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gfd&d'edgfd(d)edgfd*d+edgfd,d-edgfd.d/egfd0d1edgfd2d3edgfd4d5edgfd6d7edgfd8d9edgfd:d;egfd<d=edgfd>d?edgfd@dAedgfdBdCedgfdDdEedFgfdGdHedFgfdIdJedFgfdKdLedFdgfdMdNedFdgfdOdPedFgfdQdRedFdgfdSdTedFdgfdUdVedgfdWdXedgfdYdZegfd[dZedgfd\d]egfd^d_edgfd`daedgfdbdcedgfdddeedgfdfdgedgfdhdiedgfdjdkedgfdldmedgfdndoedgfdpdqedgfdrdsedgfdtduedgfdvdwedgfdxdyedgfdzd{edgfd|d}edgfd~dedgfddedgfddedgfddedgfddedgfddedgfddegfddegfddegfddegfddegfddegfddegfgZdS(taudit_log_buffer_sizes The size of the audit log buffertaudit_log_filesThe name of the audit log filetaudit_log_flushs#Close and reopen the audit log filetaudit_log_policysThe audit logging policytaudit_log_rotate_on_sizes5Close and reopen the audit log file at a certain sizetaudit_log_strategysThe audit logging strategytbinlog_row_imagesbUse full or minimal images when logging row changes. Allowed values are full, minimal, and noblob.t rand_seed1s2Used to support replication of the RAND() functiont rand_seed2tslave_exec_modesAllows for switching between idempotent mode (key and some other errors suppressed) and strict mode; strict mode is the default, except for MySQL Cluster, where idempotent is always usedsReplication/Slavetauto_increment_increments4AUTO_INCREMENT columns are incremented by this valuesGeneral/GeneralsReplication/Mastertauto_increment_offsets&Offset added to AUTO_INCREMENT columnst autocommitsSets the autocommit modesGeneral/Transactionstautomatic_sp_privilegess3Creating and dropping stored procedures alters ACLstbackup_elevations5Enable or disable BACKUP DATABASE privilege elevationsGeneral/Backuptbackup_history_logs*Enable or disable MySQL Backup history logtbackup_history_log_files)Name of the MySQL Backup history log filetbackup_progress_logs+Enable or disable MySQL Backup progress logtbackup_progress_log_files*Name of the MySQL Backup progress log filetback_logs<The number of outstanding connection requests MySQL can havesNetworking/Generaltbackup_wait_timeoutsTNumber of seconds DDL statements wait for BACKUP DATABASE or RESTORE before abortingt backupdirs#Default backup image file directorytbasedirsPath to installation directorysGeneral/Directoriessbdb-homesBerkeley DB home directorysbdb-lock-detectsBerkeley DB lock detects bdb-logdirsBerkeley DB log file directorysbdb-shared-datas'Start Berkeley DB in multi-process modes bdb-tmpdirsBerkeley DB tempfile nametbdb_cache_sizesCThe buffer that is allocated to cache index and rows for BDB tablest bdb_max_locks>The maximum number of locks that can be active for a BDB tabletbdb_log_buffer_sizes big-tabless:Allow big result sets by saving all temporary sets on files bind-addresss"IP address or host name to bind totbinlog_checksums#Enable/disable binary log checksumstbinlog_cache_sizesXThe size of the cache to hold the SQL statements for the binary log during a transactionsLogging/Binlog Optionstbinlog_max_flush_queue_times;How long to read transactions before flushing to binary logtbinlog_order_commitss7Whether to commit in same order as writes to binary logtbinlog_stmt_cache_sizesaThe size of the cache to hold nontransactional statements for the binary log during a transactions binlog-formats&Specifies the format of the binary logt'binlog_direct_non_transactional_updatessCauses updates using statement format to nontransactional engines to be written directly to binary log. See documentation before using.tbulk_insert_buffer_sizes3Size of tree cache used in bulk insert optimizationsAdvanced/Variousscharacter-set-filesystems!Set the file system character setscharacter-set-serversSet the default character setscharacter-sets-dirs"Directory where character sets aretcharacter_set_clientsCurrent client character settcharacter_set_connections Current connection character settcharacter_set_databases.The character set used by the default databasetcharacter_set_systems<The character set used by the server for storing identifierstcharacter_set_resultssCurrent result character setscollation-serversSet the default collationtcollation_connectionsThe collation of the connectiontcollation_databases*The collation used by the default databasetcompletion_typesDefault completion typesAdvanced/Transactionstconcurrent_inserts!Use concurrent insert with MyISAMsMyISAM/Generaltconnect_timeoutsiThe number of seconds the mysqld server waits for a connect packet before responding with 'Bad handshake'sNetworking/Timeout Settingst core_files!Write core file on server crashestdaemon_memcached_enable_binlogtsOther/Memcachedt daemon_memcached_engine_lib_namesHSpecifies the shared library that implements the InnoDB memcached plugint daemon_memcached_engine_lib_pathscThe path of the directory containing the shared library that implements the InnoDB memcached plugintdaemon_memcached_optionsUSpace-separated options that are passed to the underlying memcached daemon on startuptdaemon_memcached_r_batch_sizeshSpecifies how many memcached read operations to perform before doing a COMMIT to start a new transactiontdaemon_memcached_w_batch_sizesiSpecifies how many memcached write operations to perform before doing a COMMIT to start a new transactiontdatadirsPath to the database roott date_formatsThe DATE format (unused)tdatetime_formats&The DATETIME/TIMESTAMP format (unused)t character_setsThe default character sett debug_syncs Interface to Debug Sync facilitysdefault-storage-engines2The default storage engine (table type) for tablestdefault_tmp_storage_engines<The default storage engine (table type) for TEMPORARY tablestdefault_week_formats0The default week format used by WEEK() functionssGeneral/Iternationalsdelay-key-writesType of DELAY_KEY_WRITEtdelayed_insert_limitsAfter inserting delayed_insert_limit rows, the INSERT DELAYED handler will check if there are any SELECT statements pending. If so, it allows these to execute before continuings Advanced/Insert delayed settingstdelayed_insert_timeouts^How many seconds an INSERT DELAYED thread should wait for INSERT statements before terminatingtdelayed_queue_sizesIWhat size queue (in rows) should be allocated for handling INSERT DELAYEDsdisable-gtid-unsafe-statementssPrevents execution of statements that cannot be logged in a transactionally safe manner. These include CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE inside transactions, all updates to non-transactional tables, and CREATE TABLE ... SELECT.sReplication/Generaltdisable_gtid_unsafe_statementssWhen true, execution of statements that cannot be logged in a transactionally safe manner is not allowed. Read-only; set using --disable-gtid-unsafe-statements when starting the server.tdiv_precision_incrementsIScale of the result of '/' operator will be increased by this many digitssAdvanced/Generaltend_markers_in_jsons4Whether optimizer JSON output should add end markerssengine-condition-pushdowns5Push supported query conditions to the storage engineteq_range_index_dive_limits=The cutoff for switching from index dives to index statisticst error_countsNumber of errorssevent-schedulersEnable/disable and start/stop the event scheduler. Note that this variable underwent significant changes in behavior and permitted values in MySQL 5.1.11 and 5.1.12texpire_logs_dayssIf nonzero, binary logs will be purged after expire_logs_days days; possible purges happen at startup and at binary log rotationsLogging/Advanced log optionstexplicit_defaults_for_timestamps<Whether TIMESTAMP columns are nullable and have DEFAULT NULLs General/SQLt external_usersThe external proxy usertflushs+Flush tables to disk between SQL statementst flush_timesGA dedicated thread is created to flush all tables at the given intervaltforeign_key_checkssQIf set to 1 (the default), foreign key constraints for InnoDB tables are checked.tft_boolean_syntaxs>List of operators for MATCH ... AGAINST ( ... IN BOOLEAN MODE)sMyISAM/Fulltext searchtft_max_word_lensThe maximum length of the word to be included in a FULLTEXT index. Note: FULLTEXT indexes must be rebuilt after changing this variabletft_min_word_lensThe minimum length of the word to be included in a FULLTEXT index. Note: FULLTEXT indexes must be rebuilt after changing this variabletft_query_expansion_limits1Number of best matches to use for query expansiontft_stopword_files5Use stopwords from this file instead of built-in lists general-logsEnable|disable general logtgeneral_log_files"Name of the general query log filesLogging/Generaltgroup_concat_max_lens9The maximum length of the result of function group_concatt gtid_dones3Obsolete: Replaced by gtid_executed in MySQL 5.6.9.t gtid_executedsYGlobal: All GTIDs in the binary log (global) or current transaction (session). Read-only.t gtid_losts1Obsolete: Replaced by gtid_purged in MySQL 5.6.9.s gtid-modesaON enables GTIDs; OFF disables them. UPGRADE_STEP_1 and UPGRADE_STEP_2 are currently unsupported.t gtid_modes+Shows whether GTIDs are enabled. Read-only.t gtid_nextsTSpecifies the GTID for the next statement to execute. See documentation for details.t gtid_ownedsThe set of GTIDs owned by this client (session), or by all clients, together with the thread ID of the owner (global). Read-only.t gtid_purgeds@The set of all groups that have been purged from the binary log.tidentityssThis variable is a synonym for the LAST_INSERT_ID variable. It exists for compatibility with other database systemsthostnamesThe name of the server hostthost_cache_sizesThe size of the host cachesGeneral/Memory usagesNetworking/Data / Memory sizesignore-builtin-innodbsIgnore the built-in InnoDBtignore_db_dirss.Directories treated as nondatabase directoriest init_connects4Statements that are executed for each new connections init-files-Read SQL statements from this file at startupt init_slaves>Command(s) that are executed when a slave connects to a mastertinnodb_adaptive_flushings/Control InnoDB adaptive flushing of dirty pagessInnoDB/Generaltinnodb_adaptive_flushing_lwmsbLow water mark representing percentage of redo log capacity at which adaptive flushing is enabled.tinnodb_adaptive_hash_indexs.Enable or disable InnoDB adaptive hash indexestinnodb_adaptive_max_sleep_delaysyAllows InnoDB to automatically adjust the value of innodb_thread_concurrency up or down according to the current workloadtinnodb_additional_mem_pool_sizesiSize of a memory pool InnoDB uses to store data dictionary information and other internal data structuress InnoDB/Memorytinnodb_api_bk_commit_intervals[Specifies how often to auto-commit idle connections that use the InnoDB memcached interfacetinnodb_api_disable_rowlocktinnodb_api_enable_binlogsBLets you use the InnoDB memcached plugin with the MySQL binary logtinnodb_api_enable_mdls}Locks the table used by the InnoDB memcached plugin, so that it cannot be dropped or altered by DDL through the SQL interfacetinnodb_api_trx_levels`Lets you control the transaction isolation level on queries processed by the memcached interfacetinnodb_autoextend_increments+Data file autoextend increment in megabytestinnodb_autoinc_lock_modes#Set InnoDB auto-increment lock modetinnodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mbsaIf Windows AWE is used, the size in Megabytes of InnoDB buffer pool allocated from the AWE memorysInnoDB/Buffer poolt#innodb_buffer_pool_dump_at_shutdownsSpecifies whether to record the pages cached in the InnoDB buffer pool when the MySQL server is shut down, to shorten the warmup process at the next restarttinnodb_buffer_pool_dump_nows>Immediately records the pages cached in the InnoDB buffer pooltinnodb_buffer_pool_filenamesSpecifies the file that holds the list of page numbers produced by innodb_buffer_pool_dump_at_shutdown