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start Group Replication or not during server startgroup_replication_local_addressz/The local address in host:port formatted stringgroup_replication_member_weightz.Chance of this member being elected as primarygroup_replication_group_seedszNA list of peer addresses, comma separated list such as host1:port1,host2:port2group_replication_force_memberszIA comma separated list of peer addresses, such as host1:port1,host2:port2!group_replication_bootstrap_groupz,Configure this server to bootstrap the group!group_replication_poll_spin_loopsz8The number of times the group communication thread waits)group_replication_recovery_get_public_keyzBWhether to accept preference about fetching public key from master*group_replication_recovery_public_key_pathz To accept public key information&group_replication_recovery_retry_countzcThe number of times that a joining member tries to connect to the available donors before giving up-group_replication_recovery_reconnect_intervalz^The sleep time, in seconds, between reconnection attempts when no donor was found in the group"group_replication_recovery_use_sslzFile that contains list of trusted SSL Certificate Authorities%group_replication_recovery_ssl_capathzKDirectory that contains trusted SSL Certificate Authority certificate files#group_replication_recovery_ssl_certzIName of SSL certificate file to use for establishing encrypted connection"group_replication_recovery_ssl_keyzAName of SSL key file to use for establishing encrypted connection%group_replication_recovery_ssl_cipherz,List of permitted ciphers for SSL encryption"group_replication_recovery_ssl_crlz/File that contains certificate revocation lists&group_replication_recovery_ssl_crlpathz9Directory that contains certificate revocation list files1group_replication_recovery_ssl_verify_server_certz\Make the recovery process check the server's Common Name value in the donor sent certificate&group_replication_recovery_complete_atzHRecovery policies when handling cached transactions after state transfer-group_replication_communication_debug_optionszAThe level of debugging messages for Group Replication components.)group_replication_components_stop_timeoutzXTimeout, in seconds, that the plugin waits for each of the components when shutting down0group_replication_allow_local_lower_version_joinz_Allow the current server to join the group even if it has a lower plugin version than the group1group_replication_allow_local_disjoint_gtids_joinz_Allow the current server to join the group even if it has transactions not present in the group*group_replication_auto_increment_incrementzeDetermines the interval between successive column values for transactions that execute on this server'group_replication_compression_thresholdzgThe value in bytes above which (LZ4) compression is enforced; when set to zero, deactivates compression,group_replication_gtid_assignment_block_sizezThe number of consecutive GTIDs that are reserved for each member; each member consumes its blocks and reserve more when neededgroup_replication_ssl_modezPSpecifies the security state of the connection between Group Replication members%group_replication_single_primary_modezFInstructs the group to use a single server for the read/write workload(group_replication_transaction_size_limitzESets the maximum size of transaction in bytes which the group accepts.group_replication_unreachable_majority_timeoutzTHow long to wait for network partitions that result in a minority to leave the group2group_replication_enforce_update_everywhere_checkszNEnable or disable strict consistency checks for multi-master update everywhere#group_replication_flow_control_modez(Specifies the mode used for flow control2group_replication_flow_control_certifier_thresholdz]Specifies the number of waiting transactions in the certifier queue that trigger flow control0group_replication_flow_control_applier_thresholdzQThe number of waiting transactions in the applier queue that trigger flow control+group_replication_flow_control_hold_percentz9Defines what percentage of the group quota remains unused/group_replication_flow_control_max_commit_quotaz3Defines the maximum flow control quota of the group3group_replication_flow_control_member_quota_percentzsDefines the percentage of the quota that a member should assume is available for itself when calculating the quotas(group_replication_flow_control_min_quotazGControls the lowest flow control quota that can be assigned to a member1group_replication_flow_control_min_recovery_quotazlControls the lowest quota that can be assigned to a member because of another recovering member in the group%group_replication_flow_control_periodz@Defines how many seconds to wait between flow control iterations.group_replication_flow_control_release_percentzoDefines how the group quota should be released when flow control no longer needs to throttle the writer membersgroup_replication_ip_whitelistz3The list of hosts permitted to connect to the groupzmysqlx-bind-addressz)The network address uses for connections.FzOther/Xzmysqlx-connect-timeoutzNMaximum permitted waiting time in seconds for a connection to set up a sessionz!mysqlx-idle-worker-thread-timeoutz?Time in seconds after which an idle worker thread is terminatedzmysqlx-interactive-timeoutz>Number of seconds to wait for an interactive client to timeoutzmysqlx-max-allowed-packetz9Size of largest message that a client is going to processzmysqlx-max-connectionsz>Maximum number of concurrent client connections the can acceptzmysqlx-min-worker-threadszCMinimum number of worker threads used for handling client requests.z mysqlx-portzPort where accepts connectionszmysqlx-port-open-timeoutz8Time which the X Plugin waits when accepting connectionszmysqlx-read-timeoutzBNumber of seconds to wait for blocking read operations to completez mysqlx-socketzBinds to a Unix socketz mysqlx-sslzEnabled when using SSL withzmysqlx-ssl-keyzPath to X509 keyz mysqlx-ssl-caz&Path to SSL Certificate Authority filezmysqlx-ssl-capathz(SSL Certificate Authority file directoryzmysqlx-ssl-certzPath to X509 certficatezmysqlx-ssl-crlzCertificate revocation listzmysqlx-ssl-crlpathz Certificate revocation list pathzmysqlx-wait-timeoutz6Number of seconds to wait for activity on a connectionzmysqlx-write-timeoutzBNumber of seconds to wait for blocking write operation to completemysqlx_bind_addressmysqlx_connect_timeoutz$How long waits for a connect packet. mysqlx_document_id_unique_prefixz%Use a custom prefix for document IDs.!mysqlx_idle_worker_thread_timeoutzBNumber of seconds after which an idle worker thread is terminated.mysqlx_interactive_timeoutmysqlx_max_allowed_packetzBMaximum size of a network packet that can be received by X Plugin.mysqlx_max_connectionsz0Maximum number of concurrent client connections.mysqlx_min_worker_threads mysqlx_portmysqlx_port_open_timeoutmysqlx_read_timeout mysqlx_socketz0Path to the socket where listens for connectionsmysqlx_wait_timeoutmysqlx_write_timeoutactivate_all_roles_on_loginz2Whether to activate all user roles at connect timezSecurity/Authenticationaudit_log_buffer_sizez The size of the audit log bufferz Logging/Auditaudit_log_compressionz!Audit log file compression methodaudit_log_connection_policyz2Audit logging policy for connection-related eventsaudit_log_current_sessionz Whether to audit current sessionaudit_log_encryptionz Audit log file encryption methodaudit_log_exclude_accountszAccounts not to auditaudit_log_filezThe name of the audit log fileaudit_log_filter_idzID of current audit log filteraudit_log_flushz#Close and reopen the audit log fileaudit_log_formatzThe audit log file formataudit_log_include_accountszAccounts to auditaudit_log_policyzAudit logging policyaudit_log_read_buffer_sizezAudit log file read buffer sizeaudit_log_rotate_on_sizez5Close and reopen the audit log file at a certain sizeaudit_log_statement_policyz1Audit logging policy for statement-related eventsaudit_log_strategyzThe audit logging strategyauto_generate_certsz5Whether to autogenerate SSL key and certificate fileszSecurity/Securityauto_increment_incrementz4AUTO_INCREMENT columns are incremented by this valueauto_increment_offsetz&Offset added to AUTO_INCREMENT columns autocommitzSets the autocommit modezGeneral/Transactionsautomatic_sp_privilegesz3Creating and dropping stored procedures alters ACLsavoid_temporal_upgradez=Whether ALTER TABLE should upgrade pre-5.6.4 temporal columnszGeneral/Systemback_logz8Number of outstanding connection requests MySQL can havebackup_elevationz5Enable or disable BACKUP DATABASE privilege elevationzGeneral/Backupbackup_history_logz*Enable or disable MySQL Backup history logbackup_history_log_filez)Name of the MySQL Backup history log filebackup_progress_logz+Enable or disable MySQL Backup progress logbackup_progress_log_filez*Name of the MySQL Backup progress log filebackup_wait_timeoutzTNumber of seconds DDL statements wait for BACKUP DATABASE or RESTORE before aborting backupdirz#Default backup image file directorybasedirzPath of installation directoryzGeneral/Directorieszbdb-data-directzbdb-homezBerkeley DB home directoryzbdb-lock-detectzBerkeley DB lock detectzbdb-log-directz bdb-logdirzBerkeley DB log file directoryzbdb-shared-dataz'Start Berkeley DB in multi-process modez bdb-tmpdirzBerkeley DB tempfile namebdb_cache_sizezCThe buffer that is allocated to cache index and rows for BDB tablesbdb_log_buffer_size bdb_max_lockz>The maximum number of locks that can be active for a BDB tablez big-tablesz:Allow big result sets by saving all temporary sets on filez bind-addressz"IP address or host name to bind toz binlog-formatz&Specifies the format of the binary logbinlog_cache_sizezTSize of the cache to hold the SQL statements for the binary log during a transactionzLogging/Binlog Optionsbinlog_checksumz#Enable/disable binary log checksums'binlog_direct_non_transactional_updateszCauses updates using statement format to nontransactional engines to be written directly to binary log. See documentation before using.binlog_error_actionzDControls what happens when the server cannot write to the binary logbinlog_expire_logs_secondsz)Purge binary logs after this many secondsbinlog_group_commit_sync_delayzQSets the number of microseconds to wait before synchronizing transactions to disk'binlog_group_commit_sync_no_delay_countzSets the maximum number of transactions to wait for before aborting the current delay specified by binlog_group_commit_sync_delaybinlog_gtid_simple_recoveryz:Controls how binary logs are iterated during GTID recoverybinlog_max_flush_queue_timez;How long to read transactions before flushing to binary logbinlog_order_commitsz7Whether to commit in same order as writes to binary logbinlog_row_imagez3Use full or minimal images when logging row changesbinlog_row_metadataz[Configures the amount of table related metadata binary logged when using row-based logging.binlog_row_value_optionszIEnables binary logging of partial JSON updates for row-based replication.binlog_rows_query_log_eventszWhen TRUE, enables logging of rows query log events in row-based logging mode. FALSE by default. Do not enable when producing logs for pre-5.6 replication slaves or other readers.binlog_stmt_cache_sizez]Size of the cache to hold nontransactional statements for the binary log during a transaction&binlog_transaction_dependency_trackingzSource of dependency information (commit timestamps or transaction write sets) from which to assess which transactions can be executed in parallel by slave's multi-threaded applier.