ó n[Qc @s=dZddlZddlZddlmZddlmZddlm Z ddlm Z ddlm Z m Z ddlm Z d Zd Ze ejjejd ƒeeƒZejd d dddddeddƒejdddddddeddƒejdddddddddeƒe eddeƒejddddd dedd!ƒejd"dd#dd$dddd%ƒejd&dd#dd'dddd(ƒe eeƒejƒ\ZZeeƒd kršejd)ƒnye ejƒZWnejd*ƒnXdZejdk rUye ejƒZWqUdZqUXnedk r}ed kr}ejd+ƒndZ!ej!dk røye ej!ƒZ!WqødZ!qøXne!dk rąe!d krąejd,ƒnej"re!dk redk rejd-ƒnej"r;e!dkr;edkr;d.Z!ne!dk sSedk rmej" rmejd/ƒnye ejdeƒZWnejd*ƒnXiej#d06ej$d6ej%d16ej&d26ej'd36ej"d 6ed$6e!d'6Z(yej)eee(ƒZ*Wn)ek r1Z+d4Ge+j,GHe-d5ƒnXe-ƒdS(6s This file contains the check index utility. It is used to check for duplicate or redundant indexes for a list of database (operates on all tables in each database), a list of tables in the for db.table, or all tables in all databases except internal databases. i’’’’N(t indexcheck(t UtilError(tparse_connection(tsetup_common_options(t add_verbositytcheck_verbosity(tadd_format_options:mysqlindexcheck - check for duplicate or redundant indexessC%prog --server=user:pass@host:port:socket db1.table1 db2 db3.table2is --show-dropss-dtactiont store_truetdestt show_dropstdefaultthelps,display DROP statements for dropping indexess--show-indexess-it show_indexessdisplay indexes for each tables-ss--skiptskipsskip tables that do not existsadisplay the list of indexes per table in either sql, grid (default), tab, csv, or vertical formattgrids--statststatss!show index performance statisticss--besttstoretbests,limit index statistics to the best N indexess--worsttworsts-limit index statistics to the worst N indexess9You must specify at least one table or database to check.s5Source connection values invalid or cannot be parsed.s+The --best parameter must be an integer > 1s,The --worst parameter must be an integer > 1s7You must specify either --best or --worst but not both.is>You must specify --stats for --best or --worst to take effect.s show-dropst verbositys show-indexess index-formatsERROR:i(.t__doc__tos.pathtostsystmysql.utilities.commandRtmysql.utilities.exceptionRtmysql.utilities.common.optionsRRRRRt DESCRIPTIONtUSAGEtpathtbasenametargvtparsert add_optiontFalsetTruetNonet parse_argstopttargstlenterrortservert source_valuesRtintRRR RRR tformattoptionst check_indextresteterrmsgtexit(((s'..\utilities\scripts\mysqlindexcheck.pyts¤            !! "