or innodb_buffer_pool_dump_nowtinnodb_buffer_pool_load_abortsInterrupts the process of restoring InnoDB buffer pool contents triggered by innodb_buffer_pool_load_at_startup or innodb_buffer_pool_load_nowt"innodb_buffer_pool_load_at_startupsSpecifies that, on MySQL server startup, the InnoDB buffer pool is automatically "warmed up" by loading the same pages it held at an earlier timetinnodb_buffer_pool_load_nowsrImmediately "warms up" the InnoDB buffer pool by loading a set of data pages, without waiting for a server restarttinnodb_buffer_pool_instancess?Specifies how many parts the InnoDB buffer pool is divided intotinnodb_buffer_pool_sizesQThe size of the memory buffer InnoDB uses to cache data and indexes of its tablestinnodb_change_buffer_max_sizes_Maximum size for the InnoDB change buffer, as a percentage of the total size of the buffer pooltinnodb_change_bufferings)Whether InnoDB performs insert buffering.tinnodb_checksum_algorithmseSpecifies how to generate and verify the checksum stored in each disk block of each InnoDB tablespacetinnodb_checksumss"Enable InnoDB checksums validationtinnodb_cmp_per_index_enabledseEnables per-index compression-related statistics in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_CMP_PER_INDEX tabletinnodb_commit_concurrencys>Helps in performance tuning in heavily concurrent environmentst(innodb_compression_failure_threshold_pcttinnodb_compression_levelsWSpecifies the level of zlib compression to use for InnoDB compressed tables and indexestinnodb_compression_pad_pct_maxsSpecifies the maximum percentage that can be reserved within each InnoDB page for storing delta information when a compressed table or index is updatedtinnodb_concurrency_ticketssnNumber of times a thread is allowed to enter InnoDB within the same SQL query after it has once got the tickettinnodb_data_file_paths(Path to individual files and their sizessInnoDB/Datafilestinnodb_data_home_dirs'The common part for InnoDB table spacestinnodb_doublewrites Enable InnoDB doublewrite buffertinnodb_extra_dirty_writessmWhether to flush dirty buffer pages when the percentage of dirty pages is less than the maximum dirty percenttinnodb_fast_shutdowns;Speeds up the shutdown process of the InnoDB storage enginesInnoDB/Varioustinnodb_file_formats The format for new InnoDB tablestinnodb_file_format_checks:Whether InnoDB performs file format compatibility checkingtinnodb_file_format_maxs,The file format tag in the shared tablespacetinnodb_file_io_threadss$Number of file I/O threads in InnoDBtinnodb_file_per_tables<Stores each InnoDB table to an .ibd file in the database dirtinnodb_flush_log_at_timeouts$Write and flush logs every N secondstinnodb_flush_log_at_trx_commits|Set to 0 (write and flush once per second), 1 (write and flush at each commit) or 2 (write at commit, flush once per second)sInnoDB/Logfilestinnodb_flush_methodsSpecifies to flush datatinnodb_flush_neighborssoSpecifies whether flushing a page from the InnoDB buffer pool also flushes other dirty pages in the same extenttinnodb_flushing_avg_loopssNumber of iterations for which InnoDB keeps the previously calculated snapshot of the flushing state, controlling how quickly adaptive flushing responds to changing workloadstinnodb_force_load_corrupteds`Lets InnoDB load tables at startup that are marked as corrupted; use only during troubleshootingtinnodb_force_recoverysNHelps to save your data in case the disk image of the database becomes corrupttinnodb_io_capacitys<The limit on the maximum number of I/O operations per secondtinnodb_io_capacity_maxseThe limit up to which InnoDB is allowed to extend the innodb_io_capacity setting in case of emergencytinnodb_large_prefixs-Enables longer keys for column prefix indexestinnodb_lock_wait_timeoutsUTimeout in seconds an InnoDB transaction may wait for a lock before a rollback occurstinnodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlogsLForce InnoDB not to use next-key locking. Instead use only row-level lockingtinnodb_log_arch_dirs"Where full logs should be archivedtinnodb_log_archivetUnusedtinnodb_log_buffer_sizesNThe size of the buffer which InnoDB uses to write log to the log files on disktinnodb_log_compressed_pagessNSpecifies whether images of re-compressed pages are stored in InnoDB redo logstinnodb_log_file_sizes$Size of each log file in a log grouptinnodb_log_files_in_groups+Number of InnoDB log files in the log grouptinnodb_log_group_home_dirsPath to InnoDB log filestinnodb_lru_scan_depths[Influences the algorithms and heuristics for the flush operation for the InnoDB buffer pooltinnodb_max_dirty_pages_pcts/Percentage of dirty pages allowed in bufferpooltinnodb_max_dirty_pages_pct_lwmsrLow water mark representing percentage of dirty pages where preflushing is enabled to control the dirty page ratiotinnodb_max_merged_iosTThe maximum number of background I/O requests to merge to issue a larger I/O requesttinnodb_max_purge_lags8Desired maximum length of the purge queue (0 = no limit)tinnodb_max_purge_lag_delayszSpecifies the maximum delay in milliseconds for the formula calculated using the innodb_max_purge_lag configuration optiontinnodb_ft_aux_tables~Specifies which InnoDB table with a FULLTEXT index to examine by querying several innodb_ft_* tables in the information_schemasInnoDB/Fulltext searchtinnodb_ft_enable_stopwordsRDuring creation of an InnoDB FULLTEXT index, omits stopwords from the search indextinnodb_ft_num_word_optimizes[Number of words to process during each OPTIMIZE TABLE operation on an InnoDB FULLTEXT indextinnodb_ft_server_stopword_tablesSpecifies a table holding a list of stopwords for InnoDB FULLTEXT indexes, which overrides the default stopword list and can be overridden by innodb_ft_user_stopword_tabletinnodb_ft_user_stopword_tablesSpecifies a table holding a list of stopwords for InnoDB FULLTEXT indexes, which overrides the default stopword list and also innodb_ft_server_stopword_tabletinnodb_ft_max_token_sizesCMaximum length of words that are stored in an InnoDB FULLTEXT indextinnodb_ft_min_token_sizesCMinimum length of words that are stored in an InnoDB FULLTEXT indextinnodb_ft_cache_sizes`Size of the cache that holds a parsed document in memory while creating an InnoDB FULLTEXT indextinnodb_ft_sort_pll_degreesuNumber of threads used to create an InnoDB FULLTEXT index in parallel, when building a search index for a large tabletinnodb_mirrored_log_groupssANumber of identical copies of log groups to keep for the databasetinnodb_monitor_disablesMTurns off one or more counters in the information_schema.innodb_metrics tabletinnodb_monitor_enablesLTurns on one or more counters in the information_schema.innodb_metrics tabletinnodb_monitor_resetsfResets to zero the count value for one or more counters in the information_schema.innodb_metrics tabletinnodb_monitor_reset_allswResets all values (minimum, maximum, and so on) for one or more counters in the information_schema.innodb_metrics tabletinnodb_old_blocks_pcts>Percentage of the InnoDB buffer pool to reserve for old blockstinnodb_old_blocks_times]How long (in ms) blocks must remain in old end of InnoDB buffer pool before moving to new endt innodb_online_alter_log_max_sizesSpecifies an upper limit on the size of the temporary log file used during CREATE INDEX and DROP STATEMENTS statements for InnoDB tablestinnodb_open_filessCThe maximum number of files that InnoDB keeps open at the same timetinnodb_page_sizesASpecifies the page size for all InnoDB tablespaces in an instancetinnodb_print_all_deadlockssVDuring shutdown, prints information about all InnoDB deadlocks to the server error logtinnodb_purge_batch_sizesHSpecifies the number of InnoDB redo logs that trigger a purge operation.tinnodb_purge_threadssSpecifies whether the InnoDB purge operation should be performed in one or more separate threads. By default, this operation is part of the InnoDB master thread.tinnodb_random_read_aheadsAEnables the random read-ahead technique for optimizing InnoDB I/Otinnodb_read_ahead_thresholds+The sensitivity of InnoDB linear read-aheadtinnodb_read_io_threadss?The number of background I/O threads for read prefetch requeststinnodb_read_onlys#Starts the server in read-only modetinnodb_replication_delays)The slave server replication thread delaytinnodb_rollback_on_timeoutsLRoll back entire transaction on transaction timeout, not just last statementtinnodb_rollback_segmentsshDefines how many of the rollback segments in the system tablespace that InnoDB uses within a transactiontinnodb_stats_auto_recalcssCauses InnoDB to automatically recalculate persistent statistics after the data in a table is changed substantiallytinnodb_stats_methodsHSpecifies how InnoDB index statistics collection code should treat NULLstinnodb_stats_on_metadatasIEnable or disable InnoDB table statistics updates for metadata statementstinnodb_stats_persistents1Turns on the InnoDB persistent statistics featuret$innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pagessjThe number of pages to sample in each InnoDB index, when the persistent statistics feature is also enabledt#innodb_stats_transient_sample_pagess~The number of pages to sample in each InnoDB index, when the persistent statistics feature is turned off (the default setting)tinnodb_support_xas1Enable InnoDB support for the XA two-phase committinnodb_sync_array_sizesSplits an internal data structure used to coordinate threads, for higher concurrency in workloads with large numbers of waiting threadstinnodb_sync_spin_loopss+Count of spin-loop rounds in InnoDB mutexestinnodb_sort_buffer_sizesWSpecifies the size of a buffer used for sorting data during creation of an InnoDB indextinnodb_spin_wait_delays/The maximum delay between polls for a spin locktinnodb_stats_sample_pagessEThe number of index pages to sample for index distribution statisticstinnodb_strict_modesMWhether InnoDB returns errors rather than warnings for exceptional conditionstinnodb_table_lockss$Enable InnoDB locking in LOCK TABLEStinnodb_thread_concurrencysdSets the maximum number of threads allowed inside InnoDB. Value 0 will disable the thread throttlingt%innodb_thread_concurrency_timer_basedsBWhether to use the lock-free method of handling thread concurrencytinnodb_thread_sleep_delaystTime, in microseconds, that an InnoDB thread sleeps before joining InnoDB queue. Value 0 disables the sleep behaviortinnodb_undo_directorysThe relative or absolute directory path where InnoDB creates separate tablespaces for the undo logs; typically used to place those logs on a different storage devicetinnodb_undo_logssDefines how many of the rollback segments in the system tablespace that InnoDB uses within a transaction; replaces the innodb_rollback_segments settingtinnodb_undo_tablespacessbThe number of undo logs to place in each tablespace created by a non-zero innodb_undo_logs settingt'innodb_use_legacy_cardinality_algorithmsDWhether to use legacy InnoDB index cardinality calculation algorithmtinnodb_use_native_aios=Specifies whether to use the Linux asynchronous I/O subsystemtinnodb_use_sys_mallocs6Whether InnoDB uses the OS or its own memory allocatortinnodb_versionsThe version of InnoDBtinnodb_write_io_threadssZThe number of background I/O threads for writing dirty pages from the buffer cache to diskt insert_idspSet the value to be used by the following INSERT or ALTER TABLE statement when inserting an AUTO_INCREMENT valuetinteractive_timeoutsbThe number of seconds the server waits for activity on an interactive connection before closing ittjoin_buffer_sizes2The size of the buffer that is used for full joinstjoin_cache_levelsHow join buffers are