import grt # NOTE: If you're using this in a module, it should be imported as # from wb import * class DefineModule(dict): def __init__(self, name, implements=None, author="", version= "", description= ""): """Define a GRT module. Must be called before any function declaration as wbmodule = DefineModule('modname') """ name author self.version= version self.description= description # List of functions exported by the module (automatically updated by @declare) self.functions= [] # List of interfaces implemented by the module self.implements= implements or [] self._pluginList= grt.List(grt.OBJECT, "app.Plugin") def __getitem__(self, name): return getattr(self, name) @property def moduleDataDirectory(self): return grt.root.wb.registry.appDataDirectory+"/modules/data" ## ## Decorators for Writing Modules and Plugins ## def plugin(self, name, caption= "", description="", type="standalone", input= [], groups= [], pluginMenu= None): """Decorator to declare a Plugin, used in addition to @wbexport Usage: @wbmodule.plugin("db.utils.mangleNames", caption="Mangle Names", description="Mangles all object names in current catalog beyond recognition.", input= [wbinputs.currentCatalog()], groups=["Menu/Catalog"]) @wbmodule.export(grt.INT, grt.classes.db_Catalog) def mangleNames(catalog): return 1 """ def setup_plugin(fn): # make sure getPluginInfo() is in the function list if "getPluginInfo" not in [x[0] for x in self.functions]: self.functions.append(("getPluginInfo", ((grt.LIST, (grt.OBJECT, "app.Plugin")), []), lambda: self._pluginList)) if "PluginInterface" not in self.implements: self.implements.append("PluginInterface") plug= grt.classes.app_Plugin() name plug.caption= caption plug.description= description plug.pluginType= type plug.moduleName= plug.moduleFunctionName= fn.func_code.co_name for i in input: i.owner= plug plug.inputValues.append(i) for g in groups: plug.groups.append(g) if pluginMenu: plug.groups.append("Menu/"+pluginMenu) plug.rating= 100 plug.showProgress= 0 self._pluginList.append(plug) return fn return setup_plugin def exportFilter(self, name, caption="", input="selectedText"): def setup_plugin(fn): # make sure getPluginInfo() is in the function list if "getPluginInfo" not in [x[0] for x in self.functions]: self.functions.append(("getPluginInfo", ((grt.LIST, (grt.OBJECT, "app.Plugin")), []), lambda: self._pluginList)) if "PluginInterface" not in self.implements: self.implements.append("PluginInterface") plug= grt.classes.app_Plugin() name plug.caption= caption plug.pluginType= "standalone" plug.moduleName= plug.moduleFunctionName= fn.func_code.co_name if input: arg = grt.classes.app_PluginInputDefinition() input plug.inputValues.append(arg) plug.groups.append("Filter") plug.rating= 100 plug.showProgress= 0 self._pluginList.append(plug) signature= (grt.STRING, [("text", grt.STRING)]) self.functions.append((fn.func_code.co_name, signature, fn)) return fn return setup_plugin def export(self, returntype, *argtypes): """Decorator to declare an exported Module function. Usage: @wbmodule.export(grt.INT, grt.classes.db_Table, (grt.LIST, grt.STRING)) def dostuff(arg1, arg2): return 1 Declares the function dostuff as returning an integer and having the 1st arg a db.Table and the 2nd a list of strings. """ typenames= [grt.INT,grt.DOUBLE,grt.STRING,grt.LIST,grt.DICT, grt.OBJECT] def set_types(fn): if len(argtypes) != fn.func_code.co_argcount: raise TypeError("module function '%s' has %i arguments, but @export declares %i" % (fn.func_code.co_name, fn.func_code.co_argcount, len(argtypes))) arglist= [] for i in range(len(argtypes)+1): if i == 0: arg = returntype else: arg= argtypes[i-1] if arg == grt.List: arg = grt.LIST elif arg == grt.Dict: arg = grt.DICT if type(arg) == tuple: containertype, contenttype= arg if containertype not in [grt.LIST, grt.DICT]: raise TypeError("argument %i has invalid specification (type %s is not a container type and takes no extra argument)"%(i, containertype)) if contenttype in dir(grt.classes) or (getattr(contenttype, "__name__", None) in dir(grt.classes)): contenttype= (grt.OBJECT, contenttype if type(contenttype) is str else contenttype.