# Copyright (c) 2009, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is also distributed with certain software (including # but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as # designated in a particular file or component or in included license # documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional # permission to link the program and your derivative works with the # separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See # the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import re import sys import subprocess import os import threading import zipfile import tempfile import shlex from workbench.utils import get_exe_path # import the wb module from wb import DefineModule, wbinputs # import the grt module import grt import mforms from grt import log_warning from workbench.log import log_info, log_error, log_debug2 import traceback from workbench.ui import WizardForm, WizardPage from mforms import newButton, newCheckBox # define this Python module as a GRT module ModuleInfo = DefineModule(name= "PyWbUtils", author= "Sun Microsystems Inc.", version="1.0") # wb_model_utils contains a few more plugins that will get registered when imported import wb_model_utils # noqa import wb_catalog_utils # noqa def get_linux_terminal_program(): paths = os.getenv("PATH").split(":") if not paths: paths = ['/usr/bin', '/usr/local/bin', '/bin'] for term in ["gnome-terminal", "konsole", "xterm", "rxvt"]: for d in paths: full_path = os.path.join(d, term) if os.path.exists(full_path): return full_path return None @ModuleInfo.plugin('wb.tools.backupConnections', caption='Backup existing connections', accessibilityName="Backup Existing Connections") @ModuleInfo.export(grt.INT) def backupConnections(): user_data_dir = mforms.App.get().get_user_data_folder() connections_path = os.path.join(user_data_dir, 'connections.xml') instances_path = os.path.join(user_data_dir, 'server_instances.xml') file_chooser = mforms.newFileChooser(mforms.Form.main_form(), mforms.SaveFile) file_chooser.set_title('Export Connections As') file_chooser.set_extensions('ZIP Files (*.zip)|*.zip', 'import') if file_chooser.run_modal() == mforms.ResultOk: backup_path = file_chooser.get_path() try: backup_file = zipfile.ZipFile(backup_path, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) except Exception: mforms.Utilities.show_error('Backup file creation error', 'Could not create the backup file. Please check path and permissions and try ' 'again.', 'OK', '', '') return 1 backup_file.write(connections_path, 'connections.xml') backup_file.write(instances_path, 'server_instances.xml') if mforms.Utilities.show_message('Connections saved', 'Your connections were successfully backed up to ' + backup_path, 'OK', '', 'Show File') == mforms.ResultOther: mforms.Utilities.reveal_file(backup_path) return 0 @ModuleInfo.plugin('wb.tools.restoreConnections', caption='Restore connections from a backup file', accessibilityName="Restore Connections") @ModuleInfo.export(grt.INT) def restoreConnections(): def generate_unique_name(name, name_set): new_name = name idx = 1 while True: if not new_name in name_set: return new_name new_name = name + ' (%d)' % idx idx += 1 file_chooser = mforms.newFileChooser(mforms.Form.main_form(), mforms.OpenFile) file_chooser.set_title('Select a Connections Backup File') file_chooser.set_extensions('ZIP Files (*.zip)|*.zip', 'import') if file_chooser.run_modal(): backup_path = file_chooser.get_path() try: backup_file = zipfile.ZipFile(backup_path, 'r') try: instances_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) instances_file.write(backup_file.read('server_instances.xml')) instances_file.close() connections_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) connections_file.write(backup_file.read('connections.xml')) connections_file.close() except KeyError as error: mforms.Utilities.show_error('Restore Connections Error', 'The selected file is not a valid backup file ' 'or the file is corrupted: %s.' % str(error), 'OK', '', '') grt.log_error('restoreConnections', 'The selected file is not a valid backup file ' 'or the file is corrupted: %s.' % str(error)) return connections = grt.unserialize(connections_file.name) if not isinstance(connections, grt.List): mforms.Utilities.show_error('Restore Connections Error', 'The selected file is not a valid backup file ' 'or the file is corrupted.', 'OK', '', '') grt.log_error('restoreConnections', 'The selected archive does not have a valid connection backup file.