usedtkeep_files_on_createsGDo not overwrite existing .MYD/.MYI files in default database directorytkey_buffer_sizes>The size of the buffer used for index blocks for MyISAM tablestkey_cache_age_thresholdsThis characterizes the number of hits a hot block has to be untouched until it is considered aged enough to be downgraded to a warm block. This specifies the percentage ratio of that number of hits to the total number of blocks in key cachetkey_cache_block_sizes$The default size of key cache blockstkey_cache_division_limits2The minimum percentage of warm blocks in key cachetlanguagesDClient error messages in given language. May be given as a full paths large-pagessEnable support for large pagestlarge_page_sizes;The size of memory pages when large page support is enabledtlarge_files_supports!Whether large files are supportedtlast_insert_ids$The most recent AUTO_INCREMENT values lc-messagessThe locale for error messagesslc-messages-dirs.The directory where error messages are locatedt lc_time_namessIThe locale that controls the language used to display day and month namest local_infiles:Whether LOCAL is supported for LOAD DATA INFILE statementstlock_wait_timeoutsTimeout for metadata lockstlogs#Log connections and queries to fileslog-backup-outputsThe destination for MySQL Backup history and progress log output. Syntax: log-backup-output[=value[,value...]], where "value" could be TABLE, FILE, or NONEslog-binsEnables binary logtlog_bins!Whether the binary log is enabledtlog_bin_basenames7Complete path to the binary log, including the filenameslog-bin-trust-function-creatorssIf equal to 0 (the default), then when --log-bin is used, creation of a stored function is allowed only to users having the SUPER privilege and only if the function created does not break binary loggingslog-bin-trust-routine-creatorss0(deprecated) Use log-bin-trust-function-creatorsslog-bin-use-v1-row-eventss4Use version 1 binary log row events (MySQL Cluster).tlog_bin_use_v1_row_eventssNShows whether server is using version 1 binary log row events (MySQL Cluster).s log-errorsError log files log-outputs?The destination for general query log and slow query log outputslog-queries-not-using-indexess^Log queries that are executed without benefit of any index to the slow query log if it is opent&log_throttle_queries_not_using_indexessZThrottle write rate to slow log for queries not using indexes slow query log if it is openslog-slave-updatess`This option tells the slave to log the updates performed by its SQL thread to its own binary logslog-slow-queriessWhether to log slow queries. Logging defaults to hostname-slow.log file. Must be enabled to activate other slow query log optionss log-warningss-Log some noncritical warnings to the log filetlong_query_timesTLog all queries that have taken more than long_query_time seconds to execute to filesLogging/Slow query log optionsslow-priority-updatess4INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE has lower priority than selectstlower_case_table_namessIf set to 1, table names are stored in lowercase on disk and table names will be case insensitive. Should be set to 2 if you are using a case-insensitive file system.sGeneral/Systemtmaster_info_repositorys~Whether to write master status information and replication I/O thread location in the master's binary logs to a file or table.tmaster_verify_checksums/Cause master to read checksums from binary log.tmax_allowed_packets0Max packet length to send to/receive from servertmax_binlog_cache_sizesRCan be used to restrict the total size used to cache a multi-statement transactiontmax_binlog_sizesIBinary log will be rotated automatically when the size exceeds this valuetmax_binlog_stmt_cache_sizesiCan be used to restrict the total size used to cache all nontransactional statements during a transactiontmax_connect_errorssbNumber of interrupted connections from a host before this host is blocked from further connectionssNetworking/Advancedtmax_connectionss*The number of simultaneous clients allowedtmax_delayed_threadssDon't start more than this number of threads to handle INSERT DELAYED statements. If set to zero, which means INSERT DELAYED is not usedtmax_error_counts6Max number of errors/warnings to store for a statementtmax_heap_table_sizes4Don't allow creation of heap tables bigger than thistmax_insert_delayed_threadss2This variable is a synonym for max_delayed_threadst max_join_sizesUJoins that are probably going to read more than max_join_size records return an errortmax_length_for_sort_datas%Max number of bytes in sorted recordstmax_long_data_sizesFMax size of parameter values that mysql_stmt_send_long_data() can sendtmax_prepared_stmt_counts3Maximum number of prepared statements in the servertmax_relay_log_sizesTIf nonzero, relay log will be rotated automatically when the size exceeds this valuesReplication/Relay Logtmax_seeks_for_keysELimit assumed max number of seeks when looking up rows based on a keytmax_sort_lengths3The number of bytes to use when sorting data valuestmax_sp_recursion_depths(Maximum stored procedure recursion depthtmax_user_connectionssIThe maximum number of active connections for a single user (0 = no limit)tmax_write_lock_countsDAfter this many write locks, allow some read locks to run in betweentmemlocks!Lock the mysqld process in memorytmetadata_locks_cache_sizes Size of the metadata locks cachetmetadata_locks_hash_instancessNumber of metadata lock hashestlocked_in_memorys"Whether mysqld is locked in memorytlicensesType of license for the serversmin-examined-row-limitsQQueries examining fewer than this number of rows are not logged to slow query logtmyisam_recover_optionss(The value of the --myisam-recover optiontmulti_range_countsTThe maximum number of ranges to send to a table handler at once during range selectstmyisam_data_pointer_sizes1Default pointer size to be used for MyISAM tablessMyISAM/Advanced Settingstmyisam_max_extra_sort_file_sizesDeprecated optiontmyisam_max_sort_file_sizeseDon't use the fast sort index method to create index if the temporary file would get bigger than thistmyisam_mmap_sizesOThe maximum amount of memory to use for memory mapping compressed MyISAM files.tmyisam_repair_threadss^Number of threads to use when repairing MyISAM tables. The value of 1 disables parallel repairtmyisam_sort_buffer_sizesThe buffer that is allocated when sorting the index when doing a REPAIR or when creating indexes with CREATE INDEX or ALTER TABLEtmyisam_stats_methodsHSpecifies how MyISAM index statistics collection code should treat NULLstmyisam_use_mmaps8Use memory mapping for reading and writing MyISAM tablestndb_optimization_delayshSets the number of milliseconds to wait between processing sets of rows by OPTIMIZE TABLE on NDB tables.tndb_table_temporarys`NDB tables are not persistent on disk: no schema files are created and the tables are not loggedtndb_table_no_loggingsNDB tables created when this setting is enabled are not checkpointed to disk (although table schema files are created). The setting in effect when the table is created with or altered to use NDBCLUSTER persists for the lifetime of the table.tndb_autoincrement_prefetch_szs NDB auto-increment prefetch sizes Other/NDBsndb-batch-sizes6The size (in bytes) to use for NDB transaction batchessndb-blob-read-batch-bytessWSpecifies the size in bytes that large BLOB reads should be batched into. 0 = no limit.sndb-blob-write-batch-bytessXSpecifies the size in bytes that large BLOB writes should be batched into. 0 = no limit.tndb_cache_check_times\The number of milliseconds between checks of cluster SQL nodes made by the MySQL query cachesndb-cluster-connection-pools6The number of connections to the cluster used by MySQLtndb_use_copying_alter_tables3Use copying ALTER TABLE operations in MySQL Clustertndb_join_pushdowns+Enables pushing down of joins to data nodestndb_extra_loggingsiControls logging of MySQL Cluster schema, connection, and data distribution events in the MySQL error logtndb_force_sendsOForces sending of buffers to NDB immediately, without waiting for other threadstndb_use_exact_counts)Use exact row count when planning queriessndb-log-apply-statussCause a MySQL server acting as a slave to log mysql.ndb_apply_status updates received from its immediate master in its own binary log, using its own server ID. Effective only if the server is started with the --ndbcluster option.t ndb_log_binsjWrite updates to NDB tables in the binary log. Effective only if binary logging is enabled with --log-bin.tndb_log_binlog_indexsInsert mapping between epochs and binary log positions into the ndb_binlog_index table. Defaults to ON. Effective only if binary logging is enabled on the server.t ndb_log_origsDLog originating server id and epoch in mysql.ndb_binlog_index table.sndb-log-transaction-idsNWrite NDB transaction IDs in the binary log. Requires --log-bin-v1-events=OFF.tndb_log_transaction_idsIWhether NDB transaction IDs are written into the binary log. (Read-only.)tndb_log_updated_onlys,Log complete rows (ON) or updates only (OFF)sndb-log-update-as-writesNToggles logging of updates on the master between updates (OFF) and writes (ON)sndb-log-empty-epochssWhen enabled, causes epochs in which there were no changes to be written to the ndb_apply_status and ndb_binlog_index tables, even when --log-slave-updates is enabled.tndb_log_empty_epochssWhen enabled, epochs in which there were no changes are written to the ndb_apply_status and ndb_binlog_index tables, even when log_slave_updates is enabled.sndb-wait-connectedsTime (in seconds) for the MySQL server to wait for connection to cluster management and data nodes before accepting MySQL client connections.sndb-wait-setupsPTime (in seconds) for the MySQL server to wait for NDB engine setup to complete.tndbinfo_databases:The name used for the NDB information database; read only.tndbinfo_max_bytessUsed for debugging only.tndbinfo_max_rowstndbinfo_show_hiddensUWhether to show ndbinfo internal base tables in the mysql client. The default is OFF.tndbinfo_table_prefixsNThe prefix to use for naming ndbinfo internal base tables. Defaults to 'ndb$'.tndbinfo_versions-The version of the ndbinfo engine; read only.tnet_buffer_lengths1Buffer length for TCP/IP and socket communicationtnet_read_timeoutsRNumber of seconds to wait for more data from a connection before aborting the readtnet_retry_counts^Number of times to retry an interrupted read or write on a communication port before giving uptnet_write_timeouts]Number of seconds to wait for a block to be written to a connection before aborting the writetnews)Use very new, possibly 'unsafe' functionssold-alter-tables!Use old, nonoptimized alter tablet old_passwordss"Type of password encryption methodsSecurity/Authenticationsopen-files-limitseIf this is not 0, then mysqld will use this value to reserve file descriptors to use with setrlimit()toptimizer_join_cache_levelsPerformance/Optimizertoptimizer_prune_levelsControls the heuristic(s) applied during query optimization to prune less-promising partial plans from the optimizer search spacetoptimizer_search_depths8Maximum depth of search performed by the query optimizertoptimizer_switchs.Enable control over which optimizations to usetoptimizer_tracesControl optimizer tracingtoptimizer_trace_featurestoptimizer_trace_limittoptimizer_trace_max_mem_sizetoptimizer_trace_offsettoptimizer_use_mrrs7How the optimizer reads multiple ranges of index tuplest partitions(Enable (or disable) partitioning supportsGeneral/Featurestperformance_schemas%Whether Performance Schema is enabledsPerformance/Performance Schemat performance_schema_accounts_sizes$The