# Copyright (c) 2015, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is also distributed with certain software (including # but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as # designated in a particular file or component or in included license # documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional # permission to link the program and your derivative works with the # separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See # the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import re import grt import mforms from workbench.db_utils import escape_sql_identifier from workbench.plugins import insert_item_to_plugin_context_menu from table_templates import TableTemplateManager from sqlide_tableman_ext import CreateIndexForm from sqlide_catalogman_ext import show_schema_manager from functools import reduce def esc_ident(s): # escape SQL identifier and add backtics only if needed if not re.match("^([a-z][A-Z][0-9]_)*$", s): return "`%s`" % escape_sql_identifier(s) return s def _(s): return s template_manager = None def init(): global template_manager template_manager = TableTemplateManager() def handleLiveTreeContextMenu(name, sender, args): menu = mforms.fromgrt(args['menu']) selection = args['selection'] # Add extra menu items to the SQL editor live schema tree context menu node_type = None mixed = False selection_type = None object_selected = False object_selected_count = 0 column_selected = False if len(selection) == 1: object_type_caption = { 'db.Schema' : "Schema", 'db.Table' : "Table", 'db.View' : "View", 'db.Function' : "Function", 'db.StoredProcedure' : "Stored Procedure", 'db.Index' : "Index", 'db.Trigger' : "Trigger", 'db.ForeignKey' : "Foreign Key", } else: object_type_caption = { 'db.Schema' : "Schemas", 'db.Table' : "Tables", 'db.View' : "Views", 'db.Function' : "Functions", 'db.StoredProcedure' : "Stored Procedures", 'db.Index' : "Indexes", 'db.Trigger' : "Triggers", 'db.ForeignKey' : "Foreign Keys", } unique_tables = set() selection_db_type = None for s in selection: if s.type != node_type: if node_type is None: node_type = s.type else: mixed = True if s.type == 'columns': selection_type = s.type column_selected = True unique_tables.add(s.name) elif s.type in ['tables', 'views', 'functions', 'storedProcedures']: selection_type = s.type object_selected = False if s.type == 'tables': selection_db_type = 'db.Table' elif s.type == 'views': selection_db_type = 'db.View' elif s.type == 'functions': selection_db_type = 'db.Function' elif s.type == 'storedProcedures': selection_db_type = 'db.StoredProcedure' elif s.type in ('db.Schema', 'db.Table', 'db.View', 'db.Function', 'db.StoredProcedure'): selection_type = s.type selection_db_type = s.type object_selected = True object_selected_count += 1 if s.type == 'db.Table': unique_tables.add(s.name) elif s.type in ('db.Index', 'db.Trigger'): selection_type = s.type object_selected = False elif s.type == ('db.Column'): selection_type = s.type if s.owner: unique_tables.add(s.owner.name) selection_type = s.owner.type+':'+s.type column_selected = True else: print("Unhandled type", s.type) if mixed: selection_type = None pass else: item = menu.find_item('builtins_separator') if item: index = menu.get_item_index(item)+1 else: index = 0 needs_separator = False if False and object_selected and selection_type == 'db.Table': item = mforms.newMenuItem(_("Export Data to CSV File...")) item.set_name("Export Table to CSV") item.setInternalName("export_table_csv") menu.insert_item(index-1, item) index += 1 item = mforms.newMenuItem(_("Import Data from CSV File...")) item.set_name("Import Table to CSV") item.setInternalName("import_table_csv") menu.insert_item(index-1, item) index += 1 item = mforms.newMenuItem(_("Dump Data to SQL File...")) item.set_name("Dump Table") item.setInternalName("dump_table") menu.insert_item(index-1, item) index += 1 if object_selected or column_selected: # Add menu items for generating code code_items = [ # Caption, callback name, supported node types, enable condition, mixed node types allowed (_("Name"), "Name", 'name_short', ['db.Schema'], len(selection) > 0, False), (_("Name (short)"), "Short Name", 'name_short', ['tables', 'views', 'functions', 'storedProcedures', 'db.Table', 'db.Table:db.Column', 'db.View:db.Column', 'db.View', 'db.StoredProcedure', 'db.Function'], len(selection) > 0, True), (_("Name (long)"), "Long Name", 'name_long', ['tables', 'views', 'functions', 