enabled by defaulttupdatable_views_with_limitszThis variable controls whether updates to a view can be made when the view does not contain all columns of the primary keytdebugs'd:t:o,/tmp/mysqld.trace'sOutput debug logt standalones2Instructs the MySQL server not to run as a servicetOthersStorage Enginessskip-bdbs:Disable Berkeley DB (if this version of MySQL supports it)s skip-mergesDisable Merge storage engines$Disables synchronous BDB log flushess skip-falcons!Disable the Falcon storage enginesskip-ndbclusters&Disable the NDB Cluster storage enginetNDBtndb_autoincrement_prefetch_szi7is NDB auto-increment prefetch sizesndb-batch-sizes6The size (in bytes) to use for NDB transaction batchessndb-blob-read-batch-bytessWSpecifies the size in bytes that large BLOB reads should be batched into. 0 = no limit.sndb-blob-write-batch-bytessXSpecifies the size in bytes that large BLOB writes should be batched into. 0 = no limit.tndb_cache_check_times\The number of milliseconds between checks of cluster SQL nodes made by the MySQL query cachesndb-cluster-connection-poolt63s6The number of connections to the cluster used by MySQLsndb-connectstrings@The management server that distributes the cluster configurationtndb_extra_loggingsiControls logging of MySQL Cluster schema, connection, and data distribution events in the MySQL error logtndb_force_sendsOForces sending of buffers to NDB immediately, without waiting for other threadssndb-log-apply-statussCause a MySQL server acting as a slave to log mysql.ndb_apply_status updates received from its immediate master in its own binary log, using its own server ID. Effective only if the server is started with the --ndbcluster option.sndb-log-transaction-idsNWrite NDB transaction IDs in the binary log. Requires --log-bin-v1-events=OFF.tndb_log_updated_onlys,Log complete rows (ON) or updates only (OFF)sndb-log-update-as-writesNToggles logging of updates on the master between updates (OFF) and writes (ON)sndb-log-empty-epochsisWhen enabled, causes epochs in which there were no changes to be written to the ndb_apply_status and ndb_binlog_index tables, even when --log-slave-updates is enabled.tndb_log_empty_epochssWhen enabled, epochs in which there were no changes are written to the ndb_apply_status and ndb_binlog_index tables, even when log_slave_updates is enabled.s ndb-nodeidi-s+MySQL Cluster node ID for this MySQL servers ndb-mgmd-hostslocalhost:1186sKSet the host (and port, if desired) for connecting to the management serversndb-wait-connectedsTime (in seconds) for the MySQL server to wait for connection to cluster management and data nodes before accepting MySQL client connections.sndb-wait-setupsPTime (in seconds) for the MySQL server to wait for NDB engine setup to complete.s9Enable NDB Cluster (if this version of MySQL supports it)t ndbclustersndb-deferred-constraintssSpecifies that constraint checks on unique indexes (where these are supported) should be deferred until commit time. Not normally needed or used; for testing purposes only.tndb_deferred_constraintssSpecifies that constraint checks should be deferred (where these are supported). Not normally needed or used; for testing purposes only.sndb-distributiontKEYHASHtLINHASHsZDefault distribution for new tables in NDBCLUSTER (KEYHASH or LINHASH, default is KEYHASH)tndb_distributiontndb_index_stat_cache_entriess\Sets the granularity of the statistics by determining the number of starting and ending keystndb_index_stat_enables.Use NDB index statistics in query optimizationtndb_index_stat_update_freqs=How often to query data nodes instead of the statistics cachetndb_optimized_node_selectionsXDetermines how an SQL node chooses a cluster data node to use as transaction coordinatort#ndb_report_thresh_binlog_epoch_slipsWThis is a threshold on the number of epochs to be behind before reporting binlog statust"ndb_report_thresh_binlog_mem_usages]This is a threshold on the percentage of free memory remaining before reporting binlog statustndb_use_transactionssiForces NDB to use a count of records during SELECT COUNT(*) query planning to speed up this type of queryt Memcachedtdaemon_memcached_enable_binlogt daemon_memcached_engine_lib_namesinnodb_engine.sosHSpecifies the shared library that implements the InnoDB memcached plugint daemon_memcached_engine_lib_pathscThe path of the directory containing the shared library that implements the InnoDB memcached plugintdaemon_memcached_optionsUSpace-separated