number of rows in accounts tabletperformance_schema_digests_sizes8The number of rows in the statement digest summary tablet2performance_schema_events_stages_history_long_sizes0The number of rows in events_stages_history_longt-performance_schema_events_stages_history_sizes+The number of rows in events_stages_historyt6performance_schema_events_statements_history_long_sizes4The number of rows in events_statements_history_longt1performance_schema_events_statements_history_sizes/The number of rows in events_statements_historyt1performance_schema_events_waits_history_long_sizes/The number of rows in events_waits_history_longt,performance_schema_events_waits_history_sizes*The number of rows in events_waits_historytperformance_schema_hosts_sizes!The number of rows in hosts tablet#performance_schema_max_cond_classess+The maximum number of condition instrumentst%performance_schema_max_cond_instancess4The maximum number of instrumented condition objectst#performance_schema_max_file_classess&The maximum number of file instrumentst#performance_schema_max_file_handless)The maximum number of opened file objectst%performance_schema_max_file_instancess/The maximum number of instrumented file objectst$performance_schema_max_mutex_classess'The maximum number of mutex instrumentst&performance_schema_max_mutex_instancess0The maximum number of instrumented mutex objectst%performance_schema_max_rwlock_classess(The maximum number of rwlock instrumentst'performance_schema_max_rwlock_instancess1The maximum number of instrumented rwlock objectst$performance_schema_max_stage_classess'The maximum number of stage instrumentst%performance_schema_max_socket_classess(The maximum number of socket instrumentst'performance_schema_max_socket_instancess1The maximum number of instrumented socket objectst(performance_schema_max_statement_classess+The maximum number of statement instrumentst$performance_schema_max_table_handless*The maximum number of opened table objectst&performance_schema_max_table_instancess0The maximum number of instrumented table objectst%performance_schema_max_thread_classess(The maximum number of thread instrumentst'performance_schema_max_thread_instancess1The maximum number of instrumented thread objectst-performance_schema_session_connect_attrs_sizes>The size of the connection attribute strings buffer per threadt$performance_schema_setup_actors_sizes"The number of rows in setup_actorst%performance_schema_setup_objects_sizes#The number of rows in setup_objectstperformance_schema_users_sizes!The number of rows in users tablespid-files#Process ID file used by mysqld_safet plugin_dirsDirectory for pluginstports!Port number to use for connectiontpreload_buffer_sizes@The size of the buffer that is allocated when preloading indexest profilings%Enable or disable statement profilingtprofiling_history_sizes9How many statements to maintain profiling information forsPerformance/Generalt proxy_users+The user proxied by the external proxy usertpseudo_thread_idsFor internal server usetquery_alloc_block_sizes5Allocation block size for query parsing and executiontquery_cache_limits-Don't cache results that are bigger than thissPerformance/Query cachetquery_cache_min_res_unitsvMinimal size of unit in which space for results is allocated (last unit will be trimmed after writing all result data)tquery_cache_sizes6The memory allocated to store results from old queriestquery_cache_typesQuery cache typetquery_cache_wlock_invalidates3Invalidate queries in query cache on LOCK for writetquery_prealloc_sizes1Persistent buffer for query parsing and executiontrange_alloc_block_sizes<Allocation block size for storing ranges during optimizationtread_buffer_sizesrEach thread that does a sequential scan for a MyISAM table allocates a buffer of this size for each table it scanst read_onlys&Make all nontemporary tables read onlysSecurity/Securitytread_rnd_buffer_sizesWhen reading rows from a MyISAM table in sorted order after a sort, the rows are read through this buffer to avoid a disk seeks. If not set, then it is set to the value of record_buffer.t record_buffersAlias for read_buffer_sizes relay-logs0The location and base name to use for relay logstrelay_log_basenames6Complete path to the relay log, including the filenamesrelay-log-indexsRThe location and name to use for the file that keeps a list of the last relay logstrelay_log_info_filesQThe name of the file in which the slave records information about the relay logs.trelay_log_info_repositorys^Whether to write the replication SQL thread's location in the relay logs to a file or a table.trelay_log_indexs%The name of the relay log index file.trelay_log_purges(Determines whether relay logs are purgedtrelay_log_recoverysOWhether automatic recovery of relay log files from master at startup is enabledtrelay_log_space_limits'Maximum space to use for all relay logss report-hostsSHost name or IP of the slave to be reported to the master during slave registrationsreport-passwordsAn arbitrary password that the slave server should report to the master. Not the same as the password for the MySQL replication user accounts report-portsMPort for connecting to slave reported to the master during slave registrations report-usersAn arbitrary user name that a slave server should report to the master. Not the same as the name used with the MySQL replication user account.trestore_disables_eventss(Whether RESTORE disables restored eventstrestore_elevations-Enable or disable RESTORE privilege elevationtrestore_prechecks<Whether RESTORE performs privilege checking before restoringtrpl_recovery_ranks#Not used; removed in later versionstrpl_semi_sync_master_enableds8Whether semisynchronous replication is enabled on mastert'rpl_semi_sync_master_reply_log_file_poss Internal usetrpl_semi_sync_master_timeouts7Number of milliseconds to wait for slave acknowledgmentt rpl_semi_sync_master_trace_levels?The semisynchronous replication debug trace level on the mastert"rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_no_slaves4Whether master waits for timeout even with no slavestrpl_semi_sync_slave_enableds7Whether semisynchronous replication is enabled on slavetrpl_semi_sync_slave_trace_levels>The semisynchronous replication debug trace level on the slavessafe-show-databases3Deprecated option; use GRANT SHOW DATABASES insteads secure-authsFDisallow authentication for accounts that have old (pre-4.1) passwordsssecure-backup-file-privs@Limit BACKUP DATABASE and RESTORE to files in a single directoryssecure-file-privsYLimit LOAD_FILE(), LOAD DATA, and SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE to files in specified directorys server-idsUniquely identifies the server instance in the community of replication partners. Must be set to a value greater than 0 to enable replication.sserver-id-bitssSets the number of least significant bits in the server_id actually used for identifying the server, permitting NDB API applications to store application data in the most significant bits. server_id must be less than 2 to the power of this value.t server_uuidsLThe server's globally unique ID, automatically (re)generated at server startt sha256_password_private_key_paths.The SHA2 password plugin private key path nametsha256_password_public_key_paths-The SHA2 password plugin public key path namesskip-external-lockingsSkip system (external) lockingsskip-name-resolves?Don't resolve host names. All host names are IPs or 'localhost'sskip-networkings"Don't allow connection with TCP/IPsskip-show-databases%Do not allow SHOW DATABASE statementssskip-sync-bdb-logss$Disables synchronous BDB log flushestslave_allow_batchings8Turns update batching on and off for a replication slavesslave-load-tmpdirsiThe location where the slave should put its temporary files when replicating a LOAD DATA INFILE statementsslave-skip-errorsscTells the slave thread to continue replication when a query returns an error from the provided listtslave_checkpoint_groupsMaximum number of transactions processed by a multi-threaded slave before a checkpoint operation is called to update progress status.tslave_checkpoint_periodsrUpdate progress status of multi-threaded slave and flush relay log info to disk after this number of milliseconds.tslave_compressed_protocols(Use compression on master/slave protocoltslave_max_allowed_packetsxMaximum size, in bytes, of a packet that can be sent from a replication master to a slave; overrides max_allowed_packet.sslave-net-timeouts_Number of seconds to wait for more data from a master/slave connection before aborting the readtslave_parallel_workersssNumber of worker threads for executing events in parallel. Set to 0 (the default) to disable slave multi-threading.tslave_pending_jobs_size_maxsCMaximum size of slave worker queues holding events not yet applied.tslave_rows_search_algorithmssDetermines search algorithms used for slave update batching. Any 2 or 3 from the list INDEX_SEARCH, TABLE_SCAN, HASH_SCAN; the default is TABLE_SCAN,INDEX_SCAN.tslave_sql_verify_checksums=Cause slave to examine checksums when reading from relay log.tslave_transaction_retriessNumber of times the slave SQL thread will retry a transaction in case it failed with a deadlock or elapsed lock wait timeout, before giving up and stoppingtslave_type_conversionssControls type conversion mode on replication slave. Value is a list of zero or more elements from the list: ALL_LOSSY, ALL_NON_LOSSY. Set to an empty string to disallow type conversions between master and slave.sslow-query-logsEnable|disable slow query logtslow_query_log_filesName of the slow query log filetslow_launch_timesuIf creating the thread takes longer than this value (in seconds), the Slow_launch_threads counter will be incrementeds!Advanced/Thread specific settingstsockets!Socket file to use for connectiontsort_buffer_sizesCEach thread that needs to do a sort allocates a buffer of this sizessql-modesSet the SQL server modetsql_auto_is_nullsIf set to 1, you can find the last inserted row for a table that contains an AUTO_INCREMENT column by using the following construct: WHERE auto_increment_column IS NULLtsql_big_selectss_If set to 0, MySQL aborts SELECT statements that are likely to take a very long time to executetsql_big_tabless8This variable is deprecated, and is mapped to big_tablestsql_buffer_results2Forces the result to be put into a temporary tablet sql_log_binsToggle binary loggingt sql_log_offsHIf set to 1, no logging is done to the general query log for this clienttsql_log_updates9This variable is deprecated, and is mapped to SQL_LOG_BINtsql_low_priority_updatessBThis variable is deprecated, and is mapped to low_priority_updatestsql_max_join_sizes;This variable is deprecated, and is mapped to max_join_sizet sql_notess0If set to 1, warnings of Note level are recordedtsql_quote_show_createscIf set to 1 the server quotes identifiers for SHOW CREATE TABLE and SHOW CREATE DATABASE statementstsql_safe_updatessqIf set to 1, MySQL aborts UPDATE or DELETE statements that do not use a key in the WHERE clause or a LIMIT clausetsql_select_limits;The maximum number of rows to return from SELECT statementstsql_slave_skip_countersDThe number of events from the master that a slave server should skipt sql_warningsskThis variable controls whether single-row INSERT statements produce an information string if warnings occursssl-cas:The path to a file that contains a list of trusted SSL CAss ssl-capathsOThe path to a directory that contains trusted SSL CA certificates in PEM formatsssl-certs'X509 cert in PEM format (implies --ssl)s ssl-ciphers!SSL cipher to use (implies --ssl)sssl-crls=The path to a file that