# Copyright (c) 2007, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the # License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA import copy import errno import pprint import os import tempfile import difflib import re import opts import mforms from mforms import Utilities, Form, newBox, newLabel, newTextBox, newButton, App from wb_common import OperationCancelledError, InvalidPasswordError, PermissionDeniedError, splitpath, Users from grt import log_info, log_error, log_warning, log_debug, log_debug2, log_debug3 _this_file = os.path.basename(__file__) from wb_server_control import ServerProfile from workbench.utils import server_version_str2tuple pysource = {} pysource['engine-list'] = "grt.root.wb.options.options[\"@db.mysql.Table:tableEngine/Items\"]" multi_separator = ';' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def ver_cmp(v1, v2): minlen = min(len(v1), len(v2)) return cmp(v1[0:minlen], v2[0:minlen]) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def option_is_for_version(version, versions_list): (inver, vlist, outver) = versions_list ret = False matched_version = None # Check if we have x.y version in list which allows version for v in vlist: if ver_cmp(version, v) == 0: matched_version = v ret = True break # Check that version is within introduced and removed # If not drop ret to False if matched_version: if inver is not None: for iv in inver: if matched_version[:2] == iv[:2]: if ver_cmp(version, iv) < 0: ret = False break if outver is not None: out_ver = None for ov in outver: if matched_version[:2] == ov[:2]: if ver_cmp(version, ov) > 0: ret = False break return ret #=============================================================================== # vd - version of server when option become deprecated # vs - current server version def is_opt_deprecated(vd, vs): skip = False if vd is not None and vs is not None: vdl = len(vd) vsl = len(vs) if vdl == vsl: if vd < vs: skip = True else: if vdl < vsl: if vd <= vs[:vdl]: skip = True elif vs <= vd[:vsl]: skip = True return skip #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def parse_version_str(version_str): version = None try: res = re.match("([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)|([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)", version_str) if res: tokens = res.groups() if tokens[0] is not None: version = (int(tokens[0]), int(tokens[1]), int(tokens[2])) else: version = (int(tokens[3]), int(tokens[4])) except ValueError, e: print "ERROR! incorrect version attribute value '" + version_str + "', ", type(version_str) return version #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def pick_value(opt, version, platform): value = None if 'values' in opt: # Walk all values and pick best match for cur_value in opt['values']: inversion = cur_value.get('inversion') outversion = cur_value.get('outversion') if inversion is None: inversion = (0,0,0) if outversion is None: outversion = (99,0,0) if version >= inversion and version <= outversion: platform_match = False if 'platform' in cur_value: pl = cur_value['platform'] if pl == platform or pl == 'all' or platform == "all": platform_match = True else: platform_match = True if platform_match: value = cur_value break else: pass return value #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @server_version is a tuple, platform - "windows", "linux", "macos" #=============================================================================== class Option(object): def __init__(self, section, line = None, value = None): self.section = section self.values = [] if line is not None and value is not None: self.values.append((line, value)) def append(self, line, value): self.values.append((line, value)) def is_multiline(self): return len(self.values) > 1 def is_switch_opt(self): ret = False if len(self.values) > 0: ret = type(self.values) == bool return ret def val(self, i): return self.values[i][1] def line(self, i): return self.values[i][0] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.values) def __len__(self): return len(self.values) def __str__(self): return multi_separator.join([str(x[1]) for x in self.values]) def __repr__(self): return pprint.pformat(self.values) #=============================================================================== CHANGE = 1 DELETE = 2 ADD = 3 #=============================================================================== # ApplyWizard class class ApplyWizard(Form): #view = None # Holds mforms view(currently TextBox) to display diff and file text #view_btn = None # We need ref to this button as pressing on it changes view mode # from diff to file. So the button's label must be changed accordingly #cmds_view = None # That is the display widget of commands to execute to save file #accept_action = None # This is an accept_action passed from client via ApplyWizard::show #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, owner, ctrl_be, server_profile): Form.__init__(self, None) self.set_title("Apply Changes to MySQL Configuration File") self.server_profile = server_profile self.ctrl_be = ctrl_be self.is_win = server_profile.target_is_windows content = newBox(False) content.set_padding(12) content.set_spacing(12) file = self.server_profile.config_file_path msg = "The following changes were made to the configuration file \"%s\"\nand will be saved when you click [Apply]." % file msg += "\nYou may edit the File Preview if you wish to make more changes manually." msg += "\nPlease review carefully as some mistakes could prevent the MySQL server from starting." content.add(newLabel(msg), False, True) self.file_textbox = newTextBox(mforms.BothScrollBars) self.file_textbox.set_bordered(True) self.diff_view_textbox = newTextBox(mforms.BothScrollBars) self.diff_view_textbox.set_bordered(True) content.add(self.file_textbox, True, True) content.add(self.diff_view_textbox, True, True) button_box = newBox(True) button_box.set_spacing(12) apply_btn = newButton() apply_btn.set_text("Apply") self.cancel_btn = newButton() self.cancel_btn.set_text("Cancel") self.cancel_btn.add_clicked_callback(self.cancel_clicked) self.view_btn = newButton() self.view_btn.add_clicked_callback(self.switch_view) button_box.add(self.view_btn, False, True) button_box.add_end(apply_btn, False, True) button_box.add_end(self.cancel_btn, False, True) content.add(button_box, False, False) #panel = Panel(TitledBoxPanel) #panel.set_title("Commands which will be run to save config file") # unused??? #self.cmds_view = newLabel() #self.cmds_view.set_wrap_text(True) #panel.add(self.cmds_view) #content.add(panel, False, False) self.set_content(content) self.center() self.set_size(640,480) apply_btn.add_clicked_callback(self.apply_clicked) def switch_view(self): if self.view_diff == False: #switch to view diff self.file_textbox.show(False) self.diff_view_textbox.show(True) self.view_btn.set_text("View File Preview") #self.save_from_preview_btn.set_enabled(False) self.view_diff = True else: self.view_btn.set_text("View Changes") self.file_textbox.show(True) self.diff_view_textbox.show(False) #self.save_from_preview_btn.set_enabled(True) self.view_diff = False def apply_clicked(self): if self.accept_action is not None: text_from_box = self.file_textbox.get_string_value() if text_from_box != self.cfgfile: answer = Utilities.show_message("Confirm Changes from Preview" ,"You have made additional edits to the configuration file in preview.