options that are passed to the underlying memcached daemon on startuptdaemon_memcached_r_batch_sizeshSpecifies how many memcached read operations to perform before doing a COMMIT to start a new transactiontdaemon_memcached_w_batch_sizesiSpecifies how many memcached write operations to perform before doing a COMMIT to start a new transactiontSecuritysallow-suspicious-udfssgAllows use of UDFs consisting of only one symbol xxx() without corresponding xxx_init() or xxx_deinit()t authentication_windows_log_levels+Windows authentication plugin logging levelt)authentication_windows_use_principal_names;Whether to use Windows authentication plugin principal namesdes-key-file=file_names;Load keys for des_encrypt() and des_encrypt from given files des-key-filet read_onlys&Make all nontemporary tables read onlys safe-modes+Skip some optimization stages (for testing)s3Deprecated option; use GRANT SHOW DATABASES insteadssafe-show-databasessafe-user-creates]Don't allow new user creation by the user who has no write privileges to the mysql.user tablessafemalloc-mem-limitsSimulate memory shortages secure-authsFDisallow authentication for accounts that have old (pre-4.1) passwordsssecure-backup-file-privs@Limit BACKUP DATABASE and RESTORE to files in a single directoryssecure-file-priv=pathsYLimit LOAD_FILE(), LOAD DATA, and SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE to files in specified directoryssecure-file-privsskip-grant-tablessJStart without grant tables. This gives all users FULL ACCESS to all tablessskip-show-databases%Do not allow SHOW DATABASE statementssValidate passwordsvalidate-password[=value]svalidate-passwordt!validate_password_dictionary_files+%(configdir)s/mysql_password_dictionary.txttfileedits!validate_password dictionary filetvalidate_password_lengths*validate_password required password lengtht"validate_password_mixed_case_countsCvalidate_password required number of uppercase/lowercase characterstvalidate_password_number_counts5validate_password required number of digit characterstvalidate_password_policy_numbers!validate_password password policyt$validate_password_special_char_counts7validate_password required number of special characterstAuthentications)default-authentication-plugin=plugin_names!The default authentication pluginsdefault-authentication-plugintmysql_native_passwordtsha256_passwordt old_passwordss"Type of password encryption methodt Replications Relay Logtmax_relay_log_sizesTIf nonzero, relay log will be rotated automatically when the size exceeds this values relay-logs0The location and base name to use for relay logssrelay-log-indexsRThe location and name to use for the file that keeps a list of the last relay logssrelay-log-info-filesrelay-log.infosfThe location and name of the file that remembers where the SQL replication thread is in the relay logstrelay_log_info_filesQThe name of the file in which the slave records information about the relay logs.srelay-log-info-repositorys^Whether to write the replication SQL thread's location in the relay logs to a file or a table.trelay_log_indexs*host_name*-relay-bin.indexs%The name of the relay log index file.trelay_log_purges(Determines whether relay logs are purgedsrelay-log-recoverysDEnables automatic recovery of relay log files from master at startuptrelay_log_recoverysOWhether automatic recovery of relay log files from master at startup is enabledtrelay_log_space_limits'Maximum space to use for all relay logstsync_relay_logs4Synchronize relay log to disk after every #th event.tsync_relay_log_infos:Synchronize relay.info file to disk after every #th event.tMastersThe number of seconds the slave thread will sleep before retrying to connect to the master in case the master goes down or the connection is lostsmaster-connect-retrys.Master host name or IP address for replications master-hostsmaster-info-file=file_names{The location and name of the file that remembers the master and where the I/O replication thread is in the master's binlogssmaster-info-files master.infosmaster-info-repositorys~Whether to write master status information and replication I/O thread location in the master's binary logs to a file or table.sRThe password the slave thread will authenticate with when connecting to the mastersmaster-passwords#The port the master is listening ons master-portsmaster-retry-countt86400sQThe number of tries the slave will make to connect to the master before giving ups3Enable the slave to