#!C:\Documents and Settings\mysqldev\build\mysql-gui-win-res\python27\python.exe # # Copyright (c) 2012, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # """ This file contains the replication slave administration utility. It is used to perform replication operations on one or more slaves. """ import logging import optparse import os.path import sys from mysql.utilities.exception import UtilError, UtilRplError from mysql.utilities.common.options import parse_connection, add_verbosity from mysql.utilities.common.options import add_format_option from mysql.utilities.common.options import add_failover_options, add_rpl_user from mysql.utilities.common.options import check_server_lists from mysql.utilities.common.options import CaseInsensitiveChoicesOption from mysql.utilities.common.server import check_hostname_alias from mysql.utilities.common.topology import parse_failover_connections from mysql.utilities.command.rpl_admin import RplCommands, purge_log from mysql.utilities.command.rpl_admin import get_valid_rpl_commands from mysql.utilities.command.rpl_admin import get_valid_rpl_command_text from mysql.utilities.exception import FormatError from mysql.utilities import VERSION_FRM class MyParser(optparse.OptionParser): def format_epilog(self, formatter): return self.epilog # Constants NAME = "MySQL Utilities - mysqlrpladmin " DESCRIPTION = "mysqlrpladmin - administration utility for MySQL replication" USAGE = "%prog --slaves=root@localhost:3306 " _DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %p' # Setup the command parser parser = MyParser( version=VERSION_FRM.format(program=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])), description=DESCRIPTION, usage=USAGE, add_help_option=False, option_class=CaseInsensitiveChoicesOption, epilog=get_valid_rpl_command_text()) parser.add_option("--help", action="help") # Setup utility-specific options: add_failover_options(parser) # Connection information for the master # Connect information for candidate server for switchover parser.add_option("--new-master", action="store", dest="new_master", default=None, type="string", help="connection information for the " "slave to be used to replace the master for switchover, " "in the form: [:]@[:][:]" " or [:][:]. Valid only with " "switchover command.") # Force parser.add_option("--force", action="store_true", dest="force", help="ignore prerequsite check results and execute action") # Output format add_format_option(parser, "display the output in either grid (default), " "tab, csv, or vertical format", None) # Add demote option parser.add_option("--demote-master", action="store_true", dest="demote", help="make master a slave after switchover.") # Add no-health option parser.add_option("--no-health", action="store_true", dest="no_health", help="turn off health report after switchover or failover.") # Add verbosity mode add_verbosity(parser, True) # Replication user and password add_rpl_user(parser, None) # Now we process the rest of the arguments. opt, args = parser.parse_args() # At least one of the options --discover-slaves-login or --slaves is required. if not opt.discover and not opt.slaves: parser.error("One of these options is required to use the utility: " "--discover-slaves-login or --slaves.") # Check slaves list check_server_lists(parser, opt.master, opt.slaves) # Check for invalid command if len(args) > 1: parser.error("You can only specify one command to execute at a time.") elif len(args) == 0: parser.error("You must specify a command to execute.") # The value for --timeout needs to be an integer > 0. try: if int(opt.timeout) <= 0: parser.error("The --timeout option requires a value greater than 0.") except ValueError: parser.error("The --timeout option requires an integer value.") # Check errors and warnings of options and combinations. command = args[0].lower() if not command in get_valid_rpl_commands(): parser.error("'%s' is not a valid command." % command) if command == 'switchover' and (opt.new_master is None or opt.master is None): parser.error("The switchover command requires the --master and " "--new-master options.") if command in ['health', 'gtid'] and opt.discover is None and \ (opt.slaves is None or opt.master is None): parser.error("The health and gtid commands requires the --master and " "--slaves options.") if command in ['elect', 'failover', 'start', 'stop', 'reset'] and \ not opt.discover and not opt.slaves: parser.error("You must supply a list of slaves or the " "--discover-slaves-login option.") if command == 'failover' and opt.force: parser.error("You cannot use the --force option with failover.") if opt.ping and not command == 'health': print "WARNING: The --ping option is used only with the health command." if command not in ['switchover', 'failover'] and \ (opt.exec_after or opt.exec_before): print "WARNING: The --exec-* options are used only with the failover" + \ " and switchover commands." if opt.new_master and command != 'switchover': print "WARNING: The --new-master option is used only with the " + \ "switchover command." if opt.candidates and command not in ['elect', 'failover']: print "WARNING: The --candidates option is used only with the " + \ "failover and elect commands." opt.candidates = None if (opt.candidates or opt.new_master) and command in ['stop', 'start', 'reset']: print "WARNING: The --new-master and --candidates options are not " + \ "used with the stop, start, and reset commands." opt.candidates = None if opt.format and command not in ['health', 'gtid']: print "WARNING: The --format option is used only with the health " + \ "and gtid commands." if opt.new_master: try: new_master_val = parse_connection(opt.new_master, None, opt) except FormatError, e: parser.error("New master connection values invalid or cannot be parsed.") except UtilError as err: parser.error(err.errmsg) else: new_master_val = None # Parse the master, slaves, and candidates connection parameters try: master_val, slaves_val, candidates_val = parse_failover_connections(opt) except UtilRplError, e: print "ERROR:", e.errmsg exit(1) # Check hostname alias if master_val: for slave_val in slaves_val: if check_hostname_alias(master_val, slave_val): parser.error("The master and one of the slaves are the same host and port.") for cand_val in candidates_val: if check_hostname_alias(master_val, cand_val): parser.error("The master and one of the candidates are the same host and port.") # Create dictionary of options options = { 'new_master' : new_master_val, 'candidates' : candidates_val, 'ping' : 3 if opt.ping is None else opt.ping, 'format' : opt.format, 'verbosity' : 0 if opt.verbosity is None else opt.verbosity, 'before' : opt.exec_before, 'after' : opt.exec_after, 'force' : opt.force, 'max_position' : opt.max_position, 'max_delay' : opt.max_delay, 'discover' : opt.discover, 'timeout' : int(opt.timeout), 'demote' : opt.demote, 'quiet' : opt.quiet, 'logging' : opt.log_file is not None, 'log_file' : opt.log_file, 'no_health' : opt.no_health, 'rpl_user' : opt.rpl_user, } # If command = HEALTH, turn on --force if command == 'health' or command == 'gtid': options['force'] = True # Purge log file of old data if opt.log_file is not None and not purge_log(opt.log_file, opt.log_age): parser.error("Error purging log file.") # Setup log file try: logging.basicConfig(filename=opt.log_file, level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', datefmt=_DATE_FORMAT) except IOError, e: parser.error("Error opening log file: %s" % str(e.args[1])) try: rpl_cmds = RplCommands(master_val, slaves_val, options) rpl_cmds.execute_command(command) except UtilError, e: print "ERROR:", e.errmsg exit(1) exit(0)