'storedProcedures', 'db.Table', 'db.Table:db.Column', 'db.View:db.Column', 'db.View', 'db.StoredProcedure', 'db.Function'], len(selection) > 0, True), (_("Select All Statement"), "Select All Statement", 'select_all_statement', ['db.Table', 'db.View'], len(selection) > 0, False), (_("Select All Statement"), "Select All Statement", 'select_all_statement', ['columns'], len(selection) == 1 and selection[0].type == 'columns', False), (_("Select Columns Statement"), "Select Columns Statement", 'select_columns_statement', ['db.Table:db.Column', 'db.View:db.Column'], len(unique_tables) == 1, False), (_("Insert Statement"), "Insert Statement", 'insert_all_statement', ['db.Table', 'columns'], len(selection) > 0, False), (_("Insert Statement"), "Insert Statement", 'insert_columns_statement', ['db.Table:db.Column'], len(selection) > 0, False), (_("Update Statement"), "Update Statement", 'update_all_statement', ['db.Table', 'columns'], len(selection) > 0, False), (_("Update Statement"), "Update Statement", 'update_columns_statement', ['db.Table:db.Column'], len(selection) > 0, False), (_("Delete Statement"), "Delete Statement", 'delete_statement', ['db.Table'], len(selection) > 0, False), (_("Create Statement"), "Create Statement", 'create_statement', ['db.Schema', 'db.Table', 'db.View', 'db.StoredProcedure', 'db.Function'], len(selection) > 0, False), (_("Procedure Call"), "Procedure Call", 'call_procedure', ['db.StoredProcedure'], len(selection) > 0, False), (_("Function Call"), "Function Call", 'call_function', ['db.Function'], len(selection) > 0, False), (None, None, None, ['db.Table'], None, False), (_("Join Selected Tables"), "Join Selected Tables", 'build_joined_select', ['db.Table'], len(selection) == 2, False), (_("Delete with References"), "Delete With References", 'build_cascaded_delete', ['db.Table'], len(selection) == 1, False), (_("Select Row References"), "Select Row References", 'build_cascaded_select', ['db.Table'], len(selection) == 1, False), ] copy_submenu = mforms.newMenuItem("Copy to Clipboard") copy_submenu.set_name("Copy to Clipboard") copy_submenu.setInternalName("copy_to_clipboard") menu.insert_item(index, copy_submenu) index += 1 send_submenu = mforms.newMenuItem("Send to SQL Editor") send_submenu.set_name("Send to Editor") send_submenu.setInternalName("send_to_editor") menu.insert_item(index, send_submenu) index += 1 gencopy = CodeGenerator(sender, selection, False) gensend = CodeGenerator(sender, selection, True) for caption, accessibilityName, name, types, enabled, allow_mixed in code_items: if not allow_mixed and mixed: continue if types and selection_type not in types: continue if caption is None: copy_submenu.add_separator() send_submenu.add_separator() else: item = copy_submenu.add_item_with_title(caption, getattr(gencopy, name), accessibilityName, "") item.set_enabled(bool(enabled)) item = send_submenu.add_item_with_title(caption, getattr(gensend, name), accessibilityName, "") item.set_enabled(bool(enabled)) needs_separator = True else: needs_separator = False if selection_type in ('tables', 'views', 'functions', 'storedProcedures', 'db.Schema', 'db.Table', 'db.View', 'db.Function', 'db.StoredProcedure') and len(selection) == 1: if needs_separator: menu.insert_item(index, mforms.newMenuItem("", mforms.SeparatorMenuItem)) index += 1 needs_separator = False item = mforms.newMenuItem("Create %s..." % object_type_caption.get(selection_db_type, selection_db_type)) item.add_clicked_callback(lambda: do_create_object(sender, selection[0].schemaName, selection_db_type)) menu.insert_item(index, item) index+= 1 if selection_type in ('db.Table', 'tables'): item = mforms.newMenuItem("Create Table Like...") menu.insert_item(index, item) index += 1 # it = item.add_item_with_title("Selected Table", lambda: template_manager.create_table_like(sender, selection[0].schemaName, selection[0].name)) # if selection[0].type == 'tables': # it.set_enabled(False) for templ in template_manager.templates: item.add_item_with_title(templ.name, lambda templ=templ, schema=selection[0].schemaName: template_manager.create_table_like_template(sender, schema, templ), templ.name, "") item.add_separator() item.add_item_with_title("Edit Templates...", template_manager.edit_templates, "Edit Templates", "") if selection_type is None: if needs_separator: menu.insert_item(index, mforms.newMenuItem("", mforms.SeparatorMenuItem)) index += 1 needs_separator = False item = mforms.newMenuItem("Create