Pc@s=dZdZddddg\ZZZZdefdYZdZd Z d Z d Z d Z ZZy3d d lZd d lZxvddgD]hZyejejjeZWn qnXeedrejZ needrejZqqWd d lZejdkrfd d lZeejdjdddkrfd Z Zqfnyej j!ZWn d ZnXe"ede"edd ZWnnXdZ#dZ$dZ%d a&dZ'd a(d d dZ)dZ*dZ+d Z,ed!Z-ed"Z.ed#Z/ed$Z0d S(%s(UUID objects (universally unique identifiers) according to RFC 4122. This module provides immutable UUID objects (class UUID) and the functions uuid1(), uuid3(), uuid4(), uuid5() for generating version 1, 3, 4, and 5 UUIDs as specified in RFC 4122. If all you want is a unique ID, you should probably call uuid1() or uuid4(). Note that uuid1() may compromise privacy since it creates a UUID containing the computer's network address. uuid4() creates a random UUID. Typical usage: >>> import uuid # make a UUID based on the host ID and current time >>> uuid.uuid1() UUID('a8098c1a-f86e-11da-bd1a-00112444be1e') # make a UUID using an MD5 hash of a namespace UUID and a name >>> uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, 'python.org') UUID('6fa459ea-ee8a-3ca4-894e-db77e160355e') # make a random UUID >>> uuid.uuid4() UUID('16fd2706-8baf-433b-82eb-8c7fada847da') # make a UUID using a SHA-1 hash of a namespace UUID and a name >>> uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, 'python.org') UUID('886313e1-3b8a-5372-9b90-0c9aee199e5d') # make a UUID from a string of hex digits (braces and hyphens ignored) >>> x = uuid.UUID('{00010203-0405-0607-0809-0a0b0c0d0e0f}') # convert a UUID to a string of hex digits in standard form >>> str(x) '00010203-0405-0607-0809-0a0b0c0d0e0f' # get the raw 16 bytes of the UUID >>> x.bytes '\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\t\n\x0b\x0c\r\x0e\x0f' # make a UUID from a 16-byte string >>> uuid.UUID(bytes=x.bytes) UUID('00010203-0405-0607-0809-0a0b0c0d0e0f') sKa-Ping Yee sreserved for NCS compatibilitysspecified in RFC 4122s$reserved for Microsoft compatibilitysreserved for future definitiontUUIDcBseZdZdddddddZdZdZdZdZdZ dZ dZ e e Z d Ze eZd Ze eZd Ze eZd Ze eZd Ze eZdZe eZdZe eZdZe eZdZe eZdZ e e Z!dZ"e e"Z#dZ$e e$Z%dZ&e e&Z'dZ(e e(Z)RS(sInstances of the UUID class represent UUIDs as specified in RFC 4122. UUID objects are immutable, hashable, and usable as dictionary keys. Converting a UUID to a string with str() yields something in the form '12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc'. The UUID constructor accepts five possible forms: a similar string of hexadecimal digits, or a tuple of six integer fields (with 32-bit, 16-bit, 16-bit, 8-bit, 8-bit, and 48-bit values respectively) as an argument named 'fields', or a string of 16 bytes (with all the integer fields in big-endian order) as an argument named 'bytes', or a string of 16 bytes (with the first three fields in little-endian order) as an argument named 'bytes_le', or a single 128-bit integer as an argument named 'int'. UUIDs have these read-only attributes: bytes the UUID as a 16-byte string (containing the six integer fields in big-endian byte order) bytes_le the UUID as a 16-byte string (with time_low, time_mid, and time_hi_version in little-endian byte