connect to the master using SSLs master-ssls?Master SSL CA file. Only applies if you have enabled master-ssls master-ssl-cas?Master SSL CA path. Only applies if you have enabled master-sslsmaster-ssl-capathsMMaster SSL certificate file name. Only applies if you have enabled master-sslsmaster-ssl-certs>Master SSL cipher. Only applies if you have enabled master-sslsmaster-ssl-ciphersDMaster SSL keyfile name. Only applies if you have enabled master-sslsmaster-ssl-keysThe user name the slave thread will use for authentication when connecting to the master. The user must have FILE privilege. If the master user is not set, user test is assumed. The value in master.info will take precedence if it can be reads master-userttestsmaster-verify-checksumsBCause master to examine checksums when reading from the binary logtsync_master_infos6Synchronize master.info to disk after every #th event.tSlavetslave_exec_modetSTRICTt IDEMPOTENTsAllows for switching between idempotent mode (key and some other errors suppressed) and strict mode; strict mode is the default, except for MySQL Cluster, where idempotent is always usedsabort-slave-event-countsdisconnect-slave-event-countsshow-slave-auth-infos>Show user name and password in SHOW SLAVE HOSTS on this mastertslave_allow_batchings8Turns update batching on and off for a replication slavesslave-load-tmpdirs/tmpsiThe location where the slave should put its temporary files when replicating a LOAD DATA INFILE statementsslave-skip-errorsscTells the slave thread to continue replication when a query returns an error from the provided listsslave-checkpoint-groupt524280sMaximum number of transactions processed by a multi-threaded slave before a checkpoint operation is called to update progress status.tslave_checkpoint_groupsslave-checkpoint-periodt millisecondtunitst4GsrUpdate progress status of multi-threaded slave and flush relay log info to disk after this number of milliseconds.tslave_checkpoint_periodtslave_compressed_protocols(Use compression on master/slave protocolsslave-max-allowed-packeti@sxMaximum size, in bytes, of a packet that can be sent from a replication master to a slave; overrides max_allowed_packet.sslave-net-timeoutt3600s_Number of seconds to wait for more data from a master/slave connection before aborting the readsslave-parallel-workersssNumber of worker threads for executing events in parallel. Set to 0 (the default) to disable slave multi-threading.sslave-rows-search-algorithmssTABLE_SCAN,INDEX_SCANsINDEX_SCAN,HASH_SCANsTABLE_SCAN,HASH_SCANsTABLE_SCAN,INDEX_SCAN,HASH_SCANsDetermines search algorithms used for slave update batching. Any 2 or 3 from the list INDEX_SEARCH, TABLE_SCAN, HASH_SCAN; the default is TABLE_SCAN,INDEX_SCAN.sslave-sql-verify-checksums@Cause slave to examine checksums when reading from the relay logtslave_transaction_retriessNumber of times the slave SQL thread will retry a transaction in case it failed with a deadlock or elapsed lock wait timeout, before giving up and stoppingtslave_type_conversionst ALL_LOSSYt ALL_NON_LOSSYsALL_LOSSY,ALL_NON_LOSSYsControls type conversion mode on replication slave. Value is a list of zero or more elements from the list: ALL_LOSSY, ALL_NON_LOSSY. Set to an empty string to disallow type conversions between master and slave.sdisable-gtid-unsafe-statementssPrevents execution of statements that cannot be logged in a transactionally safe manner. These include CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE inside transactions, all updates to non-transactional tables, and CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.tdisable_gtid_unsafe_statementssWhen true, execution of statements that cannot be logged in a transactionally safe manner is not allowed. Read-only; set using --disable-gtid-unsafe-statements when starting the server.s gtid-modetUPGRADE_STEP_1tUPGRADE_STEP_2saON enables GTIDs; OFF disables them. UPGRADE_STEP_1 and UPGRADE_STEP_2 are currently unsupported.s init-rpl-roles#Set the replication role (not used)sreplicate-do-dbsLTells the slave SQL thread to restrict replication to the specified databasesreplicate-do-tablesITells the slave SQL thread to restrict replication to the specified tablesreplicate-ignore-dbsETells the slave SQL thread not to replicate to the specified databasesreplicate-ignore-tablesBTells the slave SQL thread not to replicate to the specified tablesreplicate-rewrite-dbs=Updates to a database with a different name than the