Schema...") item.add_clicked_callback(lambda: do_create_object(sender, None, "db.Schema")) menu.insert_item(index, item) index+= 1 if object_selected: if needs_separator: menu.insert_item(index, mforms.newMenuItem("", mforms.SeparatorMenuItem)) index += 1 needs_separator = False if object_selected_count == 1: item = mforms.newMenuItem("Alter %s..." % object_type_caption.get(selection_type, selection_type)) else: item = mforms.newMenuItem("Alter %i %s..." % (object_selected_count, object_type_caption.get(selection_type, selection_type))) item.add_clicked_callback(lambda: do_alter_object(sender, selection)) menu.insert_item(index, item) index+= 1 needs_separator = True if selection_type == 'db.Table' and object_selected: item = mforms.newMenuItem("Table Maintenance...") item.add_clicked_callback(lambda: show_schema_manager(sender, set([obj.schemaName for obj in selection]), True)) menu.insert_item(index, item) index += 1 if object_selected: # or selection_type in ('db.Index', 'db.Trigger'): <-- enable this once we support selective refresh of LST on drop of these objects if needs_separator: menu.insert_item(index, mforms.newMenuItem("", mforms.SeparatorMenuItem)) index += 1 needs_separator = False if object_selected_count == 1: item = mforms.newMenuItem("Drop %s..." % object_type_caption.get(selection_type, selection_type)) else: item = mforms.newMenuItem("Drop %i %s..." % (object_selected_count, object_type_caption.get(selection_type, selection_type))) item.add_clicked_callback(lambda: do_drop_object(sender, selection)) menu.insert_item(index, item) index+= 1 if selection_type == 'db.Table' and object_selected: item = mforms.newMenuItem("Truncate %s..." % ("Table" if object_selected_count == 1 else "%i Tables" % object_selected_count)) item.add_clicked_callback(lambda: do_truncate_table(sender, selection)) menu.insert_item(index, item) index += 1 if selection_type in ('db.Table', 'db.Schema', 'tables'): item = mforms.newMenuItem("Search Table Data...") item.add_clicked_callback(lambda: open_search(sender)) insert_item_to_plugin_context_menu(menu, item) if selection_type == 'db.Table:db.Column' and column_selected: if needs_separator: menu.insert_item(index, mforms.newMenuItem("", mforms.SeparatorMenuItem)) index += 1 needs_separator = False item = mforms.newMenuItem("Create Index...") item.add_clicked_callback(lambda: do_create_index(sender, selection)) menu.insert_item(index, item) index += 1 def open_search(editor): grt.modules.MySQLDBSearchModule.showSearchPanel(editor) def do_create_object(editor, schema_name, db_type): if db_type == 'db.Schema': editor.alterLiveObject(db_type, "", "") else: editor.alterLiveObject(db_type, schema_name, "") def do_alter_object(editor, selection): for obj in selection: editor.alterLiveObject(obj.type, obj.schemaName, obj.name) def review_sql_code(code): form = mforms.Form(mforms.Form.main_form(), mforms.FormNormal) form.set_title("Review SQL Code to Execute") box = mforms.newBox(False) box.set_padding(12) form.set_content(box) box.set_spacing(8) box.add(mforms.newLabel("Review the SQL code to be executed."), False, True) editor = mforms.CodeEditor() box.add(editor, True, True) editor.set_language(mforms.LanguageMySQL) editor.set_text(code) editor.set_features(mforms.FeatureReadOnly, True) ok = mforms.newButton() ok.set_text("Execute") cancel = mforms.newButton() cancel.set_text("Cancel") bbox = mforms.newBox(True) bbox.set_spacing(8) bbox.add_end(ok, False, True) bbox.add_end(cancel, False, True) box.add_end(bbox, False, True) form.set_size(500, 360) return form.run_modal(ok, cancel) def do_truncate_table(editor, selection): tables = [] for obj in selection: if obj.type == 'db.Table': tables.append("%s.%s" % (esc_ident(obj.schemaName), esc_ident(obj.name))) if len(tables) == 1: res = mforms.Utilities.show_message("Truncate Table", "Please confirm permanent deletion of all rows from table `%s`." % tables[0], "Review SQL", "Cancel", "Truncate") elif len(tables) > 1: res = mforms.Utilities.show_message("Truncate Tables", "Please confirm permanent deletion of all rows from %s selected tables." % len(tables), "Review SQL", "Cancel", "Truncate") else: return if res == mforms.ResultCancel: return elif res == mforms.ResultOk: if not review_sql_code("\n".join([("TRUNCATE %s;" % t) for t in tables])): return count = 0 for table in tables: try: stmt = "TRUNCATE %s" % table editor.executeManagementCommand(stmt, 1) count += 1 except Exception as exc: if count < len(tables)-1: if mforms.Utilities.show_error("Could not Truncate Table", str(exc)+"\nClick Cancel to stop truncating other tables.