\n') return inserted_connections = {} existent_connection_names = set(conn.name for conn in grt.root.wb.rdbmsMgmt.storedConns) existent_connection_ids = set(conn.__id__ for conn in grt.root.wb.rdbmsMgmt.storedConns) duplicate_connection_count = 0 for candidate_connection in connections: if candidate_connection.__id__ in existent_connection_ids: duplicate_connection_count = duplicate_connection_count + 1 continue candidate_connection.name = generate_unique_name(candidate_connection.name, existent_connection_names) existent_connection_names.add(candidate_connection.name) candidate_connection.owner = grt.root.wb.rdbmsMgmt inserted_connections[candidate_connection.__id__] = candidate_connection grt.root.wb.rdbmsMgmt.storedConns.append(candidate_connection) instances = grt.unserialize(instances_file.name) if not isinstance(instances, grt.List): mforms.Utilities.show_error('Restore Connections Error', 'The selected file is not a valid backup file ' 'or the file is corrupted.', 'OK', '', '') grt.log_error('restoreConnections', 'Workbench restored %i valid connections but server configuration data could not be found or is not valid.\n' % len(connections)) return existent_instance_names = set(instance.name for instance in grt.root.wb.rdbmsMgmt.storedInstances) previous_instances_conns = set() duplicated_instance_count = 0 for candidate_instance in instances: if candidate_instance.connection is None: continue if candidate_instance.connection.__id__ in previous_instances_conns: duplicated_instance_count = duplicated_instance_count + 1 continue # Skip instances whose connections are associated to previously processed instances previous_instances_conns.add(candidate_instance.connection.__id__) candidate_instance.name = generate_unique_name(candidate_instance.name, existent_instance_names) existent_instance_names.add(candidate_instance.name) new_conn = inserted_connections.get(candidate_instance.connection.__id__, None) candidate_instance = candidate_instance.shallow_copy() candidate_instance.connection = new_conn grt.root.wb.rdbmsMgmt.storedInstances.append(candidate_instance) grt.modules.Workbench.refreshHomeConnections() grt.modules.Workbench.saveConnections() grt.modules.Workbench.saveInstances() if duplicate_connection_count > 0 or duplicated_instance_count > 0: message = [] message.append('Workbench detected ') if duplicate_connection_count > 0: message.append('%i duplicated connections' % duplicate_connection_count) if duplicated_instance_count > 0: if duplicate_connection_count > 0: message.append(' and ') message.append('%i duplicated instances' % duplicated_instance_count) message.append(', which were not restored.') mforms.Utilities.show_warning('Restore Connections', ''.join(message), 'OK', '', '') except zipfile.BadZipfile as error: mforms.Utilities.show_error('Restore Connections Error', 'The selected file is not a valid backup file ' 'or the file is corrupted.', 'OK', '', '') grt.log_error('restoreConnections', 'The selected file is not a valid backup file or the file is corrupted: %s\n' % error) except IOError as error: mforms.Utilities.show_error('Restore Connections Error', 'Cannot read from file. Please check this file ' 'permissions and try again.', 'OK', '', '') grt.log_error('restoreConnections', '%s\n' % str(error)) return 0 @ModuleInfo.export(grt.STRING, grt.classes.db_mgmt_Connection) def connectionStringFromConnection(conn): #[:]@[:][:] connstr = "" if conn.driver.name == "MysqlNative": connstr = "%s@%s:%s" % (conn.parameterValues["userName"], conn.parameterValues["hostName"], conn.parameterValues["port"]) elif conn.driver.name == "MysqlNativeSocket": connstr = "%s@%s::%s" % (conn.parameterValues["userName"], conn.parameterValues["hostName"], conn.parameterValues["socket"]) elif conn.driver.name == "MysqlNativeSSH": #XXX this is incomplete, need some way to encode the ssh params connstr = "%s@%s::%s" % (conn.parameterValues["userName"], conn.parameterValues["hostName"], conn.parameterValues["port"]) return connstr @ModuleInfo.export(grt.classes.db_mgmt_Connection, grt.STRING) def connectionFromString(connstr): valid = False def get_driver(name): for d in grt.root.wb.rdbmsMgmt.rdbms[0].drivers: if d.name == name: return d return None # parse as a one of our connection strings g = re.match("(.