__name__.replace("_", ".")) elif contenttype not in typenames: raise TypeError("argument %i has invalid specification (%s it not a valid content type or class)"%(i, contenttype)) arg= (containertype, contenttype) elif arg in (grt.INT, grt.DOUBLE, grt.STRING, grt.LIST, grt.DICT, grt.OBJECT): pass elif (type(arg) == str and arg not in typenames) and arg not in grt.classes: raise TypeError("%s not a valid GRT type specification"%str(arg)) else: arg= (grt.OBJECT, arg.__name__.replace("_", ".")) if i == 0: arglist.append(arg) else: arglist.append((fn.func_code.co_varnames[i-1], arg)) signature= (arglist[0], arglist[1:]) self.functions.append((fn.func_code.co_name, signature, fn)) return fn return set_types #def SimplePlugin(name, author="", version="", caption="", input=[], returns=grt.INT): # def auto_wrap(fn): # global ModuleInfo # ModuleInfo = DefineModule(name, author=author, version=version) # exp = ModuleInfo.export(returns, *input) # pl = ModuleInfo.plugin(name+".", caption=caption if caption else # return pl(exp(fn)) # return auto_wrap # # Plugin input type helpers and predefined types. # class _wbinputs: def objectOfClass(self, className): assert type(className) == str arg= grt.classes.app_PluginObjectInput() arg.objectStructName= className return arg # Home def selectedConnection(self): arg= grt.classes.app_PluginObjectInput() "selectedConnection" arg.objectStructName= "db.mgmt.Connection" return arg def selectedInstance(self): arg= grt.classes.app_PluginObjectInput() "selectedInstance" arg.objectStructName= "db.mgmt.ServerInstance" return arg # Modeling def currentModel(self): arg= grt.classes.app_PluginObjectInput() "activeModel" arg.objectStructName= "workbench.physical.Model" return arg def currentCatalog(self): arg= grt.classes.app_PluginObjectInput() "activeCatalog" arg.objectStructName= "db.Catalog" return arg def currentDiagram(self): arg= grt.classes.app_PluginObjectInput() "activeDiagram" arg.objectStructName= "workbench.physical.Diagram" return arg # SQL Editor def currentSQLEditor(self): arg= grt.classes.app_PluginObjectInput() "activeSQLEditor" arg.objectStructName= "db.query.Editor" return arg def currentQueryEditor(self): arg= grt.classes.app_PluginObjectInput() "activeQueryEditor" arg.objectStructName= "db.query.QueryEditor" return arg currentQueryBuffer = currentQueryEditor def currentResultset(self): arg= grt.classes.app_PluginObjectInput() "activeResultset" arg.objectStructName= "db.query.Resultset" return arg def currentEditableResultset(self): arg= grt.classes.app_PluginObjectInput() "activeResultset" arg.objectStructName= "db.query.EditableResultset" return arg def selectedLiveObject(self): arg= grt.classes.app_PluginObjectInput() "" # any arg.objectStructName= "db.query.LiveDBObject" return arg def selectedLiveSchema(self): arg= grt.classes.app_PluginObjectInput() "schema" arg.objectStructName= "db.query.LiveDBObject" return arg def selectedLiveTable(self): arg= grt.classes.app_PluginObjectInput() "table" arg.objectStructName= "db.query.LiveDBObject" return arg def selectedLiveView(self): arg= grt.classes.app_PluginObjectInput()"view" arg.objectStructName= "db.query.LiveDBObject" return arg def selectedLiveRoutine(self): arg= grt.classes.app_PluginObjectInput()"routine" arg.objectStructName= "db.query.LiveDBObject" return arg def selectedRowList(self): arg= grt.classes.app_PluginInputDefinition() "selectedRowList" return arg def clickedRow(self): arg= grt.classes.app_PluginInputDefinition() "clickedRow" return arg def clickedColumn(self): arg= grt.classes.app_PluginInputDefinition() "clickedColumn" return arg wbinputs= _wbinputs()