Pc@sdZdZdddddddd d d d d ddddgZdZddlZddlZddlZddlZdZyddl m Z Wne k rdZ nXe Z d e fdYZ de fdYZdefdYZde fdYZde fdYZdefdYZd fdYZd efd YZd efd!YZd"Zd#Zd$Ziee d%fd&6ee d'fd(6ee d)fd*6ee d+fd+6Zd,Zd-Zd.d/fZdfd0YZd1d2Z d1d3Z!ye"Wne#k rQd4Z$n Xd5Z$dfd6YZ%dfd7YZ&de&fd8YZ'd e&fd9YZ(d:Z)eZ*dS(;sA powerful, extensible, and easy-to-use option parser. By Greg Ward Originally distributed as Optik. For support, use the optik-users@lists.sourceforge.net mailing list (http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/optik-users). Simple usage example: from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename", help="write report to FILE", metavar="FILE") parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_false", dest="verbose", default=True, help="don't print status messages to stdout") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() s1.5.3tOptiont make_optiont SUPPRESS_HELPtSUPPRESS_USAGEtValuestOptionContainert OptionGroupt OptionParsert HelpFormattertIndentedHelpFormattertTitledHelpFormattert OptParseErrort OptionErrortOptionConflictErrortOptionValueErrortBadOptionErrors" Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Gregory P. Ward. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Python Software Foundation. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. iNcCsd|jjt||fS(Ns<%s at 0x%x: %s>(t __class__t__name__tid(tself((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt_reprOs(tgettextcCs|S(N((tmessage((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyR\scBseZdZdZRS(cCs ||_dS(N(tmsg(RR((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt__init__bscCs|jS(N(R(R((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt__str__es(Rt __module__RR(((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyR as cBs eZdZdZdZRS(s] Raised if an Option instance is created with invalid or inconsistent arguments. cCs||_t||_dS(N(Rtstrt option_id(RRtoption((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRos cCs(|jrd|j|jfS|jSdS(Ns option %s: %s(RR(R((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRss (RRt__doc__RR(((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyR is cBseZdZRS(sE Raised if conflicting options are added to an OptionParser. (RRR(((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyR yscBseZdZRS(sS Raised if an invalid option value is encountered on the command line. (RRR(((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyR~scBs eZdZdZdZRS(sB Raised if an invalid option is seen on the command line. cCs ||_dS(N(topt_str(RR((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRscCstd|jS(Nsno such option: %s(t_R(R((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRs(RRRRR(((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRs tAmbiguousOptionErrorcBs eZdZdZdZRS(sD Raised if an ambiguous option is seen on the command line. cCstj||||_dS(N(RRt possibilities(RRR"((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRscCs#td|jdj|jfS(Nsambiguous option: %s (%s?)s, (R RtjoinR"(R((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRs (RRRRR(((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyR!s cBseZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd ZdZdZdZRS(s Abstract base class for formatting option help. OptionParser instances should use one of the HelpFormatter subclasses for formatting help; by default IndentedHelpFormatter is used. Instance attributes: parser : OptionParser the controlling OptionParser instance indent_increment : int the number of columns to indent per nesting level max_help_position : int the maximum starting column for option help text help_position : int the calculated starting column for option help text; initially the same as the maximum width : int total number of columns for output (pass None to constructor for this value to be taken from the $COLUMNS environment variable) level : int current indentation level current_indent : int current indentation level (in columns) help_width : int number of columns available for option help text (calculated) default_tag : str text to