*binlog_transaction_dependency_history_sizezPNumber of row hashes kept for looking up transaction that last updated some row.binlogging_impossible_modez`Deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use the renamed binlog_error_action instead.block_encryption_modez*Mode for block-based encryption algorithmsbulk_insert_buffer_sizez3Size of tree cache used in bulk insert optimizationzAdvanced/Various,caching_sha2_password_auto_generate_rsa_keysz*Whether to autogenerate RSA key-pair files&caching_sha2_password_private_key_pathz0SHA2 authentication plugin private key path name%caching_sha2_password_public_key_pathz/SHA2 authentication plugin public key path namezcharacter-set-filesystemz!Set the file system character setzcharacter-set-serverzSpecify default character setzcharacter-sets-dirz,Directory where character sets are installed character_setzThe default character setcharacter_set_clientzCurrent client character setcharacter_set_connectionz Current connection character setcharacter_set_databasez.The character set used by the default databasecharacter_set_resultszCurrent result character setcharacter_set_systemzList of operators for MATCH ... AGAINST ( ... IN BOOLEAN MODE)zMyISAM/Fulltext searchft_max_word_lenzThe maximum length of the word to be included in a FULLTEXT index. Note: FULLTEXT indexes must be rebuilt after changing this variableft_min_word_lenzThe minimum length of the word to be included in a FULLTEXT index. Note: FULLTEXT indexes must be rebuilt after changing this variableft_query_expansion_limitz1Number of best matches to use for query expansionft_stopword_filez5Use stopwords from this file instead of built-in listz general-logzEnable|disable general loggeneral_log_filez"Name of the general query log filezLogging/Generalgroup_concat_max_lenz9The maximum length of the result of function group_concatz gtid-modezaControls whether GTID based logging is enabled and what type of transactions the logs can contain gtid_donez2Obsolete: Replaced by gtid_executed in MySQL 5.6.9 gtid_executedzYGlobal: All GTIDs in the binary log (global) or current transaction (session). Read-only. gtid_executed_compression_periodzCompress gtid_executed table each time this many transactions have occurred. 0 means never compress this table. Applies only when binary logging is disabled. gtid_lostz0Obsolete: Replaced by gtid_purged in MySQL 5.6.9 gtid_mode gtid_nextzSSpecifies the GTID for the next statement to execute; see documentation for details gtid_ownedzThe set of GTIDs owned by this client (session), or by all clients, together with the thread ID of the owner (global). Read-only. gtid_purgedz>The set of all GTIDs that have been purged from the binary log have_archivez&Whether mysqld supports archive tableshave_bdbzIs Berkeley DB supportedhave_blackhole_enginez(Whether mysqld supports BLACKHOLE tableshave_community_featuresz3Whether statement profiling capability is available have_compressz,Availability of the zlib compression library have_cryptz'Availability of the crypt() system callhave_csvz"Whether mysqld supports csv tableshave_dynamic_loadingz2Whether mysqld supports dynamic loading of pluginshave_example_enginez&Whether mysqld supports EXAMPLE tableshave_federated_enginez(Whether mysqld supports FEDERATED tables have_geometryz*Whether mysqld supports spatial data types have_innodbz%Whether mysqld supports InnoDB tables have_isamz#Whether mysqld supports isam tableshave_merge_enginez$Whether mysqld supports merge tableshave_ndbclusterzGWhether mysqld supports NDB Cluster tables (set by --ndbcluster option) have_opensslz'Whether mysqld supports SSL connectionshave_partition_enginez$Whether mysqld supports partitioninghave_partitioninghave_profilinghave_query_cachez#Whether mysqld supports query cache have_raidz'Whether mysqld supports the raid optionhave_row_based_replicationz0Shows whether row-based replication is supportedhave_rtree_keyszeYES if RTREE indexes are available, NO if not. (These are used for spatial indexes in MyISAM tables.)have_sslhave_statement_timeoutz0Whether statement execution timeout is available have_symlinkz Is symbolic link support enabled!histogram_generation_max_mem_sizez0Maximum memory for creating histogram statisticszPerformance/Optimizerhost_cache_sizezSize of the host cachehostnamezThe name of the server hostidentityzsThis variable is a synonym for the LAST_INSERT_ID variable. It exists for compatibility with other database systemszignore-builtin-innodbzIgnore the built-in InnoDBignore_db_dirsz.Directories treated as nondatabase directoriesinformation_schema_stats_expiryz.Expiration setting for cached table statisticsz init-filez-Read SQL statements from this file at startup init_connectz4Statements that are executed for each new connection init_slavez>Statements that are executed when a slave connects to a masterzReplication/Slaveinnodb_adaptive_flushingz/Control InnoDB adaptive flushing of dirty pageszInnoDB/Generalinnodb_adaptive_flushing_lwmzaLow water mark representing percentage of redo log capacity at which adaptive flushing is enabledinnodb_adaptive_hash_indexz.Enable or disable InnoDB adaptive hash indexes innodb_adaptive_hash_index_partszPartitions the adaptive hash index search system into n partitions, with each partition protected by a separate latch. Each index is bound to a specific partition based on space ID and index ID attributes.innodb_adaptive_max_sleep_delayzyAllows InnoDB to automatically adjust the value of innodb_thread_sleep_delay up or down according to the current workloadinnodb_api_bk_commit_intervalz]How often to auto-commit idle connections that use the InnoDB memcached interface, in secondsinnodb_api_disable_rowlockinnodb_api_enable_binlogzBLets you use the InnoDB memcached plugin with the MySQL binary loginnodb_api_enable_mdlz}Locks the table used by the InnoDB memcached plugin, so that it cannot be dropped or altered by DDL through the SQL interfaceinnodb_api_trx_levelz`Lets you control the transaction isolation level on queries processed by the memcached interfaceinnodb_autoextend_incrementz+Data file autoextend increment in megabytesinnodb_autoinc_lock_modez#Set InnoDB auto-increment lock mode!innodb_background_drop_list_emptyzOThis debug option delays table creation until the background drop list is emptyinnodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mbz]If Windows AWE is used, size in Megabytes of InnoDB buffer pool allocated from the AWE memoryzInnoDB/Buffer poolinnodb_buffer_pool_chunk_sizezADefines the chunk size that is used when resizing the buffer poolinnodb_buffer_pool_debugzTPermits multiple buffer pool instances when the buffer pool is less than 1GB in size#innodb_buffer_pool_dump_at_shutdownzSpecifies whether to record the pages cached in the InnoDB buffer pool when the MySQL server is shut down, to shorten the warmup process at the next restartinnodb_buffer_pool_dump_nowz>Immediately records the pages cached in the InnoDB buffer poolinnodb_buffer_pool_dump_pctzbSpecifies the percentage of the most recently used pages for each buffer pool to read out and dumpinnodb_buffer_pool_filenamezSpecifies the file that holds the list of page numbers produced by innodb_buffer_pool_dump_at_shutdown or innodb_buffer_pool_dump_nowinnodb_buffer_pool_instancesz?Specifies how many parts the InnoDB buffer pool is divided intoz InnoDB/Memoryinnodb_buffer_pool_load_abortzInterrupts process of restoring InnoDB buffer pool contents triggered by innodb_buffer_pool_load_at_startup or innodb_buffer_pool_load_now"innodb_buffer_pool_load_at_startupzSpecifies that, on MySQL server startup, the InnoDB buffer pool is automatically "warmed up" by loading the same pages it held at an earlier timeinnodb_buffer_pool_load_nowzrImmediately "warms up" the InnoDB buffer pool by loading a set of data pages, without waiting for a server restartinnodb_buffer_pool_sizezMSize of the memory buffer InnoDB uses to cache data and indexes of its tablesinnodb_change_buffer_max_sizez[Maximum size for the InnoDB change buffer, as a percentage of the total size of buffer poolinnodb_change_bufferingz(Whether InnoDB performs insert bufferinginnodb_change_buffering_debugz-Sets a debug flag for InnoDB change bufferinginnodb_checkpoint_disabledzODisables checkpoints so that a deliberate server exit always initiates recoveryinnodb_checksum_algorithmzeSpecifies how to generate and verify the checksum stored in each disk block of each InnoDB tablespaceinnodb_checksumsz"Enable InnoDB checksums validationinnodb_cmp_per_index_enabledzeEnables per-index compression-related statistics in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_CMP_PER_INDEX tableinnodb_commit_concurrencyz>Helps in performance tuning in heavily concurrent environmentsinnodb_compress_debugz=Compresses all tables using a specified compression algorithm(innodb_compression_failure_threshold_pctzzSets the cutoff point at which MySQL begins adding padding within compressed pages to avoid expensive compression failuresinnodb_compression_levelzWSpecifies the level of zlib compression to use for InnoDB compressed tables and indexesinnodb_compression_pad_pct_maxzSpecifies the maximum percentage that can be reserved as free space within each compressed page, to avoid compression failures when tightly packed data is recompressedinnodb_concurrency_ticketsznNumber of times a thread is allowed to enter InnoDB within the same SQL query after it has once got the ticketinnodb_data_file_pathz(Path to individual files and their sizeszInnoDB/Datafilesinnodb_data_home_dirz'The common part for InnoDB table spaces innodb_ddl_log_crash_reset_debugz;A debug option that resets DDL log crash injection counterszInnoDB/Logfilesinnodb_deadlock_detectz&Enables or disables deadlock detectioninnodb_dedicated_serverzTEnables automatic configuration of buffer pool size, log file size, and flush methodinnodb_default_row_formatz=Defines the default row format (ROW_FORMAT) for InnoDB tablesinnodb_directoriesz@Defines directories to scan at startup for tablespace data filesinnodb_disable_sort_file_cachez;Disable OS file system cache for merge-sort temporary files'innodb_disable_resize_buffer_pool_debugz+Disables resizing of the InnoDB buffer poolinnodb_doublewritez Enable InnoDB doublewrite bufferinnodb_extra_dirty_writeszmWhether to flush dirty buffer pages when the percentage of dirty pages is less than the maximum dirty percentinnodb_fast_shutdownz;Speeds up the shutdown process of the InnoDB storage enginezInnoDB/Various innodb_fil_make_page_dirty_debugz2Dirties the first page of the specified tablespaceinnodb_file_formatz The format for new InnoDB tablesinnodb_file_format_checkz:Whether InnoDB performs file format compatibility checkinginnodb_file_format_maxz,The file format tag in the shared tablespaceinnodb_file_io_threadsz$Number of file I/O threads in InnoDBinnodb_file_per_tablezZStores each InnoDB table and its indexes in a separate .ibd file in the database directoryinnodb_fill_factorzDefines the percentage B-tree leaf and non-leaf page space that is to be filled with data. The remaining space is reserved for future growth.innodb_flush_log_at_timeoutz$Write and flush logs every N