# Copyright (c) 2007, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is also distributed with certain software (including # but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as # designated in a particular file or component or in included license # documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional # permission to link the program and your derivative works with the # separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See # the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA from mforms import newBarGraphWidget, newLineDiagramWidget import mforms import wba_monitor_be UPDATE_INTERVAL = 3 class WbAdminMonitor(mforms.Box): mon_be = None ctrl_be = None server_info = None cpu_usage = None memory = None heartbeat = None connection_usage = None traffic = None hitrate = None key_efficiency = None ib_usage = None innodb_reads = None innodb_writes = None widgets = None def __init__(self, server_profile, ctrl_be): mforms.Box.__init__(self, False) self.widgets = {} self.server_profile = server_profile self.set_managed() self.set_release_on_add() self.set_name("Server Status Right Side") self.suspend_layout() self.ctrl_be = ctrl_be def bigLabel(text="---\n"): l = mforms.newLabel(text) l.set_style(mforms.VeryBigStyle) return l # Status icon self.box1 = mforms.newBox(True) self.box1.set_spacing(28) health_text = mforms.newBox(True) health_text.set_spacing(20) self.status_icon = mforms.newServerStatusWidget() self.status_icon.set_description("Server Status") self.status_icon.set_name("Server Status Graph") self.status_icon.set_size(86, -1) self.box1.add(self.status_icon, False, True) self.status_label = bigLabel("Unknown\n") self.status_label.set_name("Server Status Value") self.status_label.set_size(86, -1) health_text.add(self.status_label, False, True) # System. system_box = mforms.newBox(True) system_box.set_spacing(28) self.cpu_usage = newBarGraphWidget() self.cpu_usage.set_description("CPU/Load") self.cpu_usage.set_name("CPU Load Graph") self.cpu_usage.set_right_align(True) self.cpu_usage.set_size(31, -1); system_box.add(self.cpu_usage, False, True) label = bigLabel() label.set_name("CPU Load Value") label.set_size(47, -1) label.set_text_align(mforms.TopRight) health_text.add(label, False, True) if self.server_profile.target_is_windows: self.cpu_widget = (self.cpu_usage, label, lambda x: str(int(x*100)) + "%\n", None) else: self.cpu_usage.enable_auto_scale(True) self.cpu_widget = (self.cpu_usage, label, lambda x: str(x)+"\n", None) sql = {} self.connection_usage= newLineDiagramWidget() self.connection_usage.set_description("Connections") self.connection_usage.set_name("Connections Graph") self.connection_usage.enable_auto_scale(True) self.connection_usage.set_thresholds([0.0], [10.0, 50.0, 100.0, 500.0, 1000.0]) system_box.add(self.connection_usage, True, True) label = bigLabel() label.set_name("Connections Value") health_text.add(label, True, True) self.widgets['get_connections'] = (self.connection_usage, label, lambda x: "%s\n"%str(int(x)), None) sql['get_connections'] = {'query' : ("Threads_connected",), 'min' : 0, 'max' : 10, 'calc' : None} self.box1.add(system_box, True, True) self.add(self.box1, False, True) self.add(health_text, False, True) # Server health. health = mforms.newBox(True) health.set_spacing(28) health_text = mforms.newBox(True) health_text.set_homogeneous(True) health_text.set_spacing(24) # 4px less as for the widgets (the labels have a bit leading space). self.traffic = newLineDiagramWidget() self.traffic.set_description("Traffic") self.traffic.set_name("Traffic Graph") self.traffic.enable_auto_scale(True) self.traffic.set_thresholds([0.0], [100000.0, 1000000.0, 10000000.0, 100000000.0]) health.add(self.traffic, True, True) label = bigLabel() label.set_name("Traffic Value") health_text.add(label, True, True) self.widgets['get_traffic'] = (self.traffic, label, lambda x: "%s\n"%self.format_value(x), None) self.last_traffic = 0 sql['get_traffic'] = {'query' : ("Bytes_sent",), 'min' : 0, 'max' : 100, 'calc' : self.calc_traffic} self.key_efficiency= newLineDiagramWidget() self.key_efficiency.set_description("Key Efficiency") self.key_efficiency.set_name("Key Efficiency Graph") health.add(self.key_efficiency, True, True) label = bigLabel() label.set_name("Key Efficiency Value") health_text.add(label, True, True) self.widgets['get_key_efficiency'] = (self.key_efficiency, label, lambda x: ("%.1f%%\n" % x), None) sql['get_key_efficiency'] = {'query' : ("Key_reads","Key_read_requests"), 'min' : 0, 'max' : 100, 'calc' : self.calc_key_efficiency} self.add(health, False, True) self.add(health_text, False, True) # Query health= mforms.newBox(True) health.set_spacing(28) health_text = mforms.newBox(True) health_text.set_homogeneous(True) health_text.set_spacing(24) self.qps= newLineDiagramWidget() self.qps.set_description("Selects per Second") self.qps.set_name("Selects per Second Graph") self.qps.enable_auto_scale(True) self.qps.set_thresholds([0.0], [50.0, 100.0, 200.0, 500.0, 1000.0, 5000.0, 10000.0]) health.add(self.qps, True, True) label = bigLabel() label.set_name("Selects per Second Value") health_text.add(label, True, True) self.widgets['get_qps'] = (self.qps, label, lambda x: ("%.0f\n" % x), None) self.last_qcount = 0 sql['get_qps'] = {'query' : ("Com_select",), 'min' : 0, 'max' : 100, 'calc' : self.calc_qps} # self.hitrate= newLineDiagramWidget() # self.hitrate.set_description("Query Cache Hitrate") # health.add(self.hitrate, True, True) # label = bigLabel() # health_text.add(label, True, True) # self.widgets['get_hitrate'] = (self.hitrate, label, lambda x: ("%.1f%%\n" % x), None) # sql['get_hitrate'] = {'query' : ("Qcache_hits", "Qcache_inserts", "Qcache_not_cached"), 'min' : 0, 'max' : 100, 'calc' : self.calc_hitrate} # # self.add(health, False, True) # self.add(health_text, False, True) # # # Cache/buffer # health = mforms.newBox(True) # health.set_spacing(28) # health_text = mforms.newBox(True) # health_text.set_homogeneous(True) # health_text.set_spacing(24) # # self.qcache_usage = newLineDiagramWidget() # self.qcache_usage.set_description("Query Cache Usage") # health.add(self.qcache_usage, True, True) # label = bigLabel() # health_text.add(label, True, True) # self.widgets['get_qcache_usage'] = (self.qcache_usage, label, lambda x: ("%.1f%%\n" % x), None) # sql['get_qcache_usage'] = {'query' : ("Qcache_free_blocks", "Qcache_total_blocks"), 'min' : 0, 'max' : 100, 'calc' : self.calc_qcache_usage} self.ib_usage = newLineDiagramWidget() self.ib_usage.set_description("InnoDB Buffer Usage") self.ib_usage.set_name("InnoDB Buffer Usage Graph") health.add(self.ib_usage, True, True) label = bigLabel() label.set_name("InnoDB Buffer Usage Value") health_text.add(label, True, True) self.widgets['get_ib_usage'] = (self.ib_usage, label, lambda x: ("%.1f%%\n" % x), None) sql['get_ib_usage'] = {'query' : ("Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free", "Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total"), 'min' : 0, 'max' : 100, 'calc' : self.calc_ib_usage} self.add(health, False, True) self.add(health_text, False, True) # InnoDB Reads/Writes per second: health= mforms.newBox(True) health.set_spacing(28) health_text = mforms.newBox(True) health_text.set_homogeneous(True) health_text.set_spacing(24) self.innodb_reads = newLineDiagramWidget() self.innodb_reads.set_description('InnoDB Reads per Second') self.innodb_reads.set_name('InnoDB Reads per Second Graph') self.innodb_reads.enable_auto_scale(True) self.innodb_reads.set_thresholds([0.0], [50.0, 