\n" "If you wish to save these changes click [Yes], " "or if you wish to ignore these changes click [No]." ,"Yes", "No", "") if answer != mforms.ResultOk: text_from_box = None if text_from_box: App.get().set_status_text("Saving Configuration File with Manual Edits...") else: App.get().set_status_text("Saving Configuration File...") while True: try: self.accept_action(text_from_box) # call action passed from caller(client) App.get().set_status_text("Configuration File Saved.") except InvalidPasswordError, exc: r = Utilities.show_error("Could not Save Configuration File", "There was a permission error while saving the configuration file: %s\nClick Retry to enter the password again.", "Retry", "Cancel", "") if r == mforms.ResultOk: continue except OperationCancelledError, exc: r = Utilities.show_message("Could not Save Configuration File", "Password input was cancelled. The file was not saved.", "OK", "", "") return except Exception, exc: import traceback traceback.print_exc() App.get().set_status_text("Error Saving Configuration File.") Utilities.show_error("Could not Save Configuration File", "There was an error saving the configuration file.\n%s: %s"%(type(exc).__name__, exc), "OK", "", "") break self.close() def cancel_clicked(self): App.get().set_status_text("Cancelled Save of Configuration File") self.accept_action = None self.close() def show(self, changes_text, temp_file_content, accept_action = None): self.accept_action = accept_action self.view_diff = False # Set view mode to list changes (diff) self.cfgfile = temp_file_content # Content of the file self.file_textbox.set_value(self.cfgfile) self.diff_view_textbox.set_value(changes_text) self.switch_view() # Make it show diff self.show_modal(None, self.cancel_btn) #=============================================================================== class WbAdminConfigFileBE(object): class ChangesetItem: def __init__(self, m,s,n,v): self.mod = m self.section = s self.value = v self.name = n self.orig_opt = None def __repr__(self): if self.mod == ADD: s = "+" elif self.mod == DELETE: s = "-" elif self.mod == CHANGE: s = "*" s += self.section + ":" + self.name + "=" + str(self.value) if self.orig_opt: s += ";[" + str(self.orig_opt) + "]" return s + " " #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, server_profile, ctrl_be): self.file_lines = [] self.original_opts = {} self.file_name = "" self.needs_root_for_file_read = False self.changeset = {} self.sections = [] self.apply_form = None self.server_profile = server_profile self.ctrl_be = ctrl_be self.is_win = server_profile.target_is_windows self.opt_rindex = {} # self.opt_rindex stores dict of the following format: -> (opt_def, tabname, groupname) self.option_set_stats = None self.reload_possible_options() #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_file_content(self): return self.file_lines #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_option_set_stats(self): return self.option_set_stats #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def reload_possible_options(self): server_version = self.server_profile.server_version if server_version and str(server_version) != '': if type(server_version) is not tuple: server_version = server_version_str2tuple(server_version) if not server_version or str(server_version) == '': server_version = self.ctrl_be.get_server_version() log_debug2('%s:%s.reload_possible_options()' % (_this_file, self.__class__.__name__) , 'Got server version "%s" from the server\n' % str(server_version)) else: print "Note! Workbench uses server version '%s' from the server instance profile. Make the entry empty to auto pick version from the server." % (str(server_version)) self.possible_options = self.transform_opts_for(server_version, self.server_profile.target_os) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_possible_options(self): return self.possible_options #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def transform_opts_for(self, server_version, platform): log_debug2('%s:%s.transform_opts_for()' % (_this_file, self.__class__.__name__) , 'Filtering options for %s, "%s"\n' % (str(server_version), platform) ) # filter by version using opt def versions # remove deprecated # pick value according to version/bitsize/platform pos = 1 tabs = {} self.opt_rindex = {} (added, skipped, deprecated, no_value) = (0, 0, 0, 0) for (tabname, tabcont) in opts.opts_list: new_tab_cont = {} groups = [] for (grpname, grpcont) in tabcont: grp = {} grp['caption'] = grpname controls = [] for opt in grpcont: if 'versions' in opt: if not option_is_for_version(server_version, opt['versions']): #print "skipping ", server_version, opt,"\n------------------" skipped += 1 continue if 'deprecated' in opt: if is_opt_deprecated(opt['deprecated'], server_version): #print "skipping deprecated", opt, "\n------------------" deprecated += 1 continue value = pick_value(opt, server_version, platform) #print "pick_value", value if value: copt = copy.copy(opt) del copt['values'] copt.update(value) # we have removed all possible values for the option # and added picked value definition for the cur version and platform controls.append(copt) added += 1 if 'default' in copt and copt.get('type') == 'boolean': copt['default'] = self.normalize_bool(copt['default']) # Store same option content for all alt names for name in self.option_alt_names(copt['name']): self.opt_rindex[name] = (copt, tabname, grpname) else: log_debug('%s:%s.transform_opts_for()' % (_this_file, self.