contains certificate revocation listss ssl-crlpathsGThe path to a directory that contains certificate revocation list filessssl-keys&X509 key in PEM format (implies --ssl)tstorage_enginesThe default storage enginetstored_program_cachesSets a "soft" upper limit for number of cached stored routines per connection. Stored procedures and stored functions are cached separately; this variable sets the size for both of these.s sync-bdb-logss8Synchronously flush Berkeley DB logs. Enabled by defaultt sync_binlogs<Synchronously flush binary log to disk after every #th eventtsync_frms/Sync .frm to disk on create. Enabled by defaulttsync_master_infos6Synchronize master.info to disk after every #th event.tsync_relay_logs4Synchronize relay log to disk after every #th event.tsync_relay_log_infos:Synchronize relay.info file to disk after every #th event.tsystem_time_zonesThe server system time zonet table_caches)The number of open tables for all threadsttable_definition_cachesKThe number of table definitions that can be stored in the definition cache.ttable_lock_wait_timeoutsCurrently unusedttable_open_cachettable_open_cache_instancess)The number of open tables cache instancest table_typesA synonym for storage_enginetthread_cache_sizes4How many threads we should keep in a cache for reusetthread_concurrencysPermits the application to give the threads system a hint for the desired number of threads that should be run at the same timetthread_handlingsThe thread-handling modeltthread_pool_sizes.The number of thread groups in the thread poolt thread_stacksThe stack size for each threadtthread_pool_algorithmsThe thread pool algorithmt$thread_pool_high_priority_connections,Whether the current session is high prioritytthread_pool_max_unused_threadss.The maximum permitted number of unused threadstthread_pool_prio_kickup_timers?How long before a statement is moved to high-priority executiontthread_pool_stall_limits1How long before a statement is defined as stalledt time_formatsThe TIME format (unused)t timed_mutexessMSpecify whether to time mutexes (only InnoDB mutexes are currently supported)t timestamps"Change the value returned by NOW()ttmp_table_sizesqIf an in-memory temporary table exceeds this size, MySQL will automatically convert it to an on-disk MyISAM tablettmpdirsPath for temporary filesttransaction_alloc_block_sizesAAllocation block size for transactions to be stored in binary logttransaction_allow_batchingsNAllows batching of statements within a transaction. Disable AUTOCOMMIT to use.ttransaction_prealloc_sizes=Persistent buffer for transactions to be stored in binary logt tx_isolations'The default transaction isolation levelt tx_read_onlysDefault transaction access modet unique_checkssaIf set to 1 (the default), uniqueness checks for secondary indexes in InnoDB tables are performedtupdatable_views_with_limitszThis variable controls whether updates to a view can be made when the view does not contain all columns of the primary keyt!validate_password_dictionary_files!validate_password dictionary filesSecurity/Validate passwordtvalidate_password_lengths*validate_password required password lengtht"validate_password_mixed_case_countsCvalidate_password required number of uppercase/lowercase characterstvalidate_password_number_counts5validate_password required number of digit characterstvalidate_password_policy_numbers!validate_password password policyt$validate_password_special_char_counts7validate_password required number of special characterstversions#Output version information and exitt wait_timeoutsUThe number of seconds the server waits for activity on a connection before closing itt warning_countsThe number of warningstdebugsOutput debug logtprepared_stmt_counts)The current number of prepared statementstversion_comments[This variable contains the value of the --with-comment option specified when building MySQLtversion_compile_machines<The type of machine or architecture on which MySQL was builttversion_compile_oss5The type of operating system on which MySQL was builtsbdb-data-directsbdb-log-directt have_archives&Whether mysqld supports archive tablesthave_bdbsIs Berkeley DB supportedthave_blackhole_engines(Whether mysqld supports BLACKHOLE tablesthave_community_featuress3Whether statement profiling capability is availablet have_compresss,Availability of the zlib compression libraryt have_crypts'Availability of the crypt() system callthave_csvs"Whether mysqld supports csv tablesthave_dynamic_loadings2Whether mysqld supports dynamic loading of pluginsthave_example_engines&Whether mysqld supports EXAMPLE tablesthave_federated_engines(Whether mysqld supports FEDERATED tablest have_geometrys*Whether mysqld supports spatial data typest have_innodbs%Whether mysqld supports InnoDB tablest have_isams#Whether mysqld supports isam tablesthave_merge_engines$Whether mysqld supports merge tablesthave_ndbclustersGWhether mysqld supports NDB Cluster tables (set by --ndbcluster option)t have_openssls'Whether mysqld supports SSL connectionsthave_partitionings$Whether mysqld supports partitioningthave_partition_enginethave_profilingthave_query_caches#Whether mysqld supports query cachet have_raids'Whether mysqld supports the raid optionthave_row_based_replications0Shows whether row-based replication is supportedthave_rtree_keysseYES if RTREE indexes are available, NO if not. (These are used for spatial indexes in MyISAM tables.)thave_sslt have_symlinks Is symbolic link support enabledt named_pipes8Whether the server supports connections over named pipessndb-deferred-constraintssSpecifies that constraint checks on unique indexes (where these are supported) should be deferred until commit time. Not normally needed or used; for testing purposes only.tndb_deferred_constraintssSpecifies that constraint checks should be deferred (where these are supported). Not normally needed or used; for testing purposes only.sndb-distributionsZDefault distribution for new tables in NDBCLUSTER (KEYHASH or LINHASH, default is KEYHASH)tndb_distributiontndb_use_transactionssiForces NDB to use a count of records during SELECT COUNT(*) query planning to speed up this type of queryt shared_memorys3Whether the server allows shared-memory connectionstshared_memory_base_names>The name of shared memory to use for shared-memory connectionstinnodb_optimize_fulltext_onlysMakes the OPTIMIZE TABLE statement for an InnoDB table process the newly added, deleted, and updated token data for a FULLTEXT index, rather than reorganizing the data in the clustered index of the tabletoldsICause the server to revert to certain behaviors present in older versionstprotocol_versionsBThe version of the client/server protocol used by the MySQL servertlower_case_file_systemsMThis variable describes the case sensitivity of file names on the file systemt time_zonesThe current time zone.tfalcon_checkpoint_schedulesESets the frequency that in-memory structures are synchronized to disktfalcon_debug_maskseSets the log information written to the standard output by the Falcon engine in the event of an errortfalcon_debug_servers5Specifies whether the debug server should be enabled.tfalcon_disable_fsyncs&Disables the periodic fsync operation.tfalcon_checksumss!Enable Falcon checksum validationtfalcon_index_chill_thresholdskNumber of megabytes of pending index data that should be stored until the data is flushed to the serial logtfalcon_initial_allocations5Initial size of a Falcon tablespace file when createdtfalcon_max_transaction_backlogtfalcon_page_cache_sizesFSize of the memory cache (in bytes) for pages from the tablespace filetfalcon_page_sizesLSize of the pages (in bytes) used to store information within the tablespacetfalcon_record_chill_thresholds_Number of megabytes of pending record data stored before flushing the records to the serial logtfalcon_record_memory_maxsRMaximum amount of memory (in bytes) that will be allocated for caching record datatfalcon_record_scavenge_floorsiPercentage of falcon_record_scavenge_threshold that will be retained in the record cache after a scavenget falcon_record_scavenge_thresholdsPercentage of falcon_record_memory_max that will cause the scavenger thread to start removing old generations of records from the record cachetfalcon_scavenge_schedulesRecord scavenging thresholdtfalcon_serial_log_bufferss=Memory windows (1MB each) allocated for the Falcon serial logtfalcon_serial_log_dirs(Location for the Falcon serial log filestfalcon_use_sectorcaches1Use the sector cache for reading blocks from disktfalcon_use_supernodessUse index supernodestfalcon_use_deferred_index_hashs Use a deferred index hash lookuptfalcon_consistent_reads'Sets the repeatable read isolation modetfalcon_gopher_threadss!Sets the number of gopher threadstfalcon_io_threadss"Number of asynchronous I/O threadstfalcon_large_blob_thresholdsEBlobs smaller than this value are stored in data pages not blob pagestfalcon_lock_wait_timeoutsFNumber of seconds Falcon will force one transaction to wait on anothertfalcon_serial_log_prioritys2Set the priority for writing the Falcon serial logsmaria-block-sizes$Sets the block size for Maria tablessmaria-checkpoint-intervals/Sets the interval between automatic checkpointssmaria-log-file-sizes,Sets the size of each of the Maria log filessmaria-log-purge-types)Sets the mode for purging Maria log filessmaria-max-sort-file-sizes)The maximum size of an external sort filesmaria-page-checksums(Sets the default mode for page checksumssmaria-pagecache-age-thresholdsSets the pagecache agesmaria-pagecache-buffer-sizes-Sets the buffer size for data and index pagessmaria-pagecache-division-limits7The minimum percentage of warm blocks in the page cachesmaria-repair-threadss2Number of threads to be used when repairing tablessmaria-sort-buffer-sizes%Sets the sort buffer size for indexessmaria-stats-methods%Sets the statistics collection methodsmaria-sync-log-dirs[Controls the synchronization of the directory after a log file has been extended or createds maria-recovers3Force recovery of Maria tables without the log filetfalcon_support_xas*Enables two-phase commit for Falcon tablestAborted_connectss<The number of failed attempts to connect to the MySQL serversNetworking/StatstBinlog_cache_disk_usesUThe number of transactions that used a temporary file instead of the binary log cachetBinlogtbinlog_rows_query_log_eventssWhen TRUE, enables logging of rows query log events in row-based logging mode. FALSE by default. Do not enable when producing logs for pre-5.6.2 replication slaves or other readers.tBinlog_stmt_cache_disk_usesnThe number of nontransactional statements that used a temporary file instead of the binary log statement cachetBinlog_cache_usesCThe number of transactions that used the temporary binary log cachetBinlog_stmt_cache_usesKThe number of statements that used the temporary binary log statement cachetBytes_receiveds-The number of bytes received from all clientst Bytes_sents'The number of bytes sent to all clientstCom_admin_commandssCount of admin statementssCommands/Admint Com_alter_dbs"Count of ALTER DATABASE statementss Commands/DDLtCom_alter_db_upgradesACount of ALTER DATABASE ... UPGRADE DATA DIRECTORY NAMEstatementstCom_alter_events Count for ALTER EVENT statementstCom_alter_functions"Count of ALTER FUNCTION statementstCom_alter_procedures#Count of ALTER PROCEDURE statementstCom_alter_servers Count of ALTER SERVER statementstCom_alter_tablesCount of ALTER TABLE statementstCom_alter_tablespaces$Count of ALTER TABLESPACE statementstCom_alter_usersCount of ALTER USER statementst Com_analyzesCount of ANALYZE statementssCommands/GeneraltCom_assign_to_keycachesCount