Xׯd6 6ddlZddlmZGddeZdS)N) WizardPageceZdZdZdZdS)MainViewcDtj||dd||_dS)NOverviewT) no_buttons)r__init__main)selfr s ..\modules\db_copy_overview.pyr zMainView.__init__s'D$ tDDDD cXtjd}|tj|j|dd|jd|jdtjd}|j|ddtjd}|tjdddtj }| dd | d | |j j||dd|tjddd|j|dddS) Nz5Welcome to the MySQL Workbench Schema Transfer WizardFT a$The MySQL Schema Transfer Wizard helps you to move your data from an older MySQL server to the latest MySQL GA (General Availability) version. It is meant for developer machines to get you working with the latest MySQL Server quickly. The data is transferred on the fly and is not based on a consistent snapshot. This works well for local instances that are used for development purposes. Please note that you should not use this tool on production MySQL instances. Production databases require a more complex data migration scenario in most cases.zStart the Wizard)mformsnewLabel set_style BigBoldStylecontentadd set_spacing set_paddingnewBox newButtonset_sizeset_textadd_clicked_callbackr go_next_pageadd_end)r labelbox button_starts r create_uizMainView.create_uisv WXX +,,, t,,,   $$$   $$$!:;; t,,,mD!! ##T4000')) c2&&&0111))$)*@AAA  eT*** ##T4000 S%.....r N)__name__ __module__ __qualname__r r&r r rrs2 /////r r)r workbench.uirrr*r r r,sV, ######/////z/////r