secondsinnodb_flush_log_at_trx_commitz|Set to 0 (write and flush once per second), 1 (write and flush at each commit) or 2 (write at commit, flush once per second)innodb_flush_methodzSpecifies to flush datainnodb_flush_neighborszvSpecifies whether or not flushing a page from the InnoDB buffer pool also flushes other dirty pages in the same extentinnodb_flush_synczEnable innodb_flush_sync to ignore the innodb_io_capacity setting for bursts of I/O activity that occur at checkpoints. Disable innodb_flush_sync to adhere to the limit on I/O activity defined by the innodb_io_capacity setting.innodb_flushing_avg_loopszNumber of iterations for which InnoDB keeps the previously calculated snapshot of the flushing state, controlling how quickly adaptive flushing responds to changing workloadsinnodb_force_load_corruptedz`Lets InnoDB load tables at startup that are marked as corrupted; use only during troubleshootinginnodb_force_recoveryzNHelps to save your data in case the disk image of the database becomes corruptinnodb_ft_aux_tablez~Specifies which InnoDB table with a FULLTEXT index to examine by querying several innodb_ft_* tables in the information_schemazInnoDB/Fulltext searchinnodb_ft_cache_sizez`Size of the cache that holds a parsed document in memory while creating an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexinnodb_ft_enable_diag_printz?Whether to enable additional full-text search diagnostic outputinnodb_ft_enable_stopwordzRDuring creation of an InnoDB FULLTEXT index, omits stopwords from the search indexinnodb_ft_max_token_sizezCMaximum length of words that are stored in an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexinnodb_ft_min_token_sizezCMinimum length of words that are stored in an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexinnodb_ft_num_word_optimizez[Number of words to process during each OPTIMIZE TABLE operation on an InnoDB FULLTEXT indexinnodb_ft_result_cache_limitz3The InnoDB FULLTEXT search query result cache limitinnodb_ft_server_stopword_tablezSpecifies a table holding a list of stopwords for InnoDB FULLTEXT indexes, which overrides the default stopword list and can be overridden by innodb_ft_user_stopword_tableinnodb_ft_sort_pll_degreezuNumber of threads used to create an InnoDB FULLTEXT index in parallel, when building a search index for a large tableinnodb_ft_total_cache_sizezEThe total memory allocated for the InnoDB FULLTEXT search index cacheinnodb_ft_user_stopword_tablezSpecifies a table holding a list of stopwords for InnoDB FULLTEXT indexes, which overrides the default stopword list and also innodb_ft_server_stopword_tableinnodb_io_capacityzPercentage of the InnoDB buffer pool to reserve for old blocksinnodb_old_blocks_timez]How long (in ms) blocks must remain in old end of InnoDB buffer pool before moving to new end innodb_online_alter_log_max_sizezoSpecifies an upper limit on size of the temporary log files used during online DDL operations for InnoDB tablesinnodb_open_fileszCThe maximum number of files that InnoDB keeps open at the same timeinnodb_optimize_fulltext_onlyzMakes the OPTIMIZE TABLE statement for an InnoDB table process the newly added, deleted, and updated token data for a FULLTEXT index, rather than reorganizing the data in the clustered index of the tableinnodb_optimize_point_storagez^Enable this option to store POINT data as fixed-length data rather than a variable-length datainnodb_page_cleanerszNumber of page cleaner threadsinnodb_page_sizezASpecifies the page size for all InnoDB tablespaces in an instanceinnodb_print_all_deadlockszVDuring shutdown, prints information about all InnoDB deadlocks to the server error loginnodb_print_ddl_logsz1Whether or not to print DDL logs to the error loginnodb_purge_batch_sizezGSpecifies the number of InnoDB redo logs that trigger a purge operation$innodb_purge_rseg_truncate_frequencyzThe rate at which undo log purge should be invoked as part of the purge action. A value of n invokes undo log purge on every nth iteration of purge invocation.innodb_purge_threadszSpecifies whether the InnoDB purge operation should be performed in one or more separate threads. By default, this operation is part of the InnoDB master thread.innodb_random_read_aheadzAEnables the random read-ahead technique for optimizing InnoDB I/Oinnodb_read_ahead_thresholdz+The sensitivity of InnoDB linear read-aheadinnodb_read_io_threadsz;Number of background I/O threads for read prefetch requestsinnodb_read_onlyz#Starts the server in read-only modeinnodb_redo_log_encryptz=Controls encryption of redo log data for encrypted tablepacesinnodb_replication_delayz)The slave server replication thread delayinnodb_rollback_on_timeoutzLRoll back entire transaction on transaction timeout, not just last statementinnodb_rollback_segmentszhDefines how many of the rollback segments in the system tablespace that InnoDB uses within a transactioninnodb_saved_page_number_debugzSaves a page numberinnodb_scan_directorieszGDefines directories to scan for tablespace files during InnoDB recoveryinnodb_sort_buffer_sizezSSpecifies size of a buffer used for sorting data during creation of an InnoDB indexinnodb_spin_wait_delayz/The maximum delay between polls for a spin lockinnodb_stats_auto_recalczsCauses InnoDB to automatically recalculate persistent statistics after the data in a table is changed substantially"innodb_stats_include_delete_markedzKInclude delete-marked records when calculating persistent InnoDB statisticsinnodb_stats_methodzHSpecifies how InnoDB index statistics collection code should treat NULLsinnodb_stats_on_metadatazIEnable or disable InnoDB table statistics updates for metadata statementsinnodb_stats_persistentz1Turns on the InnoDB persistent statistics feature$innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pageszfNumber of pages to sample in each InnoDB index, when the persistent statistics feature is also enabledinnodb_stats_sample_pageszANumber of index pages to sample for index distribution statistics#innodb_stats_transient_sample_pageszzNumber of pages to sample in each InnoDB index, when the persistent statistics feature is turned off (the default setting)innodb_status_outputzUsed to enable or disable periodic output for the standard InnoDB Monitor. Also used in combination with innodb_status_output_locks to enable and disable periodic output for the InnoDB Lock Monitor.innodb_status_output_lockszUsed to enable or disable periodic output for the standard InnoDB Lock Monitor. innodb_status_output must also be enabled to produce periodic output for the InnoDB Lock Monitor.innodb_strict_modezMWhether InnoDB returns errors rather than warnings for exceptional conditionsinnodb_support_xaz1Enable InnoDB support for the XA two-phase commitinnodb_sync_array_sizezSplits an internal data structure used to coordinate threads, for higher concurrency in workloads with large numbers of waiting threadsinnodb_sync_spin_loopsz+Count of spin-loop rounds in InnoDB mutexesinnodb_sync_debugz"Enables InnoDB sync debug checkinginnodb_table_locksz$Enable InnoDB locking in LOCK TABLESinnodb_temp_data_file_pathz7Path to temporary tablespace data files and their sizesinternal_tmp_mem_storage_enginezBDefines the storage to use for internal in-memory temporary tables innodb_tmpdirzaThe directory location for the temporary table files created during online ALTER TABLE operationsinnodb_thread_concurrencyzdSets the maximum number of threads allowed inside InnoDB. Value 0 will disable the thread throttling%innodb_thread_concurrency_timer_basedzBWhether to use the lock-free method of handling thread concurrencyinnodb_thread_sleep_delayztTime, in microseconds, that an InnoDB thread sleeps before joining InnoDB queue. Value 0 disables the sleep behavior'innodb_trx_purge_view_update_only_debugzSPauses purging of delete-marked records while allowing the purge view to be updatedinnodb_trx_rseg_n_slots_debugziSets a debug flag that limits TRX_RSEG_N_SLOTS to a given value for the trx_rsegf_undo_find_free functioninnodb_undo_directoryzThe relative or absolute directory path where InnoDB creates separate tablespaces for the undo logs; typically used to place those logs on a different storage deviceinnodb_undo_log_encryptz=Controls encryption of undo log data for encrypted tablepacesinnodb_undo_log_truncatezDEnable this option to mark the InnoDB undo tablespace for truncationinnodb_undo_logsziDefines the number of undo logs (rollback segments) used by InnoDB; an alias for innodb_rollback_segmentsinnodb_undo_tablespaceszIThe number of tablespace files that rollback segments are divided between'innodb_use_legacy_cardinality_algorithmzDWhether to use legacy InnoDB index cardinality calculation algorithminnodb_use_native_aioz=Specifies whether to use the Linux asynchronous I/O subsysteminnodb_use_sys_mallocz6Whether InnoDB uses the OS or its own memory allocatorinnodb_versionzThe version of InnoDBinnodb_write_io_threadszVNumber of background I/O threads for writing dirty pages from the buffer cache to disk insert_idzpSet the value to be used by the following INSERT or ALTER TABLE statement when inserting an AUTO_INCREMENT valueinteractive_timeoutz^Number of seconds the server waits for activity on an interactive connection before closing it internal_tmp_disk_storage_enginez,Storage engine for internal temporary tablesjoin_buffer_sizez*Size of buffer that is used for full joinszGeneral/Memory usagejoin_cache_levelzHow join buffers are usedkeep_files_on_createzGDo not overwrite existing .MYD/.MYI files in default database directorykey_buffer_sizez6Size of buffer used for index blocks for MyISAM tableskey_cache_age_thresholdzThis characterizes the number of hits a hot block has to be untouched until it is considered aged enough to be downgraded to a warm block. This specifies the percentage ratio of that number of hits to the total number of blocks in key cachekey_cache_block_sizez$The default size of key cache blockskey_cache_division_limitz2The minimum percentage of warm blocks in key cachekeyring_aws_cmk_idz/AWS keyring plugin customer master key ID valuekeyring_aws_conf_filez.AWS keyring plugin configuration file locationkeyring_aws_data_filez(AWS keyring plugin storage file locationkeyring_aws_regionzAWS keyring plugin regionkeyring_encrypted_file_dataz'keyring_encrypted_file plugin data filekeyring_encrypted_file_passwordz&keyring_encrypted_file plugin passwordkeyring_file_datazkeyring_file plugin data filekeyring_okv_conf_dirz7Oracle Key Vault keyring plugin configuration directorykeyring_operationsz&Whether keyring operations are enabledlanguagezDClient error messages in given language. May be given as a full pathz large-pageszEnable support for large pageslarge_files_supportz!Whether large files are supportedlarge_page_sizez7Size of memory pages when large page support is enabledlast_insert_idz$The most recent AUTO_INCREMENT valuez lc-messageszLocale for error messageszlc-messages-dirz,Directory where error messages are installed lc_time_nameszIThe locale that controls the language used to display day and month names)authentication_ldap_sasl_auth_method_namezAuthentication method name%authentication_ldap_sasl_bind_base_dnz#LDAP server base distinguished name%authentication_ldap_sasl_bind_root_dnz#LDAP server root distinguished name&authentication_ldap_sasl_bind_root_pwdzLDAP server root bind password authentication_ldap_sasl_ca_pathz+LDAP server