# Copyright (c) 2007, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is also distributed with certain software (including # but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as # designated in a particular file or component or in included license # documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional # permission to link the program and your derivative works with the # separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See # the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import threading from threading import currentThread import sys import os import ntpath import posixpath import grt import mforms from wb_server_management import wbaOS from wb_common import OperationCancelledError, InvalidPasswordError, Users import re #=============================================================================== UnixVariant = { "" : { 'sudo_command' : "/usr/bin/sudo -k -S -p EnterPasswordHere ", } } #=============================================================================== class ServerProfile(object): def __init__(self, connection, instance_profile, force_remote_admin_off=False): self.disable_remote_admin = force_remote_admin_off self.__connection = connection self.__settings = instance_profile self.__os_specifics = None # one of UnixVariant self.expanded_config_file_path = None def get_settings_object(self): return self.__settings def _int_server_info(self, name, default_value=0): # always returns an int, a None value will be replaced with default_value if not self.__settings: return default_value try: value = self.__settings.serverInfo[name] except KeyError: value = default_value if type(value) is not int: try: value= int(value) except: value= default_value if value is None: return default_value return value def _int_login_info(self, name, default_value=0): # always returns an int, a None value will be replaced with default_value try: value = self.__settings.loginInfo[name] except KeyError: value = default_value if type(value) is not int: try: value= int(value) except: value= default_value if value is None: return default_value return value def _str_server_info(self, name, default_value=""): # always returns an str or unicode, a None value will be replaced with default_value if not self.__settings: return default_value try: value= self.__settings.serverInfo[name] except KeyError: value = default_value if value is None: value= default_value elif type(value) is not str and type(value) is not str: value= str(value) return value def _str_login_info(self, name, default_value=""): # always returns an str or unicode, a None value will be replaced with default_value try: value= self.__settings.loginInfo[name] except KeyError: value = default_value if value is None: value= default_value elif type(value) is not str and type(value) is not str: value= str(value) return value @property def name(self): return self.__connection.name @property def db_connection_params(self): return self.__connection @property def host_os(self): if hasattr(sys, 'getwindowsversion'): return wbaOS.windows elif ('inux' in sys.platform): return wbaOS.linux elif ('arwin' in sys.platform): return wbaOS.darwin return wbaOS.unknown # Must return smth from wbaOS @property def target_os(self): # This call must return either value from profile for remote server # If remote server is not set, which means local server, then returned value # must be equal to self.host_os ret = wbaOS.unknown try: system = self.__settings.serverInfo['sys.system'] except: system = None if system is not None and type(system) is str or type(system) is str: system = system.strip(" \r\t\n").lower() if system == 'windows': ret = wbaOS.windows elif system in ('linux', 'freebsd', 'opensolaris'): ret = wbaOS.linux elif ('macos' in system): ret = wbaOS.darwin else: ret = self.host_os return ret @property def host_is_windows(self): return self.host_os == wbaOS.windows @property def target_is_windows(self): return self.target_os == wbaOS.windows @property def remote_admin_enabled(self): return (self.uses_ssh or (not self.is_local and self.uses_wmi)) and not self.disable_remote_admin @property def admin_enabled(self): return self.is_local or self.remote_admin_enabled @property def is_local(self): local_addrs = ["localhost", "", "0", "", "::1"] #if self.uses_wmi: # return self.wmi_hostname in local_addrs #elif self.uses_ssh: # return self.ssh_hostname in local_addrs #else: if True: if self.db_connection_params: params = self.db_connection_params.parameterValues if params: if self.db_connection_params.driver: if self.db_connection_params.driver.name == "MysqlNative": return params["hostName"] in local_addrs elif self.db_connection_params.driver.name == "MysqlNativeSocket": return True elif self.db_connection_params.driver.name == "MysqlNativeSSH": return False else: from wb_common import NoDriverInConnection raise NoDriverInConnection("""Workbench has not found a driver for the connection that is being used by this server instance. Please edit your connection settings and try again.""") return False @property def connect_method(self): # choices are ['local', 'ssh', 'wmi', 'none'] # 'none' is for