replace with each option's default value, "%default" by default. Set to false value to disable default value expansion. option_strings : { Option : str } maps Option instances to the snippet of help text explaining the syntax of that option, e.g. "-h, --help" or "-fFILE, --file=FILE" _short_opt_fmt : str format string controlling how short options with values are printed in help text. Must be either "%s%s" ("-fFILE") or "%s %s" ("-f FILE"), because those are the two syntaxes that Optik supports. _long_opt_fmt : str similar but for long options; must be either "%s %s" ("--file FILE") or "%s=%s" ("--file=FILE"). tnonecCsd|_||_||_|_|dkrryttjd}Wntt fk rdd}nX|d8}n||_ d|_ d|_ d|_ ||_d|_i|_d|_d|_dS(NtCOLUMNSiPiis%defaults%s %ss%s=%s(tNonetparsertindent_incrementt help_positiontmax_help_positiontinttostenvirontKeyErrort ValueErrortwidthtcurrent_indenttlevelt help_widtht short_firstt default_tagtoption_stringst_short_opt_fmtt _long_opt_fmt(RR(R*R0R4((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRs$             cCs ||_dS(N(R'(RR'((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt set_parserscCs4|dkrtd|nd|d|_dS(Ntt s/invalid metavar delimiter for short options: %rs%s(R:R;(R/R7(Rtdelim((s..\python\lib\optparse.pytset_short_opt_delimiters cCs4|dkrtd|nd|d|_dS(Nt=R;s.invalid metavar delimiter for long options: %rs%s(R>R;(R/R8(RR<((s..\python\lib\optparse.pytset_long_opt_delimiters cCs%|j|j7_|jd7_dS(Ni(R1R(R2(R((s..\python\lib\optparse.pytindentscCs@|j|j8_|jdks-td|jd8_dS(NisIndent decreased below 0.i(R1R(tAssertionErrorR2(R((s..\python\lib\optparse.pytdedentscCs tddS(Nssubclasses must implement(tNotImplementedError(Rtusage((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt format_usagescCs tddS(Nssubclasses must implement(RC(Rtheading((s..\python\lib\optparse.pytformat_headingscCs9|j|j}d|j}tj||d|d|S(s Format a paragraph of free-form text for inclusion in the help output at the current indentation level. R;tinitial_indenttsubsequent_indent(R0R1ttextwraptfill(Rttextt text_widthR@((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt _format_texts   cCs|r|j|dSdSdS(Ns R:(RN(Rt description((s..\python\lib\optparse.pytformat_description scCs#|rd|j|dSdSdS(Ns R:(RN(Rtepilog((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt format_epilogscCsx|jdks|j r |jS|jjj|j}|tksP|dkr\|j}n|jj |jt |S(N( R'R&R5thelptdefaultstgettdestt NO_DEFAULTtNO_DEFAULT_VALUEtreplaceR(RRt default_value((s..\python\lib\optparse.pytexpand_defaults  c Cs6g}|j|}|j|jd}t||kr[d|jd|f}|j}nd|jd||f}d}|j||jr |j|}tj||j }|jd|d|df|j g|dD]}d|jd|f^qn |ddkr)|jdndj |S( Nis%*s%s R:s %*s%-*s iiis ( R6R)R1tlentappendRSR[RJtwrapR3textendR#( RRtresulttoptst opt_widtht indent_firstt help_textt help_linestline((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt format_option!s$     .cCs |jd}xI|jD]>}|j|}||j|}|j|}||j|invalid option string %r: must be at least two characters longit-isMinvalid short option string %r: must be of the form -x, (x any non-dash char)s--sGinvalid long option string %r: must start with --, followed by non-dash(R\R RuR]Rv(RRaRn((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRLs$   # cCsxj|jD]_}||kr:t||||||=q |dkrYt||tq t||dq W|r|j}|jtddj||ndS(NRsinvalid keyword arguments: %ss, (tATTRStsetattrRWR&tkeystsortR R#(RRtattr((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRas     cCsJ|jdkrd|_n+|j|jkrFtd|j|ndS(NRsinvalid action: %r(RR&tACTIONSR (R((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt _check_actionus cCs)|jdkrK|j|jkr%|jdk r<d|_qHd|_q%nddl}t|jtjkst|jdrt ||jj d|jkr|jj |_n|jdkrd|_n|j|j krt d|j|n|j|j kr%t d|j|ndS(NRRiRRsinvalid option type: %rs$must not supply a type for action %r(RR&RtALWAYS_TYPED_ACTIONSRt __builtin__ttypestTypeTypethasattrtgetattrRtTYPESR t TYPED_ACTIONS(RR((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt _check_type{s"  ! cCs|jdkr|jdkr0td|qt|jtjtjfkrtdtt|jjdd|qn(|jdk rtd|j|ndS(NRs/must supply a list of choices for type 'choice's1choices must be a list of strings ('%s' supplied)t'is#must not supply choices for type %r( RRR&R Rt TupleTypetListTypeRtsplit(R((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt _check_choices!