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To make things worse, the number of available cursors is limited so the rev eng process may fail at some point when this limit is reached. Any method of the Rev Eng class that executes a query should be decorated with this function. c||g|R}||}|jjdkr=|jjD]}|dt |j_|S)NsqlanydbF)remove)get_connectiondriverdriverLibraryNameconncursorscloseset)cls connectionargsresccursormethods #..\modules\db_sqlanywhere_re_grt.pywrapped_methodz'release_cursors..wrapped_method+s|fS*,t,,,   z * *   .* < <&. + + E **** UUAFN )rr!s` r release_cursorsr$!s$ r"c"eZdZedZedZeedZeedZeedZ eedZ eedZ eedZ efd Z eed Zeed Zeed Zeed ZeedZeedZxZS)SQLAnywhereReverseEngineeringcdS)N SQLAnywherer#)rs r getTargetDBMSNamez/SQLAnywhereReverseEngineering.getTargetDBMSName7s}r"c2|j|jdS)Nr ) _connections__id__rrs r serverVersionz+SQLAnywhereReverseEngineering.serverVersion;s 129==r"cd} ||} |dstdn=#t$r0}t jd|jztdd}~wwxYwn#t$r}t jd|jz|jj dkrddl }t|jj t|j}ddl} ||}n*#t$r}t jd |zd}~wwxYwtd t%|D} || d <t| } d | d <t)| |jd <|jdi| }nt-j||}|s#t jdt/|t jdd|i|j|j<Yd}~nd}~wwxYw|r||dd} t jdd|jd| dt=| dz} tj } | dd\| _!| _"| _#| _$| |j|jd<dS)aEstablishes a connection to the server and stores the connection object in the connections pool. It first looks for a connection with the given connection parameters in the connections pool to reuse existent connections. If such connection is found it queries the server to ensure that the connection is alive and reestablishes it if is dead. If no suitable connection is found in the connections pool, a new one is created and stored in the pool. Parameters: =========== connection: an object of the class db_mgmt_Connection storing the parameters for the connection. password: a string with the password to use for the connection (ignored for SQLite). NzSELECT 1zconnection errorz1Connection to %s apparently lost, reconnecting...zConnection errorzConnecting to %s...rrz:The given connection string is not a valid python dict: %sc3xK|]5\}}|dr|d/||fV6dS)%N) startswithendswith).0keyvalues r z8SQLAnywhereReverseEngineering.connect..ese U494D4DS4I4INSnn]`NaNaU|r"passwordz %password%wbcopytables_connection_stringzConnection failed ConnectedrzSELECT @@versionzSQLAnywhere REz Connected to z,  )rrrrr r#)%rrexecute Exceptiongrt send_infohostIdentifierr rrsqlanydbwrapperrconnectionStringTemplatedictparameterValuesast literal_eval send_errorlistitemsreprconnectrstrr+r, execute_queryfetchonelog_infor rclasses GrtVersion majorNumber minorNumber releaseNumber buildNumber)rrr8conexcrconnstrrGall_params_dictparams conn_paramsver ver_partsr s r rMz%SQLAnywhereReverseEngineering.connect?s? $ F$$Z00C <zz||++J778#$67778 < < < QT^Tmmnnn'(:;;; <8 ! F F F M/*2KK L L L 2j@@22223J4E4^489S4T4TVV &)&6&6w&?