certificate authority file name*authentication_ldap_sasl_group_search_attrz"LDAP server group search attribute,authentication_ldap_sasl_group_search_filterzLDAP custom group search filter'authentication_ldap_sasl_init_pool_sizez(LDAP server initial connection pool size#authentication_ldap_sasl_log_statuszLDAP server log level&authentication_ldap_sasl_max_pool_sizez(LDAP server maximum connection pool size$authentication_ldap_sasl_server_hostz#LDAP server host name or IP address$authentication_ldap_sasl_server_portzLDAP server port numberauthentication_ldap_sasl_tlsz3Whether to use encrypted connections to LDAP server)authentication_ldap_sasl_user_search_attrz!LDAP server user search attribute+authentication_ldap_simple_auth_method_name'authentication_ldap_simple_bind_base_dn'authentication_ldap_simple_bind_root_dn(authentication_ldap_simple_bind_root_pwd"authentication_ldap_simple_ca_path,authentication_ldap_simple_group_search_attr.authentication_ldap_simple_group_search_filter)authentication_ldap_simple_init_pool_size%authentication_ldap_simple_log_status(authentication_ldap_simple_max_pool_size&authentication_ldap_simple_server_host&authentication_ldap_simple_server_portauthentication_ldap_simple_tls+authentication_ldap_simple_user_search_attrlicensezType of license for the server local_infilezWhether LOCAL is supported for LOAD DATA INFILE statements. Default can be overridden by a number of server and client settings, see text for more information.lock_wait_timeoutzTimeout for metadata lockslocked_in_memoryz"Whether mysqld is locked in memorylogz#Log connections and queries to filezlog-backup-outputzThe destination for MySQL Backup history and progress log output. Syntax: log-backup-output[=value[,value...]], where "value" could be TABLE, FILE, or NONEzlog-binz,Specifies the base name for binary log fileszlog-bin-trust-function-creatorszIf equal to 0 (the default), then when --log-bin is used, creation of a stored function is allowed only to users having the SUPER privilege and only if the function created does not break binary loggingzlog-bin-trust-routine-creatorsz0(deprecated) Use log-bin-trust-function-creatorszlog-bin-use-v1-row-eventsz#Use version 1 binary log row eventsz log-errorzError log filez log-outputz?The destination for general query log and slow query log outputzlog-queries-not-using-indexesz^Log queries that are executed without benefit of any index to the slow query log if it is openzlog-slave-updateszTTells the slave to log the updates performed by its SQL thread to its own binary logzlog-slow-querieszWhether to log slow queries. Logging defaults to hostname-slow.log file. Must be enabled to activate other slow query log optionsz log-warningsz-Log some noncritical warnings to the log file(log_backward_compatible_user_definitionszFWhether to log CREATE/ALTER USER, GRANT in backward-compatible fashionlog_binz!Whether the binary log is enabledlog_bin_basenamez'Path and base name for binary log files log_bin_indexz,Path and base name for binary log index filelog_bin_use_v1_row_eventsz=Shows whether server is using version 1 binary log row events%log_builtin_as_identified_by_passwordlog_error_filter_ruleslog_error_servicesz#Components to use for error logginglog_error_verbosityzError logging verbosity levellog_slave_updateszWhether the slave should log the updates performed by its SQL thread to its own binary log. Read-only; set using the --log-slave-updates server option.log_slow_admin_statementsziLog slow OPTIMIZE, ANALYZE, ALTER and other administrative statements to the slow query log if it is openlog_slow_slave_statementszRCause slow statements as executed by the slave to be written to the slow query log log_statements_unsafe_for_binlogz;Disables error 1592 warnings being written to the error log log_syslogz$Whether to write error log to sysloglog_syslog_facilityzFacility for syslog messageslog_syslog_include_pidz0Whether to include server PID in syslog messageslog_syslog_tagz,Tag for server identifier in syslog messages&log_throttle_queries_not_using_indexeszZThrottle write rate to slow log for queries not using indexes slow query log if it is openlog_timestampszLog timestamp formatlong_query_timezTLog all queries that have taken more than long_query_time seconds to execute to filezLogging/Slow query log optionszlow-priority-updatesz4INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE has lower priority than selectslower_case_file_systemzMThis variable describes the case sensitivity of file names on the file systemlower_case_table_nameszIf set to 1, table names are stored in lowercase on disk and table names will be case insensitive. Should be set to 2 if you are using a case-insensitive file system.mandatory_rolesz)Automatically granted roles for all userszmaria-block-sizez$Sets the block size for Maria tableszmaria-checkpoint-intervalz/Sets the interval between automatic checkpointszmaria-log-file-sizez(Sets size of each of the Maria log fileszmaria-log-purge-typez)Sets the mode for purging Maria log fileszmaria-max-sort-file-sizez)The maximum size of an external sort filezmaria-page-checksumz(Sets the default mode for page checksumszmaria-pagecache-age-thresholdzSets the pagecache agezmaria-pagecache-buffer-sizez-Sets the buffer size for data and index pageszmaria-pagecache-division-limitz7The minimum percentage of warm blocks in the page cachez maria-recoverz3Force recovery of Maria tables without the log filezmaria-repair-threadsz2Number of threads to be used when repairing tableszmaria-sort-buffer-sizez%Sets the sort buffer size for indexeszmaria-stats-methodz%Sets the statistics collection methodzmaria-sync-log-dirz[Controls the synchronization of the directory after a log file has been extended or createdmaster_info_repositoryz}Whether to write master status information and replication I/O thread location in the master's binary logs to a file or tablezReplication/Mastermaster_verify_checksumz.Cause master to read checksums from binary logmax_allowed_packetz0Max packet length to send to/receive from serverzNetworking/Data / Memory sizemax_binlog_cache_sizezRCan be used to restrict the total size used to cache a multi-statement transactionmax_binlog_sizezEBinary log will be rotated automatically when size exceeds this valuemax_binlog_stmt_cache_sizeziCan be used to restrict the total size used to cache all nontransactional statements during a transactionmax_connect_errorszbNumber of interrupted connections from a host before this host is blocked from further connectionszNetworking/Advancedmax_connectionsz&Number of simultaneous clients allowedmax_delayed_threadszDo not start more than this number of threads to handle INSERT DELAYED statements. If set to zero, which means INSERT DELAYED is not usedmax_digest_lengthz The maximum digest size in bytesmax_error_countz6Max number of errors/warnings to store for a statementmax_execution_timez!Statement execution timeout valuemax_heap_table_sizez5Do not allow creation of heap tables bigger than thismax_insert_delayed_threadsz2This variable is a synonym for max_delayed_threads max_join_sizezUJoins that are probably going to read more than max_join_size records return an errormax_length_for_sort_dataz%Max number of bytes in sorted recordsmax_long_data_sizezFMax size of parameter values that mysql_stmt_send_long_data() can sendmax_points_in_geometryzDMaximum number of points in geometry values for ST_Buffer_Strategy()max_prepared_stmt_countz3Maximum number of prepared statements in the servermax_relay_log_sizezIf nonzero, relay log is rotated automatically when its size exceeds this value. If zero, size at which rotation occurs is determined by the value of max_binlog_size.zReplication/Relay Logmax_seeks_for_keyzELimit assumed max number of seeks when looking up rows based on a keymax_sort_lengthz/Number of bytes to use when sorting data valuesmax_sp_recursion_depthz(Maximum stored procedure recursion depthmax_statement_timemax_tmp_tablesmax_user_connectionszIThe maximum number of active connections for a single user (0 = no limit)max_write_lock_countzDAfter this many write locks, allow some read locks to run in between mecab_rc_filezPPath to the mecabrc configuration file for the MeCab parser for full-text searchmetadata_locks_cache_sizez Size of the metadata locks cachemetadata_locks_hash_instanceszNumber of metadata lock hasheszmin-examined-row-limitzQQueries examining fewer than this number of rows are not logged to slow query logmulti_range_countzTThe maximum number of ranges to send to a table handler at once during range selectsmyisam_data_pointer_sizez1Default pointer size to be used for MyISAM tableszMyISAM/Advanced Settingsmyisam_max_extra_sort_file_sizezDeprecated optionmyisam_max_sort_file_sizezfDo not use the fast sort index method to create index if the temporary file would get bigger than thismyisam_mmap_sizezNThe maximum amount of memory to use for memory mapping compressed MyISAM filesmyisam_recover_optionsz(The value of the --myisam-recover optionmyisam_repair_threadsz^Number of threads to use when repairing MyISAM tables. The value of 1 disables parallel repairmyisam_sort_buffer_sizezwThe buffer allocated when sorting the index for a REPAIR TABLE or when creating indexes for CREATE INDEX or ALTER TABLEmyisam_stats_methodzHSpecifies how MyISAM index statistics collection code should treat NULLsmyisam_use_mmapz8Use memory mapping for reading and writing MyISAM tables!mysql_native_password_proxy_userszEWhether the mysql_native_password authentication plugin does proxyingmysql_firewall_max_query_sizez#Maximum size of recorded statementszGeneral/Firewallmysql_firewall_modez0Whether MySQL Enterprise Firewall is operationalmysql_firewall_tracez Whether to enable firewall trace named_pipez8Whether the server supports connections over named pipeszndb-batch-sizez2Size (in bytes) to use for NDB transaction batcheszndb-blob-read-batch-byteszSSpecifies size in bytes that large BLOB reads should be batched into. 0 = no limit.zndb-blob-write-batch-byteszTSpecifies size in bytes that large BLOB writes should be batched into. 0 = no limit.zndb-cluster-connection-poolz2Number of connections to the cluster used by MySQLz#ndb-cluster-connection-pool-nodeidszComma-separated list of node IDs for connections to the cluster used by MySQL; the number of nodes in the list must be the same as the value set for --ndb-cluster-connection-poolzndb-default-column-formatzUse this value (FIXED or DYNAMIC) by default for COLUMN_FORMAT and ROW_FORMAT options when creating or adding columns to a table.zndb-deferred-constraintszSpecifies that constraint checks on unique indexes (where these are supported) should be deferred until commit time. Not normally needed or used; for testing purposes only.zndb-distributionzZDefault distribution for new tables in NDBCLUSTER (KEYHASH or LINHASH, default is KEYHASH)zndb-log-apply-statuszCause a MySQL server acting as a slave to log mysql.ndb_apply_status updates received from its immediate master in its own binary log, using its own server ID. Effective only if the server is started with the --ndbcluster option.zndb-log-empty-epochszWhen enabled, causes epochs in which there were no changes to be written to the ndb_apply_status and ndb_binlog_index tables, even when --log-slave-updates is enabled.zndb-log-empty-updatezWhen enabled, causes updates that produced no changes to