\n\n"+stmt, "OK", "Cancel", "") == mforms.ResultCancel: break else: if mforms.Utilities.show_error("Could not Truncate Table", str(exc)+"\n\n"+stmt, "OK", "", "") == mforms.ResultCancel: break mforms.App.get().set_status_text("%i tables truncated" % count) def do_create_index(editor, selection): cols = [] schema = None table = None for node in selection: if schema and schema != node.schemaName: mforms.Utilities.show_error("Create Index", "Please select one or more columns from the same table.", "OK", "", "") return if table and (not node.owner or table != node.owner.name): mforms.Utilities.show_error("Create Index", "Please select one or more columns from the same table.", "OK", "", "") return schema = node.schemaName table = node.owner.name cols.append(node.name) if cols: form = CreateIndexForm(mforms.Form.main_form(), editor, schema, table, cols, None) if form.run(): pass def do_drop_object(editor, selection): statements = [] table_names = [] object_types = set() for obj in selection: if obj.type == 'db.Schema': stmt = "DROP DATABASE %s" % esc_ident(obj.name) object_types.add("Schema") elif obj.type == 'db.Table': table_names.append("%s.%s" % (esc_ident(obj.schemaName), esc_ident(obj.name))) object_types.add("Table") continue elif obj.type == 'db.Trigger': stmt = "DROP TRIGGER %s.%s" % (esc_ident(obj.schemaName), esc_ident(obj.name)) object_types.add("Trigger") elif obj.type == 'db.StoredProcedure': stmt = "DROP PROCEDURE %s.%s" % (esc_ident(obj.schemaName), esc_ident(obj.name)) object_types.add("Stored Procedure") elif obj.type == 'db.Function': stmt = "DROP FUNCTION %s.%s" % (esc_ident(obj.schemaName), esc_ident(obj.name)) object_types.add("Function") elif obj.type == 'db.View': stmt = "DROP VIEW %s.%s" % (esc_ident(obj.schemaName), esc_ident(obj.name)) object_types.add("View") elif obj.type == 'db.Index': stmt = "DROP INDEX %s ON %s.%s" % (esc_ident(obj.name), esc_ident(obj.owner.schemaName), esc_ident(obj.owner.name)) object_types.add("Index") else: print("Unsupported type for drop", obj.type) statements.append((1, stmt)) # multiple tables can be dropped in the same command (probably so that we dont get ref constraint errors) if table_names: stmt = "DROP TABLE %s" % ", ".join(table_names) count = len(statements) + len(table_names) statements.append((len(table_names), stmt)) else: count = len(statements) if not count: return # don't let dropping tables or schemas mixed with other objects to make the confirmation message clearer and reduce risk of accident if len(object_types) > 1: mforms.Utilities.show_message("Drop Objects", "Multiple objects of different types are selected. To avoid accidents, please drop one type of object at a time.", "OK", "", "") return res = None if "Table" in object_types: if count == 1: res = mforms.Utilities.show_message("Drop Table", "Please confirm permanent deletion of table `%s` and its data." % (selection[0].name), "Review SQL", "Cancel", "Drop Now") else: res = mforms.Utilities.show_message("Drop %i Tables" % len(table_names), "Please confirm permanent deletion of tables %s and their data." % ", ".join(table_names), "Review SQL", "Cancel", "Drop Now") elif "Schema" in object_types: if count == 1: res = mforms.Utilities.show_message("Drop Schema", "Please confirm permanent deletion of schema `%s` and all its data." % (selection[0].name), "Review SQL", "Cancel", "Drop Now") else: res = mforms.Utilities.show_message("Drop %i Schemas" % count, "Please confirm permanent deletion of schemas %s and all their data." % (", ".join([s.name for s in selection])), "Review SQL", "Cancel", "Drop Now") else: if count == 1: res = mforms.Utilities.show_message("Drop %s" % list(object_types)[0], "Please confirm permanent deletion of %s `%s`." % (list(object_types)[0].lower(), selection[0].name), "Review SQL", "Cancel", "Drop Now") else: res = mforms.Utilities.show_message("Drop Objects", "Please confirm permanent deletion of %s %s objects: %s" % (count, ", ".join(list(object_types)), ", ".join([s.name for s in selection])), "Review SQL", "Cancel", "Drop Now") if res is None or res == mforms.ResultCancel: return if res == mforms.ResultOk: if not review_sql_code("\n".join([s+";" for c, s in statements])): return drop_count = 0 for i, (c, stmt) in enumerate(statements): try: #This should be run in background because of the bug: #71327 editor.executeCommand(stmt,1 ,1) drop_count += c except Exception as exc: if i < len(statements)-1: if mforms.Utilities.show_error("Could not Drop Object", str(exc)+"\nClick Cancel to stop dropping other objects.