/cCs}|j|jkp|jdk }|jdkry|ry|jrb|jddjdd|_qy|jdd|_ndS(NiiRR i(Rt STORE_ACTIONSRR&RVRvRYRu(RRr((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt _check_dests  #cCs>|j|jkr:|jdk r:td|j|ndS(Ns*'const' must not be supplied for action %r(Rt CONST_ACTIONSRR&R (R((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt _check_consts! cCs\|j|jkr0|jdkrXd|_qXn(|jdk rXtd|j|ndS(Nis*'nargs' must not be supplied for action %r(RRRR&R (R((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt _check_nargss cCs+|jdkrt|jds:td|j|n|jdk rzt|jtjk rztd|j|n|j dk r't|j tj k r'td|j |q'nj|jdk rtd|j|n|jdk rtd|n|j dk r'td|ndS( NRt__call__scallback not callable: %rs3callback_args, if supplied, must be a tuple: not %rs4callback_kwargs, if supplied, must be a dict: not %rs.callback supplied (%r) for non-callback options.callback_args supplied for non-callback options0callback_kwargs supplied for non-callback option( RRRR RR&RRRRtDictType(R((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt_check_callbacks0cCsdj|j|jS(Nt/(R#RuRv(R((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRscCs |jdk S(N(RR&(R((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRrscCs#|jr|jdS|jdSdS(Ni(RvRu(R((s..\python\lib\optparse.pytget_opt_strings  cCs9|jj|j}|dkr%|S||||SdS(N(t TYPE_CHECKERRURR&(RRnRR((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt check_values cCs[|dk rW|jdkr+|j||Stg|D]}|j||^q5SndS(Ni(R&RRttuple(RRnRtv((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt convert_values cCs4|j||}|j|j|j||||S(N(Rt take_actionRRV(RRnRtvaluesR'((s..\python\lib\optparse.pytprocess sc Cs|dkrt|||n|dkrAt|||jnb|dkr`t||tnC|dkrt||tn$|dkr|j|gj|n|dkr|j|gj|jn|dkrt|||j|dd n|d krJ|jpd}|jp(i}|j||||||nY|d krm|j |j n6|d kr|j |j nt d |j d S(NRRRRR]RRiiRRSRsunknown action %r((RRtTruetFalset ensure_valueR]RRRt print_helptexitt print_versionR/R( RRRVRnRRR'targstkwargs((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRs4       #       ( sstores store_consts store_trues store_falsesappends append_constscountscallbackshelpsversion(sstores store_consts store_trues store_falsesappends append_constscount(sstoresappendscallback(sstoresappend(s store_consts append_const(sstringsintslongsfloatscomplexschoiceN(#RRRRRRRRRRRRRR&RRRRRRRRRRRRRRt__repr__RrRRRRR(((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRs                 tSUPPRESStHELPtUSAGEcCst|tjtjfS(N(t isinstanceRt StringTypet UnicodeType(tx((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt isbasestring=scCs t|tS(N(Rt basestring(R((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyR@scBsheZd dZdZeZdZdZdZ dZ ddZ ddZ d Z RS( cCs:|r6x-|jD]\}}t|||qWndS(N(titemsR(RRTRR((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyREscCs t|jS(N(Rt__dict__(R((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRJscCsLt|tr"t|j|jSt|tjrDt|j|SdSdS(Ni(RRtcmpRRR(Rtother((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt__cmp__Os cCsSxLt|D]>}||kr ||}|dk rKt|||qKq q WdS(s Update the option values from an arbitrary dictionary, but only use keys from dict that already have a corresponding attribute in self. Any keys in dict without a corresponding attribute are silently ignored. N(tdirR&R(RtdictRtdval((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt_update_carefulWs    cCs|jj|dS(s Update the option values from an arbitrary dictionary, using all keys from the dictionary regardless of whether they have a corresponding attribute in self or not. N(Rtupdate(RR((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt _update_loosedscCsI|dkr|j|n)|dkr8|j|n td|dS(Ntcarefultloosesinvalid update mode: %r(RRR/(RRtmode((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt_updatels   RcCs1t|tj|}|jt||dS(N(t __import__tsystmodulesRtvars(RtmodnameRtmod((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt read_modulets  cCs'i}t|||j||dS(N(texecfileR(RtfilenameRR((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt read_fileys