remote server ip with "No Remote Management" selected ret = None if self.uses_wmi: ret = 'wmi' elif self.uses_ssh: ret = 'ssh' else: if self.is_local: ret = 'local' else: ret = 'none' return ret @property def host_name(self): host_name = None if self.db_connection_params: if self.db_connection_params.driver.name == "MysqlNativeSocket": host_name = "localhost" else: host_name = self.db_connection_params.parameterValues["hostName"] return host_name @property def port(self): port = 3306 if self.db_connection_params: if self.db_connection_params.driver.name != "MysqlNativeSocket": port = self.db_connection_params.parameterValues["port"] return port @property def mysql_username(self): if self.db_connection_params: return self.db_connection_params.parameterValues["userName"] return "" @property def uses_ssh(self): return self._int_server_info("remoteAdmin") # If WMI admin was selected as mgmt mean (can be for local or remote) @property def uses_wmi(self): return self._int_server_info("windowsAdmin") @property def ssh_username(self): return self._str_login_info("ssh.userName") @property def ssh_hostname(self): return self._str_login_info("ssh.hostName") @property def ssh_port(self): return self._int_login_info("ssh.port", 22) @property def ssh_usekey(self): return self._int_login_info("ssh.useKey") @property def ssh_key(self): return self._str_login_info("ssh.key") @property def ssh_keepalive(self): return grt.root.wb.options.options['sshkeepalive'] if grt.root.wb.options.options['sshkeepalive'] is not None else 0 @property def ssh_timeout(self): return grt.root.wb.options.options['sshtimeout'] if grt.root.wb.options.options['sshtimeout'] is not None else 10 @property def wmi_hostname(self): return self._str_login_info("wmi.hostName") @property def wmi_username(self): return self._str_login_info("wmi.userName") @property def wmi_service_name(self): return self._str_server_info("sys.mysqld.service_name") @property def start_server_cmd(self): ret = None if self.uses_wmi: ret = "sc start " + self.wmi_service_name else: ret = self._str_server_info("sys.mysqld.start") return ret @property def stop_server_cmd(self): ret = None if self.uses_wmi: ret = "sc stop " + self.wmi_service_name else: ret = self._str_server_info("sys.mysqld.stop") return ret @property def use_sudo(self): return self._int_server_info("sys.usesudo") @property def config_file_path(self): """ path to configuration file (eg my.cnf) may contain path variables that need to be expanded, such as %ProgramPath% """ if self.expanded_config_file_path: return self.expanded_config_file_path return self._str_server_info('sys.config.path', '').strip(" \r\t\n\b") @property def config_file_section(self): return self._str_server_info('sys.config.section', '').strip(" \r\t\n\b") #------------------------------------------------------- def server_version(self): return self._str_server_info("serverVersion", None) def set_server_version(self, version): self.__settings.serverInfo["serverVersion"] = version server_version = property(server_version, set_server_version) #------------------------------------------------------- @property def server_version_tuple(self): if not self.server_version: return () version_tokens = self.server_version.split('.') ver = [] for token in version_tokens: match = re.match(r'(\d+).*', token) if match: ver.append(int(match.group(1))) return tuple(ver) #------------------------------------------------------- def log_output(self): return self._str_server_info("logOutput") def set_log_output(self, output): self.__settings.serverInfo['logOutput'] = output log_output = property(log_output, set_log_output) #------------------------------------------------------- def general_log_enabled(self): return self._int_server_info("generalLogEnabled") def set_general_log_enabled(self, value): self.__settings.serverInfo['generalLogEnabled'] = value general_log_enabled = property(general_log_enabled, set_general_log_enabled) #------------------------------------------------------- def slow_log_enabled(self): return self._int_server_info("slowLogEnabled") def set_slow_log_enabled(self, value): self.__settings.serverInfo['slowLogEnabled'] = value slow_log_enabled = property(slow_log_enabled, set_slow_log_enabled) #------------------------------------------------------- def general_log_file_path(self): return self._str_server_info("generalLogFilePath") def set_general_log_file_path(self, path): self.__settings.serverInfo['generalLogFilePath'] = path general_log_file_path = property(general_log_file_path, set_general_log_file_path) #------------------------------------------------------- def slow_log_file_path(self): return self._str_server_info("slowLogFilePath") def set_slow_log_file_path(self, path): self.__settings.serverInfo['slowLogFilePath'] = path slow_log_file_path = property(slow_log_file_path, set_slow_log_file_path) #------------------------------------------------------- def error_log_file_path(self): return self._str_server_info("errorLogFilePath") def set_error_log_file_path(self, path): self.