\n\n"+stmt, "OK", "Cancel", "") == mforms.ResultCancel: break else: if mforms.Utilities.show_error("Could not Drop Object", str(exc)+"\n\n"+stmt, "OK", "", "") == mforms.ResultCancel: break mforms.App.get().set_status_text("%i objects dropped" % drop_count) class DependencyAnalyzer: def __init__(self, catalog, schema_name): self.schema_name = schema_name self.catalog = catalog self.tables_by_name = {} self.referencing_foreign_keys = {} def load_data(self, connection): m = grt.modules.DbMySQLRE grt.log_info("sqlide_grt", "Connecting...") ok, password = mforms.Utilities.find_or_ask_for_password("Connect to MySQL", connection.hostIdentifier, "root", False) if not ok: return None m.connect(connection, password) grt.log_info("sqlide_grt", "Reverse engineering schema %s...\n" % self.schema_name) options = {"reverseEngineerTables" : True, "reverseEngineerTriggers" : False, "reverseEngineerViews" : False, "reverseEngineerRoutines" : False} self.catalog = m.reverseEngineer(connection, "", [self.schema_name], options) m.disconnect(connection) grt.log_info("sqlide_grt", "Reverse engineer schema %s finished\n" % self.schema_name) return self.catalog def scan_tables(self): # build a map of all tables and the FKs that reference them for s in self.catalog.schemata: for t in s.tables: self.tables_by_name[t.name] = t for f in t.foreignKeys: refs = self.referencing_foreign_keys.get(f.referencedTable, []) refs.append(f) self.referencing_foreign_keys[f.referencedTable] = refs def table_with_name(self, schema, name): if schema == self.schema_name: return self.tables_by_name.get(name, None) return None def get_foreign_keys_to_table(self, table): return self.referencing_foreign_keys.get(table, []) def get_referenced_tables(self, table): return [fk.referencedTable for fk in table.foreignKeys] def get_foreign_key_between(self, table1, table2): for fk in table1.foreignKeys: if fk.referencedTable == table2: return fk for fk in table2.foreignKeys: if fk.referencedTable == table1: return fk return None def get_foreign_key_from(self, table1, table2): for fk in table1.foreignKeys: if fk.referencedTable == table2: return fk return None def find_foreign_key_path_between(self, from_table, to_table): # find the shortest path between the 2 given tables using Dijkstra's algorithm # table = vertex, FK = edge predecessor = {} distance = {} # initialization for table in list(self.tables_by_name.values()): predecessor[table] = None distance[table] = 99999999 distance[from_table] = 0 def relax(u, v): if u not in distance or v not in distance: return if distance[v] > distance[u] + 1: distance[v] = distance[u] + 1 predecessor[v] = u def get_cheapest(remaining): v = reduce(lambda a, b: a if distance[a] < distance[b] else b, remaining) remaining.remove(v) return v # main loop remaining = list(self.tables_by_name.values()) while remaining: u = get_cheapest(remaining) for v in self.get_referenced_tables(u): relax(u, v) # get the path foreign_keys = [] t = to_table while predecessor[t]: pred = predecessor[t] foreign_keys.append(self.get_foreign_key_from(pred, t)) t = pred return foreign_keys def dependencyInfoForSchemaInEditor(editor, schema): catalog = editor.customData.get("sqlide_grt:Catalog:%s" % schema, None) if not catalog: mforms.App.get().set_status_text("Reverse engineering schema for %s..." % schema) info = DependencyAnalyzer(None, schema) catalog = info.load_data(editor.connection) if not catalog: mforms.App.get().set_status_text("Cancelled.") return mforms.App.get().set_status_text("%s reverse engineered" % schema) editor.customData["sqlide_grt:Catalog:%s" % schema] = catalog else: mforms.App.get().set_status_text("Reusing reverse engineered schema for %s..." % schema) info = DependencyAnalyzer(catalog, schema) return info def format_fk_join(fk): joins = [] for i in range(len(fk.referencedColumns)): joins.append("%s.%s = %s.