100.0, 200.0, 500.0, 1000.0, 5000.0, 10000.0]) health.add(self.innodb_reads, True, True) label = bigLabel() label.set_name("InnoDB Reads per Second Value") health_text.add(label, True, True) self.widgets['get_innodb_reads'] = (self.innodb_reads, label, lambda x: ('%.0f\n' % x), None) self.last_ircount = 0 sql['get_innodb_reads'] = {'query' : ('Innodb_data_reads',), 'min' : 0, 'max' : 100, 'calc' : self.calc_innodb_reads_per_second} self.innodb_writes = newLineDiagramWidget() self.innodb_writes.set_description('InnoDB Writes per Second') self.innodb_writes.set_name('InnoDB Writes per Second Graph') self.innodb_writes.enable_auto_scale(True) self.innodb_writes.set_thresholds([0.0], [50.0, 100.0, 200.0, 500.0, 1000.0, 5000.0, 10000.0]) health.add(self.innodb_writes, True, True) label = bigLabel() label.set_name("InnoDB Writes per Second Value") health_text.add(label, True, True) self.widgets['get_innodb_writes'] = (self.innodb_writes, label, lambda x: ('%.0f\n' % x), None) self.last_iwcount = 0 sql['get_innodb_writes'] = {'query' : ('Innodb_data_writes',), 'min' : 0, 'max' : 100, 'calc' : self.calc_innodb_writes_per_second} self.add(health, False, True) self.add(health_text, False, True) self.resume_layout() self.mon_be = wba_monitor_be.WBAdminMonitorBE(UPDATE_INTERVAL, server_profile, ctrl_be, self.widgets, self.cpu_widget, sql) def calc_traffic(self, x): tx = int(x[0]) if self.last_traffic == 0: self.last_traffic = tx return 0 ret = tx - self.last_traffic self.last_traffic = tx return ret/UPDATE_INTERVAL def calc_key_efficiency(self, key_read): (key_reads, key_read_requests) = key_read key_read_requests = float(key_read_requests) if key_read_requests == 0.0: return 0 return 100 - (((float(key_reads) / key_read_requests * 100))/UPDATE_INTERVAL) # def calc_hitrate(self, (hits, inserts, not_cached)): # hits = float(hits) # inserts = int(inserts) # not_cached = int(not_cached) # t = hits + inserts + not_cached # if t == 0: # return 0 # return (hits/t)*100 def calc_qps(self, counts): c = sum([int(c) for c in counts]) if self.last_qcount == 0: self.last_qcount = c return 0 ret = c - self.last_qcount self.last_qcount = c return ret/UPDATE_INTERVAL # def calc_qcache_usage(self, (free_blocks, total_blocks)): # free_blocks, total_blocks = float(free_blocks), float(total_blocks) # if -0.00001 <= total_blocks <= 0.00001: # return 0 # return 100 * (total_blocks - free_blocks) / total_blocks def calc_ib_usage(self, pages): (free_pages, total_pages) = pages free_pages, total_pages = float(free_pages), float(total_pages) if -0.00001 <= total_pages <= 0.00001: return 0 return 100 * ((total_pages - free_pages) / total_pages) def calc_innodb_reads_per_second(self, counts): (count,) = counts if self.last_ircount == 0: self.last_ircount = count return 0 ret = count - self.last_ircount self.last_ircount = count return ret/UPDATE_INTERVAL def calc_innodb_writes_per_second(self, counts): (count,) = counts if self.last_iwcount == 0: self.last_iwcount = count return 0 ret = count - self.last_iwcount self.last_iwcount = count return ret/UPDATE_INTERVAL def refresh_status(self, status): if status == "running" or status == "started": self.mon_be.note_server_running() self.status_icon.set_server_status(1) self.status_label.set_text("Running\n") elif status == "offline": self.mon_be.note_server_running() self.status_icon.set_server_status(2) self.status_label.set_text("Offline\n") elif status == "stopped": self.status_icon.set_server_status(0) self.status_label.set_text("Stopped\n") def format_value(self, value): if value < 1024: return str(value) + " B/s" else: if value < 1024 * 1024: return "%.2f KB/s" % (value / 1024) else: return "%.2f MB/s" % (value / 1024 / 1024) def stop(self): self.mon_be.stop()