__settings.serverInfo['errorLogFilePath'] = path error_log_file_path = property(error_log_file_path, set_error_log_file_path) #------------------------------------------------------- def datadir(self): return self._str_server_info('datadir') def set_datadir(self, path): self.__settings.serverInfo['datadir'] = path datadir = property(datadir, set_datadir) #------------------------------------------------------- def basedir(self): return self._str_server_info('basedir') def set_basedir(self, path): self.__settings.serverInfo['basedir'] = path basedir = property(basedir, set_basedir) #------------------------------------------------------- def set_os_version_info(self, os_type, os_name, os_variant, os_version): self.__settings.serverInfo['detected_os_type'] = os_type self.__settings.serverInfo['detected_os_name'] = os_name self.__settings.serverInfo['detected_os_variant'] = os_variant self.__settings.serverInfo['detected_os_version'] = os_version @property def detected_os_type(self): return self.__settings.serverInfo['detected_os_type'] @property def detected_os_name(self): return self.__settings.serverInfo['detected_os_name'] @property def detected_os_variant(self): return self.__settings.serverInfo['detected_os_variant'] @property def detected_os_version(self): return self.__settings.serverInfo['detected_os_version'] @property def path_module(self): return ntpath if self.target_os == wbaOS.windows else posixpath def join_target_path(self, path, *comps): return self.path_module.join(path, *comps) # OS specific things @property def sudo_prefix(self): prefix = UnixVariant['']['sudo_command'] # If the sudo override is configured, will use it instead settings_object = self.get_settings_object() serverInfo = settings_object.serverInfo if 'sys.mysqld.sudo_override' in serverInfo: sudo_override = serverInfo['sys.mysqld.sudo_override'] if sudo_override.strip(): prefix = sudo_override return prefix class PasswordHandler(object): def __init__(self, server_profile): self.server_profile = server_profile self.pwd_store = {} def get_password_type(self, service_type): profile = self.server_profile password_type = None if service_type == "file": if profile.target_is_windows: # in windows, auth is handled by UAC which is done externally password_type = "UAC" else: password_type = "sudo" elif service_type == "service.startstop": if profile.target_is_windows: password_type = "wmi" else: if profile.use_sudo: password_type = "sudo" else: password_type = None elif service_type == "remoteshell": if profile.uses_ssh: if profile.ssh_usekey: password_type = "sshkey" else: password_type = "ssh" elif service_type == "ssh": password_type = "ssh" elif service_type == "sshkey": password_type = "sshkey" elif service_type == "local": password_type = "local" else: raise Exception("Unknown password type: %s" % service_type) return password_type def get_password_parameters(self, service_type): # known service types: remoteshell, ssh, sshkey, file, service.startstop # these are mapped to # known password types: ssh, sshkey, sudo, UAC, wmi # which are then mapped to (title, service, account) or "UAC" or None profile = self.server_profile password_type = self.get_password_type(service_type) # sudo pwd may be either user's password, or root password. It depends on sudo setup if password_type == "sudo": sudo_type = "sudo" # if su is to be used instead of sudo, then we need the root password instead of login user if profile.sudo_prefix and "sudo" not in profile.sudo_prefix: sudo_type = "root" if profile.uses_ssh: if sudo_type == "sudo": account = profile.ssh_username else: account = "root" title = "%s Password Required"%sudo_type service = "%s@%s"%(sudo_type, profile.ssh_hostname) else: if sudo_type == "sudo": import pwd # os.getlogin() raises errno 25 if WB is started from ubuntu menu, so never use it #account = os.getlogin() try: account = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] if not account: account = "sudo" except: account = "sudo" else: account = "root" title = "%s Password Required"% sudo_type service = "%s@localhost" % sudo_type return (title, service, account) elif password_type == "local": return ("", "Mysql@%s:%s" % (profile.host_name, profile.port), profile.mysql_username) elif password_type == "wmi": return ("WMI Password Required", "wmi@%s" % profile.wmi_hostname, profile.wmi_username) elif password_type == "UAC": return "UAC" elif password_type == "ssh": return ("SSH Login Password Required", "ssh@%s" % profile.ssh_hostname, profile.ssh_username) elif password_type == "sshkey": return ("SSH Private Key Password Required", "ssh_keyfile@%s" % profile.ssh_key, profile.ssh_username) else: return None # call this if a InvalidPasswordError is caught def reset_password_for(self, service_type): password_type = self.get_password_type(service_type) if password_type in self.pwd_store: # None means the stored password was bad self.pwd_store[password_type] = None def get_password_for(self, service_type, cached_only=False): # Raises OperationCancelledError if user cancels pwd dlg. force_reset = False password_type = self.get_password_type(service_type) if password_type in self.pwd_store: if self.pwd_store[password_type] is None: force_reset = True else: return self.pwd_store[password_type] details = self.get_password_parameters(service_type) if not details: # No password needed for this service_type return None # special case for UAC used in windows if details == "UAC": return "UAC" title, service, account = details grt.log_debug2('%s:get_password_for()' % self.