%s" % (esc_ident(fk.referencedTable.name), esc_ident(fk.referencedColumns[i].name), esc_ident(fk.owner.name), esc_ident(fk.columns[i].name))) return " AND ".join(joins) def join_tables(info, tables, auto_add_missing): joins = set() for i, t1 in enumerate(tables): for t2 in tables[i+1:]: fk = info.get_foreign_key_between(t1, t2) if fk: joins.add(fk) break else: if auto_add_missing: fks = info.find_foreign_key_path_between(t1, t2) or info.find_foreign_key_path_between(t2, t1) if not fks: print("Could not find path from %s to %s" % (t1.name, t2.name)) return None joins.update(fks) else: return None if not joins: return None return "SELECT *\n FROM %s\n WHERE %s" % (", ".join(set([esc_ident(t.name) for t in tables] + [esc_ident(fk.owner.name) for fk in joins])), " AND ".join(format_fk_join(fk) for fk in joins)) table_column_cache = {} def tokenize_argument_list(text): count = 1 token = "" tokens = [] for i in range(1, len(text)): if text[i] == '(': count += 1 elif text[i] == ')': count -= 1 if count == 0: if token: tokens.append(token) return tokens elif count == 1 and text[i] == ',': tokens.append(token) token = "" else: token += text[i] return None class CodeGenerator: def __init__(self, editor, selection, to_editor): self.editor = editor self.selection = selection self.to_editor = to_editor def get_table_columns(self, schema, table): info_key = "%s:%s.%s" % (self.editor.__id__, schema, table) if info_key in table_column_cache: return table_column_cache[info_key] rs = self.editor.executeManagementQuery("SHOW COLUMNS FROM %s.%s" % (esc_ident(schema), esc_ident(table)), 0) if rs: columns = [] ok = rs.goToFirstRow() while ok: name = rs.stringFieldValueByName("Field") is_key = rs.stringFieldValueByName("Key") == "PRI" default = rs.stringFieldValueByName("Default") columns.append((name, is_key, default)) ok = rs.nextRow() table_column_cache[info_key] = columns print(columns) return columns else: return None def copy_to_clipboard(self, text): mforms.Utilities.set_clipboard_text(text) def send_to_editor(self, text): ed = self.editor.activeQueryEditor if not ed: ed = self.editor.addQueryEditor() if ed: ed.replaceSelection(text) def send(self, text): if self.to_editor: self.send_to_editor(text) else: self.copy_to_clipboard(text) def name_short(self): # assumes only real object nodes or Columns node parts = [] for obj in self.selection: parts.append("%s" % esc_ident(obj.name)) self.send(", ".join(parts)) def name_long(self): # assumes only real object nodes of Columns node parts = [] for obj in self.selection: parts.append("%s.%s" % (esc_ident(obj.owner.name) if obj.owner else esc_ident(obj.schemaName), esc_ident(obj.name))) self.send(", ".join(parts)) def select_all_statement(self): # assumes only table nodes (or the Columns node of a table) parts = [] for obj in self.selection: if obj.type == 'columns': obj = obj.owner parts.append("SELECT %s\nFROM %s.%s;\n" % (",\n ".join("%s.%s" % (esc_ident(obj.name), esc_ident(c[0])) for c in self.get_table_columns(obj.schemaName, obj.name)), esc_ident(obj.schemaName), esc_ident(obj.name))) self.send("\n".join(parts)) def select_columns_statement(self): # assumes only column nodes or Columns parent node, all of a single unique table columns = [] table = None for obj in self.selection: if obj.type == 'db.Column': columns.append(obj.name) if obj.owner: table = obj.owner if table: self.send("SELECT %s FROM %s.%s;\n" % (", ".join("%s" % esc_ident(c) for c in columns), esc_ident(table.schemaName), esc_ident(table.name))) def insert_all_statement(self): # assumes only table nodes (or the Columns node of a table) parts = [] for obj in self.selection: if obj.type == 'columns': obj = obj.owner columns = self.get_table_columns(obj.schemaName, obj.name) parts.append("INSERT INTO %s.%s\n(%s)\nVALUES\n(%s);\n" % (esc_ident(obj.schemaName), esc_ident(obj.name), ",\n".join("%s" % esc_ident(c[0]) for c in columns), ",\n".join("<{%s: %s}>" % (c[0], c[2]) for c in columns))) self.send("\n".join(parts)) def insert_columns_statement(self): # assumes only table column nodes, from the same table table = self.selection[0].owner self.send("INSERT INTO %s.%s\n(%s)\nVALUES\n(%s);\n" % (esc_ident(table.schemaName), esc_ident(table.name), ",\n".join("%s" % esc_ident(obj.name) for obj in self.selection), ",\n".join("<{%s}>" % c.name for c in self.selection))) def update_all_statement(self): # assumes only table nodes (or the Columns node of a table) parts = [] for obj in self.selection: if obj.type == 'columns': obj = obj.owner columns = self.get_table_columns(obj.schemaName, obj.name) parts.append("UPDATE %s.