originalsreplicate-same-server-idsDIn replication, if set to 1, do not skip events having our server idsreplicate-wild-do-tablesfTells the slave thread to restrict replication to the tables that match the specified wildcard patternsreplicate-wild-ignore-tables[Tells the slave thread not to replicate to the tables that match the given wildcard patterns report-hostsSHost name or IP of the slave to be reported to the master during slave registrationsreport-passwordsAn arbitrary password that the slave server should report to the master. Not the same as the password for the MySQL replication user accounts report-ports [slave_port]sMPort for connecting to slave reported to the master during slave registrations report-usersAn arbitrary user name that a slave server should report to the master. Not the same as the name used with the MySQL replication user account.sskip-slave-starts If set, slave is not autostartedsAdvanced Settingssmyisam-block-sizes,Block size to be used for MyISAM index pagestmyisam_data_pointer_sizes1Default pointer size to be used for MyISAM tabless5.0.6tmyisam_max_extra_sort_file_sizet 2147483648tmyisam_max_sort_file_sizeseDon't use the fast sort index method to create index if the temporary file would get bigger than thistmyisam_mmap_sizeiZi+sOThe maximum amount of memory to use for memory mapping compressed MyISAM files.smyisam-recovertDEFAULTtBACKUPtQUICKs*Set the mode for automatic MyISAM recoverysmyisam-recover-optionstmyisam_repair_threadss^Number of threads to use when repairing MyISAM tables. The value of 1 disables parallel repairtmyisam_sort_buffer_sizesThe buffer that is allocated when sorting the index when doing a REPAIR or when creating indexes with CREATE INDEX or ALTER TABLEtmyisam_stats_methodsHSpecifies how MyISAM index statistics collection code should treat NULLstmyisam_use_mmaps8Use memory mapping for reading and writing MyISAM tablestft_boolean_syntaxs +-><()~*:""&s>List of operators for MATCH ... AGAINST ( ... IN BOOLEAN MODE)tft_max_word_lensThe maximum length of the word to be included in a FULLTEXT index. Note: FULLTEXT indexes must be rebuilt after changing this variabletft_min_word_lensThe minimum length of the word to be included in a FULLTEXT index. Note: FULLTEXT indexes must be rebuilt after changing this variabletft_query_expansion_limits1Number of best matches to use for query expansionsft_stopword_file=file_names5Use stopwords from this file instead of built-in listtft_stopword_files(%(configdir)s/mysql_ft_stopword_file.txts!Use concurrent insert with MyISAMtconcurrent_inserttAUTOtNEVERtALWAYStkeep_files_on_createi0sGDo not overwrite existing .MYD/.MYI files in default database directorytkey_buffer_sizetOS_PER_PROCESS_LIMITs>The size of the buffer used for index blocks for MyISAM tablestkey_cache_age_thresholdsThis characterizes the number of hits a hot block has to be untouched until it is considered aged enough to be downgraded to a warm block. This specifies the percentage ratio of that number of hits to the total number of blocks in key cachet Performances Query cachetquery_cache_limits-Don't cache results that are bigger than thistquery_cache_min_res_unitsvMinimal size of unit in which space for results is allocated (last unit will be trimmed after writing all result data)tquery_cache_sizes6The memory allocated to store results from old queriestquery_cache_typesQuery cache typetquery_cache_wlock_invalidates3Invalidate queries in query cache on LOCK for writet Optimizersengine-condition-pushdowns5Push supported query conditions to the storage enginetoptimizer_join_cache_leveltoptimizer_prune_levelsControls the heuristic(s) applied during query optimization to prune less-promising partial plans from the optimizer search spacetoptimizer_search_deptht62s8Maximum depth of search performed by the query optimizers5.1.34s.Enable control over which optimizations to usei"toptimizer_switchsindex_merge={on|off}s!index_merge_intersection={on|off}sindex_merge_sort_union={on|off}sindex_merge_union={on|off}t no_semijointno_materializations"engine_condition_pushdown={on|off}s!index_condition_pushdown={on|off}s mrr={on|off}smrr_cost_based={on|off}sblock_nested_loop={on|off}sbatched_key_access={on|off}t no_firstmatcht no_loosescanssemijoin={on|off}sfirstmatch={on|off}sloosescan={on|off}smaterialization={on|off}sPerformance Schemasperformance_schema=#s%Whether Performance Schema is enabledtperformance_schemas!performance_schema_consumer_xxx=#s%Configure