__class__.__name__, 'request password for "%s" => "%s", "%s", "%s"\n' % (service_type, title, service, account)) if cached_only: found, password = mforms.Utilities.find_password(service, account) if found: return password return None else: accepted, password = mforms.Utilities.find_or_ask_for_password(title, service, account, force_reset) if accepted: if not password: password = "" self.pwd_store[password_type] = password return password else: raise OperationCancelledError("Password input cancelled") class ServerControlBase(object): def __init__(self, serverProfile, helper, password_delegate): self.profile = serverProfile self.helper = helper self.password_delegate = password_delegate self.output_buffer = [] # default handler will just add the output to a list to be flushed later self.output_handler = lambda line, output_buffer= self.output_buffer: output_buffer.append(line) def set_output_handler(self, handler): # must be called by consumer of output (ie, the start/stop Tab in WB) self.output_handler = handler if self.output_buffer: for line in self.output_buffer: self.output_handler(line) self.output_buffer = None def info(self, text): self.output_handler(text) def close(self): # do cleanup, free up resources etc pass def start_async(self, finish_callback, try_without_password): # callback(status) where status can be success, bad_password or an error message raise NotImplementedError() def stop_async(self, finish_callback, try_without_password): raise NotImplementedError() def worker_thread(self, action, password, finish_callback): try: action(password) finish_callback("success") except InvalidPasswordError as err: if password is None: finish_callback("need_password") else: finish_callback("bad_password") except Exception as err: import traceback traceback.print_exc() finish_callback(err) def get_status(self, verbose=0): # overridden by concrete subclasses, if available return None class ServerControlShell(ServerControlBase): def __init__(self, profile, helper, password_delegate): """ Can also throw OperationCancelledError""" ServerControlBase.__init__(self, profile, helper, password_delegate) def get_password(self, try_without_password=False): return self.password_delegate.get_password_for("service.startstop", cached_only=try_without_password) def start_async(self, finish_callback, try_without_password=False): # callback(status) where status can be success, bad_password or an error message if not self.profile.start_server_cmd: self.info("Command to start the server is not configured. Please set the command that must be used to start the server in the remote management section of this connections settings.") return False if self.profile.use_sudo: try: password = self.get_password(try_without_password) except OperationCancelledError: return False else: password = None thread = threading.Thread(target=self.worker_thread, args=(self.start, password, finish_callback)) thread.run() return True def stop_async(self, finish_callback, try_without_password=False): if not self.profile.stop_server_cmd: self.info("Command to stop the server is not configured. Please set the command that must be used to stop the server in the remote management section of this connections settings.") return False if self.profile.use_sudo: try: password = self.get_password(try_without_password) except OperationCancelledError: return False else: password = None thread = threading.Thread(target=self.worker_thread, args=(self.stop, password, finish_callback)) thread.run() return True def start(self, password): """ Can also throw InvalidPasswordError""" self.info("Starting server...") # TODO: This does not come to info output try: self.info("Executing '%s'" % self.profile.start_server_cmd) as_user = Users.ADMIN if self.profile.use_sudo else Users.CURRENT r = self.helper.execute_command(self.profile.start_server_cmd, as_user=as_user, user_password=password, output_handler=lambda s:self.info("Start server: %s"%(s if ((type(s) is str) or (type(s) is str)) else "").replace(password or "", ""))) except InvalidPasswordError: # forget password, so that next time it will be requested self.password_delegate.reset_password_for("service.startstop") raise if r: return True return False def stop(self, password): """ Can also throw InvalidPasswordError""" self.info("Stopping server...") try: def strip_pwd(output): if output is not None and (type(output) is str or type(output) is str): if password is not None and password != "": output = output.replace(password, "") else: output = "" self.info("Stop server: %s"%str(output)) as_user = Users.ADMIN if self.profile.use_sudo else Users.CURRENT self.info("Executing '%s'" % self.profile.stop_server_cmd) r = self.helper.execute_command(self.profile.stop_server_cmd, as_user=as_user, user_password=password, output_handler=strip_pwd) except InvalidPasswordError: # forget password, so that next time it will be requested self.password_delegate.reset_password_for("service.startstop") raise if r: return True return False class ServerControlWMI(ServerControlBase): def __init__(self, profile, helper, password_delegate): ServerControlBase.