of CACHE INDEX statementst Com_backups#Count of BACKUP DATABASE statementstCom_backup_tables Count of BACKUP TABLE statementst Com_beginsCount of BEGIN statementssCommands/Transactiont Com_binlogsCount of BINLOG statementstCom_call_procedures$Number of calls to stored proceduress Commands/DMLt Com_change_dbs#Count of CHANGE DATABASE statementstCom_change_masters!Count of CHANGE MASTER statementst Com_checksCount of CHECK statementst Com_checksumsCount of CHECKSUM statementst Com_commitsCount of COMMIT statementst Com_create_dbs#Count of CREATE DATABASE statementstCom_create_events Count of CREATE EVENT statementstCom_create_functions#Count of CREATE FUNCTION statementstCom_create_indexs Count of CREATE INDEX statementstCom_create_procedures$Count of CREATE PROCEDURE statementstCom_create_servers!Count of CREATE SERVER statementstCom_create_tables Count of CREATE TABLE statementstCom_create_triggers"Count of CREATE TRIGGER statementstCom_create_udfs)Count of CREATE FUNCTION (UDF) statementstCom_create_viewsCount of CREATE VIEW statementstCom_dealloc_sqls&Count of DEALLOCATE PREPARE statementst Com_deletesCount of DELETE statementstCom_delete_multis)Count of multiple table DELETE statementstCom_dosCount of DO statementst Com_drop_dbs!Count of DROP DATABASE statementstCom_drop_eventsCount of DROP EVENT statementstCom_drop_functions!Count of DROP FUNCTION statementstCom_drop_indexsCount of DROP INDEX statementstCom_drop_procedures"Count of DROP PROCEDURE statementstCom_drop_serversCount of DROP SERVER statementstCom_drop_tablesCount of DROP TABLE statementstCom_drop_triggers Count of DROP TRIGGER statementst Com_drop_usersCount of DROP USER statementst Com_drop_viewsCount of DROP_VIEW statementstCom_empty_querysCount of empty statementstCom_execute_sqlsCount of EXECUTE statementst Com_flushsCount of FLUSH statementstCom_get_diagnosticss#Count of GET DIAGNOSTICS statementst Com_grantsCount of GRANT statementst Com_ha_closes!Count of HANDLER CLOSE statementst Com_ha_opens Count of HANDLER OPEN statementst Com_ha_reads Count of HANDLER READ statementstCom_helpsCount of HELP statementst Com_insertsCount of INSERT statementstCom_insert_selects!Count of INSERT SELECT statementstCom_install_plugins"Count of INSTALL PLUGIN statementstCom_killsCount of KILL statementstCom_loadsCount of LOAD statementstCom_load_master_datas$Count of LOAD MASTER DATA statementstCom_load_master_tables%Count of LOAD MASTER TABLE statementstCom_lock_tablessCount of LOCK TABLES statementst Com_optimizesCount of OPTIMIZE statementstCom_preload_keyss Count of PRELOAD KEYS statementstCom_prepare_sqlsCount of PREPARE statementst Com_purgesCount of PURGE statementstCom_purge_before_dates%Count of PURGE BEFORE DATE statementstCom_purge_bup_logs$Count of PURGE BACKUP LOG statementstCom_release_savepoints%Count of RELEASE SAVEPOINT statementstCom_rename_tables Count of RENAME TABLE statementstCom_rename_usersCount of RENAME USER statementst Com_repairsCount of REPAIR statementst Com_replacesCount of REPLACE statementstCom_replace_selects"Count of REPLACE SELECT statementst Com_resetsCount of RESET statementst Com_resignalsCount of RESIGNAL statementst Com_restores$Count of RESTORE DATABASE statementstCom_restore_tables!Count of RESTORE TABLE statementst Com_revokesCount of REVOKE statementstCom_revoke_allsCount of REVOKE ALL statementst Com_rollbacksCount of ROLLBACK statementstCom_rollback_to_savepoints)Count of ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT statementst Com_savepointsCount of SAVEPOINT statementst Com_selectsCount of SELECT statementstCom_set_optionsCount of SET OPTION statementstCom_show_authorss Count of SHOW AUTHORS statementss Commands/ShowtCom_show_binlog_eventss&Count of SHOW BINLOG EVENTS statementstCom_show_binlogss Count of SHOW BINLOGS statementstCom_show_charsetss Count of SHOW CHARSET statementstCom_show_collationss"Count of SHOW COLLATION statementstCom_show_column_typess%Count of SHOW COLUMN TYPES statementstCom_show_contributorss%Count of SHOW CONTRIBUTORS statementstCom_show_create_dbs(Count of SHOW CREATE DATABASE statementstCom_show_create_events%Count of SHOW CREATE EVENT statementstCom_show_create_funcs(Count of SHOW CREATE FUNCTION statementstCom_show_create_procs)Count of SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE statementstCom_show_create_tables%Count of SHOW CREATE TABLE statementstCom_show_create_triggers'Count of SHOW CREATE TRIGGER statementstCom_show_databasess"Count of SHOW DATABASES statementstCom_show_engine_logss$Count of SHOW ENGINE LOGS statementstCom_show_engine_mutexs%Count of SHOW ENGINE MUTEX statementstCom_show_engine_statuss&Count of SHOW ENGINE STATUS statementstCom_show_errorssCount of SHOW ERRORS statementstCom_show_eventssCount of SHOW EVENTS statementstCom_show_fieldssCount of SHOW FIELDS statementstCom_show_function_codes&Count of SHOW FUNCTION CODE statementstCom_show_function_statuss(Count of SHOW FUNCTION STATUS statementstCom_show_grantssCount of SHOW GRANTS statementst Com_show_keyssCount of SHOW KEYS statementstCom_show_master_statuss&Count of SHOW MASTER STATUS statementstCom_show_new_masters#Count of SHOW NEW MASTER statementstCom_show_open_tabless$Count of SHOW OPEN TABLES statementstCom_show_procedure_codes'Count of SHOW PROCEDURE CODE statementstCom_show_procedure_statuss)Count of SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS statementstCom_show_profiles Count of SHOW PROFILE statementstCom_show_profiless!Count of SHOW PROFILES statementstCom_show_pluginss Count of SHOW PLUGINS statementstCom_show_privilegess#Count of SHOW PRIVILEGES statementstCom_show_processlists$Count of SHOW PROCESSLIST statementstCom_show_relaylog_eventss(Count of SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS statementstCom_show_slave_hostss$Count of SHOW SLAVE HOSTS statementstCom_show_slave_statuss%Count of SHOW SLAVE STATUS statementstCom_show_statussCount of SHOW STATUS statementstCom_show_storage_enginess(Count of SHOW STORAGE ENGINES statementstCom_show_table_statuss%Count of SHOW TABLE STATUS statementstCom_show_tablessCount of SHOW TABLES statementstCom_show_triggerss!Count of SHOW TRIGGERS statementstCom_show_variabless"Count of SHOW VARIABLES statementstCom_show_warningss!Count of SHOW WARNINGS statementst Com_signalsCount of SIGNAL statementstCom_slave_startsCount of START SLAVE statementssCommands/ReplicationtCom_slave_stopsCount of STOP SLAVE statementstCom_stmt_closes#Count of STATEMENT CLOSE statementssCommands/Prepared StatementtCom_stmt_executes%Count of STATEMENT EXECUTE statementstCom_stmt_fetchs#Count of STATEMENT FETCH statementstCom_stmt_prepares%Count of STATEMENT PREPARE statementstCom_stmt_reprepares8Count of automatic repreparations of prepared statementstCom_stmt_resets#Count of STATEMENT RESET statementstCom_stmt_send_long_datas,Count of STATEMENT SEND LONG DATA statementst Com_truncatesCount of TRUNCATE statementstCom_uninstall_plugins$Count of UNINSTALL PLUGIN statementstCom_unlock_tabless!Count of UNLOCK TABLES statementst Com_updatesCount of UPDATE statementstCom_update_multis#Count of multiple UPDATE statementst Com_xa_commitsCount of XA COMMIT statementst Com_xa_endsCount of XA END statementstCom_xa_preparesCount of XA PREPARE statementstCom_xa_recoversCount of XA RECOVER statementstCom_xa_rollbacksCount of XA ROLLBACK statementst Com_xa_startsCount of XA START statementst CompressionsLWhether the client connection uses compression in the client/server protocoltGeneralt Connectionss!The number of connection attemptstConnection_errors_accepts9The number of errors calling accept on the listening portsNetworking/ErrorstConnection_errors_internals8The number of connections refused due to internal errorst!Connection_errors_max_connectionssBThe number of connections refused due to the max_connections limittConnection_errors_peer_addrsAThe number of errors searching for connection client IP addressestConnection_errors_selects>The number of errors calling select/poll on the listening porttConnection_errors_tcpwraps,The number of connections refused by libwraptCreated_tmp_disk_tablesseThe number of temporary tables on disk created automatically by the server while executing statementstCreated_tmp_filess+How many temporary files mysqld has createdtCreated_tmp_tabless,How many temporary tables mysqld has createdtDelayed_errorssLThe number of rows written with INSERT DELAYED for which some error occurredtDelayed_insert_threadss3The number of INSERT DELAYED thread handlers in usetDelayed_writess)The number of INSERT DELAYED rows writtentFlush_commandss'The number of FLUSH statements executedtHandler_commits(The number of internal COMMIT statementstHandlertHandler_deletes;The number of times that rows have been deleted from tablestHandler_discovers4The number of times that tables have been discoveredtHandler_external_locks7The number of locks started while a statement executed.tHandler_mrr_initsNThe number of times storage engine MRR implementation is used for table accesstHandler_prepares>A counter for the prepare phase of two-phase commit operationstHandler_read_firsts8The number of times the first entry in an index was readtHandler_read_keys3The number of requests to read a row based on a keytHandler_read_lasts3The number of requests to read the last index entrytHandler_read_nexts8The number of requests to read the next row in key ordertHandler_read_prevs<The number of requests to read the previous row in key ordertHandler_read_rnds>The number of requests to read a row based on a fixed positiontHandler_read_rnd_nexts<The number of requests to read the next row in the data filetHandler_rollbacksKThe number of requests for a storage engine to perform a rollback operationtHandler_savepoints@The number of requests for a storage engine to place a savepointtHandler_savepoint_rollbacksGThe number of requests for a storage engine to roll back to a savepointtHandler_updates1The number of requests to update a row in a tablet Handler_writes1The number of requests to insert a row in a tabletKey_blocks_not_flushedsaThe number of key blocks in the key cache that have changed but have not yet been flushed to disktKeycachetKey_blocks_unuseds,The number of unused blocks in the key cachetKey_blocks_useds*The number of used blocks in the key cachetKey_read_requestss9The number of requests to read a key block from the cachet Key_readss5The number of physical reads of a key block from disktKey_write_requestss8The number of requests to write a key block to the cachet Key_writess6The number of physical writes of a key block from disktLast_query_costsLThe total cost of the last compiled query as computed by the query optimizert PerformancetLast_query_partial_planssSThe number of iterations in execution plan construction for the previous statement.tMax_used_connectionss_The maximum number of connections that have been in use simultaneously since the server startedt(Ndb_api_wait_exec_complete_count_sessionswNumber of times thread has been blocked while waiting for execution of an operation to complete in this client session.t&Ndb_api_wait_exec_complete_count_slavesnNumber of times thread has been blocked while waiting for execution of an operation to complete by this slave.t Ndb_api_wait_exec_complete_countsNumber of times thread has been blocked while waiting for execution of an operation to complete by this MySQL Server (SQL node).t&Ndb_api_wait_scan_result_count_sessionseNumber of times thread has been blocked while waiting for a scan-based signal in this client session.t$Ndb_api_wait_scan_result_count_slaves\Number of times thread has been blocked while