ó õùPc@s d„ZdS(ccs…|jƒ}dVd}|j|ƒ}x|jƒD]\}}}|dkrVdVn2|dkrjdVn|jdƒrq3n d|V|jd |ƒ}g|jƒD]}t|d ƒ^q¨} d }|d jg| D]} d | d^qÚƒ7}|d7}|j|i|d6ƒ} x| D]} d| dVq#Wq3Wd}|j|ƒ}x&|jƒD]\} }}d|Vq`WdVdS(s/ Returns an iterator to the dump of the database in an SQL text format. Used to produce an SQL dump of the database. Useful to save an in-memory database for later restoration. This function should not be called directly but instead called from the Connection method, iterdump(). sBEGIN TRANSACTION;s‚ SELECT name, type, sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE sql NOT NULL AND type == 'table' tsqlite_sequencesDELETE FROM sqlite_sequence;t sqlite_stat1sANALYZE sqlite_master;tsqlite_s%s;sPRAGMA table_info('%s')is*SELECT 'INSERT INTO "%(tbl_name)s" VALUES(t,s '||quote(s)||'s)' FROM '%(tbl_name)s'ttbl_nameis— SELECT name, type, sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE sql NOT NULL AND type IN ('index', 'trigger', 'view') sCOMMIT;N(tcursortexecutetfetchallt startswithtstrtjoin(t connectiontcutqt schema_rest table_namettypetsqltrest table_infot column_namestcolt query_restrowtname((s..\python\lib\sqlite3\dump.pyt _iterdumps2    ).   N(R(((s..\python\lib\sqlite3\dump.pyts