order) fields a tuple of the six integer fields of the UUID, which are also available as six individual attributes and two derived attributes: time_low the first 32 bits of the UUID time_mid the next 16 bits of the UUID time_hi_version the next 16 bits of the UUID clock_seq_hi_variant the next 8 bits of the UUID clock_seq_low the next 8 bits of the UUID node the last 48 bits of the UUID time the 60-bit timestamp clock_seq the 14-bit sequence number hex the UUID as a 32-character hexadecimal string int the UUID as a 128-bit integer urn the UUID as a URN as specified in RFC 4122 variant the UUID variant (one of the constants RESERVED_NCS, RFC_4122, RESERVED_MICROSOFT, or RESERVED_FUTURE) version the UUID version number (1 through 5, meaningful only when the variant is RFC_4122) c Cs|||||gjd,dkr3tdn|d,k r|jddjdd}|jdjdd}t|dkrtd nt|d }n|d,k r%t|d krtd n|d |d |d|d|d|d|d|d|d}n|d,k r{t|d krRtdntdd tt t |d }n|d,k rt|dkrtdn|\}}} } } } d|kod-knstdnd|kod.knstdnd| ko-d/knsAtdnd| koXd0knsltdnd| kod1knstdnd| kod2knstd n| d>| B} |d!>|d">B| d#>B| d>B| B}n|d,k r3d|kod3kns3td%q3n|d,k rd|koVdknsjtd&n|d5M}|d6O}|d8M}||d*>O}n||j d+|jd>B|jBS(Nll0l (RRR(R((s..\python\lib\uuid.pytget_timescCs|jd@d>|jBS(Nl?l(RR(R((s..\python\lib\uuid.pyt get_clock_seqscCs |jd@S(Nl(R(R((s..\python\lib\uuid.pytget_nodescCs d|jS(Ns%032x(R(R((s..\python\lib\uuid.pytget_hex scCsdt|S(Ns urn:uuid:(R&(R((s..\python\lib\uuid.pytget_urnscCs;|jd@stS|jd@s"tS|jd@s3tStSdS(Nil0i@i lll(Rt RESERVED_NCStRFC_4122tRESERVED_MICROSOFTtRESERVED_FUTURE(R((s..\python\lib\uuid.pyt get_variants   cCs(|jtkr$t|jd?d@SdS(NlLi(tvariantR=R(R((s..\python\lib\uuid.pyt get_versionsN(*t__name__t __module__t__doc__RRR"R$R%R'R*R+R/tpropertyRR0RR1RR2RR3RR4RR5RR6RR7ttimeR8RR9RR:RR;turnR@RARBR(((s..\python\lib\uuid.pyR5sN. N                                  c Cs ddl}xdddgD]}|jj||}|jj|sOqnyd||f}|j|z}xp|D]h} | jj} xMtt| D]9} | | |krt | || j dddSqWq{WWdQXWqt k rqqXqWdS(NiRs/sbin/s /usr/sbinsLC_ALL=C %s %s 2>/dev/nullt:i( tostpathtjointexiststpopentlowertsplitR,R RRtIOErrorR( tcommandtargsthw_identifierst get_indexRJtdirt executabletcmdtpipetlinetwordsti((s..\python\lib\uuid.pyt _find_mac&s"  2  cCsx6dD].}td|ddgd}|r|SqWdd l}|j|j}td d |gd }|r|Std ddgd}|r|Sd S(s5Get the hardware address on Unix by running ifconfig.Rs-as-avtifconfigthwaddrtethercSs|dS(Ni((R\((s..\python\lib\uuid.pytAsiNtarps-ancSsdS(Ni((R\((s..\python\lib\uuid.pyRaIstlanscans-aitlan0cSsdS(Ni((R\((s..\python\lib\uuid.pyRaNs(Rs-as-av(R]tsockett gethostbynamet gethostnameR(RStmacRetip_addr((s..\python\lib\uuid.pyt_ifconfig_getnode<s  c CsAddl}ddl}dddg}yQddl}|jd}|jjj|d|jd|jj dWnnXx|D]}zy&|j |j j |d d }Wnt k rwn\XxX|D]P}|jd djj}|jd |rt|jd ddSqWWd|jXqWdS(s<Get the hardware address on Windows by running ipconfig.exe.iNRsc:\windows\system32sc:\winnt\system32i,itmbcstipconfigs /allRIs&([0-9a-f][0-9a-f]-){5}[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]Ri(RJtretctypestcreate_string_buffertwindlltkernel32tGetSystemDirectoryAtinsertR)tdecodeRNRKRLRQRPRROtmatchRRtclose( RJRmtdirsRntbufferRVRYRZR)((s..