ó õłPc@spdZddlZddlZdddgZdd„Ziad„Zdd„Zdd „Z dd „Z dS( sµCache lines from files. This is intended to read lines from modules imported -- hence if a filename is not found, it will look down the module search path for a file by that name. i’’’’Ntgetlinet clearcachet checkcachecCsEt||ƒ}d|ko,t|ƒknr=||dSdSdS(Nit(tgetlinestlen(tfilenametlinenotmodule_globalstlines((s.\lib\linecache.pyR s" cCs iadS(sClear the cache entirely.N(tcache(((s.\lib\linecache.pyRscCs)|tkrt|dSt||ƒSdS(ssGet the lines for a file from the cache. Update the cache if it doesn't contain an entry for this file already.iN(R t updatecache(RR((s.\lib\linecache.pyR!s  cCsŠ|dkrtjƒ}n|tkr3|g}ndSx’|D]Š}t|\}}}}|dkrlq>nytj|ƒ}Wntjk rŸt|=q>nX||jks¾||jkr>t|=q>q>WdS(sUDiscard cache entries that are out of date. (This is not checked upon each call!)N(tNoneR tkeystoststatterrortst_sizetst_mtime(Rt filenamestsizetmtimeR tfullnameR((s.\lib\linecache.pyR+s      c Csf|tkrt|=n| s;|jdƒr?|jdƒr?gS|}ytj|ƒ}Wnttk rĪ|}|r<d|kr<|jdƒ}|d}t|dd ƒ}|r<|r<y||ƒ}Wnt t fk rąq9X|d krńgSt |ƒd g|j ƒD]} | d^q |ft|t __loader__t__name__t get_sources itrUNi’’’’(R t startswithtendswithRRtOSErrortgettgetattrR t ImportErrortIOErrorRt splitlinestpathtisabstsystjoint TypeErrortAttributeErrorRtopent readlinesRR(RRRRtbasenametnametloaderRtdatatlinetdirnametfpR RR((s.\lib\linecache.pyR Ds\  %     - ( t__doc__R'Rt__all__R RR RRRR (((s.\lib\linecache.pyts