*?)(?::(.*))?@(.*?)(?::([0-9]+|)(?::(.+|))?)?$", connstr) if g: user, password, host, port, socket = g.groups() valid = True else: user, password, host, port, socket = None, None, None, None, None # check if this is a mysql cmdline client command tokens = shlex.split(connstr.strip()) if tokens: if tokens[0].endswith("mysql") or tokens[0].endswith("mysql.exe"): i = 1 valid = True while i < len(tokens): if tokens[i] == "-u": i += 1 user = tokens[i] elif tokens[i].startswith("-u"): user = tokens[i][2:] elif tokens[i] == "-h": i += 1 host = tokens[i] elif tokens[i].startswith("-h"): host = tokens[i][2:] elif tokens[i] == "-p": i += 1 password = tokens[i] elif tokens[i].startswith("-p"): password = tokens[i][2:] # noqa elif tokens[i] == "-P": i += 1 port = tokens[i] elif tokens[i].startswith("-P"): port = tokens[i][2:] elif tokens[i] == "-S": i += 1 socket = tokens[i] elif tokens[i].startswith("-S"): socket = tokens[i][2:] i += 1 if valid: if port: try: port = int(port) except: log_warning("wb_utils", "Error parsing connstring; port value '%s' should be a number\n" % port) port = None if not port: port = 3306 conn = grt.classes.db_mgmt_Connection() conn.owner = grt.root.wb.rdbmsMgmt conn.name = connstr if socket: conn.driver = get_driver("MysqlNativeSocket") else: conn.driver = get_driver("MysqlNative") if user: conn.parameterValues["userName"] = user if host: conn.parameterValues["hostName"] = host if port: conn.parameterValues["port"] = port if socket: conn.parameterValues["socket"] = socket hostIdentifier = conn.driver.hostIdentifierTemplate for key, value in list(conn.parameterValues.items()): hostIdentifier = hostIdentifier.replace("%"+key+"%", str(value)) conn.hostIdentifier = hostIdentifier return conn return None @ModuleInfo.plugin("wb.tools.copyConnectionString", caption="Copy Connection String to Clipboard", input= [wbinputs.selectedConnection()], pluginMenu="Home/Connections", accessibilityName="Copy Connection String to Clipboard") @ModuleInfo.export(grt.INT, grt.classes.db_mgmt_Connection) def copyConnectionString(conn): connstr = connectionStringFromConnection(conn) mforms.Utilities.set_clipboard_text(connstr) @ModuleInfo.plugin("wb.tools.copyJDBCConnectionString", caption="Copy JDBC Connection String to Clipboard", input= [wbinputs.selectedConnection()], pluginMenu="Home/Connections", accessibilityName="Copy JBDC String to Clipboard") @ModuleInfo.export(grt.INT, grt.classes.db_mgmt_Connection) def copyJDBCConnectionString(conn): if "schema" in conn.parameterValues: params = "/"+conn.parameterValues["schema"] else: params = "/" params += "?user=%s" % conn.parameterValues["userName"] if conn.driver.name == "MysqlNative": connstr = "jdbc:mysql://%s:%s" % (conn.parameterValues["hostName"], conn.parameterValues["port"]) elif conn.driver.name == "MysqlNativeSocket": connstr = "jdbc:mysql://%s:%s" % (conn.parameterValues["hostName"], conn.parameterValues["socket"]) elif conn.driver.name == "MysqlNativeSSH": mforms.Utilities.show_error("Copy JDBC Connection String", "Cannot create JDBC connection string for %s. The connection uses a SSH tunnel." % conn.name, "OK", "", "") return mforms.Utilities.set_clipboard_text(connstr+params) @ModuleInfo.plugin("wb.tools.createMissingLocalConnections", caption="Rescan for Local MySQL Instances", input= [], pluginMenu="Home/Connections", accessibilityName="Rescan MySQL Instances") @ModuleInfo.export(grt.INT) def createMissingLocalConnections(): found_instances = grt.modules.Workbench.createInstancesFromLocalServers() grt.modules.Workbench.refreshHomeConnections() if