__class__.__name__) , 'Option "%s" skipped because of missing value\n' % opt['name']) no_value += 1 # Keep options sorted in the UI controls.sort(cmp = lambda r1, r2: cmp(r1['name'], r2['name'])) grp['controls'] = tuple(controls) groups.append(grp) new_tab_cont['groups'] = tuple(groups) new_tab_cont['position'] = pos pos += 1 tabs[tabname] = new_tab_cont self.option_set_stats = {"version": server_version, "added" : added, "skipped" : skipped, "skipped_no_value" : no_value, "deprecated" : deprecated} print "Prepared options set for server version '%s' on '%s' platform: added - %i, skipped - %i, skipped with no value - %i, deprecated - %i" % (server_version, platform, added, skipped, no_value, deprecated) return tabs #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def option_alt_names(self, name): names = [name.replace('-', '_'), name.replace('_', '-')] if name not in names: names.insert(0, name) return names #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_option_def(self, name): # self.opt_rindex stores dict of the following format: -> (opt_def, tabname, groupname) odef = None option = self.opt_rindex.get(name) # We're fine with alt names as all were stored if option is not None: odef = option[0] return odef #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_option_location(self, name): # self.opt_rindex stores dict of the following format: -> (opt_def, tabname, groupname) # We are fine here with alias names as opt_rindex has all possible names return (self.opt_rindex.get(name, (None, None, None)))[1:] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_options_containing(self, fragment): # We are fine here with alias names as opt_rindex has all possible names return [name for name in self.opt_rindex.keys() if fragment in name] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def normalize_bool(self, value): ret = False if type(value) == bool: ret = value else: if value and (type(value) is str or type(value) is unicode): value = value.lower() if value == 'checked' or value == "on" or value == "true" or value == "1": ret = True elif value == 'unchecked' or value == "off" or value == "false" or value == "" or value == "0": ret = False return ret #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_option_type_and_default(self, name): option_def = self.get_option_def(name) # Safe to ignore alt names rindex has all option_type = None option_default = None if option_def is not None: if 'type' in option_def: option_type = option_def['type'] if option_type: option_type = option_type.lower() if 'default' in option_def: option_default = option_def['default'] if option_default and type(option_default) is not bool: option_default = option_default.lower() if option_type == 'boolean': option_default = self.normalize_bool(option_default) return (option_type, option_default) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def open_configuration_file(self, file_name): self.file_name = file_name self.needs_root_for_file_read = False try: open(file_name) except IOError, error: if error.errno == errno.EACCES: self.needs_root_for_file_read = True except: pass content = [] exception = None try: content = self.read_mysql_cfg_file(file_name) except IOError,e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: exception = e else: Utilities.show_warning("Read Configuration File", "Configuration file '%s' can not be found. New file will be created on apply of changes."%file_name, "OK", "", "") self.parse_file_contents(content) if exception: raise e #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def read_mysql_cfg_file(self, file_name): # read_mysql_cfg_file fetches file in case of remote file log_debug('%s:%s.read_mysql_cfg_file()' % (_this_file, self.__class__.__name__), 'Reading config file "%s"\n' % file_name) content = None if not self.needs_root_for_file_read: try: log_debug('%s:%s.read_mysql_cfg_file()' % (_this_file, self.__class__.__name__), 'Trying to read without sudo\n') content = self.ctrl_be.server_helper.get_file_content(file_name, as_user=Users.CURRENT, user_password=None) log_debug('%s:%s.read_mysql_cfg_file()' % (_this_file, self.__class__.__name__), '%i bytes read from file\n' % len(content or []) ) except PermissionDeniedError, e: log_debug('%s:%s.read_mysql_cfg_file()' % (_this_file, self.__class__.__name__), 'Permissin denied, sudo needed to read config file: "%r"\n' % e) self.needs_root_for_file_read = True if self.needs_root_for_file_read: log_debug('%s:%s.read_mysql_cfg_file()' % (_this_file, self.__class__.__name__), 'Trying to read with sudo\n') user_password = self.ctrl_be.password_handler.get_password_for("file") if user_password is not None: as_user = Users.ADMIN try: log_debug('%s:%s.read_mysql_cfg_file()' % (_this_file, self.__class__.__name__), 'Reading...\n') content = self.ctrl_be.server_helper.get_file_content(file_name, as_user, user_password) except InvalidPasswordError, err: log_debug('%s:%s.read_mysql_cfg_file()' % (_this_file, self.__class__.__name__), 'Invalid password error: "%r"\n' % err) self.ctrl_be.password_handler.reset_password_for("file") raise err log_debug('%s:%s.read_mysql_cfg_file()' % (_this_file, self.__class__.__name__), 'Config file read\n') # break up the contents into lines if content: return [line.rstrip("\r\n") for line in content.split("\n")] else: return [] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def save_config_file(self, user_modified_file_content): if not user_modified_file_content: user_modified_file_content = "" # convert line endings for windows if self.server_profile.target_is_windows: user_modified_file_content = "\r\n".join(user_modified_file_content.split("\n")) helper = self.ctrl_be.server_helper # split the path for / and \\ directory, filename = splitpath(self.file_name) try: helper.check_dir_writable(directory) password = None except Exception: password = self.ctrl_be.password_handler.get_password_for("file") try: helper.set_file_content_and_backup(self.file_name, user_modified_file_content, ".wba.bak", password is not None, password) except InvalidPasswordError, err: self.ctrl_be.password_handler.reset_password_for("file") raise err # read back the saved file data = self.read_mysql_cfg_file(self.file_name) self.parse_file_contents(data) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # unused code #def process_include_directive(self, opt_ln_with_include): # #we can have either # tokens = opt_ln_with_include.split(" ") # directive = tokens[0].lower() # tail = " ".join(tokens[1:]) # if directive == "!include": # self.parse_file(tail) # elif directive == "!includedir": # files = os.listdir(tail) # for file in files: # if file[-4:] == ".cnf" or file[-4:] == ".ini": # self.parse_file(os.path.join(tail,file)) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def parse_file_contents(self, file_data = None): # Reset changes which could be made to the previously loaded config self.changeset = {} if type(file_data) is list or type(file_data) is tuple: self.file_lines = file_data else: raise Exception("Internal error. File data passed is not in expected format. This is a bug, we would greatly appreciate if you file a bug report at http://bugs.mysql.com.") filter_by_section = self.server_profile.config_file_section if not filter_by_section: filter_by_section = "mysqld" log_debug('%s:%s.parse_file_contents()' % (_this_file, self.