cCsEt|| s%t||dkr8t|||nt||S(N(RRR&R(RRR((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyR~s%N(RRR&RRRRRRRRRRR(((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRCs       cBseZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ d Z d Z d Z d Zd ZdZdZdZRS(s Abstract base class. Class attributes: standard_option_list : [Option] list of standard options that will be accepted by all instances of this parser class (intended to be overridden by subclasses). Instance attributes: option_list : [Option] the list of Option objects contained by this OptionContainer _short_opt : { string : Option } dictionary mapping short option strings, eg. "-f" or "-X", to the Option instances that implement them. If an Option has multiple short option strings, it will appears in this dictionary multiple times. [1] _long_opt : { string : Option } dictionary mapping long option strings, eg. "--file" or "--exclude", to the Option instances that implement them. Again, a given Option can occur multiple times in this dictionary. [1] defaults : { string : any } dictionary mapping option destination names to default values for each destination [1] [1] These mappings are common to (shared by) all components of the controlling OptionParser, where they are initially created. cCs1|j||_|j||j|dS(N(t_create_option_listt option_classtset_conflict_handlertset_description(RRtconflict_handlerRO((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRs   cCsi|_i|_i|_dS(N(t _short_optt _long_optRT(R((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt_create_option_mappingss  cCs(|j|_|j|_|j|_dS(N(RRRT(RR'((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt_share_option_mappingss  cCs)|dkrtd|n||_dS(Nterrortresolves$invalid conflict_resolution value %r(serrorR (R/R(Rthandler((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRs cCs ||_dS(N(RO(RRO((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRscCs|jS(N(RO(R((s..\python\lib\optparse.pytget_descriptionscCs|`|`|`dS(ssee OptionParser.destroy().N(RRRT(R((s..\python\lib\optparse.pytdestroyscCsrg}x=|jD]2}||jkr|j||j|fqqWx=|jD]2}||jkrP|j||j|fqPqPW|rn|j}|dkrtddjg|D]}|d^q|qn|dkrnx|D]z\}}|jdr"|jj ||j|=n|jj ||j|=|jpK|js|j j j |qqWqnndS(NR s conflicting option string(s): %ss, iR s--( RuRR]RvRRR R#t startswithtremovet containerRh(RRt conflict_optsRnR tcotc_option((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt_check_conflicts.!!  $    cOsDt|dtjkr.|j||}nNt|dkrs| rs|d}t|ts|td|q|n td|j||j j |||_ x|j D]}||j | (values : Values, args : [string]) Parse the command-line options found in 'args' (default: sys.argv[1:]). Any errors result in a call to 'error()', which by default prints the usage message to stderr and calls sys.exit() with an error message. On success returns a pair (values, args) where 'values' is an Values instance (with all your option values) and 'args' is the list of arguments left over after parsing options. N( R9R&R5R+R,Rt _process_argsRRR Rt check_values(RRRR+R,tstopterr((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt parse_argsRs     cCs ||fS(s check_values(values : Values, args : [string]) -> (values : Values, args : [string]) Check that the supplied option values and leftover arguments are valid. Returns the option values and leftover arguments (possibly adjusted, possibly completely new -- whatever you like). Default implementation just returns the passed-in values; subclasses may override as desired. ((RRR((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyR;ys cCsx|r|d}|dkr*|d=dS|dd!dkrP|j||q|d dkrt|dkr|j||q|jr|j||d=qdSqWdS(s_process_args(largs : [string], rargs : [string], values : Values) Process command-line arguments and populate 'values', consuming options and arguments from 'rargs'. If 'allow_interspersed_args' is false, stop at the first non-option argument. If true, accumulate any interspersed non-option arguments in 'largs'. is--NiiR(t_process_long_optR\t_process_short_optsR#R](RR,R+Rtarg((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyR:s   "   cCst||jS(s_match_long_opt(opt : string) -> string Determine which long option string 'opt' matches, ie. which one it is an unambiguous abbrevation for. Raises BadOptionError if 'opt' doesn't unambiguously match any long option string. (t _match_abbrevR(RRn((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt_match_long_optsc Cs_|jd}d|krL|jdd\}}|jd|t}n |}t}|j|}|j|}|jr|j}t ||kr|dkr|j t d|q|j t d||fqE|dkr|jd} qEt |d|!