ó n[Qc @s˜dZddlZddlZddlmZddlmZddlmZddlm Z ddl m Z ddlm Z d Z d Zd Zd Zeejjejd ƒeeeeƒZejddddddddddddƒejdddddddddeƒe edd ƒejd!d"dddd#dd$deƒejd%dddddd&dd'dd(ƒejd)d*dddd+dd,deƒejd-d.dddd/dd&dd0dd ƒejd1d2dddd3dd4ƒejd5dddd6dddddd7ƒejƒ\ZZejdkrOejd8ƒnejr‰ejdk r‰ejd kr‰ejd9ƒq‰nyeej deƒZ!Wn@e k rÂejd:ƒn#ek räZ"eje"j#ƒnXiej$d36ej%d+6ej&d/6ejd#6ej'd6ej(d;6ejd(6ejd66Z)y&e e!e)ƒZ*e*r`e+d<ƒnWn)ek rŒZ,d=Ge,j#GHe+d<ƒnXe+ƒdS(>s This file contains the show replication topology utility. It is used to find the slaves for a given master and can traverse the list of slaves checking for additional master/slave connections. iÿÿÿÿN(t UtilError(tsetup_common_options(tparse_connection(tadd_format_option(t show_topology(t FormatErrorsMySQL Utilities - mysqlrplshow s/mysqlrplshow - show slaves attached to a masters#%prog --master=root@localhost:3306 iKis--mastertactiontstoretdesttmasterttypetstringtdefaultsroot@localhost:3306thelps,connection information for master server in s]the form: [:]@[:][:] or [:][:].s-ls --show-listt store_truet show_listsprint a list of the topology.sGdisplay the list in either grid (default), tab, csv, or vertical formattgrids-rs --recursetrecursesxtraverse the list of slaves to find additional master/slave connections. User this option to map a replication topology.s --max-depthtintsplimit the traversal to this depth. Valid only with the --recurse option. Valid values are non-negative integers.t max_depths-ps--prompttpromptsBprompt for slave user and password if different from master login.s-ns --num-retriest num_retriessSnumber of retries allowed for failed slave login attempt. Valid with --prompt only.s-qs--quiettquiets*turn off all messages for quiet execution.s--discover-slaves-logintdiscovers<at startup, query master for all registered slaves and use the user name and password specified to connect. Supply the user and password in the form [:] or . For example, --discover-slaves-login=joe:secret will use 'joe' as the user and 'secret' as the password for each discovered slave.sCThe --discover-slaves-login is required to test slave connectivity.s(The --max-depth option needs to be >= 0.s5Master connection values invalid or cannot be parsed.tformatisERROR:(-t__doc__tos.pathtostsystmysql.utilities.exceptionRtmysql.utilities.common.optionsRRRt mysql.utilities.command.show_rplRRtNAMEt DESCRIPTIONtUSAGEt PRINT_WIDTHtpathtbasenametargvtTruetFalsetparsert add_optiontNonet parse_argstopttargsRterrorRRR tm_valuesterrterrmsgRRRRRtoptionstrestexitte(((s$..\utilities\scripts\mysqlrplshow.pytsˆ