be written to the ndb_apply_status and ndb_binlog_index tables, even when --log-slave-updates is enabled.zndb-log-exclusive-readsz]Log primary key reads with exclusive locks; allow conflict resolution based on read conflictsz ndb-log-origzCLog originating server id and epoch in mysql.ndb_binlog_index tablezndb-log-transaction-idzNWrite NDB transaction IDs in the binary log. Requires --log-bin-v1-events=OFF.zndb-log-update-as-writezNToggles logging of updates on the master between updates (OFF) and writes (ON)zndb-wait-connectedzTime (in seconds) for the MySQL server to wait for connection to cluster management and data nodes before accepting MySQL client connectionszndb-wait-setupzOTime (in seconds) for the MySQL server to wait for NDB engine setup to completezndb-allow-copying-alter-tablezJSet to OFF to keep ALTER TABLE from using copying operations on NDB tablesndb_autoincrement_prefetch_szz NDB auto-increment prefetch sizendb_cache_check_timezXNumber of milliseconds between checks of cluster SQL nodes made by the MySQL query cachendb_clear_apply_statuszSCauses RESET SLAVE to clear all rows from the ndb_apply_status table; ON by default Ndb_conflict_last_conflict_epochzDMost recent NDB epoch on this slave in which a conflict was detectedndb_data_node_neighbourzoSpecifies cluster data node "closest" to this MySQL Server, for transaction hinting and fully replicated tablesndb_default_column_formatzTSets default row format and column format (FIXED or DYNAMIC) used for new NDB tablesndb_deferred_constraintszSpecifies that constraint checks should be deferred (where these are supported). Not normally needed or used; for testing purposes only.ndb_distributionndb_eventbuffer_free_percentzPercentage of free memory that should be available in event buffer before resumption of buffering, after reaching limit set by ndb_eventbuffer_max_allocndb_eventbuffer_max_alloczcMaximum memory that can be allocated for buffering events by the NDB API. Defaults to 0 (no limit).ndb_extra_loggingzgControls logging of NDB Cluster schema, connection, and data distribution events in the MySQL error logndb_force_sendzOForces sending of buffers to NDB immediately, without waiting for other threadsndb_fully_replicatedz+Whether new NDB tables are fully replicatedndb_index_stat_cache_entriesz\Sets the granularity of the statistics by determining the number of starting and ending keysndb_index_stat_enablez.Use NDB index statistics in query optimizationndb_index_stat_optionzcComma-separated list of tunable options for NDB index statistics; the list should contain no spacesndb_index_stat_update_freqz=How often to query data nodes instead of the statistics cachendb_join_pushdownz+Enables pushing down of joins to data nodesndb_log_apply_statuszWhether or not a MySQL server acting as a slave logs mysql.ndb_apply_status updates received from its immediate master in its own binary log, using its own server ID ndb_log_binzjWrite updates to NDB tables in the binary log. Effective only if binary logging is enabled with --log-bin.ndb_log_binlog_indexzInsert mapping between epochs and binary log positions into the ndb_binlog_index table. Defaults to ON. Effective only if binary logging is enabled on the server.ndb_log_empty_epochszWhen enabled, epochs in which there were no changes are written to the ndb_apply_status and ndb_binlog_index tables, even when log_slave_updates is enabledndb_log_empty_updatezWhen enabled, updates which produce no changes are written to the ndb_apply_status and ndb_binlog_index tables, even when log_slave_updates is enabledndb_log_exclusive_reads ndb_log_origzWhether the id and epoch of the originating server are recorded in the mysql.ndb_binlog_index table. Set using the --ndb-log-orig option when starting mysqld.ndb_log_transaction_idzHWhether NDB transaction IDs are written into the binary log (Read-only.)zndb-log-update-minimalz Log updates in a minimal format.ndb_log_updated_onlyz,Log complete rows (ON) or updates only (OFF)ndb_optimization_delayzgSets the number of milliseconds to wait between processing sets of rows by OPTIMIZE TABLE on NDB tablesndb_optimized_node_selectionzXDetermines how an SQL node chooses a cluster data node to use as transaction coordinatorndb_read_backupzEnable read from any replicandb_recv_thread_cpu_maskzpCPU mask for locking receiver threads to specific CPUs; specified as hexadecimal. See documentation for details.#ndb_report_thresh_binlog_epoch_slipa5NDB 7.5.4 and later: Threshold for number of epochs completely buffered, but not yet consumed by binlog injector thread which when exceeded generates BUFFERED_EPOCHS_OVER_THRESHOLD event buffer status message; prior to NDB 7.5.4: Threshold for number of epochs to lag behind before reporting binary log status"ndb_report_thresh_binlog_mem_usagezaThis is a threshold on the percentage of free memory remaining before reporting binary log status ndb_show_foreign_key_mock_tablesz9Show the mock tables used to support foreign_key_checks=0ndb_slave_conflict_rolezRole for slave to play in conflict detection and resolution. Value is one of PRIMARY, SECONDARY, PASS, or NONE (default). Can be changed only when slave SQL thread is stopped. See documentation for further information.Ndb_slave_max_replicated_epochzThe most recently committed NDB epoch on this slave. When this value is greater than or equal to Ndb_conflict_last_conflict_epoch, no conflicts have yet been detected.Ndb_system_namezDConfigured cluster system name; empty if server not connected to NDBndb_table_no_loggingzNDB tables created when this setting is enabled are not checkpointed to disk (although table schema files are created). The setting in effect when the table is created with or altered to use NDBCLUSTER persists for the lifetime of the table.ndb_table_temporaryz`NDB tables are not persistent on disk: no schema files are created and the tables are not loggedndb_use_copying_alter_tablez1Use copying ALTER TABLE operations in NDB Clusterndb_use_exact_countz)Use exact row count when planning queriesndb_use_transactionsziForces NDB to use a count of records during SELECT COUNT(*) query planning to speed up this type of query ndb_versionz0Shows build and NDB engine version as an integerndb_version_stringzHShows build information including NDB engine version in ndb-x.y.z formatndbinfo_databasez9The name used for the NDB information database; read onlyndbinfo_max_byteszUsed for debugging onlyndbinfo_max_rowsndbinfo_offlinez^Put the ndbinfo database into offline mode, in which no rows are returned from tables or viewsndbinfo_show_hiddenzUWhether to show ndbinfo internal base tables in the mysql client. The default is OFF.ndbinfo_table_prefixz9The prefix to use for naming ndbinfo internal base tablesndbinfo_versionz,The version of the ndbinfo engine; read onlynet_buffer_lengthz1Buffer length for TCP/IP and socket communicationnet_read_timeoutzRNumber of seconds to wait for more data from a connection before aborting the readnet_retry_countz^Number of times to retry an interrupted read or write on a communication port before giving upnet_write_timeoutz]Number of seconds to wait for a block to be written to a connection before aborting the writenewz)Use very new, possibly 'unsafe' functionsngram_token_sizezCDefines the n-gram token size for the full-text search ngram parser offline_modezWhether server is offlineoldzICause the server to revert to certain behaviors present in older versionszold-alter-tablez!Use old, nonoptimized alter table old_passwordsz.Selects password hashing method for PASSWORD()zopen-files-limitzeIf this is not 0, then mysqld will use this value to reserve file descriptors to use with setrlimit()optimizer_join_cache_leveloptimizer_prune_levelzControls the heuristic(s) applied during query optimization to prune less-promising partial plans from the optimizer search spaceoptimizer_search_depthz8Maximum depth of search performed by the query optimizeroptimizer_switchz.Enable control over which optimizations to useoptimizer_tracezControl optimizer tracingoptimizer_trace_featuresoptimizer_trace_limitoptimizer_trace_max_mem_sizeoptimizer_trace_offsetoptimizer_use_mrrz7How the optimizer reads multiple ranges of index tuplesparser_max_mem_sizez,Maximum amount of memory available to parserpassword_historyz9Number of password changes required before password reusepassword_reuse_intervalz5Number of days elapsed required before password reuseperformance_schemaz%Whether Performance Schema is enabledzPerformance/Performance Schema performance_schema_accounts_sizez$Number of rows in the accounts tableperformance_schema_digests_sizez?Number of rows in the events_statements_summary_by_digest tableperformance_schema_error_sizezNumber of instrumented errors2performance_schema_events_stages_history_long_sizez6Number of rows in the events_stages_history_long table-performance_schema_events_stages_history_sizezThe semisynchronous replication debug trace level on the slave rpl_read_sizezbSet the minimum amount of data in bytes that is read from the binary log files and relay log filesrpl_stop_slave_timeoutzASet the number of seconds that STOP SLAVE waits before timing outzsafe-show-databasez3Deprecated option; use GRANT SHOW DATABASES insteadschema_definition_cachez_Defines the number of schema definition objects that can be kept in the dictionary object cachez secure-authzFDisallow authentication for accounts that have old (pre-4.1) passwordszsecure-backup-file-privz@Limit BACKUP DATABASE and RESTORE to files in a single directoryzsecure-file-privz]Limit LOAD DATA, and SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE, and LOAD_FILE() to files in specified directoryz server-idzzUniquely identifies the server instance in the community of replication partners. Required when binary logging is enabled.zserver-id-bitszSets the number of least significant bits in the server_id actually used for identifying the server, permitting NDB API applications to store application data in the most significant bits. server_id must be less than 2 to the power of this value.server_id_bitszuThe effective value of server_id if the server was started with the --server-id-bits option set to a nondefault value server_uuidzLThe server's globally unique ID, automatically (re)generated at server startsession_track_gtidszBEnables a tracker which can be configured to track different GTIDssession_track_schemazWhether to track schema changessession_track_state_changez&Whether to track session state changessession_track_system_variablesz&Session variables to track changes for&sha256_password_auto_generate_rsa_keys sha256_password_private_key_pathz2SHA256 authentication plugin private key path namesha256_password_proxy_usersz?Whether the sha256_password authentication plugin does proxyingsha256_password_public_key_pathz1SHA256 authentication plugin public key path name shared_memoryz3Whether the server allows shared-memory connectionsshared_memory_base_namez>The name of shared memory to use for shared-memory connectionsshow_compatibility_56z'Compatibility for SHOW STATUS/VARIABLESshow_create_table_verbosityzSWhether to display ROW_FORMAT in SHOW CREATE TABLE even if it has the default valueshow_old_temporalszDWhether SHOW CREATE TABLE should indicate pre-5.6.4 temporal columnssimplified_binlog_gtid_recoveryzskip-name-resolvez@Do not resolve host names. All host names are IPs or 