} |d|5n&|r?|j t d|nd} |j|| ||dS(NiR>is%s option requires an arguments%s option requires %d argumentss%s option does not take a value(tpopRtinsertRRRCRRrRR\R R RR&R( RR+RRARntnext_argthad_explicit_valueRRR((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyR?s0        c Cso|jd}t}d}xM|dD]A}d|}|jj|}|d7}|sgt|n|jrA|t|kr|jd||t}n|j } t|| kr| dkr|j t d|q>|j t d|| fqG| dkr!|jd} qGt |d| !} |d| 5nd} |j|| |||r&Pq&q&WdS(NiiRs%s option requires an arguments%s option requires %d arguments(RDRRRURRrR\RERRR R RR&R( RR+RRAR<titchRnRRR((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyR@s6        cCs1|jdkr&tjjtjdS|jSdS(Ni(R"R&R,tpathtbasenameRR8(R((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt get_prog_namescCs|jd|jS(Ns%prog(RYRL(Rts((s..\python\lib\optparse.pytexpand_prog_namescCs|j|jS(N(RNRO(R((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyR sicCs*|rtjj|ntj|dS(N(RtstderrtwriteR(RtstatusR((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRscCs4|jtj|jdd|j|fdS(serror(msg : string) Print a usage message incorporating 'msg' to stderr and exit. If you override this in a subclass, it should not return -- it should either exit or raise an exception. is%s: error: %s N(t print_usageRRORRL(RR((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyR "scCs-|jr%|jj|j|jSdSdS(NR:(RDRRERN(R((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt get_usage,s  cCs |jr||jIJndS(saprint_usage(file : file = stdout) Print the usage message for the current program (self.usage) to 'file' (default stdout). Any occurrence of the string "%prog" in self.usage is replaced with the name of the current program (basename of sys.argv[0]). Does nothing if self.usage is empty or not defined. N(RDRS(Rtfile((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRR3s cCs!|jr|j|jSdSdS(NR:(RRN(R((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt get_version?s cCs |jr||jIJndS(sEprint_version(file : file = stdout) Print the version message for this program (self.version) to 'file' (default stdout). As with print_usage(), any occurrence of "%prog" in self.version is replaced by the current program's name. Does nothing if self.version is empty or undefined. N(RRU(RRT((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyREs cCs|dkr|j}n|j|g}|j|jtd|j|jr|jtj |||jdnx4|j D])}|j|j ||jdqW|j dj |d S(NtOptionss R:i(R&RRqR]RGR R@RhRRRkRRBR#(RRR`Rp((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRPs      cCs|j|jS(N(RRRQ(RR((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRRascCs|dkr|j}ng}|jrA|j|jdn|jrg|j|j|dn|j|j||j|j|dj |S(Ns R:( R&RRDR]RSRORPRRRR#(RRR`((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRds    cCs+t|dd}|s'tj}n|S(Ntencoding(RR&Rtgetdefaultencoding(RRTRW((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyt _get_encodingqscCsJ|dkrtj}n|j|}|j|jj|ddS(sprint_help(file : file = stdout) Print an extended help message, listing all options and any help text provided with them, to 'file' (default stdout). RYN(R&RtstdoutRYRPRtencode(RRTRW((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRws  N(-RRRR*R&RRRR RR(R)R%R&R!R-R.R/R0R1R3R5R6R7R9R>R;R:RCR?R@RLRNR RR RSRRRURRRRRRYR(((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyR^sb?              ' 3 % *        cCs||kr|Sg|jD]}|j|r|^q}t|dkrX|dS|smt|n|jt||dS(s_match_abbrev(s : string, wordmap : {string : Option}) -> string Return the string key in 'wordmap' for which 's' is an unambiguous abbreviation. If 's' is found to be ambiguous or doesn't match any of 'words', raise BadOptionError. iiN(RRR\RRR!(RMtwordmaptwordR"((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyRBs  (+Rt __version__t__all__t __copyright__RR,RRJRRt ImportErrorR t ExceptionR R R RRR!RR R RRRRRRRRRWRRRRt NameErrorRRRRRRBR(((s..\python\lib\optparse.pyts~            {     A)