__class__.__name__), 'Parsing options only from section "%s"\n' % filter_by_section) self.sections = [] if self.file_name is not None: cur_file_original_opts = {} current_section = "" for i,line in enumerate(self.file_lines): sline = line.strip(" \r\n\t") # Skip empty and commented out lines if len(sline) > 0 and ((sline[0] is not '#') and (sline[0] is not ';')): # Got section start line if sline[0] == '[': current_section = sline.strip("[]") # Add sections as we go, having list of section names and its start lines # we can compute section lines range to add config values later self.sections.append((i, current_section)) elif sline.lower().find("!include") == 0: # Currently we skip include and includedir directives pass else: # Split line into option name and option value opt = sline.split("=") if current_section == filter_by_section: option_name = opt[0].strip(" \t") option = None # Get existing option. We handle all options as multiline. # TODO: If we ever have an indicator what options can be multiline # we can issue warnings about duplicated option values # until that moment all duplicated options will be displayed as # multiline if option_name in cur_file_original_opts: option = cur_file_original_opts[option_name] else: option = Option(current_section) cur_file_original_opts[option_name] = option # i is a line number at which the option is in the cfg file # Form option tuple of form (section, line, value) # At this stage we do not validate options against supported set. # Some sort of validation is performed when loading options to UI, # unsupported options will not be displayed and they are left # unaltered in the file. if len(opt) > 1: option.append(i, (" ".join(opt[1:])).strip(" \t")) else: option.append(i, True) if "skip" in option_name: odef = self.get_option_def(option_name[5:]) if odef and odef.get('disabledby') == option_name: option = Option(current_section, i, 'disabledby') cur_file_original_opts[option_name[5:]] = option cur_file_original_opts[option_name] = option self.original_opts = cur_file_original_opts self.sections = sorted(self.sections, lambda x,y: cmp(x[0], y[0])) section = self.server_profile.config_file_section # Sets a default section in case it is empty if section == "": section = "mysqld" # Check if the wanted section is in the file, if not, add it if self.server_profile.admin_enabled and not any(_section == section for _line, _section in self.sections): Utilities.show_warning("Read Configuration File", "Configuration file did not contain section [%s], so a new one was added.\nIf that is not correct, please fix the section name in the Server Instance Editor and reopen the administrator."%section, "OK", "", "") #if len(self.sections) == 0 and len(self.file_lines) == 0: self.sections.append((len(self.file_lines), section)) self.file_lines.append("[" + section + "]\n") #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is called from ui when option addition is detected. def option_added(self, name, value, section): log_debug('%s:%s.option_added()' % (_this_file, self.__class__.__name__), 'Adding option: "%s", "%r", "%s"\n' % (name, value, section) ) if value is None: value = True if section is None: section = self.server_profile.config_file_section odef = self.get_option_def(name) option_type = odef.get('type') orig_opt = self.original_opts.get(name) disabledby = odef.get('disabledby') if option_type == 'boolean': option_default = odef.get('default') log_debug3('%s:%s.option_added()' % (_this_file, self.__class__.__name__), 'adding boolean option "%s" with value = "%r", default = "%r", orig_opt = "%s", disabledby = "%r", definition = "%s"\n' % (name, value, option_default, orig_opt, disabledby, odef) ) if disabledby is not None: if disabledby in self.original_opts: ci = WbAdminConfigFileBE.ChangesetItem(DELETE, section, name, None) ci.orig_opt = self.original_opts[disabledby] self.changeset[name] = ci log_debug3('%s:%s.option_added()' % (_this_file, self.__class__.__name__), 'added delete ci for "%s"\n' % name) if orig_opt is None: if name in self.changeset: del self.changeset[name] log_debug3('%s:%s.option_added()' % (_this_file, self.__class__.__name__), 'Removing existing changeset for "%s"\n' % name) if option_default != True: #on_value = odef.get('on') #if on_value == 'name': #on_value = None #ci = WbAdminConfigFileBE.ChangesetItem(ADD, section, name, (None if on_value == 'name' else on_value, )) ci = WbAdminConfigFileBE.ChangesetItem(ADD, section, name, (None,)) log_debug3('%s:%s.option_added()' % (_this_file, self.__class__.__name__), 'Adding ci=ADD for "%s" with value "%s"\n' % (name, str(ci.value)) ) self.changeset[name] = ci else: orig_opt_value = self.normalize_bool(orig_opt.val(0)) if orig_opt_value == False: #on_value = odef.get('on') #ci = WbAdminConfigFileBE.ChangesetItem(CHANGE, section, name, (None if on_value == 'name' else on_value, )) ci = WbAdminConfigFileBE.ChangesetItem(CHANGE, section, name, (None,)) ci.orig_opt = orig_opt self.changeset[name] = ci else: # We may have user unclicked and clicked an existing option, so that # results in unneeded DELETE, ADD sequence of actions. So first we check # if the option being added was not previously deleted if name in self.changeset: existing_ci = self.changeset[name] if existing_ci.section == section: if existing_ci.mod == DELETE: del self.changeset[name] else: ci = WbAdminConfigFileBE.ChangesetItem(ADD, section, name, value) if self.original_opts.has_key(name) and self.original_opts[name].section == section: opt = self.original_opts[name] ci.mod = CHANGE ci.orig_opt = opt self.changeset[name] = ci #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def option_removed(self, name, section): log_debug('%s:%s.option_removed()' % (_this_file, self.