# Copyright (c) 2012, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is also distributed with certain software (including # but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as # designated in a particular file or component or in included license # documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional # permission to link the program and your derivative works with the # separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See # the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import re from wb import DefineModule import grt from db_generic_migration_grt import GenericMigration from workbench.utils import find_object_with_name ModuleInfo = DefineModule(name= "DbSybaseMigration", author= "Oracle Corp.", version="1.0") truncated_identifier_serial = 0 class SybaseMigration(GenericMigration): def migrateIdentifier(self, sybase_name, log, dots_allowed=True): mysql_valid_regex = re.compile(r'^[^/\\.]+$', re.U) # Database and table names cannot contain "/", "\", ".", or characters that are not permitted in file names mysql_name = sybase_name # Remove quoting chars from the identifier if present if ( sybase_name.startswith('"') and sybase_name.endswith('"') or sybase_name.startswith('[') and sybase_name.endswith(']') ): mysql_name = sybase_name[1:-1] if not mysql_valid_regex.match(mysql_name) and log: entry = grt.classes.GrtLogEntry() entry.entryType = 2 entry.name = 'Sybase migrateIdentifier: Could not migrate identifier %s' % sybase_name log.entries.append(entry) # truncate too long identifiers if len(mysql_name) > 64: global truncated_identifier_serial truncated_identifier_serial += 1 mysql_name = mysql_name[:62]+str(truncated_identifier_serial) if log: entry = grt.classes.GrtLogEntry() entry.entryType = 1 entry.name = 'Identifier `%s` is too long, truncated to `%s`' % (sybase_name, mysql_name) log.entries.append(entry) return mysql_name def migrateTableToMySQL(self, state, sourceTable, targetSchema): targetTable = super(SybaseMigration, self).migrateTableToMySQL(state, sourceTable, targetSchema) targetTable.defaultCharacterSetName, targetTable.defaultCollationName = self.migrateCharsetCollation(state, sourceTable.owner.defaultCharacterSetName, sourceTable.owner.defaultCollationName, sourceTable, targetTable) return targetTable def migrateColumnDefaultValue(self, state, default_value, source_column, target_column): target_default_value = default_value if source_column.simpleType: source_datatype = source_column.simpleType.name if source_datatype == 'TIMESTAMP': if default_value == 'getdate()': target_default_value = 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' elif source_datatype in ['DATETIME', 'SMALLDATETIME']: if source_column.defaultValue == 'getdate()': target_default_value = 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' # Only timestamp supports CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, so force the target type to it target_column.simpleType = find_object_with_name(state.targetCatalog.simpleDatatypes, 'TIMESTAMP') state.addMigrationLogEntry(0, source_column, target_column, 'Default value is %s, so type was changed from %s to TIMESTAMP' % (default_value, source_datatype)) if default_value and not default_value.startswith("'") and target_default_value == default_value: # not a string, check for numeric literals try: float(default_value) except: # not a numeric literal target_default_value = '' state.addMigrationLogEntry(1, source_column, target_column, 'Default value %s is not supported' % default_value) return target_default_value def migrateDatatypeForColumn(self, state, source_column, target_column): targetCatalog = state.targetCatalog mysql_simpleTypes = dict( (datatype.name.upper(), datatype) for datatype in targetCatalog.simpleDatatypes ) source_type = source_column.simpleType if not source_type and source_column.userType: # evaluate user type source_type = source_column.userType.actualType target_column.flags.extend(source_column.userType.flags) if source_type: # Decide which mysql datatype corresponds to the column datatype: source_datatype = source_type.name.upper() # string data types: target_datatype = '' if source_datatype in ['VARCHAR', 'NVARCHAR', 'UNIVARCHAR']: if 0 <= source_column.length < 256: target_datatype = 'VARCHAR' elif 0 <= source_column.length < 65536: # MySQL versions > 5.0 can hold up to 65535 chars in a VARCHAR column if targetCatalog.version.majorNumber < 5: target_datatype = 'MEDIUMTEXT' else: target_datatype = 'VARCHAR' else: target_datatype = 'LONGTEXT' elif source_datatype in ['CHAR', 'NCHAR', 'UNICHAR']: if source_column.length < 256: target_datatype = 'CHAR' else: target_datatype = 'LONGTEXT' elif source_datatype in ['TEXT', 'NTEXT', 'UNITEXT']: target_datatype = 'LONGTEXT' target_column.length = -1 # integer data types: elif source_datatype in ['BIGINT', 'INT', 'SMALLINT']: target_datatype = source_datatype target_column.precision = -1 elif source_datatype == 'TINYINT': target_datatype = source_datatype target_column.precision = -1 if 'UNSIGNED' not in target_column.flags: target_column.flags.append('UNSIGNED') # In Sybase TINYINT is unsigned elif source_datatype == 'SYSNAME': target_datatype = 'VARCHAR' target_column.length = 30 state.addMigrationLogEntry(0, source_column, target_column, "Source column type %s was migrated to %s(%s)" % (source_datatype, target_datatype, target_column.length)) elif source_datatype == 'LONGSYSNAME': target_datatype = 'VARCHAR' target_column.length = 255 state.addMigrationLogEntry(0, source_column, target_column, "Source column type %s was migrated to %s(%s)" % (source_datatype, target_datatype, target_column.length)) # floating point datatypes: elif source_datatype in ['DECIMAL', 'NUMERIC']: # In Sybase IDENTITY columns must be numeric with scale 0 or any integer type, so in MySQL should be handled as integer type. if source_column.identity: if source_column.precision < 5: target_datatype = 'SMALLINT' elif source_column.precision < 10: target_datatype = 'INT' else: target_datatype = 'BIGINT' target_column.precision = -1 else: target_datatype = 'DECIMAL' elif source_datatype == 'REAL': target_datatype = 'FLOAT' target_column.precision = -1 elif source_datatype == 'FLOAT': target_datatype = 'FLOAT' if source_column.length == 4 else 'DOUBLE' target_column.precision = -1 elif source_datatype in ['MONEY', 'SMALLMONEY']: target_datatype = 'DECIMAL' target_column.precision = source_column.simpleType.numericPrecision target_column.scale = source_column.simpleType.numericScale # binary datatypes: elif source_datatype == 'IMAGE': target_datatype = 'LONGBLOB' target_column.length = -1 elif source_datatype in ['BINARY', 'VARBINARY']: if 0 <= source_column.length < 256: if source_datatype == 'IMAGE': target_datatype = 'TINYBLOB' else: target_datatype = source_datatype elif 0 <= source_column.length < 65536: target_datatype = 'MEDIUMBLOB' else: target_datatype = 'LONGBLOB' # datetime datatypes: elif source_datatype in ['DATETIME', 'SMALLDATETIME']: target_datatype = 'DATETIME' # timestamp datatypes elif source_datatype == 'DATE': target_datatype = 'DATE' elif source_datatype == 'TIME': target_datatype = 'TIME' elif source_datatype == 'BIT': target_datatype = 'TINYINT' target_column.length = 1 state.addMigrationLogEntry(0, source_column, target_column, "Source column type BIT was migrated to TINYINT(1)") else: # just fall back to same type name and hope for the best target_datatype = source_datatype if target_datatype in mysql_simpleTypes: target_column.simpleType = mysql_simpleTypes[target_datatype] else: grt.log_warning("Sybase migrateTableColumnsToMySQL", "Can't find datatype %s for type %s\n" % (target_datatype, source_datatype)) state.addMigrationLogEntry(2, source_column, target_column, 'Could not migrate column "%s" in "%s": Unknown datatype "%s"' % (target_column.name, source_column.owner.name, source_datatype) ) return False return True else: state.addMigrationLogEntry(2, source_column, target_column, 'Could not migrate type of column "%s" in "%s" (%s)' % (target_column.name, source_column.owner.name, source_column.formattedRawType) ) return False return True def migrateUpdateForChanges(self, state, target_catalog): """ Create datatype cast expression for target column based on source datatype. """ for targetSchema in target_catalog.schemata: for targetTable in targetSchema.tables: for target_column in targetTable.columns: # SQL expression to use for converting the column data to the target type # eg.: CAST(? as NVARCHAR(max)) type_cast_expression = None source_datatype = None source_column = state.lookupSourceObject(target_column) if source_column: source_datatype = GenericMigration.getColumnDataType(self, source_column) if source_column and source_datatype: if source_datatype == 'SYSNAME': type_cast_expression = "CONVERT(VARCHAR(30), ?)" elif source_datatype == 'LONGSYSNAME': type_cast_expression = "CONVERT(VARCHAR(255), ?)" elif source_datatype in ['DECIMAL', 'NUMERIC'] and source_column.identity: if source_column.precision < 5: type_cast_expression = "CONVERT(SMALLINT, ?)" elif source_column.precision < 10: type_cast_expression = "CONVERT(INT, ?)" else: type_cast_expression = "CONVERT(BIGINT, ?)" if type_cast_expression: target_column.owner.customData["columnTypeCastExpression:%s" % target_column.name] = "%s as ?" % type_cast_expression return target_catalog def migrateCharsetCollation(self, state, charset, collation, source_object, target_object): if collation: state.addMigrationLogEntry(0, source_object, target_object, 'Collation %s migrated to utf8_general_ci' % (collation)) return '', 'utf8_general_ci' return charset, collation def migrateTableColumnToMySQL(self, state, source_column, targetTable): target_column = GenericMigration.migrateTableColumnToMySQL(self, state, source_column, targetTable) if target_column: # Autoincrement for integer datatypes: if source_column.simpleType: source_datatype = source_column.simpleType.name if source_datatype in ['INT', 'TINYINT', 'SMALLINT', 'BIGINT']: target_column.autoIncrement = source_column.identity # TODO set charset/collation #target_column.characterSetName = return target_column #def migrateTableIndexToMySQL(self, state, source_index, targetTable): # index = GenericMigration.migrateTableIndexToMySQL(self, state, source_index, targetTable) # return index def migrateTableForeignKeyToMySQL(self, state, source_fk, targetTable): target_fk = GenericMigration.migrateTableForeignKeyToMySQL(self, state, source_fk, targetTable) ### TODO: migrate constraints return target_fk instance = SybaseMigration() @ModuleInfo.export(grt.STRING) def getTargetDBMSName(): return 'Sybase' @ModuleInfo.export(grt.STRING, grt.STRING, grt.classes.GrtLogObject) def migrateIdentifier(name, log): return instance.migrateIdentifier(name, log) @ModuleInfo.export(grt.classes.db_Catalog, grt.classes.db_migration_Migration, grt.classes.db_Catalog) def migrateCatalog(state, sourceCatalog): return instance.migrateCatalog(state, sourceCatalog) @ModuleInfo.export(grt.classes.db_Schema, grt.classes.db_migration_Migration, grt.classes.db_Schema, grt.classes.db_Catalog) def migrateSchema(state, sourceSchema, targetCatalog): return instance.migrateSchema(state, sourceSchema, targetCatalog) @ModuleInfo.export(grt.classes.db_Table, grt.classes.db_migration_Migration, grt.classes.db_Table, grt.classes.db_Schema) def migrateTableToMySQL(state, sourceTable, target_schema): return instance.migrateTableToMySQL(state, sourceTable, target_schema) @ModuleInfo.export(grt.INT, grt.classes.db_migration_Migration, grt.classes.db_Table, grt.classes.db_Table) def migrateTableToMySQL2ndPass(state, sourceTable, targetTable): return instance.migrateTableToMySQL2ndPass(state, sourceTable, targetTable) @ModuleInfo.export(grt.classes.db_mysql_ForeignKey, grt.classes.db_migration_Migration, grt.classes.db_ForeignKey, grt.classes.db_Table) def migrateTableForeignKeyToMySQL(state, source_fk, targetTable): return instance.migrateTableForeignKeyToMySQL(state, source_fk, targetTable) @ModuleInfo.export(grt.classes.db_mysql_Trigger, grt.classes.db_migration_Migration, grt.classes.db_Trigger, grt.classes.db_Table) def migrateTriggerToMySQL(state, source_trigger, target_table): return instance.migrateTriggerToMySQL(state, source_trigger, target_table) @ModuleInfo.export(grt.classes.db_mysql_View, grt.classes.db_migration_Migration, grt.classes.db_View, grt.classes.db_Schema) def migrateViewToMySQL(state, source_view, target_schema): return instance.migrateViewToMySQL(state, source_view, target_schema) @ModuleInfo.export(grt.classes.db_mysql_Routine, grt.classes.db_migration_Migration, grt.classes.db_Routine, grt.classes.db_Schema) def migrateRoutineToMySQL(state, source_routine, target_schema): return instance.migrateRoutineToMySQL(state, source_routine, target_schema) @ModuleInfo.export(grt.classes.db_Catalog, grt.classes.db_migration_Migration, grt.classes.db_Catalog) def migrateUpdateForChanges(state, target_catalog): return instance.migrateUpdateForChanges(state, target_catalog) @ModuleInfo.export((grt.LIST, grt.classes.db_migration_MigrationParameter), grt.classes.db_migration_Migration) def getMigrationOptions(state): list = grt.List(grt.OBJECT, grt.classes.db_migration_MigrationParameter.__grtclassname__) return list