'localhost'zskip-networkingz#Do not allow connection with TCP/IPzskip-show-databasez%Do not allow SHOW DATABASE statementszskip-sync-bdb-logsz$Disables synchronous BDB log flushesskip_external_lockingzSkip system (external) lockingzslave-load-tmpdirziThe location where the slave should put its temporary files when replicating a LOAD DATA INFILE statementzslave-net-timeoutz_Number of seconds to wait for more data from a master/slave connection before aborting the readzslave-skip-errorszcTells the slave thread to continue replication when a query returns an error from the provided listslave_allow_batchingz8Turns update batching on and off for a replication slaveslave_checkpoint_groupzMaximum number of transactions processed by a multi-threaded slave before a checkpoint operation is called to update progress status. Not supported by NDB Cluster.slave_checkpoint_periodzUpdate progress status of multi-threaded slave and flush relay log info to disk after this number of milliseconds. Not supported by NDB Cluster.slave_compressed_protocolz(Use compression on master/slave protocolslave_exec_modezAllows for switching the slave thread between IDEMPOTENT mode (key and some other errors suppressed) and STRICT mode; STRICT mode is the default, except for NDB Cluster, where IDEMPOTENT is always usedslave_max_allowed_packetzwMaximum size, in bytes, of a packet that can be sent from a replication master to a slave; overrides max_allowed_packetslave_parallel_typez{Tells the slave to use timestamp information (LOGICAL_CLOCK) or database partioning (DATABASE) to parallelize transactions.slave_parallel_workerszNumber of applier threads for executing replication transactions in parallel. A value of 0 disables slave multi-threading. Not supported by MySQL Cluster.slave_pending_jobs_size_maxzBMaximum size of slave worker queues holding events not yet appliedslave_preserve_commit_orderzEnsures that all commits by slave workers happen in the same order as on the master to maintain consistency when using parallel applier threads.slave_rows_search_algorithmszzDetermines search algorithms used for slave update batching. Any 2 or 3 from the list INDEX_SEARCH, TABLE_SCAN, HASH_SCAN.slave_sql_verify_checksumzA list of possible SSL ciphers (empty for non-SSL connections)Mysqlx_ssl_verify_depthz5The certificate verification depth for SSL connectionMysqlx_ssl_verify_modez4The certificate verification mode for SSL connectionMysqlx_ssl_versionz4The name of the protocol used for the SSL connectionMysqlx_sessionsz,The number of sessions that have been openedMysqlx_sessions_closedz,The number of sessions that have been closedMysqlx_sessions_fatal_errorz:The number of sessions that have closed with a fatal errorMysqlx_init_errorz*The number of errors during initialisationMysqlx_sessions_acceptedz7The number of session attempts which have been acceptedMysqlx_sessions_rejectedz7The number of session attempts which have been rejectedMysqlx_sessions_killedz-The number of sessions which have been killedMysqlx_connections_closedz0The number of connections which have been closedMysqlx_connections_acceptedz2The number of connections which have been acceptedMysqlx_connections_rejectedz2The number of connections which have been rejectedMysqlx_connection_accept_errorsz9The number of connections which have caused accept errorsMysqlx_connection_errorsMysqlx_worker_threadsz&The number of worker threads availableMysqlx_worker_threads_activez+The number of worker threads currently usedMysqlx_ssl_activezWhether SSL is activeMysqlx_ssl_ctx_verify_depthz=The certificate verification depth limit currently set in ctxMysqlx_ssl_ctx_verify_modez6The certificate verification mode currently set in ctxMysqlx_ssl_finished_acceptsz6The number of successful SSL connections to the serverMysqlx_ssl_acceptsz&The number of accepted SSL connectionsMysqlx_ssl_server_not_afterz4The last date for which the SSL certificate is validMysqlx_ssl_server_not_beforez5The first date for which the SSL certificate is validMysqlx_ssl_accept_renegotiatesz;The number of negotiates needed to establish the connectionMysqlx_errors_sentz*number of errors that were sent to clientsAborted_clientsz]Number of connections aborted because the client died without closing the connection properlyzNetworking/StatsAborted_connectsz4Number of failed attempts to connect to MySQL serverAcl_cache_items_countz"Number of cached privilege objectsGeneralAudit_log_current_sizezAudit log file current sizeAudit_log_event_max_drop_sizez%Size of largest dropped audited eventAudit_log_eventsz Number of handled audited eventsAudit_log_events_filteredz!Number of filtered audited eventsAudit_log_events_lostz Number of dropped audited eventsAudit_log_events_writtenz Number of written audited eventsAudit_log_total_sizez'Combined size of written audited eventsAudit_log_write_waitsz&Number of write-delayed audited eventsBinlog_cache_disk_usezQNumber of transactions that used a temporary file instead of the binary log cacheBinlogBinlog_cache_usez?Number of transactions that used the temporary binary log cacheBinlog_stmt_cache_disk_usezjNumber of nontransactional statements that used a temporary file instead of the binary log statement cacheBinlog_stmt_cache_usezGNumber of statements that used the temporary binary log statement cacheBytes_receivedz)Number of bytes received from all clients Bytes_sentz#Number of bytes sent to all clients$Caching_sha2_password_rsa_public_keyz@caching_sha2_password authentication plugin RSA public key valueCom_admin_commandszCount of admin statementszCommands/Admin Com_alter_dbz"Count of ALTER DATABASE statementsz Commands/DDLCom_alter_db_upgradezBCount of ALTER DATABASE ... UPGRADE DATA DIRECTORY NAME statementsCom_alter_eventz Count for ALTER EVENT statementsCom_alter_functionz"Count of ALTER FUNCTION statementsCom_alter_procedurez#Count of ALTER PROCEDURE statementsCom_alter_resource_groupz(Count of ALTER RESOURCE GROUP statementsCom_alter_serverz Count of ALTER SERVER statementsCom_alter_tablezCount of ALTER TABLE statementsCom_alter_tablespacez$Count of ALTER TABLESPACE statementsCom_alter_userzCount of ALTER USER statementsCom_alter_user_default_rolez/Count of ALTER USER ... DEFAULT ROLE statements Com_analyzezCount of ANALYZE statementszCommands/GeneralCom_assign_to_keycachezCount of CACHE INDEX statements Com_backupz#Count of BACKUP DATABASE statementsCom_backup_tablez Count of BACKUP TABLE statements Com_beginzCount of BEGIN statementszCommands/Transaction Com_binlogzCount of BINLOG statementsCom_call_procedurez$Number of calls to stored proceduresz Commands/DML Com_change_dbz#Count of CHANGE DATABASE statementsCom_change_masterz$Count of CHANGE MASTER TO statementsCom_change_repl_filterz-Count of CHANGE REPLICATION FILTER statementszCommands/Replication Com_checkzCount of CHECK statements Com_checksumzCount of CHECKSUM statements Com_commitzCount of COMMIT statements Com_create_dbz#Count of CREATE DATABASE statementsCom_create_eventz Count of CREATE EVENT statementsCom_create_functionz#Count of CREATE FUNCTION statementsCom_create_indexz Count of CREATE INDEX statementsCom_create_procedurez$Count of CREATE PROCEDURE statementsCom_create_resource_groupz)Count of CREATE RESOURCE GROUP statementsCom_drop_resource_groupz'Count of DROP RESOURCE GROUP statementsCom_set_resource_groupz&Count of SET RESOURCE GROUP statementsCom_create_rolezCount of CREATE ROLE statementsCom_create_serverz!Count of CREATE SERVER statementsCom_create_tablez Count of CREATE TABLE statementsCom_create_triggerz"Count of CREATE TRIGGER statementsCom_create_udfz)Count of CREATE FUNCTION (UDF) statementsCom_create_userzCount of CREATE USER statementsCom_create_viewzCount of CREATE VIEW statementsCom_dealloc_sqlz&Count of DEALLOCATE PREPARE statements Com_deletezCount of DELETE statementsCom_delete_multiz)Count of multiple table DELETE statementsCom_dozCount of DO statements Com_drop_dbz!Count of DROP DATABASE statementsCom_drop_eventzCount of DROP EVENT statementsCom_drop_functionz!Count of DROP FUNCTION statementsCom_drop_indexzCount of DROP INDEX statementsCom_drop_procedurez"Count of DROP PROCEDURE statements Com_drop_rolezCount of DROP ROLE statementsCom_drop_serverzCount of DROP SERVER statementsCom_drop_tablezCount of DROP TABLE statementsCom_drop_triggerz Count of DROP TRIGGER statements Com_drop_userzCount of DROP USER statements Com_drop_viewzCount of DROP_VIEW statementsCom_empty_queryzCount of empty statementsCom_execute_sqlzCount of EXECUTE statementsCom_explain_otherz*Count of EXPLAIN FOR CONNECTION statements Com_flushzCount of FLUSH statementsCom_get_diagnosticsz#Count of GET DIAGNOSTICS statements Com_grantzCount of GRANT statementsCom_grant_roleszCount of GRANT ROLE statementsCom_group_replication_startz+Count of START GROUP_REPLICATION statementsCom_group_replication_stopz*Count of STOP GROUP_REPLICATION statements Com_ha_closez!Count of HANDLER CLOSE statements Com_ha_openz Count of HANDLER OPEN statements Com_ha_readz Count of HANDLER READ statementsCom_helpzCount of HELP statements Com_insertzCount of INSERT statementsCom_insert_selectz!Count of INSERT SELECT statementsCom_install_componentz%Count of INSTALL COMPONENT statementsCom_install_pluginz"Count of INSTALL PLUGIN statementsCom_killzCount of KILL statementsCom_loadzCount of LOAD statementsCom_load_master_dataz$Count of LOAD MASTER DATA statementsCom_load_master_tablez%Count of LOAD MASTER TABLE statementsCom_lock_tableszCount of LOCK TABLES statements Com_optimizezCount of OPTIMIZE statementsCom_preload_keysz Count of PRELOAD KEYS statementsCom_prepare_sqlzCount of PREPARE statements Com_purgezCount of PURGE statementsCom_purge_before_datez%Count of PURGE BEFORE DATE statementsCom_purge_bup_logz$Count of PURGE BACKUP LOG statementsCom_release_savepointz%Count of RELEASE SAVEPOINT statementsCom_rename_tablez Count of RENAME TABLE statementsCom_rename_userzCount of RENAME USER statements Com_repairzCount of REPAIR statements Com_replacezCount of REPLACE statementsCom_replace_selectz"Count of REPLACE SELECT statements Com_resetzCount of RESET statements Com_resignalzCount of RESIGNAL statements Com_restorez$Count of RESTORE DATABASE statementsCom_restore_tablez!Count of RESTORE TABLE statements Com_revokez,Count of REVOKE statements that revoke rolesCom_revoke_allzCount of REVOKE ALL statementsCom_revoke_rolesz Count of REVOKE ROLES statements Com_rollbackzCount of ROLLBACK statementsCom_rollback_to_savepointz)Count of ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT statements Com_savepointzCount of SAVEPOINT statements Com_selectzCount of SELECT statementsCom_set_optionzCount of SET OPTION statements Com_set_rolezCount of SET ROLE statementsCom_show_authorsz Count of SHOW AUTHORS statementsz Commands/ShowCom_show_binlog_eventsz&Count of SHOW BINLOG EVENTS statementsCom_show_binlogsz Count of SHOW BINLOGS statementsCom_show_charsetsz Count of SHOW CHARSET statementsCom_show_collationsz"Count of SHOW COLLATION statementsCom_show_column_typesz%Count of SHOW COLUMN TYPES statementsCom_show_contributorsz%Count of SHOW CONTRIBUTORS statementsCom_show_create_dbz(Count of SHOW CREATE DATABASE statementsCom_show_create_eventz%Count of SHOW CREATE EVENT statementsCom_show_create_funcz(Count of SHOW CREATE FUNCTION statementsCom_show_create_procz)Count of SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE statementsCom_show_create_tablez%Count of SHOW CREATE TABLE statementsCom_show_create_triggerz'Count of SHOW CREATE TRIGGER statementsCom_show_create_userz$Count of SHOW CREATE USER statementsCom_show_databasesz"Count of SHOW DATABASES statementsCom_show_engine_logsz$Count of SHOW ENGINE LOGS statementsCom_show_engine_mutexz%Count of SHOW ENGINE MUTEX statementsCom_show_engine_statusz&Count of SHOW ENGINE STATUS statementsCom_show_errorszCount of SHOW ERRORS statementsCom_show_eventszCount of SHOW EVENTS statementsCom_show_fieldszCount of SHOW FIELDS statementsCom_show_function_codez&Count of SHOW FUNCTION CODE statementsCom_show_function_statusz(Count of SHOW FUNCTION STATUS statementsCom_show_grantszCount of SHOW GRANTS statementsCom_show_innodb_statusz&Count of SHOW INNODB STATUS statements Com_show_keyszCount of SHOW KEYS statements Com_show_logszCount of SHOW LOGS statementsCom_show_master_statusz&Count of SHOW MASTER STATUS statementsCom_show_ndb_statusz#Count of SHOW NDB STATUS statementsCom_show_new_masterz#Count of SHOW NEW MASTER statementsCom_show_open_tablesz$Count of SHOW OPEN TABLES statementsCom_show_pluginsz Count of SHOW PLUGINS statementsCom_show_privilegesz#Count of SHOW PRIVILEGES statementsCom_show_procedure_codez'Count of SHOW PROCEDURE CODE statementsCom_show_procedure_statusz)Count of SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS statementsCom_show_processlistz$Count of SHOW PROCESSLIST statementsCom_show_profilez Count of SHOW PROFILE statementsCom_show_profilesz!Count of SHOW PROFILES statementsCom_show_relaylog_eventsz(Count of SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS statementsCom_show_slave_hostsz$Count of SHOW SLAVE HOSTS statementsCom_show_slave_statusz%Count of SHOW SLAVE STATUS statements!Com_show_slave_status_nonblockingz1Count of SHOW SLAVE STATUS NONBLOCKING statementsCom_show_statuszCount of SHOW STATUS statementsCom_show_storage_enginesz(Count of SHOW STORAGE ENGINES statementsCom_show_table_statusz%Count of SHOW TABLE STATUS statementsCom_show_tableszCount of SHOW TABLES statementsCom_show_triggersz!Count of SHOW TRIGGERS statementsCom_show_variablesz"Count of SHOW VARIABLES statementsCom_show_warningsz!Count of SHOW WARNINGS statements Com_shutdownzCount of SHUTDOWN statements Com_signalzCount of SIGNAL statementsCom_slave_startzCount of START SLAVE statementsCom_slave_stopzCount of STOP SLAVE statementsCom_stmt_closez#Count of STATEMENT CLOSE statementszCommands/Prepared StatementCom_stmt_executez%Count of STATEMENT EXECUTE statementsCom_stmt_fetchz#Count of STATEMENT FETCH statementsCom_stmt_preparez%Count of STATEMENT PREPARE statementsCom_stmt_repreparez8Count of automatic repreparations of prepared statementsCom_stmt_resetz#Count of STATEMENT RESET statementsCom_stmt_send_long_dataz,Count of STATEMENT SEND LONG DATA statements Com_truncatezCount of TRUNCATE statementsCom_uninstall_componentz&Count of UINSTALL COMPONENT statementsCom_uninstall_pluginz$Count of UNINSTALL PLUGIN statementsCom_unlock_tablesz!Count of UNLOCK TABLES statements Com_updatezCount of UPDATE statementsCom_update_multiz#Count of multiple UPDATE statements Com_xa_commitzCount of XA COMMIT statements Com_xa_endzCount of XA END statementsCom_xa_preparezCount of XA PREPARE statementsCom_xa_recoverzCount of XA RECOVER statementsCom_xa_rollbackzCount of XA ROLLBACK statements Com_xa_startzCount of XA START statements CompressionzLWhether the client connection uses compression in the client/server protocol"Connection_control_delay_generatedz6How many times the server delayed a connection requestConnection_errors_acceptz5Number of errors calling accept on the listening portzNetworking/ErrorsConnection_errors_internalz4Number of connections refused due to internal errors!Connection_errors_max_connectionsz>Number of connections refused due to the max_connections limitConnection_errors_peer_addressz=Number of errors searching for connection client IP addressesConnection_errors_selectz:Number of errors calling select/poll on the listening portConnection_errors_tcpwrapz(Number of connections refused by libwrap ConnectionszNumber of connection attemptsCreated_tmp_disk_tableszaNumber of temporary tables on disk created automatically by the server while executing statementsCreated_tmp_filesz+How many temporary files mysqld has createdCreated_tmp_tablesz,How many temporary tables mysqld has createdDelayed_errorszHNumber of rows written with INSERT DELAYED for which some error occurredDelayed_insert_threadsz/Number of INSERT DELAYED thread handlers in useDelayed_writesz%Number of INSERT DELAYED rows writtenFirewall_access_deniedz:Number of statements rejected by MySQL Enterprise FirewallFirewallFirewall_access_grantedz:Number of statements accepted by MySQL Enterprise FirewallFirewall_cached_entriesz:Number of statements recorded by MySQL Enterprise FirewallFlush_commandsz#Number of FLUSH statements executedHandler_commitz$Number of internal COMMIT statementsHandlerHandler_deletez7Number of times that rows have been deleted from tablesHandler_discoverz0Number of times that tables have been discoveredHandler_external_lockz2Number of locks started while a statement executedHandler_mrr_initzJNumber of times storage engine MRR implementation is used for table accessHandler_preparez>A counter for the prepare phase of two-phase commit operationsHandler_read_firstz4Number of times the first entry in an index was readHandler_read_keyz/Number of requests to read a row based on a keyHandler_read_lastz/Number of requests to read the last index entryHandler_read_nextz4Number of requests to read the next row in key orderHandler_read_prevz8Number of requests to read the previous row in key orderHandler_read_rndz:Number of requests to read a row based on a fixed positionHandler_read_rnd_nextz8Number of requests to read the next row in the data fileHandler_rollbackzGNumber of requests for a storage engine to perform a rollback operationHandler_savepointzNumber of statements that exceeded the execution timeout valueMax_execution_time_setz8Number of statements for which execution timeout was setMax_execution_time_set_failedz?Number of statements for which execution timeout setting failedMax_statement_time_exceededMax_statement_time_setMax_statement_time_set_failedMax_used_connectionsz_The maximum number of connections that have been in use simultaneously since the server startedMax_used_connections_timez@The time at which Max_used_connections reached its current value mecab_charsetzEThe character set currently used by the MeCab full-text parser pluginz ndb-nodeidz)NDB Cluster node ID for this MySQL serverNdb_api_bytes_received_countzVAmount of data (in bytes) received from the data nodes by this MySQL Server (SQL node)NDB$Ndb_api_bytes_received_count_sessionzMAmount of data (in bytes) received from the data nodes in this client session"Ndb_api_bytes_received_count_slavezDAmount of data (in bytes) received from the data nodes by this slaveNdb_api_bytes_sent_countzPAmount of data (in bytes) sent to the data nodes by this MySQL Server (SQL node) Ndb_api_bytes_sent_count_sessionzGAmount of data (in bytes) sent to the data nodes in this client sessionNdb_api_bytes_sent_count_slavez>Amount of data (in bytes) sent to the data nodes by this slaveNdb_api_event_bytes_countzBNumber of bytes of events received by this MySQL Server (SQL node)"Ndb_api_event_bytes_count_injectorzHNumber of bytes of events received by the NDB binary log injector threadNdb_api_event_data_countzDNumber of row change events received by this MySQL Server (SQL node)!Ndb_api_event_data_count_injectorzJNumber of row change events received by the NDB binary log injector threadNdb_api_event_nondata_countzXNumber of events received, other than row change events, by this MySQL Server (SQL node)$Ndb_api_event_nondata_count_injectorz^Number of events received, other than row change events, by the NDB binary log injector threadNdb_api_pk_op_countzSNumber of operations based on or using primary keys by this MySQL Server (SQL node)Ndb_api_pk_op_count_sessionzJNumber of operations based on or using primary keys in this client sessionNdb_api_pk_op_count_slavezANumber of operations based on or using primary keys by this slaveNdb_api_pruned_scan_countz[Number of scans that have been pruned to a single partition by this MySQL Server (SQL node)!Ndb_api_pruned_scan_count_sessionzRNumber of scans that have been pruned to a single partition in this client sessionNdb_api_pruned_scan_count_slavezINumber of scans that have been pruned to a single partition by this slaveNdb_api_range_scan_countzLNumber of range scans that have been started by this MySQL Server (SQL node) Ndb_api_range_scan_count_sessionzCNumber of range scans that have been started in this client sessionNdb_api_range_scan_count_slavez:Number of range scans that have been started by this slaveNdb_api_read_row_countzHTotal number of rows that have been read by this MySQL Server (SQL node)Ndb_api_read_row_count_sessionz?Total number of rows that have been read in this client sessionNdb_api_read_row_count_slavez6Total number of rows that have been read by this slaveNdb_api_scan_batch_countzBNumber of batches of rows received by this MySQL Server (SQL node) Ndb_api_scan_batch_count_sessionz9Number of batches of rows received in this client sessionNdb_api_scan_batch_count_slavez0Number of batches of rows received by this slaveNdb_api_table_scan_countzqNumber of table scans that have been started, including scans of internal tables, by this MySQL Server (SQL node) Ndb_api_table_scan_count_sessionzhNumber of table scans that have been started, including scans of internal tables, in this client sessionNdb_api_table_scan_count_slavez_Number of table scans that have been started, including scans of internal tables, by this slaveNdb_api_trans_abort_countz>Number of transactions aborted by this MySQL Server (SQL node)!Ndb_api_trans_abort_count_sessionz5Number of transactions aborted in this client sessionNdb_api_trans_abort_count_slavez,Number of transactions aborted by this slaveNdb_api_trans_close_countzNumber of transactions aborted (may be greater than the sum of TransCommitCount and TransAbortCount) by this MySQL Server (SQL node)!Ndb_api_trans_close_count_sessionz{Number of transactions aborted (may be greater than the sum of TransCommitCount and TransAbortCount) in this client sessionNdb_api_trans_close_count_slavezrNumber of transactions aborted (may be greater than the sum of TransCommitCount and TransAbortCount) by this slaveNdb_api_trans_commit_countz@Number of transactions committed by this MySQL Server (SQL node)"Ndb_api_trans_commit_count_sessionz7Number of transactions committed in this client session Ndb_api_trans_commit_count_slavez.Number of transactions committed by this slave"Ndb_api_trans_local_read_row_count*Ndb_api_trans_local_read_row_count_session(Ndb_api_trans_local_read_row_count_slaveNdb_api_trans_start_countz>Number of transactions started by this MySQL Server (SQL node)!Ndb_api_trans_start_count_sessionz5Number of transactions started in this client sessionNdb_api_trans_start_count_slavez,Number of transactions started by this slaveNdb_api_uk_op_countzRNumber of operations based on or using unique keys by this MySQL Server (SQL node)Ndb_api_uk_op_count_sessionzINumber of operations based on or using unique keys in this client sessionNdb_api_uk_op_count_slavez@Number