\python\lib\uuid.pyt_ipconfig_getnodeTs(   &  !cCsddl}ddl}|j}|j|_|j|_}|j|j|dkrfdS|j x't |j D]}|j |j |_t|j||_|j|dkrqn|j |j|_t|j||_djd|_|j|_}|j|dkr9qn|j tt|j}|dd>|dd>|d d >|d d >|d d>|dSWdS(stGet the hardware address on Windows using NetBIOS calls. See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/118623 for details.iNit*il(il ililili(t win32wnettnetbiostNCBtNCBENUMtCommandt LANA_ENUMtBuffert_packtNetbiost_unpackR,tlengthtResettNCBRESETRtlanatLana_numtNCBASTATtljusttCallnametADAPTER_STATUSR tadapter_address(R{R|tncbtadaptersR\tstatusR((s..\python\lib\uuid.pyt_netbios_getnodels0         iNtuuidtctuuid_generate_randomtuuid_generate_timetdarwinit.ii tUuidCreateSequentialt UuidCreatecCs,tjd}t|td|jjS(s.Get the hardware address on Unix using ctypes.iR(RnRot_uuid_generate_timeRtrawR(t_buffer((s..\python\lib\uuid.pyt_unixdll_getnodes cCs8tjd}t|dkr4td|jjSdS(s1Get the hardware address on Windows using ctypes.iiRN(RnRot _UuidCreateRRR(R((s..\python\lib\uuid.pyt_windll_getnodescCs ddl}|jdddBS(sCGet a random node ID, with eighth bit set as suggested by RFC 4122.iNiil0ll(trandomt randrange(R((s..\python\lib\uuid.pyt_random_getnodes cCstdk rtSddl}|jdkr=tttg}n ttg}x?|t gD]0}y |aWn qWnXtdk rWtSqWWdS(s3Get the hardware address as a 48-bit positive integer. The first time this runs, it may launch a separate program, which could be quite slow. If all attempts to obtain the hardware address fail, we choose a random 48-bit number with its eighth bit set to 1 as recommended in RFC 4122. iNtwin32( t_nodeRtsystplatformRRRyRRjR(Rtgetterstgetter((s..\python\lib\uuid.pytgetnodes     c CsQtrK||kodknrKtjd}t|td|jSddl}t|jd}t|dd}tdk r|tkrtd}n|a|dkrddl }|j d}n|d @}|d ?d @}|d ?d@} |d@} |d?d@} |dkr,t }ntd||| | | |fddS(sGenerate a UUID from a host ID, sequence number, and the current time. If 'node' is not given, getnode() is used to obtain the hardware address. If 'clock_seq' is given, it is used as the sequence number; otherwise a random 14-bit sequence number is chosen.iRiNgeAidl@'Hw illl ll0llll?RRl@( RRRnRoRRRGRt_last_timestampRRR( RRRRGt nanosecondst timestampRRRRRR((s..\python\lib\uuid.pytuuid1s,"         cCs@ddlm}||j|j}td|d ddS(sAGenerate a UUID from the MD5 hash of a namespace UUID and a name.i(tmd5RiRi(thashlibRRtdigestR(t namespaceR(RR#((s..\python\lib\uuid.pytuuid3 scCstr/tjd}t|td|jSy,ddl}td|jdddSWnQddl}gtdD]}t |j d^qz}td|ddSXdS(sGenerate a random UUID.iRiNRii( t_uuid_generate_randomRnRoRRRJturandomRR,R-R(RRJRR\R((s..\python\lib\uuid.pytuuid4s    .cCs@ddlm}||j|j}td|d ddS(sCGenerate a UUID from the SHA-1 hash of a namespace UUID and a name.i(tsha1RiRi(RRRRR(RR(RR#((s..\python\lib\uuid.pytuuid5%ss$6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8s$6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8s$6ba7b812-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8s$6ba7b814-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8(1REt __author__R<R=R>R?tobjectRR]RjRyRRRRRRnt ctypes.utiltlibnametCDLLtutilt find_librarytlibthasattrRRRRRJRtunameRPRptrpcrt4tgetattrRRRRRRRRRRt NAMESPACE_DNSt NAMESPACE_URLt NAMESPACE_OIDtNAMESPACE_X500(((s..\python\lib\uuid.pyt-s^       )       #