waiting for a scan-based signal by this slave.tNdb_api_wait_scan_result_countsnNumber of times thread has been blocked while waiting for a scan-based signal by this MySQL Server (SQL node).t'Ndb_api_wait_meta_request_count_sessionscNumber of times thread has been blocked waiting for a metadata-based signal in this client session.t%Ndb_api_wait_meta_request_count_slavesZNumber of times thread has been blocked waiting for a metadata-based signal by this slave.tNdb_api_wait_meta_request_countslNumber of times thread has been blocked waiting for a metadata-based signal by this MySQL Server (SQL node).t Ndb_api_wait_nanos_count_sessionsmTotal time (in nanoseconds) spent waiting for some type of signal from the data nodes in this client session.tNdb_api_wait_nanos_count_slavesdTotal time (in nanoseconds) spent waiting for some type of signal from the data nodes by this slave.tNdb_api_wait_nanos_countsvTotal time (in nanoseconds) spent waiting for some type of signal from the data nodes by this MySQL Server (SQL node).t Ndb_api_bytes_sent_count_sessionsHAmount of data (in bytes) sent to the data nodes in this client session.tNdb_api_bytes_sent_count_slaves?Amount of data (in bytes) sent to the data nodes by this slave.tNdb_api_bytes_sent_countsQAmount of data (in bytes) sent to the data nodes by this MySQL Server (SQL node).t$Ndb_api_bytes_received_count_sessionsNAmount of data (in bytes) received from the data nodes in this client session.t"Ndb_api_bytes_received_count_slavesEAmount of data (in bytes) received from the data nodes by this slave.tNdb_api_bytes_received_countsWAmount of data (in bytes) received from the data nodes by this MySQL Server (SQL node).t!Ndb_api_trans_start_count_sessions6Number of transactions started in this client session.tNdb_api_trans_start_count_slaves-Number of transactions started by this slave.tNdb_api_trans_start_counts?Number of transactions started by this MySQL Server (SQL node).t"Ndb_api_trans_commit_count_sessions8Number of transactions committed in this client session.t Ndb_api_trans_commit_count_slaves/Number of transactions committed by this slave.tNdb_api_trans_commit_countsANumber of transactions committed by this MySQL Server (SQL node).t!Ndb_api_trans_abort_count_sessions6Number of transactions aborted in this client session.tNdb_api_trans_abort_count_slaves-Number of transactions aborted by this slave.tNdb_api_trans_abort_counts?Number of transactions aborted by this MySQL Server (SQL node).t!Ndb_api_trans_close_count_sessions|Number of transactions aborted (may be greater than the sum of TransCommitCount and TransAbortCount) in this client session.tNdb_api_trans_close_count_slavessNumber of transactions aborted (may be greater than the sum of TransCommitCount and TransAbortCount) by this slave.tNdb_api_trans_close_countsNumber of transactions aborted (may be greater than the sum of TransCommitCount and TransAbortCount) by this MySQL Server (SQL node).tNdb_api_pk_op_count_sessionsKNumber of operations based on or using primary keys in this client session.tNdb_api_pk_op_count_slavesBNumber of operations based on or using primary keys by this slave.tNdb_api_pk_op_countsTNumber of operations based on or using primary keys by this MySQL Server (SQL node).tNdb_api_uk_op_count_sessionsJNumber of operations based on or using unique keys in this client session.tNdb_api_uk_op_count_slavesANumber of operations based on or using unique keys by this slave.tNdb_api_uk_op_countsSNumber of operations based on or using unique keys by this MySQL Server (SQL node).t Ndb_api_table_scan_count_sessionsiNumber of table scans that have been started, including scans of internal tables, in this client session.tNdb_api_table_scan_count_slaves`Number of table scans that have been started, including scans of internal tables, by this slave.tNdb_api_table_scan_countsrNumber of table scans that have been started, including scans of internal tables, by this MySQL Server (SQL node).t Ndb_api_range_scan_count_sessionsDNumber of range scans that have been started in this client session.tNdb_api_range_scan_count_slaves;Number of range scans that have been started by this slave.tNdb_api_range_scan_countsMNumber of range scans that have been started by this MySQL Server (SQL node).t!Ndb_api_pruned_scan_count_sessionsSNumber of scans that have been pruned to a single partition in this client session.tNdb_api_pruned_scan_count_slavesJNumber of scans that have been pruned to a single partition by this slave.tNdb_api_pruned_scan_counts\Number of scans that have been pruned to a single partition by this MySQL Server (SQL node).t Ndb_api_scan_batch_count_sessions:Number of batches of rows received in this client session.tNdb_api_scan_batch_count_slaves1Number of batches of rows received by this slave.tNdb_api_scan_batch_countsCNumber of batches of rows received by this MySQL Server (SQL node).tNdb_api_read_row_count_sessions@Total number of rows that have been read in this client session.tNdb_api_read_row_count_slaves7Total number of rows that have been read by this slave.tNdb_api_read_row_countsITotal number of rows that have been read by this MySQL Server (SQL node).t*Ndb_api_trans_local_read_row_count_sessiont(Ndb_api_trans_local_read_row_count_slavet"Ndb_api_trans_local_read_row_countt!Ndb_api_event_data_count_injectorsGNumber of row change events received by the NDB binlog injector thread.tNdb_api_event_data_countsENumber of row change events received by this MySQL Server (SQL node).t$Ndb_api_event_nondata_count_injectors[Number of events received, other than row change events, by the NDB binlog injector thread.tNdb_api_event_nondata_countsYNumber of events received, other than row change events, by this MySQL Server (SQL node).t"Ndb_api_event_bytes_count_injectorsENumber of bytes of events received by the NDB binlog injector thread.tNdb_api_event_bytes_countsCNumber of bytes of events received by this MySQL Server (SQL node).tNdb_number_of_data_nodessoIf the server is part of a MySQL Cluster, the value of this variable is the number of data nodes in the clustertNdb_conflict_fn_maxsIf the server is part of a MySQL Cluster involved in cluster replication, the value of this variable indicates the number of times that conflict resolution based on "greater timestamp wins" has been appliedtNdb_conflict_fn_oldsIf the server is part of a MySQL Cluster involved in cluster replication, the value of this variable indicates the number of times that "same timestamp wins" conflict resolution has been appliedtNdb_conflict_fn_epochs^Number of rows that have been found in conflict by the NDB$EPOCH() conflict detection functiontNdb_conflict_fn_epoch_transsdNumber of rows that have been found in conflict by the NDB$EPOCH_TRANS() conflict detection functiont%Ndb_conflict_trans_row_conflict_countsKNumber of rows found to be in conflict by a transactional conflict functiont#Ndb_conflict_trans_row_reject_countsTotal number of rows realigned after being found in conflict by a transactional conflict function. Includes Ndb_conflict_trans_row_conflict_count and any rows included in or dependent on conflicting transactions.tNdb_conflict_trans_reject_countscNumber of transactions rejected after being found in conflict by a transactional conflict function.t$Ndb_conflict_trans_detect_iter_countsThe number of internal iterations required to commit an epoch transaction. Should be (slightly) greater than or equal to Ndb_conflict_trans_conflict_commit_count.t(Ndb_conflict_trans_conflict_commit_counts[The number of epoch transactions committed after requiring transactional conflict handling.tNot_flushed_delayed_rowss?The number of rows waiting to be written in INSERT DELAY queuest Open_filess!The number of files that are opent Open_streamss=The number of streams that are open (used mainly for logging)tOpen_table_definitionss+The number of .frm files in the table cachetOpened_table_definitionss.The number of .frm files that have been cachedt Open_tabless"The number of tables that are opent Opened_filess9The number of files that have been opened using my_open()t Opened_tabless*The number of tables that have been openedtQcache_free_blockss3The number of free memory blocks in the query caches Query cachetQcache_free_memorys-The amount of free memory for the query cachet Qcache_hitssThe number of query cache hitstQcache_insertss!The number of query cache insertstQcache_lowmem_prunessdThe number of queries that were deleted from the query cache due to lack of free memory in the cachetQcache_not_cachedsbThe number of noncached queries (not cacheable, or not cached due to the query_cache_type setting)tQcache_queries_in_caches3The number of queries registered in the query cachetQcache_total_blockss-The total number of blocks in the query cachetQueriess/The number of statements executed by the servert Questionss=The number of statements that clients have sent to the servertRpl_semi_sync_master_clientss$The number of semisynchronous slavest&Rpl_semi_sync_master_net_avg_wait_times4The average time the master waited for a slave replyt"Rpl_semi_sync_master_net_wait_times2The total time the master waited for slave repliestRpl_semi_sync_master_net_waitss=The total number of times the master waited for slave repliestRpl_semi_sync_master_no_timessEThe number of times the master turned off semisynchronous replicationtRpl_semi_sync_master_no_txs3The number of commits not acknowledged successfullytRpl_semi_sync_master_statuss<Whether semisynchronous replication is operational on mastert&Rpl_semi_sync_master_timefunc_failuressAThe number of times the master failed when calling time functionst%Rpl_semi_sync_master_tx_avg_wait_times7The average time the master waited for each transactiont!Rpl_semi_sync_master_tx_wait_times1The total time the master waited for transactionstRpl_semi_sync_master_tx_waitss<The total number of times the master waited for transactionst*Rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_pos_backtraversesxThe total number of times the master waited for an event with binary coordinates lower than events waited for previouslyt"Rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_sessionss:The number of sessions currently waiting for slave repliestRpl_semi_sync_master_yes_txs/The number of commits acknowledged successfullytRpl_semi_sync_slave_statuss;Whether semisynchronous replication is operational on slavet Rpl_statuss5The status of fail-safe replication (not implemented)tSelect_full_joinsLThe number of joins that perform table scans because they do not use indexestSelect_full_range_joinsAThe number of joins that used a range search on a reference tablet Select_ranges7The number of joins that used ranges on the first tabletSelect_range_checksHThe number of joins without keys that check for key usage after each rowt Select_scans;The number of joins that did a full scan of the first tabletSlave_heartbeat_periods6The slave's replication heartbeat interval, in secondst ReplicationtSlave_last_heartbeatsIShows when the latest heartbeat signal was received, in TIMESTAMP format.tSlave_received_heartbeatssINumber of heartbeats received by a replication slave since previous resettSlave_open_temp_tablessKThe number of temporary tables that the slave SQL thread currently has opentSlave_retried_transactionssfThe total number of times since startup that the replication slave SQL thread has retried transactionst Slave_runningsIThe state of this server as a replication slave (slave I/O thread status)tSlow_launch_threadssRThe number of threads that have taken more than slow_launch_time seconds to createt Threadingt Slow_queriessGThe number of queries