ó õùPc@sÉdZdefd„ƒYZddddgZegZd ZxTeD]LZyeeƒZ Wne k rpqDnXes€e Znej e jƒqDWesªe de‚ne eƒZdd d „Z d S( s!Generic interface to all dbm clones. Instead of import dbm d = dbm.open(file, 'w', 0666) use import anydbm d = anydbm.open(file, 'w') The returned object is a dbhash, gdbm, dbm or dumbdbm object, dependent on the type of database being opened (determined by whichdb module) in the case of an existing dbm. If the dbm does not exist and the create or new flag ('c' or 'n') was specified, the dbm type will be determined by the availability of the modules (tested in the above order). It has the following interface (key and data are strings): d[key] = data # store data at key (may override data at # existing key) data = d[key] # retrieve data at key (raise KeyError if no # such key) del d[key] # delete data stored at key (raises KeyError # if no such key) flag = key in d # true if the key exists list = d.keys() # return a list of all existing keys (slow!) Future versions may change the order in which implementations are tested for existence, add interfaces to other dbm-like implementations. The open function has an optional second argument. This can be 'r', for read-only access, 'w', for read-write access of an existing database, 'c' for read-write access to a new or existing database, and 'n' for read-write access to a new database. The default is 'r'. Note: 'r' and 'w' fail if the database doesn't exist; 'c' creates it only if it doesn't exist; and 'n' always creates a new database. terrorcBseZRS((t__name__t __module__(((s..\python\lib\anydbm.pyR-stdbhashtgdbmtdbmtdumbdbmsno dbm clone found; tried %stri¶cCsŒddlm}||ƒ}|dkrUd|ks@d|krIt}qytd‚n$|dkrmtd‚n t|ƒ}|j|||ƒS(Niÿÿÿÿ(twhichdbtctns#need 'c' or 'n' flag to open new dbtsdb type could not be determined(RtNonet _defaultmodRt __import__topen(tfiletflagtmodeRtresulttmod((s..\python\lib\anydbm.pyRBs       N(t__doc__t ExceptionRt_namest_errorsR R t_nameRt_modt ImportErrortappendttupleR(((s..\python\lib\anydbm.pyt+s