&?OO N#_bi#ijjjd?CXCXCZCZ>[>[&.z""6ll *6 J'OST_O`O` *+KL&h&0000' H== 2CHH=== M+ & & &3?2EC Z. / / / / / /9 F:  E##J0BCCLLNNqQC L))joooWZWZWZ+[ \ \ \055 DIk,,..Gclmonomocp `G !4g6KWM`=DC Z. / :qs`B6AB B +BB  B HA H<DH D9D44D99CHHc`||ddgS)zReturns a list of the available catalogs. [NOTE] This will in fact return the name of the database we are connected to. zSELECT DB_PROPERTY('Name')r)rOrPr-s r getCatalogNamesz-SQLAnywhereReverseEngineering.getCatalogNamess0!!*.JKKTTVVWXYZZr"c vttd||dDS)z;Returns a list of schemata for the given connection object.c3&K|] }|dV dS)r=Nr#r4rows r r7z?SQLAnywhereReverseEngineering.getSchemaNames..s&WWS#a&WWWWWWr" sp_tables)sortedrrO)rr catalog_names r getSchemaNamesz,SQLAnywhereReverseEngineering.getSchemaNamess9 cWWC,=,=j+,V,VWWWWWXXXr"cLd|z}d|||DS)NzSELECT st.table_name FROM SYSTAB st LEFT JOIN SYSUSER su ON st.creator=su.user_id WHERE su.user_name = '%s' AND st.table_type = 1cg|] }|d Srr#rds r z?SQLAnywhereReverseEngineering.getTableNames..GGG3AGGGr"rOrrrh schema_namequerys r getTableNamesz+SQLAnywhereReverseEngineering.getTableNamess935@AHG#"3"3J"F"FGGGGr"cLd|z}d|||DS)NzSELECT st.table_name FROM SYSTAB st LEFT JOIN SYSUSER su ON st.creator=su.user_id WHERE su.user_name = '%s' AND st.table_type IN (2, 21)cg|] }|d Srlr#rds r rmz>SQLAnywhereReverseEngineering.getViewNames..rnr"rorps r getViewNamesz*SQLAnywhereReverseEngineering.getViewNamess9:.rnr"rorps r getProcedureNamesz/SQLAnywhereReverseEngineering.getProcedureNamess8*+HG#"3"3J"F"FGGGGr"cltt||d||}||_|S)N)superr&reverseEngineerr )rrrh schemata_listcontextcatalog __class__s r r}z-SQLAnywhereReverseEngineering.reverseEngineers65s;;KKJXZ\ikrss# r"cd|jd|jjd}dd|||DS)NzSELECT sr.remarks FROM SYSTAB st JOIN SYSUSER su ON st.creator=su.user_id JOIN SYSREMARK sr ON st.object_id=sr.object_id WHERE st.table_name='' AND su.user_name=''r{cg|] }|d Srlr#rds r rmzDSQLAnywhereReverseEngineering.getCommentForTable..sOOO3AOOOr")r ownerjoinrO)rrtablerrs r getCommentForTablez0SQLAnywhereReverseEngineering.getCommentForTablesW 6;ZZZAQAQAQSwwOO#*;*;J*N*NOOOPPPr"cL|jd}||jdkrd}t }|jjD]2}||jgt|j z3| ||D]\}}}||vr tj }||_||_|jjD]} | j|ks || j vr | |_n ||_|j|dS)NzSELECT UPPER(st.type_name), UPPER(base_type_str), UPPER(sd.domain_name ) FROM SYSUSERTYPE st LEFT JOIN SYSDOMAIN sd ON st.domain_id=sd.domain_id aSELECT UPPER(st.type_name), CASE WHEN st.type_name = 'money' THEN UPPER(sd.domain_name+'(19,4)') WHEN st.type_name = 'smallmoney' THEN UPPER(sd.domain_name+'(10,4)') WHEN st.type_name = 'sysname' THEN UPPER(sd.domain_name+'(30)') WHEN st.type_name = 'uniqueidentifierstr' THEN 'CHAR(36)' WHEN st.type_name = 'uniqueidentifier' THEN 'BINARY(16)' ELSE UPPER(sd.domain_name) END AS base_type_str, UPPER(sd.domain_name ) FROM SYSUSERTYPE st LEFT JOIN SYSDOMAIN sd ON st.domain_id=sd.domain_id) userDatatypes remove_allr.rTr_rdbmssimpleDatatypesupdater rJsynonymsrOr@rRdb_UserDatatype sqlDefinition actualTyperappend) rrrrrsimple_datatypesdatatype type_namesql_definition parent_typestypes r reverseEngineerUserDatatypesz:SQLAnywhereReverseEngineering.reverseEngineerUserDatatypessX ((***S   Z ( ( 4r 9 9=E"55 2 O OH  # #X]Od8;L6M6M$M N N N N696G6G TY6Z6Z 3 3 2I~{,,,{2244H%HM%3H "3  :,, u~0M0M*/H'E1N%HN  ! ( ( 2 2 2 2 3 3r"c d|jd|jjd}|||D]\}}}}}} tj} |pd| _|dv| _d| _|dr$|dd}| j d| |jj|\} } | s]| |jjd \} } d }d |d | jd |jjd|jd } tj d| | r| | _ n| | _| t| nd| _| r | jjn| jjj}|t'|nd}|dkrd| _|| _|| _n|| _dx| _| _|| dS)NaSELECT UPPER(sd.domain_name), sc.column_name, sc.nulls, sc.width, sc.scale, sc."default" FROM SYSTABCOL sc JOIN SYSDOMAIN sd ON sc.domain_id=sd.domain_id JOIN SYSTAB st ON sc.table_id=st.table_id JOIN SYSUSER su ON st.creator=su.user_id WHERE st.table_name='rz' ORDER BY sc.column_idr{)Nnz UNSIGNED UNSIGNEDVARCHARzColumn datatype "z" for column "z " in table ".z$" reverse engineered as VARCHAR(255)z(SQL Anywhere reverseEngineerTableColumnsNUMERIC)r rrOr@rR db_Column isNotNull collationNamer2flagsrfind_datatype_object send_warning simpleTypeuserTyperN defaultValuegrouprintupperlength precisionscale addColumn)rrrrrrcol_namenullablewidthr default_valuecolumnis_simple_datatypedatatype_objectmsgrs r reverseEngineerTableColumnsz9SQLAnywhereReverseEngineering.reverseEngineerTableColumnss["JJJ (8(8(8 : JMIZIZ[eglImIm$ $$ $ EHh% [**,,F".bFK':5F #%F "";// 0#ABB< ##J///252J2J5;K\^f2g2g / " R696N6Nu{O`bk6l6l3"Ot|t|t|EJJJLQLWL\L\L\^c^h^h^hi !KSQQQ! 2$3!!"18E8Q#m"4"4"4WYF 2DoO)../JdJjJoE"'"3CJJJE{{}} )) " #( $ % 244 6< OOF # # # #I$ $$ $r"c|j}t|jdkrtjd|jzdSd|jd|jd}||}||D]v\}}}} } tj } || _| dkrdnd| _ | dvrdnd| _ | dkrd| _ n*| d kr_| d kr| d krd | _ nd | _ nd | _ d|d|d} ||} | | D]\}}t|j|}|rotj }|dz|z|_||_|r|dkrdnd|_| j||| | j r| |_xdS)z9Reverse engineers the primary key(s) for the given table.rzwMigration: reverseEngineerTablePK: Reverse engineering of table %s was attempted but the table has no columns attributer=zSELECT st.table_id, si.index_id, si.index_name, si.index_category, si."unique" FROM SYSIDX si JOIN SYSTAB st ON si.table_id=st.table_id JOIN SYSUSER su ON st.creator=su.user_id WHERE st.table_name='rz' ORDER BY si.index_id)r=PRIMARYrUNIQUEINDEXFULLTEXTzSELECT sc.column_name, sic."order" FROM SYSIDXCOL sic JOIN SYSTAB st ON sic.table_id=st.table_id JOIN SYSTABCOL sc ON (sc.column_id = sic.column_id AND sc.table_id = sic.table_id) WHERE st.table_id=z AND sic.index_id=z ORDER BY sic.sequencerD)rlencolumnsr@rIr rrr>rRdb_Index isPrimaryunique indexTyperdb_IndexColumnreferencedColumnrdescendraddIndex primaryKey)rrrschemarr idx_cursortable_idindex_id index_nameindex_category index_uniqueindexidx_cols_queryidx_cols_cursor column_nameorderr index_columns r reverseEngineerTablePKz4SQLAnywhereReverseEngineering.reverseEngineerTablePKs[  u}   " " NUX]Xbb c c c1 #!:::v{{{ 4 '' 33::<< LVL^L^_dLeLe& )& ) HHh NLK((**E#EJ#1Q#6#6aaAEO , 6 611AEL"""+1$$1$$1$$&.EOO&-EOO",%HHhhh 0N "00<<CCEEO&5&=&=n&M&M 7 7" U.u}kJJ7#&;#=#=#?#?L(2S(8;(FL%4:L105+U%++--3:N:N11TUL(M((666 NN5 ! 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