%s\nSET\n%s\nWHERE %s;\n" % (esc_ident(obj.schemaName), esc_ident(obj.name), ",\n".join("%s = <{%s: %s}>" % (esc_ident(c[0]), c[0], c[2]) for c in columns), " AND ".join(["%s = <{expr}>" % esc_ident(c[0]) for c in columns if c[1]]))) self.send("\n".join(parts)) def update_columns_statement(self): # assumes only table nodes (or the Columns node of a table) table = self.selection[0].owner self.send("UPDATE %s.%s\nSET\n%s\nWHERE <{where_expression}>;\n" % (esc_ident(table.schemaName), esc_ident(table.name), ",\n".join("%s = <{%s}>" % (esc_ident(obj.name), obj.name) for obj in self.selection))) def delete_statement(self): parts = [] for table in self.selection: parts.append("DELETE FROM %s.%s\nWHERE <{where_expression}>;\n" % (esc_ident(table.schemaName), esc_ident(table.name))) self.send("\n".join(parts)) def create_statement(self): parts = [] delimiter = grt.root.wb.options.options['SqlDelimiter'] for obj in self.selection: wrapper = "%s;\n" if obj.type == 'db.Schema': rs = self.editor.executeManagementQuery("SHOW CREATE SCHEMA %s" % (esc_ident(obj.name)), 0) field_name = 'Create Database' elif obj.type == 'db.Table': rs = self.editor.executeManagementQuery("SHOW CREATE TABLE %s.%s" % (esc_ident(obj.schemaName), esc_ident(obj.name)), 0) field_name = 'Create Table' elif obj.type == 'db.Trigger': rs = self.editor.executeManagementQuery("SHOW CREATE TRIGGER %s.%s" % (esc_ident(obj.schemaName), esc_ident(obj.name)), 0) field_name = 'Statement' wrapper = "DELIMITER " + delimiter + "\n%s" + delimiter + "\nDELIMITER ;\n" elif obj.type == 'db.StoredProcedure': rs = self.editor.executeManagementQuery("SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE %s.%s" % (esc_ident(obj.schemaName), esc_ident(obj.name)), 0) field_name = 'Create Procedure' wrapper = "DELIMITER " + delimiter + "\n%s" + delimiter + "\nDELIMITER ;\n" elif obj.type == 'db.Function': rs = self.editor.executeManagementQuery("SHOW CREATE FUNCTION %s.%s" % (esc_ident(obj.schemaName), esc_ident(obj.name)), 0) field_name = 'Create Function' wrapper = "DELIMITER " + delimiter + "\n%s" + delimiter + "\nDELIMITER ;\n" elif obj.type == 'db.View': rs = self.editor.executeManagementQuery("SHOW CREATE VIEW %s.%s" % (esc_ident(obj.schemaName), esc_ident(obj.name)), 0) field_name = 'Create View' else: print("Unsupported type", obj.type) continue if rs and rs.goToFirstRow(): sql = rs.stringFieldValueByName(field_name) if not sql: print("No field %s for %s" % (field_name, obj.name)) else: parts.append(wrapper % sql) else: print("Couldn't fetch create code for %s" % obj.name) self.send("\n".join(parts)) def call_procedure(self): parts = [] for obj in self.selection: rs = self.editor.executeManagementQuery("SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE %s.%s" % (esc_ident(obj.schemaName), esc_ident(obj.name)), 0) if rs and rs.goToFirstRow(): sql = rs.stringFieldValueByName('Create Procedure') if sql: s = re.match("(CREATE .* PROCEDURE [^(]*\()", sql) if s: args = tokenize_argument_list(sql[len(s.groups()[0])-1:]) parts.append("CALL %s.%s(%s);\n" % (esc_ident(obj.schemaName), esc_ident(obj.name), ", ".join(["<{%s}>" % a.strip() for a in args]))) self.send("".join(parts)) def call_function(self): parts = [] for obj in self.selection: rs = self.editor.executeManagementQuery("SHOW CREATE FUNCTION %s.%s" % (esc_ident(obj.schemaName), esc_ident(obj.name)), 0) if rs and rs.goToFirstRow(): sql = rs.stringFieldValueByName('Create Function') if sql: s = re.match("(CREATE .* FUNCTION [^(]*\()", sql) if s: args = tokenize_argument_list(sql[len(s.groups()[0])-1:]) parts.append("%s.%s(%s)" % (esc_ident(obj.schemaName), esc_ident(obj.name), ", ".join(["<{%s}>" % a.strip() for a in args]))) self.send("\n".join(parts)) def build_joined_select(self): editor = self.editor selection = self.selection info = dependencyInfoForSchemaInEditor(editor, selection[0].schemaName) if not info: return info.scan_tables() tables = [] for object in selection: table = info.table_with_name(object.schemaName, object.name) if table: tables.append(table) if len(tables) != len(selection): mforms.Utilities.show_error("Join Selected Tables", "Could reverse engineer some of the selected tables.", "OK", "", "") return query = join_tables(info, tables, False) if query: self.send(query) else: if mforms.Utilities.show_error("Join Selected Tables", "Some of the tables could not be joined together.