__init__(self, profile, helper, password_delegate) self.wmi = grt.modules.Workbench self.wmi_session_ids = {} self.shell = None if self.profile.is_local: user = "" server = "" password = "" self.check_and_fix_profile_for_local_windows(profile) self.shell = ServerControlShell(profile, helper, password_delegate) # Force usage of Users.ADMIN for local windows self.info("Workbench will use cmd shell commands to start/stop this instance") else: user = self.profile.wmi_username server = self.profile.wmi_hostname password = self.get_password() try: sess = self.wmi.wmiOpenSession(server, user, password or "") self.wmi_session_ids[currentThread()] = sess except Exception as exc: import traceback traceback.print_exc() raise RuntimeError("Could not initialize WMI interface: %s"%exc) if self.wmi_session_id_for_current_thread <= 0: raise RuntimeError("Could not initialize WMI interface") def check_and_fix_profile_for_local_windows(self, profile): settings = profile.get_settings_object() serverInfo = settings.serverInfo serverInfo["sys.usesudo"] = 1 # Force this in any case # Check commands service = profile.wmi_service_name # return self._str_server_info("sys.mysqld.service_name") if service == "": service = serverInfo["sys.mysqld.service_name"] = "MySQL" self.info("MySQL service was empty. Set to 'MySQL'. Check this in 'Manage Server Instances' from 'Home'.") if profile.start_server_cmd == "" or (service not in profile.start_server_cmd): serverInfo["sys.mysqld.start"] = "sc start " + service print("WMIShell: start command set to '%s'"%profile.start_server_cmd) if profile.stop_server_cmd == "" or (service not in profile.stop_server_cmd): serverInfo["sys.mysqld.stop"] = "sc stop " + service print("WMIShell: stop command set to '%s'"%profile.stop_server_cmd) def get_password(self): if self.profile.is_local: return "" return self.password_delegate.get_password_for("service.startstop") # WMI sessions are thread specific. To make things easier, we create one for # each thread that uses it @property def wmi_session_id_for_current_thread(self): thr = currentThread() s = self.wmi_session_ids.get(thr) if s is not None: return s password = self.get_password() if self.profile.is_local: sess = self.wmi.wmiOpenSession('', '', '') else: sess = self.wmi.wmiOpenSession(self.profile.wmi_hostname, self.profile.wmi_username, password or "") if sess: self.wmi_session_ids[thr] = sess return sess def close(self): for s in list(self.wmi_session_ids.values()): self.wmi.wmiCloseSession(s) self.wmi_session_ids = {} ServerControlBase.close() # not certain if the call is needed. def start_async(self, finish_callback, try_without_password): # callback(status) where status can be success, bad_password or an error message try: # ask subclass to provide password password = self.get_password() except OperationCancelledError: return False thread = threading.Thread(target=self.worker_thread, args=(self.start, password, finish_callback)) thread.run() return True def stop_async(self, finish_callback, try_without_password): try: password = self.get_password() except OperationCancelledError: return False thread = threading.Thread(target=self.worker_thread, args=(self.stop, password, finish_callback)) thread.run() return True def start(self, password): self.info("Starting server..."); if self.shell: return self.shell.start(password) else: # Profile may hold the actual command passed service = self.profile.wmi_service_name action = "start" self.info("Starting service '%s' through WMI..." % service) result = self.wmi.wmiServiceControl(self.wmi_session_id_for_current_thread, service, action) self.info("Service start result: %s" % result) if result.startswith("error"): raise RuntimeError("Error stopping service %s through WMI\n%s" % (service, result)) return not result.startswith("error") def stop(self, password): if self.shell: return self.shell.stop(password) else: service = self.profile.wmi_service_name action = "stop" self.info("Stopping service '%s' through WMI..." % service) result = self.wmi.wmiServiceControl(self.wmi_session_id_for_current_thread, service, action) self.info("Service stop result: %s" % result) if result.startswith("error"): raise RuntimeError("Error stopping service %s through WMI\n%s" % (service, result)) return not result.startswith("error") def get_status(self, verbose=1): "Returned value is one of running, stopping, starting, stopped, unknown" service = self.profile.wmi_service_name action = "status" if verbose > 1: self.info("Checking service status of instance %s..." % service) result = self.wmi.wmiServiceControl(self.wmi_session_id_for_current_thread, service, action) if verbose: self.info("Status check of service '%s' returned %s" % (service, result)) # translate status to something more displayable if result == "stop pending": result = "stopping" elif result == "start pending": result = "starting" return result