of operations based on or using unique keys by this slave Ndb_api_wait_exec_complete_countzNumber of times thread has been blocked while waiting for execution of an operation to complete by this MySQL Server (SQL node)(Ndb_api_wait_exec_complete_count_sessionzvNumber of times thread has been blocked while waiting for execution of an operation to complete in this client session&Ndb_api_wait_exec_complete_count_slavezmNumber of times thread has been blocked while waiting for execution of an operation to complete by this slaveNdb_api_wait_meta_request_countzkNumber of times thread has been blocked waiting for a metadata-based signal by this MySQL Server (SQL node)'Ndb_api_wait_meta_request_count_sessionzbNumber of times thread has been blocked waiting for a metadata-based signal in this client session%Ndb_api_wait_meta_request_count_slavezYNumber of times thread has been blocked waiting for a metadata-based signal by this slaveNdb_api_wait_nanos_countzuTotal time (in nanoseconds) spent waiting for some type of signal from the data nodes by this MySQL Server (SQL node) Ndb_api_wait_nanos_count_sessionzlTotal time (in nanoseconds) spent waiting for some type of signal from the data nodes in this client sessionNdb_api_wait_nanos_count_slavezcTotal time (in nanoseconds) spent waiting for some type of signal from the data nodes by this slaveNdb_api_wait_scan_result_countzmNumber of times thread has been blocked while waiting for a scan-based signal by this MySQL Server (SQL node)&Ndb_api_wait_scan_result_count_sessionzdNumber of times thread has been blocked while waiting for a scan-based signal in this client session$Ndb_api_wait_scan_result_count_slavez[Number of times thread has been blocked while waiting for a scan-based signal by this slaveNdb_cluster_node_idzjIf the server is acting as an NDB Cluster node, then the value of this variable its node ID in the clusterNdb_config_from_hostzXThe host name or IP address of the Cluster management server Formerly Ndb_connected_hostNdb_config_from_portzQThe port for connecting to Cluster management server. Formerly Ndb_connected_portNdb_conflict_fn_epochz^Number of rows that have been found in conflict by the NDB$EPOCH() conflict detection functionNdb_conflict_fn_epoch2z_Number of rows that have been found in conflict by the NDB$EPOCH2() conflict detection functionNdb_conflict_fn_epoch2_transzeNumber of rows that have been found in conflict by the NDB$EPOCH2_TRANS() conflict detection functionNdb_conflict_fn_epoch_transzdNumber of rows that have been found in conflict by the NDB$EPOCH_TRANS() conflict detection functionNdb_conflict_fn_maxzIf the server is part of an NDB Cluster involved in cluster replication, the value of this variable indicates the number of times that conflict resolution based on "greater timestamp wins" has been appliedNdb_conflict_fn_max_del_winzbNumber of times that conflict resolution based on outcome of NDB$MAX_DELETE_WIN() has been appliedNdb_conflict_fn_oldzIf the server is part of an NDB Cluster involved in cluster replication, the value of this variable indicates the number of times that "same timestamp wins" conflict resolution has been appliedNdb_conflict_last_stable_epochzKNumber of rows found to be in conflict by a transactional conflict function'Ndb_conflict_reflected_op_discard_countzRNumber of reflected operations that were not applied due an error during execution'Ndb_conflict_reflected_op_prepare_countzMNumber of reflected operations received that have been prepared for executionNdb_conflict_refresh_op_countz4Number of refresh operations that have been prepared(Ndb_conflict_trans_conflict_commit_countzVNumber of epoch transactions committed after requiring transactional conflict handling$Ndb_conflict_trans_detect_iter_countzNumber of internal iterations required to commit an epoch transaction. Should be (slightly) greater than or equal to Ndb_conflict_trans_conflict_commit_countNdb_conflict_trans_reject_countzbNumber of transactions rejected after being found in conflict by a transactional conflict function%Ndb_conflict_trans_row_conflict_countzNumber of rows found in conflict by a transactional conflict function. Includes any rows included in or dependent on conflicting transactions.#Ndb_conflict_trans_row_reject_countzTotal number of rows realigned after being found in conflict by a transactional conflict function. Includes Ndb_conflict_trans_row_conflict_count and any rows included in or dependent on conflicting transactions.Ndb_epoch_delete_delete_countz`Number of delete-delete conflicts detected (delete operation is applied, but row does not exist)Ndb_execute_countzGProvides the number of round trips to the NDB kernel made by operationsNdb_last_commit_epoch_serverz$Epoch most recently committed by NDBNdb_last_commit_epoch_sessionz0Epoch most recently committed by this NDB clientNdb_number_of_data_nodesznIf the server is part of an NDB Cluster, the value of this variable is the number of data nodes in the clusterNdb_pruned_scan_countzhNumber of scans executed by NDB since the cluster was last started where partition pruning could be usedNdb_pushed_queries_definedzLNumber of joins that API nodes have attempted to push down to the data nodesNdb_pushed_queries_droppedzBNumber of joins that API nodes have tried to push down, but failedNdb_pushed_queries_executedzGNumber of joins successfully pushed down and executed on the data nodesNdb_pushed_readsz?Number of reads executed on the data nodes by pushed-down joins$ndb_recv_thread_activation_thresholdzActivation threshold when receive thread takes over the polling of the cluster connection (measured in concurrently active threads)Ndb_scan_countzLThe total number of scans executed by NDB since the cluster was last startedNot_flushed_delayed_rowsz;Number of rows waiting to be written in INSERT DELAY queues2Ongoing_anonymous_gtid_violating_transaction_countzFNumber of ongoing anonymous transactions that violate GTID consistency Replication#Ongoing_anonymous_transaction_countz(Number of ongoing anonymous transactions2Ongoing_automatic_gtid_violating_transaction_countzFNumber of ongoing automatic transactions that violate GTID consistency Open_fileszNumber of files that are open Open_streamsz9Number of streams that are open (used mainly for logging)Open_table_definitionsz"Number of cached table definitions Open_tableszNumber of tables that are open Opened_filesz5Number of files that have been opened using my_open()Opened_table_definitionsz1Number of table definitions that have been cached Opened_tablesz&Number of tables that have been openedoriginal_commit_timestampz@The time when a transaction was committed on the original master Performance_schema_accounts_lostz/How many accounts table rows could not be addedzPerformance schema$Performance_schema_cond_classes_lostz2How many condition instruments could not be loaded&Performance_schema_cond_instances_lostzThe size of the longest valid connection attribute buffer seen-Performance_schema_session_connect_attrs_lostzJThe number of connections for which attribute strings could not be created&Performance_schema_socket_classes_lostz/How many socket instruments could not be loaded(Performance_schema_socket_instances_lostz9How many socket instrument instances could not be created%Performance_schema_stage_classes_lostz.How many stage instruments could not be loaded)Performance_schema_statement_classes_lostz2How many statement instruments could not be loaded%Performance_schema_table_handles_lostz7How many table instrument instances could not be opened'Performance_schema_table_instances_lostz8How many table instrument instances could not be created'Performance_schema_table_lock_stat_lostz4Number of tables for which lock statistics were lost&Performance_schema_thread_classes_lostz/How many thread instruments could not be loaded(Performance_schema_thread_instances_lostz9How many thread instrument instances could not be createdPerformance_schema_users_lostz,How many users table rows could not be addedPrepared_stmt_countQcache_free_blocksz/Number of free memory blocks in the query cachez Query cacheQcache_free_memoryz-The amount of free memory for the query cache Qcache_hitszNumber of query cache hitsQcache_insertszNumber of query cache insertsQcache_lowmem_prunesz`Number of queries that were deleted from the query cache due to lack of free memory in the cacheQcache_not_cachedz^Number of noncached queries (not cacheable, or not cached due to the query_cache_type setting)Qcache_queries_in_cachez/Number of queries registered in the query cacheQcache_total_blocksz-The total number of blocks in the query cacheQueriesz+Number of statements executed by the server Questionsz9Number of statements that clients have sent to the serverRewriter_number_loaded_rulesz7Number of rewrite rules successfully loaded into memoryRewriter_number_reloadsz,Number of reloads of rules table into memory!Rewriter_number_rewritten_queriesz7Number of queries rewritten since the plugin was loadedRewriter_reload_errorzKWhether an error occurred when last loading the rewriting rules into memoryRpl_semi_sync_master_clientsz Number of semisynchronous slaves&Rpl_semi_sync_master_net_avg_wait_timez4The average time the master waited for a slave reply"Rpl_semi_sync_master_net_wait_timez2The total time the master waited for slave repliesRpl_semi_sync_master_net_waitsz=The total number of times the master waited for slave repliesRpl_semi_sync_master_no_timeszANumber of times the master turned off semisynchronous replicationRpl_semi_sync_master_no_txz/Number of commits not acknowledged successfullyRpl_semi_sync_master_statusz@Whether semisynchronous replication is operational on the master&Rpl_semi_sync_master_timefunc_failuresz=Number of times the master failed when calling time functions%Rpl_semi_sync_master_tx_avg_wait_timez7The average time the master waited for each transaction!Rpl_semi_sync_master_tx_wait_timez1The total time the master waited for transactionsRpl_semi_sync_master_tx_waitszrArDrErGrIrMrNrTr\rg bind_addresscharacter_sets_dirr|rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrignore_builtin_innodb init_filerrrrrrrr rrrr'r3r7r8r:r=r>rBrCrNrRrSrTrgrkrnrortrwrxr{r~rrrrrrrrrrr large_pagesrlc_messages_dirr log_errorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr/r7r8r: mysqlx_ssl mysqlx_ssl_camysqlx_ssl_capathmysqlx_ssl_certmysqlx_ssl_ciphermysqlx_ssl_crlmysqlx_ssl_crlpathmysqlx_ssl_keyrndb_batch_sizendb_cluster_connection_pool#ndb_cluster_connection_pool_nodeidsr2r9r<rCrJrKndb_wait_setuprLrRrXrZopen_files_limitrirjrkrlrmrnrorprqrrrsrtrurvrwrxrzr{r|r}r~rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpid_filerrr relay_logrrrrrrrrrrrrskip_name_resolveskip_networkingskip_show_databaseslave_load_tmpdirrrssl_ca ssl_capathssl_cert ssl_cipherssl_crl ssl_crlpathssl_keyrrrrrrr!r2r3r4r5r8 report_host report_portreport_password report_userrrzNFrom the above list we will allow following list of variables to be persisted.r>rIrMrTrgrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r'r3r8r:r=r>rBrCrNrRrSrgrkrnrtrwr{rrrrrrrrrrrrrr/r7r8r:rrrrrrrrrrrr2r9r<rCrrLrXrZrrirjrkrlrmrnrorprqrrrsrtrurvrwrxrzr{r|r}r~rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrN)system_variable_liststatus_variable_listro_persistable$..\modules\wb_admin_variable_list.pyrsjB59B5&R B5&5B5&4B5 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