\nShould missing intermediate tables be searched and added?", "Add Missing", "Cancel", "") == mforms.ResultOk: query = join_tables(info, tables, True) if query: self.send(query) else: mforms.Utilities.show_error("Join Selected Tables", "Could not join selected tables.", "OK", "", "") return else: return if not self.to_editor: mforms.App.get().set_status_text("Select statement for joined selection was copied to clipboard") def build_cascaded_select(self): editor = self.editor object = self.selection[0] info = dependencyInfoForSchemaInEditor(editor, object.schemaName) if not info: return info.scan_tables() the_table = info.table_with_name(object.schemaName, object.name) if not the_table: mforms.Utilities.show_error("Select Row References", "Could not find reverse engineered %s" % object.name, "OK", "", "") return if not the_table.primaryKey: mforms.Utilities.show_error("Select Row References", "Unable to find referencing tables for %s because the table has no primary key." % object.name, "OK", "", "") return # expression to match the row pk = [] for c in the_table.primaryKey.columns: pk.append("%s.%s = @%s_to_select" % (the_table.name, c.referencedColumn.name, c.referencedColumn.name)) pk = " AND ".join(pk) def create_select(table, info, selects, reference_chain, visited): if table in visited: return visited.add(table) def add_to_list(list, item): if item not in list: return list + [item] return list for fk in info.get_foreign_keys_to_table(table): create_select(fk.owner, info, selects, reference_chain + [fk], visited) query = "SELECT %s.*\n" % table.name query += " FROM %s\n" % ", ".join(add_to_list([fk.owner.name for fk in reference_chain], the_table.name)) if reference_chain: query += " WHERE %s\n" % "\n AND ".join([format_fk_join(fk) for fk in reference_chain]) query += " AND %s;" % pk else: query += " WHERE %s;" % pk selects.append(query) selects = [] create_select(the_table, info, selects, [], set()) varsetup = [] for c in the_table.primaryKey.columns: varsetup.append("SET @%s_to_select = <{row_id}>;" % c.referencedColumn.name) query = "\n".join(varsetup) + "\n" + "\n".join(selects) self.send(query) if not self.to_editor: mforms.App.get().set_status_text("Select statements for %s references was copied to clipboard" % the_table.name) def build_cascaded_delete(self): """ To delete a row from a table all references to that row from other tables must be deleted first, otherwise the FK constraint won't let it be done. So this function will build the DELETE statements needed to do that, by deleting references to the given row all the way up to the wanted table. """ editor = self.editor object = self.selection[0] info = dependencyInfoForSchemaInEditor(editor, object.schemaName) if not info: return info.scan_tables() the_table = info.table_with_name(object.schemaName, object.name) if not the_table: mforms.Utilities.show_error("Cascading DELETE", "Could not find reverse engineered %s" % object.name, "OK", "", "") return if not the_table.primaryKey: mforms.Utilities.show_error("Cascading DELETE", "Unable to create a DELETE statement for %s because the table has no primary key." % object.name, "OK", "", "") return # expression to match the row to be deleted pk = [] for c in the_table.primaryKey.columns: pk.append("%s.%s = @%s_to_delete" % (the_table.name, c.referencedColumn.name, c.referencedColumn.name)) pk = " AND ".join(pk) def create_delete(table, info, deletes, reference_chain, visited): if table in visited: return visited.add(table) def add_to_list(list, item): if item not in list: return list + [item] return list for fk in info.get_foreign_keys_to_table(table): create_delete(fk.owner, info, deletes, reference_chain + [fk], visited) query = "DELETE FROM %s\n" % table.name query += " USING %s\n" % ", ".join(add_to_list([fk.owner.name for fk in reference_chain], the_table.name)) if reference_chain: query += " WHERE %s\n" % "\n AND ".join([format_fk_join(fk) for fk in reference_chain]) query += " AND %s;" % pk else: query += " WHERE %s;" % pk deletes.append(query) deletes = [] create_delete(the_table, info, deletes, [], set()) varsetup = [] for c in the_table.primaryKey.columns: varsetup.append("SET @%s_to_delete = <{row_id}>;" % c.referencedColumn.name) query = """ -- All objects that reference that row (directly or indirectly) will be deleted when this snippet is executed. -- To preview the rows to be deleted, use Select Row Dependencies START TRANSACTION; -- Provide the values of the primary key of the row to delete. %s %s COMMIT; """ % ("\n".join(varsetup), "\n".join(deletes)) self.send(query) if not self.to_editor: mforms.App.get().set_status_text("DELETE statement for %s was copied to clipboard" % the_table.name)