__class__.__name__), 'opt removed "%s"\n' % name) # Get option default value to detect special actions to take if option is # bool and its default is true. That means that we must not remove option # from the config file, but rather change it to = FALSE #(option_type, option_default) = self.get_option_type_and_default(name) eci = self.changeset.get(name) if eci and eci.mod == ADD: del self.changeset[name] return odef = self.get_option_def(name) option_type = odef.get('type') if option_type == 'boolean': disabledby = odef.get('disabledby') option_default = odef.get('default') ci = None orig_opt = self.original_opts.get(name) off_value = odef.get("off") log_debug3('%s:%s.option_removed()' % (_this_file, self.__class__.__name__), 'removing "%s", orig_opt = "%s", off_value = "%r", odef = "%s"\n' % (name, orig_opt, off_value, odef) ) if orig_opt is None: if off_value == 'disabledby': if disabledby is None: print "Error, option definition does not have disbledby" else: if disabledby not in self.original_opts: ci = WbAdminConfigFileBE.ChangesetItem(ADD, section, disabledby, None) self.changeset[disabledby] = ci else: if option_default == True: ci = WbAdminConfigFileBE.ChangesetItem(ADD, section, name, off_value) self.changeset[name] = ci else: print "got orig opt" orig_value = orig_opt.val(0) if off_value == 'disabledby': if disabledby is None: print "Error, option definition does not have disbledby" else: ci = WbAdminConfigFileBE.ChangesetItem(DELETE, section, name, "") ci.orig_opt = self.original_opts.get(name) self.changeset[name] = ci if disabledby not in self.original_opts: ci = WbAdminConfigFileBE.ChangesetItem(ADD, section, disabledby, None) self.changeset[disabledby] = ci elif off_value == 'del': ci = WbAdminConfigFileBE.ChangesetItem(DELETE, section, name, "") ci.orig_opt = self.original_opts.get(name) self.changeset[name] = ci else: if option_default != True: ci = WbAdminConfigFileBE.ChangesetItem(DELETE, section, name, off_value) else: ci = WbAdminConfigFileBE.ChangesetItem(CHANGE, section, name, off_value) ci.orig_opt = self.original_opts.get(name) self.changeset[name] = ci #print self.changeset else: if self.original_opts.has_key(name): value = "" ci = WbAdminConfigFileBE.ChangesetItem(DELETE, section, name, value) ci.orig_opt = self.original_opts[name] self.changeset[name] = ci else: # Here we handle a situation when boolean option has default value = true and is not present in config file # In this case option is ticked in the ui, so user unticking it must result in adding # = FALSE to the config file. if self.changeset.has_key(name): ci = self.changeset[name] if ci.section == section: del self.changeset[name] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def option_changed(self, name, value, section): log_debug('%s:%s.option_changed()' % (_this_file, self.__class__.__name__), 'Option changed: "%s", "%r"\n' % (name, value) ) if type(value) is not tuple: print "Warning setting option", name, "from non-tuple value", value # If we have change for the option recorded in the changeset, we simply overwrite # changed value with a new one, otherwise we add a new value to changeset if self.original_opts.has_key(name): opt = self.original_opts[name] ci = WbAdminConfigFileBE.ChangesetItem(CHANGE, section, name, value) ci.orig_opt = opt self.changeset[name] = ci else: self.changeset[name] = WbAdminConfigFileBE.ChangesetItem(ADD, section, name, value) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_options(self, section): options = [] for (name, opt) in self.original_opts.iteritems(): if opt.section == section: if self.changeset.has_key(name): options.append((name, self.changeset[name].value)) else: odef = self.get_option_def(name) if odef is not None and odef.get('type') == 'boolean': ovalue = str(opt) if ovalue == 'disabledby': ovalue = "0" options.append((name, ovalue)) else: options.append((name, str(opt))) return options #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_sections(self): return [x[1] for x in self.sections] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_section_line_nr_range(self, section_name): ret = [-1,-1] sections_nr = len(self.sections) - 1 for i,sec in enumerate(self.sections): if sec[1] == section_name: ret[0] = sec[0] if i < sections_nr: ret[1] = self.sections[i + 1][0] - 1 else: ret[1] = len(self.file_lines) return ret #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def validate_changes(self, options): option_types = {} for item in options.itervalues(): for group in item["groups"]: for control in group["controls"]: option_types[control["name"]] = control["type"] errors = "" for change in self.changeset.itervalues(): otype = option_types.get(change.name) if not otype: continue if change.mod in (CHANGE, ADD): if otype == "filename": if change.value == "": errors += "Option '%s' is blank, but should be a path\n" % change.name return errors #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def apply_changes(self): if self.file_name is None: return # Build sections map. self.sections holds tuples of form (section_name, section first line number) # self.sections is sorted by line numbers # This map of sections is needed to sort changeset items. We sort them in the following order: # CHANGE first as it does not require line to be added or deleted. Next is REMOVE action. REMOVE action # is replacement of the line in file with and empty one. And the last goes ADD action. As we need to # calculate line number to insert we need to insert from bottom to top, so we need an additional sort # criteria - sections order. That means that when sorting two ADD actions the first action in the sorted changelist # will be the one which is in the lower section sections_map = dict([(x[1],self.get_section_line_nr_range(x[1])) for x in self.sections]) def map_bool(v): rv = v if type(v) is bool: rv = int(v) return rv def sort_fn(x,y): r = cmp(x.mod,y.mod) if x.mod == ADD and r == 0: r = cmp(sections_map[y.section][0], sections_map[x.section][0]) return r change = sorted(self.changeset.itervalues(), sort_fn) second_pass_changes = [] # Now we have sorted items (CHANGE, DEL, ADD). This is the order we will apply changes file_lines = copy.deepcopy(self.file_lines) for c in change: (option_type, option_default) = self.get_option_type_and_default(c.name) # Walk values and change boolean to 0/1 if type(c.value) is list or type(c.value) is tuple: c.value = map(map_bool, c.value) else: c.value = map_bool(c.value) if c.mod == CHANGE: log_debug('%s:%s.apply_changes()' % (_this_file, self.