that have taken more than long_query_time secondstSort_merge_passess@The number of merge passes that the sort algorithm has had to dot Sort_ranges/The number of sorts that were done using rangest Sort_rowssThe number of sorted rowst Sort_scans8The number of sorts that were done by scanning the tabletSsl_accept_renegotiatess;The number of negotiates needed to establish the connectiontSSLt Ssl_acceptss&The number of accepted SSL connectionstSsl_callback_cache_hitss!The number of callback cache hitst Ssl_ciphersThe current SSL ciphertSsl_cipher_lists The list of possible SSL cipherstSsl_client_connectss>The number of SSL connection attempts to an SSL-enabled mastertSsl_connect_renegotiatessTThe number of negotiates needed to establish the connection to an SSL-enabled mastertSsl_ctx_verify_depthsRThe SSL context verification depth (how many certificates in the chain are tested)tSsl_ctx_verify_modes!The SSL context verification modetSsl_default_timeoutsThe default SSL timeouttSsl_finished_acceptss6The number of successful SSL connections to the servertSsl_finished_connectssCThe number of successful slave connections to an SSL-enabled mastertSsl_server_not_aftersSSL certificate last valid datetSsl_server_not_befores SSL certificate first valid datetSsl_session_cache_hitss$The number of SSL session cache hitstSsl_session_cache_missess&The number of SSL session cache missestSsl_session_cache_modesThe SSL session cache modetSsl_session_cache_overflowss)The number of SSL session cache overflowstSsl_session_cache_sizesThe SSL session cache sizetSsl_session_cache_timeoutss(The number of SSL session cache timeoutstSsl_sessions_reuseds3How many SSL connections were reused from the cachetSsl_used_session_cache_entriess,How many SSL session cache entries were usedtSsl_verify_depths6The verification depth for replication SSL connectionstSsl_verify_modes5The verification mode for replication SSL connectionst Ssl_versionsThe SSL version numbertTable_locks_immediates>The number of times that a table lock was acquired immediatelytTable_locks_waiteds]The number of times that a table lock could not be acquired immediately and a wait was neededtTable_open_cache_hitss0The number of hits for open tables cache lookupstTable_open_cache_missess2The number of misses for open tables cache lookupstTable_open_cache_overflowss1The number of overflows for the open tables cachetTc_log_max_pages_usedsWhen the memory-mapped implementation of the log that is used by mysqld acts as the transaction coordinator for recovery of internal XA transactions,this variable indicates the largest number of pages used for the log since the server startedtTc_log_page_sizesNThe page size used for the memory-mapped implementation of the XA recovery logtTc_log_page_waitssFor the memory-mapped implementation of the recovery log, this variable increments each time the server was not able to commit a transaction and had to wait for a free page in the logtThreads_cacheds)The number of threads in the thread cachetThreads_connecteds(The number of currently open connectionstThreads_createds3The number of threads created to handle connectionstThreads_runnings+The number of threads that are not sleepingtUptimes,The number of seconds the server has been uptUptime_since_flush_statuss8The number of seconds since the most recent FLUSH STATUStInnodb_available_undo_logssDisplays the total number of InnoDB rollback segments; different from innodb_undo_logs, which displays the number of active rollback segmentss InnoDB/StatstInnodb_buffer_pool_dump_statussDisplays the status of the buffer pool recording operation triggered by innodb_buffer_pool_dump_at_shutdown or innodb_buffer_pool_dump_nowtInnodb_buffer_pool_load_statussDisplays the status of the buffer pool warmup operation triggered by innodb_buffer_pool_load_at_startup or innodb_buffer_pool_load_nowtndb_execute_countsGProvides the number of round trips to the NDB kernel made by operationstndb_scan_countsLThe total number of scans executed by NDB since the cluster was last startedtndb_pruned_scan_countslThe number of scans executed by NDB since the cluster was last started where partition pruning could be usedtndb_pushed_readss?Number of reads executed on the data nodes by pushed-down joinstNdb_pushed_queries_definedsLNumber of joins that API nodes have attempted to push down to the data nodestNdb_pushed_queries_droppedsBNumber of joins that API nodes have tried to push down, but failedtNdb_pushed_queries_executedsGNumber of joins successfully pushed down and executed on the data nodess ndb-nodeids+MySQL Cluster node ID for this MySQL servert Performance_schema_accounts_losts/How many accounts table rows could not be addedsPerformance schematPerformance_schema_hosts_losts,How many hosts table rows could not be addedt$Performance_schema_cond_classes_losts2How many condition instruments could not be loadedt&Performance_schema_cond_instances_losts<How many condition instrument instances could not be createdt-Performance_schema_session_connect_attrs_losts:How many connection attribute strings could not be createdt$Performance_schema_file_classes_losts-How many file instruments could not be loadedt$Performance_schema_file_handles_losts6How many file instrument instances could not be openedt&Performance_schema_file_instances_losts7How many file instrument instances could not be createdtPerformance_schema_locker_losts(How many events are lost or not recordedt%Performance_schema_mutex_classes_losts.How many mutex instruments could not be loadedt'Performance_schema_mutex_instances_losts8How many mutex instrument instances could not be createdt&Performance_schema_rwlock_classes_losts/How many rwlock instruments could not be loadedt(Performance_schema_rwlock_instances_losts9How many rwlock instrument instances could not be createdt&Performance_schema_socket_classes_losts/How many socket instruments could not be loadedt(Performance_schema_socket_instances_losts9How many socket instrument instances could not be createdt%Performance_schema_stage_classes_losts.How many stage instruments could not be loadedt)Performance_schema_statement_classes_losts2How many statement instruments could not be loadedt%Performance_schema_table_handles_losts7How many table instrument instances could not be openedt'Performance_schema_table_instances_losts8How many table instrument instances could not be createdt&Performance_schema_thread_classes_losts/How many thread instruments could not be loadedt(Performance_schema_thread_instances_losts9How many thread instrument instances could not be createdtPerformance_schema_users_losts,How many users table rows could not be addedtRsa_public_keysThe RSA public key valuetAborted_clientssaThe number of connections aborted because the client died without closing the connection properlytPrepared_stmt_counttCom_create_usersCount of CREATE USER statementstInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_datas4The number of pages containing data (dirty or clean)tInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirtys#The number of pages currently dirtyt Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flusheds-The number of buffer pool page-flush requeststInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_frees$The number of buffer pool pages freet Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_latcheds1The number of latched pages in InnoDB buffer pooltInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_miscs^The number of pages that are busy because they have been allocated for administrative overheadtInnodb_buffer_pool_pages_totals+The total size of the buffer pool, in pagestInnodb_buffer_pool_read_aheads8The number of pages read by the InnoDB read-ahead threadt%Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_evicteds=The number of read-ahead pages evicted without being accessedt!Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnds4The number of random read-aheads initiated by InnoDBt!Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_seqs8The number of sequential read-aheads initiated by InnoDBt Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requestss3The number of logical read requests InnoDB has donetInnodb_buffer_pool_readssoThe number of logical reads that InnoDB could not satisfy from the buffer pool and had to do a single-page readtInnodb_buffer_pool_wait_frees.Counts number of waits for pages to be flushedt!Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requestss,The number of writes done to the buffer pooltInnodb_data_fsyncss'The number of fsync() operations so fars InnoDB/DatatInnodb_data_pending_readss#The current number of pending readstInnodb_data_pending_writessThe number of pending writestInnodb_data_reads(The amount of data read so far, in bytestInnodb_data_readssThe total number of data readstInnodb_data_pending_fsyncss0The current number of pending fsync() operationstInnodb_data_writessThe total number of data writestInnodb_data_writtens#The amount of data written in bytestInnodb_dblwr_writess=The number of doublewrite operations that have been performedtInnodb_dblwr_pages_writtens6The number of doublewrite pages that have been writtentInnodb_have_sync_atomics)Whether atomic instructions are availabletInnodb_have_atomic_builtinstInnodb_heap_enableds)Whether the InnoDB memory heap is enabledtInnodb_log_waitsstThe number of times that the log buffer was too small and a wait was required for it to be flushed before continuingtInnodb_log_write_requestss The number of log write requeststInnodb_log_writess(The number of physical writes to the logtInnodb_num_open_filess7The number of physical files currently opened by InnoDBtInnodb_os_log_fsyncss1The number of fsync() writes done to the log filetInnodb_os_log_pending_fsyncss1The number of pending log file fsync() operationstInnodb_os_log_pending_writess%The number of pending log file writestInnodb_os_log_writtens+The number of bytes written to the log filetInnodb_page_sizes The compiled-in InnoDB page sizetInnodb_pages_createdsThe number of pages createdtInnodb_pages_readsThe number of pages readtInnodb_pages_writtensThe number of pages writtentInnodb_row_lock_current_waitss2The number of row locks currently being waited fortInnodb_row_lock_times<The total time spent in acquiring row locks, in millisecondstInnodb_row_lock_time_avgs7The average time to acquire a row lock, in millisecondstInnodb_row_lock_time_maxs7The maximum time to acquire a row lock, in millisecondstInnodb_row_lock_waitss3The number of times a row lock had to be waited fortInnodb_rows_deleteds-The number of rows deleted from InnoDB tablestInnodb_rows_inserteds.The number of rows inserted into InnoDB tablestInnodb_rows_reads*The number of rows read from InnoDB tablestInnodb_rows_updateds+The number of rows updated in InnoDB tablestInnodb_truncated_status_writessZThe number of times output from the SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS statement has been truncatedtInnodb_wake_upss+The number of wakeups that should not occurtNdb_cluster_node_idskIf the server is acting as a MySQL Cluster node, then the value of this variable its node ID in the clustertNdb_config_from_hostsYThe host name or IP address of the Cluster management server. Formerly Ndb_connected_hosttNdb_config_from_portsUThe port for connecting to the Cluster management server. Formerly Ndb_connected_portt Com_show_logssCount of SHOW LOGS statementstCom_show_ndb_statuss#Count of SHOW NDB STATUS statementstCom_show_innodb_statuss&Count of SHOW INNODB STATUS statementsN(tFalsetTruetsystem_variable_listtstatus_variable_list(((s$..\modules\wb_admin_variable_list.pyts