Performance Schema consumertperformance_schema_consumer_xxxs!performance_schema_digests_size=#s8The number of rows in the statement digest summary tabletperformance_schema_digests_sizes-1 (autosized)s-1s4performance_schema_events_stages_history_long_size=#s0The number of rows in events_stages_history_longt2performance_schema_events_stages_history_long_sizes/performance_schema_events_stages_history_size=#s+The number of rows in events_stages_historyt-performance_schema_events_stages_history_sizes8performance_schema_events_statements_history_long_size=#s4The number of rows in events_statements_history_longt6performance_schema_events_statements_history_long_sizes3performance_schema_events_statements_history_size=#s/The number of rows in events_statements_historyt1performance_schema_events_statements_history_sizes3performance_schema_events_waits_history_long_size=#s/The number of rows in events_waits_history_longt1performance_schema_events_waits_history_long_sizes.performance_schema_events_waits_history_size=#s*The number of rows in events_waits_historyt,performance_schema_events_waits_history_sizesperformance_schema_hosts_size=#s!The number of rows in hosts tabletperformance_schema_hosts_sizes*performance_schema_instrument=instrument=#s'Configure Performance Schema instrumenttperformance_schema_instruments%performance_schema_max_cond_classes=#s+The maximum number of condition instrumentst#performance_schema_max_cond_classest80s'performance_schema_max_cond_instances=#s4The maximum number of instrumented condition objectst%performance_schema_max_cond_instancess%performance_schema_max_file_classes=#s&The maximum number of file instrumentst#performance_schema_max_file_classess%performance_schema_max_file_handles=#s)The maximum number of opened file objectst#performance_schema_max_file_handless'performance_schema_max_file_instances=#s/The maximum number of instrumented file objectst%performance_schema_max_file_instancess&performance_schema_max_mutex_classes=#s'The maximum number of mutex instrumentst$performance_schema_max_mutex_classess(performance_schema_max_mutex_instances=#s0The maximum number of instrumented mutex objectst&performance_schema_max_mutex_instancess'performance_schema_max_rwlock_classes=#s(The maximum number of rwlock instrumentst%performance_schema_max_rwlock_classess)performance_schema_max_rwlock_instances=#s1The maximum number of instrumented rwlock objectst'performance_schema_max_rwlock_instancess&performance_schema_max_stage_classes=#s'The maximum number of stage instrumentst$performance_schema_max_stage_classess'performance_schema_max_socket_classes=#s(The maximum number of socket instrumentst%performance_schema_max_socket_classess)performance_schema_max_socket_instances=#s1The maximum number of instrumented socket objectst'performance_schema_max_socket_instancess*performance_schema_max_statement_classes=#s+The maximum number of statement instrumentst(performance_schema_max_statement_classess&performance_schema_max_table_handles=#s*The maximum number of opened table objectst$performance_schema_max_table_handless(performance_schema_max_table_instances=#s0The maximum number of instrumented table objectst&performance_schema_max_table_instancest50000s'performance_schema_max_thread_classes=#s(The maximum number of thread instrumentst%performance_schema_max_thread_classess)performance_schema_max_thread_instances=#s1The maximum number of instrumented thread objectst'performance_schema_max_thread_instancess&performance_schema_setup_actors_size=#s"The number of rows in setup_actorst$performance_schema_setup_actors_sizes'performance_schema_setup_objects_size=#s#The number of rows in setup_objectst%performance_schema_setup_objects_sizesperformance_schema_users_size=#s!The number of rows in users tabletperformance_schema_users_sizesdelay-key-writetALLsType of DELAY_KEY_WRITEslow-priority-updatess4INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE has lower priority than selectsttable_definition_cachet400sKThe number of table definitions that can be stored in the definition cache.ttable_open_caches)The number of open tables for all threadss)The number of open tables cache instancesttable_open_cache_instancesN(tNonet opts_list(((s..\modules\opts.pyts.^oe}l)or}Wv^xr`iilWbccUcUNeP|EzJls(z|ll^lll"lpgsy^^rwWl^^^ll^lrTllllll^Plylllcr`llUeWWWW~^l2lllt^^eScZ^lexul\lWWPqlccXn2qqqqwL~lcccc`}`PhllldlK^~lxllll[  yllkkuuu{{l^^^^jcc{N^eeenkyk~~8>kl>~wssssljyllqoUzelllllm.