__class__.__name__), 'Applying change "%r"\n' % c) # Here comes the hard part orig_values_len = len(c.orig_opt) modified_values_len = len(c.value) # First we apply changes of multiple options, so we walk the least common part of both lists # say we have 3 orignal options and 4 modified, so we will apply changes to the first three # and ADD a new one after that for i in range(min(orig_values_len, modified_values_len)): # Orig opt is list of tupples with a format of (linenr, old_value) line_nr = c.orig_opt.line(i) log_debug2('%s:%s.apply_changes()' % (_this_file, self.__class__.__name__), 'line_nr "%r", "%r"\n' % (line_nr, c.orig_opt) ) rvalue = "\n" if (c.value[i] is not None): rvalue = " = " + str(c.value[i]) + "\n" file_lines[line_nr] = c.name + rvalue # Below are two branches which schedule items for second pass. At the current - first # pass we can not change line number via adding or removing lines if orig_values_len < modified_values_len: # Add options here for i in range(orig_values_len, modified_values_len): ci = WbAdminConfigFileBE.ChangesetItem(ADD, c.section, c.name, c.value[i]) second_pass_changes.append(ci) elif orig_values_len > modified_values_len: #Remove options here for i in range(modified_values_len, orig_values_len): file_lines[c.orig_opt.line(i)] = "" ci = WbAdminConfigFileBE.ChangesetItem(DELETE, c.section, c.name, c.orig_opt.val(i)) second_pass_changes.append(ci) elif c.mod == DELETE: # In c.orig_opt[1] we have a line number for single-lien options, or a string 'Multiple' for multi-line ones for line, value in c.orig_opt: if option_type == 'boolean' and option_default == True: file_lines[line] = c.name + " = 0\n" else: file_lines[line] = "" elif c.mod == ADD: lines_range = sections_map.get(c.section) if lines_range[1] >= 0: if type(c.value) is list or type(c.value) is tuple: lineno = lines_range[1] for v in c.value: if v is not None: file_lines.insert(lineno, c.name + " = " + v.strip(" ") + "\n") else: file_lines.insert(lineno, c.name + "\n") lineno += 1 else: if c.value is not None: file_lines.insert(lines_range[1], c.name + " = " + c.value + "\n") else: file_lines.insert(lines_range[1], c.name + "\n") else: print "Can't add option" # handle only addition for now, as change and delete can be done in place earlier for c in second_pass_changes: if c.mod == ADD: lines_range = sections_map[c.section] if lines_range[1] >= 0: vtype = type(c.value) if vtype is str or vtype is unicode: file_lines.insert(lines_range[1], c.name + " = " + c.value + "\n") else: file_lines.insert(lines_range[1], c.name + " = " + c.value + "\n") else: print "Can't add option" tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir() self.temp_file_name = os.path.join(tempdir, "mysql_workbench_config.temp") outf = open(self.temp_file_name, "w+b") eol = "\n" if self.server_profile.target_is_windows: eol = "\r\n" for line in file_lines: l = line.rstrip("\r\n") + eol outf.write(l) outf.close() # Prepare data for ApplyWizard self.apply_form = ApplyWizard(self, self.ctrl_be, self.server_profile) changes_for_apply = [(ci.mod, ci.section, ci.name, ci.value) for ci in change] second_pass_changes_for_apply = [(ci.mod, ci.section, ci.name, ci.value) for ci in second_pass_changes] changes_for_apply += second_pass_changes_for_apply changes_text = "" for d in difflib.unified_diff(a = self.file_lines, b = file_lines, n = 0): changes_text += d if d.endswith('\n') else d + '\n' if not changes_text: changes_text = "There are no changes." temp_file_content = "" try: outf = open(self.temp_file_name, "r") temp_file_content = outf.read() outf.close() except BaseException, e: temp_file_content = "Can not read file " + self.temp_file_name + "\n" + str(e) self.apply_form.show(changes_text, temp_file_content, self.save_config_file) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def revert(self): try: # re-read the file data = self.read_mysql_cfg_file(self.file_name) self.parse_file_contents(data) except Exception, exc: Utilities.show_error("Could not Re-read configuration file", "An error occurred while reading %s:\n%s" % (self.file_name, exc), "OK", "", "") #=============================================================================== #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def recreate_cfg_with(ctx, lines): pass #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def init_cfg_be(ctx): cfg_be = ctx['cfg_be'] ctrl_be = ctx['ctrl_be'] settings = ctx['settings'] # This will connect to mysql server and get version server_version = ctrl_be.get_server_version() opts = None if 'opts' in ctx: opts = ctx['opts'] else: opts = __import__('opts') if opts: ctx['opts'] = opts section = settings.serverInfo['sys.config.section'] cfg_be.sections.append((0, section)) cfg_be.file_lines.append("[" + section + "]\n") #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unit_test_0(ctx): def show(self, changes_text, temp_file_content, save_config_file): save_config_file(temp_file_content) ctx['saved_show'] = ApplyWizard.show ApplyWizard.show = show ctx['cfg_be'] = WbAdminConfigFileBE(ServerProfile(ctx['settings']), ctx['ctrl_be']) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unit_test_1(ctx): name = (__name__, "Checking clean config be") msg = "" cfg_be = ctx['cfg_be'] check = len(cfg_be.get_options('mysqld')) == 0 if not check: msg = "Clean config be has non-zero number of stored options." return (name, check, msg) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unit_test_2(ctx): name = (__name__, "Checking normalize_bool") status = True msg = "" cfg_be = ctx['cfg_be'] values = ('checked', "on", "true") for v in values: nv = cfg_be.normalize_bool(v) if nv != True: msg += "Failed norm to True from '" + v + "'\n" status = False values = ('unchecked', "off", "false", "") for v in values: nv = cfg_be.normalize_bool(v) if nv != False: msg += "Failed norm to False from '" + v + "'\n" status = False cfg_be = ctx['cfg_be'] return (name, status, msg) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unit_test_3(ctx): name = (__name__, "Checking load of values from config file.") status = True msg = "" settings = ctx['settings'] cfg_be = ctx['cfg_be'] cfgfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "test-files/wb_admin_config_file_be3.cnf") settings.serverInfo['sys.config.path'] = cfgfile cfg_be.parse_file(cfgfile) test_vector = {'data':"'/usr/lib'", 'port':'3306'} for (opt, value) in cfg_be.get_options('mysqld'): if opt in test_vector: if value != test_vector[opt]: status = False del test_vector[opt] if len(test_vector) > 0: status = False msg = "Values " + ",".join(test_vector.keys()) + " were not parsed from config " + cfgfile return (name, status, msg) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unit_test_4(ctx): name = (__name__, "Working with simple options.") status = True msg = "" settings = ctx['settings'] settings.serverInfo['sys.config.path'] = cfgfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tmp/wb_admin_config_file_be4.cnf") # recreate empty config be ctx['cfg_be'] = cfg_be = WbAdminConfigFileBE(ServerProfile(ctx['settings']), ctx['ctrl_be']) cfg_be.file_name = cfgfile init_cfg_be(ctx) # closure to verify written data def verify_option(name, value, message): status = True msg = "" # Test read and parse ctx['cfg_be'] = cfg_be = WbAdminConfigFileBE(ServerProfile(ctx['settings']), ctx['ctrl_be']) init_cfg_be(ctx) cfg_be.file_name = cfgfile cfg_be.parse_file() options = dict(cfg_be.get_options('mysqld')) if not (name in options and options[name] == value): status = False msg = message return (status, msg) # 1. Adding option cfg_be.option_added('port', ('3307',), 'mysqld') cfg_be.apply_changes() (curstatus, message) = verify_option('port', '3307', "Adding option failed\n") if not curstatus: status = False msg += message # TODO: Check that section was correct # 2. Changing option cfg_be.option_changed('port', ('3308',), 'mysqld') cfg_be.apply_changes() (curstatus, message) = verify_option('port', '3308', "Changing option failed\n") if not curstatus: status = False msg += message cfg_be.option_removed('port', 'mysqld') cfg_be.apply_changes() if len(cfg_be.get_options('mysqld')) > 0: status = False msg += "Option remove failed" return (name, status, msg) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unit_test_5(ctx): name = (__name__, "Removing boolean with default true and disabledby (opt not in file)") status = True msg = "" settings = ctx['settings'] settings.serverInfo['sys.config.path'] = cfgfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tmp/wb_admin_config_file_be5.cnf") ctx['cfg_be'] = cfg_be = WbAdminConfigFileBE(ServerProfile(ctx['settings']), ctx['ctrl_be']) init_cfg_be(ctx) cfg_be.file_name = cfgfile cfg_be.parse_file() cfg_be.option_removed('partition', 'mysqld') cfg_be.apply_changes() cfg_be.parse_file() if 'skip-partition' not in cfg_be.original_opts: status = False msg += "skip-partition was not added on disable" if 'partition' not in cfg_be.original_opts: status = False msg += "partition was not added. Check parser" else: val = cfg_be.original_opts.get('partition') value = val.val(0) if value != "disabledby": status = False msg += "Broken parser. partition must have value 'disabledby' when skip-partition is used!" return (name, status, msg) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unit_test_6(ctx): name = (__name__, "Removing boolean with default true (opt not in file)") status = True msg = "" settings = ctx['settings'] settings.serverInfo['sys.config.path'] = cfgfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tmp/wb_admin_config_file_be6.cnf") ctx['cfg_be'] = cfg_be = WbAdminConfigFileBE(ServerProfile(ctx['settings']), ctx['ctrl_be']) init_cfg_be(ctx) cfg_be.file_name = cfgfile cfg_be.parse_file() cfg_be.option_removed('temp-pool', 'mysqld') cfg_be.apply_changes() cfg_be.parse_file() opt = cfg_be.original_opts.get('temp-pool') if opt is None: status = False msg += "temp-pool is not in file, or was not parsed." else: odef = cfg_be.get_option_def('temp-pool') if opt.val(0) != odef['off']: status = False msg += "Value written in file is not the same as the off value in definition. " + str(opt) + ", " + odef['off'] return (name, status, msg) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unit_test_7(ctx): name = (__name__, "Switching off boolean with default false (opt not in file)") status = True msg = "" settings = ctx['settings'] settings.serverInfo['sys.config.path'] = cfgfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tmp/wb_admin_config_file_be7.cnf") ctx['cfg_be'] = cfg_be = WbAdminConfigFileBE(ServerProfile(ctx['settings']), ctx['ctrl_be']) init_cfg_be(ctx) cfg_be.file_name = cfgfile cfg_be.parse_file() cfg_be.option_removed('core-file', 'mysqld') cfg_be.apply_changes() cfg_be.parse_file() opt = cfg_be.original_opts.get('core-file') if opt is not None: status = False msg += "Bool option with default false was added to file on turn-off" return (name, status, msg) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unit_test_8(ctx): name = (__name__, "Switching off boolean with default false (opt in file)") status = True msg = "" settings = ctx['settings'] settings.serverInfo['sys.config.path'] = cfgfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tmp/wb_admin_config_file_be8.cnf") ctx['cfg_be'] = cfg_be = WbAdminConfigFileBE(ServerProfile(ctx['settings']), ctx['ctrl_be']) init_cfg_be(ctx) cfg_be.file_name = cfgfile cfg_be.parse_file() cfg_be.option_added('core-file', ("1",), 'mysqld') content = cfg_be.apply_changes() cfg_be.parse_file() opt = cfg_be.original_opts.get('core-file') if opt is None: status = False msg += "Failed to add option for further remove test" else: if cfg_be.normalize_bool(opt.val(0)) == False: status = False msg += "Value has no on value" else: cfg_be.option_removed('core-file', 'mysqld') ci = cfg_be.changeset.get('core-file') if ci.mod != DELETE: status = False msg += "Removing opt with default = false should remove option from file" cfg_be.apply_changes() cfg_be.parse_file() if len(cfg_be.original_opts) > 0: status = False msg += "Option was not removed from file" return (name, status, msg) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unit_test_9(ctx): name = (__name__, "Removing boolean with default false and disabledby (opt in file)") status = True msg = "" settings = ctx['settings'] settings.serverInfo['sys.config.path'] = cfgfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tmp/wb_admin_config_file_be9.cnf") ctx['cfg_be'] = cfg_be = WbAdminConfigFileBE(ServerProfile(ctx['settings']), ctx['ctrl_be']) init_cfg_be(ctx) cfg_be.file_name = cfgfile cfg_be.parse_file() cfg_be.option_added('new', ('1',), 'mysqld') cfg_be.apply_changes() cfg_be.parse_file() opt = cfg_be.original_opts.get('new') if opt is None: status = False msg += "Failed to add option for further remove test" else: if cfg_be.normalize_bool(opt.val(0)) == False: status = False msg += "Value has no on value" else: cfg_be.option_removed('new', 'mysqld') ci = cfg_be.changeset.get('new') if ci.mod != DELETE: status = False msg += "Removing opt 'new' with disabledby=skip-new should remove option from file" ci = cfg_be.changeset.get('skip-new') if ci.mod != ADD: status = False msg += "Removing opt 'new' with disabledby=skip-new should add skip-new option to file" cfg_be.apply_changes() cfg_be.parse_file() new = cfg_be.original_opts.get('new') skip_new = cfg_be.original_opts.get('skip-new') if new is None: status = False msg += "new is not added to original_opts to turn off checkbox in ui" else: if new.val(0) != 'disabledby': status = False msg += "new with value = disabledby was not added to original_opts to indicate presense of skip-new" if skip_new is None: status = False msg += "skip-new is not added to original_opts after apply_changes" return (name, status, msg) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unit_test_10(ctx): name = (__name__, "Checking turn on of special skip option (skip-networking)") status = True msg = "" settings = ctx['settings'] settings.serverInfo['sys.config.path'] = cfgfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tmp/wb_admin_config_file_be10.cnf") ctx['cfg_be'] = cfg_be = WbAdminConfigFileBE(ServerProfile(ctx['settings']), ctx['ctrl_be']) init_cfg_be(ctx) cfg_be.file_name = cfgfile cfg_be.parse_file() cfg_be.option_added('skip-networking', ('1',), 'mysqld') cfg_be.apply_changes() cfg_be.parse_file() found = False for line in cfg_be.file_lines: if "skip-networking" == line.strip(" \r\t\n"): found = True break if not found: status = False msg += "skip-networking was written wrongly" return (name, status, msg) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unit_test_11(ctx): name = (__name__, "Checking turn on bool opt = false (def != false, on=name) (opt in file)") status = True msg = "" settings = ctx['settings'] settings.serverInfo['sys.config.path'] = cfgfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tmp/wb_admin_config_file_be11.cnf") f = open(cfgfile, "w") f.write("[mysqld]\n") f.write("enable-named-pipe = 0\n") f.close() ctx['cfg_be'] = cfg_be = WbAdminConfigFileBE(ServerProfile(ctx['settings']), ctx['ctrl_be']) init_cfg_be(ctx) cfg_be.file_name = cfgfile cfg_be.parse_file() cfg_be.option_added('enable-named-pipe', ("1",), 'mysqld') cfg_be.apply_changes() cfg_be.parse_file() if True != cfg_be.original_opts['enable-named-pipe'].val(0): status = False msg += "Value is not True" return (name, status, msg) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unit_test_12(ctx): name = (__name__, "Checking turn on bool opt with disabledby=skip-* (opt in file)") status = True msg = "" settings = ctx['settings'] settings.serverInfo['sys.config.path'] = cfgfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tmp/wb_admin_config_file_be12.cnf") f = open(cfgfile, "w") f.write("[mysqld]\n") f.write("skip-new\n") f.close() ctx['cfg_be'] = cfg_be = WbAdminConfigFileBE(ServerProfile(ctx['settings']), ctx['ctrl_be']) init_cfg_be(ctx) cfg_be.file_name = cfgfile cfg_be.parse_file() cfg_be.option_added('new', ("1",), 'mysqld') cfg_be.apply_changes() cfg_be.parse_file() if True != cfg_be.original_opts['new'].val(0): status = False msg += "merge is not set." return (name, status, msg) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unit_test_13(ctx): name = (__name__, "Disabling innodb") status = True msg = "" settings = ctx['settings'] settings.serverInfo['sys.config.path'] = cfgfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tmp/wb_admin_config_file_be13.cnf") f = open(cfgfile, "w") f.write("[mysqld]\n") f.close() ctrl_be = ctx['ctrl_be'] version = ctrl_be.version ctrl_be.version = (5,1,16) ctx['cfg_be'] = cfg_be = WbAdminConfigFileBE(ServerProfile(ctx['settings']), ctx['ctrl_be']) init_cfg_be(ctx) cfg_be.file_name = cfgfile cfg_be.parse_file() cfg_be.option_removed('innodb', 'mysqld') cfg_be.apply_changes() cfg_be.parse_file() if None != cfg_be.original_opts.get('innodb'): status = False msg += "innodb option appeared in file after removal" ctrl_be.version = version return (name, status, msg) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unit_test_13(ctx): name = (__name__, "Disabling innodb") status = True msg = "" settings = ctx['settings'] settings.serverInfo['sys.config.path'] = cfgfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tmp/wb_admin_config_file_be13.cnf") f = open(cfgfile, "w") f.write("[mysqld]\n") f.close() ctrl_be = ctx['ctrl_be'] version = ctrl_be.version ctrl_be.version = (5,1,16) ctx['cfg_be'] = cfg_be = WbAdminConfigFileBE(ServerProfile(ctx['settings']), ctx['ctrl_be']) init_cfg_be(ctx) cfg_be.file_name = cfgfile cfg_be.parse_file() cfg_be.option_removed('innodb', 'mysqld') cfg_be.apply_changes() cfg_be.parse_file() if None != cfg_be.original_opts.get('innodb'): status = False msg += "innodb option appeared in file after removal" ctrl_be.version = version return (name, status, msg) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unit_test_14(ctx): name = (__name__, "Disabling innodb. File has bool innodb, WBA uses enum innodb") status = True msg = "" settings = ctx['settings'] settings.serverInfo['sys.config.path'] = cfgfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "tmp/wb_admin_config_file_be14.cnf") f = open(cfgfile, "w") f.write("[mysqld]\ninnodb\n") f.close() ctrl_be = ctx['ctrl_be'] version = ctrl_be.version ctrl_be.version = (5,4,2) ctx['cfg_be'] = cfg_be = WbAdminConfigFileBE(ServerProfile(ctx['settings']), ctx['ctrl_be']) init_cfg_be(ctx) cfg_be.file_name = cfgfile cfg_be.parse_file() cfg_be.option_changed('innodb', ('OFF',), 'mysqld') cfg_be.apply_changes() cfg_be.parse_file() innodb = cfg_be.original_opts.get('innodb') print cfg_be.original_opts if None == innodb: status = False msg += "innodb option disappeared after change" else: if 'OFF' != innodb.val(0): status = False msg += "innodb option was not changed to OFF" ctrl_be.version = version return (name, status, msg) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def unit_test_10000(ctx): ApplyWizard.show = ctx['saved_show'] if 'cfg_be' in ctx: del ctx['cfg_be']