found_instances < 0: mforms.Utilities.show_error("Rescan for Local MySQL Servers", "Rescan for local MySQL servers failed", "OK", "", "") elif found_instances == 0: mforms.Utilities.show_message('Rescan for Local MySQL Servers', 'No servers were found.', 'OK', '', '') else: mforms.Utilities.show_message('Rescan for Local MySQL Servers', 'Found %s servers.' % found_instances, 'OK', '', '') return 1 @ModuleInfo.plugin("wb.tools.connectionFromClipboard", caption="Add Connection(s) from Clipboard", input= [], pluginMenu="Home/Connections", accessibilityName="Add Connections From Clipboard") @ModuleInfo.export(grt.INT) def newConnectionFromClipboard(): text = mforms.Utilities.get_clipboard_text() if not text: return 0 existing = set() # make a normalized set of the connections that already exist for con in grt.root.wb.rdbmsMgmt.storedConns: existing.add(connectionStringFromConnection(con)) parse_errors = False found_instances = 0 for line in text.split("\n"): conn = connectionFromString(line) if not conn and not parse_errors: mforms.Utilities.show_error("Add Connection(s) from Clipboard", "Could not parse connection parameters from string '%s'" % line, "OK", "", "") parse_errors = True continue if connectionStringFromConnection(conn) in existing: mforms.Utilities.show_error("Add Connection(s) from Clipboard", "The connection %s already exists and was not added." % line, "OK", "", "") continue i = 1 name = conn.parameterValues.get("hostName", "local") prefix = name while any(conn.name == name for conn in grt.root.wb.rdbmsMgmt.storedConns): name = "%s (%i)" % (prefix, i) i += 1 conn.name = name log_info("Added connection %s from clipboard\n" % conn.name) found_instances = found_instances + 1 grt.root.wb.rdbmsMgmt.storedConns.append(conn) grt.modules.Workbench.refreshHomeConnections() if found_instances > 0: mforms.Utilities.show_message('Add Connection(s) from Clipboard', 'Found %s servers.' % found_instances, 'OK', '', '') return 1 @ModuleInfo.plugin("wb.tools.cmdlineClient", caption="Start Command Line Client", input= [wbinputs.selectedConnection()], pluginMenu="Home/Connections", accessibilityName="Command Line Client") @ModuleInfo.export(grt.INT, grt.classes.db_mgmt_Connection) def startCommandLineClientForConnection(conn): import platform import os if "ssh" in conn.driver.name.lower(): host = "" tun = grt.modules.DbMySQLQuery.openTunnel(conn) if tun < 0: mforms.Utilities.show_error("Start Command Line Client", "Could not open SSH tunnel to host.", "OK", "", "") return port = grt.modules.DbMySQLQuery.getTunnelPort(tun) socket = "" elif "socket" in conn.driver.name.lower(): if platform.system() == "Windows": host = "." else: host = "localhost" port = None socketName = conn.parameterValues["socket"] if socketName is None: socketName = "MySQL" socket = "--socket=" + socketName else: host = conn.parameterValues["hostName"].replace("\\", "\\\\").replace('"', '\\"') port = conn.parameterValues["port"] socket = "" user = conn.parameterValues["userName"].replace("\\", "\\\\").replace('"', '\\"') if port is None: port = 3306 schema = conn.parameterValues["schema"] if schema: schema = schema.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace('"', '\\"') else: schema = "" bundled_client_path = grt.root.wb.options.options.get("mysqlclient", None) if platform.system().lower() == "darwin": if not bundled_client_path: bundled_client_path = mforms.App.get().get_executable_path("mysql") command = """\\"%s\\" \\"-u%s\\" \\"-h%s\\" -P%i %s -p %s""" % (os.path.expanduser(bundled_client_path), user, host, port, socket, schema) os.system("""osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to do script "%s"'""" % command) elif platform.system().lower() == "windows": if not bundled_client_path: bundled_client_path = mforms.App.get().get_executable_path("mysql.exe") # call mysql client, and if it exits with error, pause so that the user can see what went wrong, before closing the window # (the ideal way would have been to do what we do for Linux, but Windows shell is too limited) command = """start cmd /C "%s -u%s -h%s -P%i %s -p %s || pause" """ % (bundled_client_path.replace(" ", "\\ "), user, host, port, socket, schema) subprocess.Popen(command, shell = True) else: if not bundled_client_path: bundled_client_path = mforms.App.get().get_executable_path("mysql") if not bundled_client_path: bundled_client_path = "mysql" command = """\\"%s\\" \\"-u%s\\" \\"-h%s\\" -P%i %s -p %s""" % (bundled_client_path, user, host, port, socket, schema) # call mysql client in a loop until either: 1. it exits with no error, or 2. user exits with Ctrl+C. # This is necessary because if the user enters wrong password, the window closes too quick for the user to see what's going on. my_env = os.environ.copy() if (("XDG_SESSION_TYPE" in my_env and my_env["XDG_SESSION_TYPE"] == "wayland") or "WAYLAND_DISPLAY" in my_env) and my_env["GDK_BACKEND"]: my_env["GDK_BACKEND"] = "wayland" subprocess.Popen(["/bin/sh", "-c", get_linux_terminal_program() + " -e '" + "sh -c \"while :; do %s && break || read -p \\\"Press Enter to retry or Ctrl+C to quit\\\" DUMMY_VAR; done\" " % command + "' &" # <--- launch GUI terminal and exit (returns to Workbench immediately rather than blocking) ], shell=False, env=my_env) @ModuleInfo.plugin("wb.tools.cmdlineClient", caption="Start Command Line Client", input=[wbinputs.selectedConnection()], pluginMenu="Home/Connections", accessibilityName="Command Line Client") @ModuleInfo.export(grt.INT) def startODBCAdmin(): if sys.platform == "linux2": path = get_exe_path('iodbcadm-gtk') if not path: path = get_exe_path('ODBCManageDataSourcesQ4') if path: subprocess.Popen(path, shell=True, close_fds=True) return 1 else: return 0 elif sys.platform == "darwin": ret = subprocess.call("open -a 'ODBC Administrator'", shell=True) if ret == 1: ret = subprocess.call("open -a 'ODBC Manager'", shell=True) return 0 if ret == 1 else 1 elif sys.platform == "win32": # WTF alert: # In 64bit windows, there are 2 versions of odbcad32.exe. One is 64bits and the other 32. # The 64bit version is in \Windows\System32 # The 32bit version is in \Windows\SysWOW64 # so if we're a 64bit WB, then we run the 64bit odbc tool (since we can't use 32bit drivers anyway) if sys.maxsize > 2**31: subprocess.Popen(r"%SYSTEMROOT%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe", shell=True, creationflags=subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP, close_fds=True) else: subprocess.Popen(r"%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\odbcad32.exe", shell=True, creationflags=subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP, close_fds=True) return 1 def process_not_found_utils(): utilities_url = ("http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/utilities/" if grt.root.wb.info.edition == "Community" else "https://edelivery.oracle.com/EPD/Search/get_form?product=18251") source_description = "www.mysql.com" if grt.root.wb.info.edition == "Community" else "eDelivery" if mforms.Utilities.show_message("MySQL Utilities", "The command line MySQL Utilities could not be " "located.\n\nTo use them, you must download and install the utilities " "package for your system from %s.\n\n" "Click on the Download button to proceed." % source_description, "Download...", "Cancel", "") == mforms.ResultOk: mforms.Utilities.open_url(utilities_url) @ModuleInfo.plugin("wb.tools.utilitiesShell", caption="Start Shell for MySQL Utilities", groups=["Others/Menu/Ungrouped"], accessibilityName="MySQL Utilities Shell") @ModuleInfo.export(grt.INT) def startUtilitiesShell(): import platform import os if platform.system() == "Windows": guessed_path = None for varname in ["ProgramFiles(x86)", "ProgramFiles"]: if not os.getenv(varname): continue path = os.path.join(os.getenv(varname), "MySQL", "MySQL Utilities", "mysqluc.exe") if os.path.exists(path): guessed_path = path break if any(os.path.exists(os.path.join(f, "mysqluc.exe")) for f in os.getenv("PATH").split(";")): # Utils path is in PATH already command = r'start cmd /K "mysqluc"' subprocess.Popen(command, shell = True) elif guessed_path: command = r'start cmd /K "%s"' % guessed_path subprocess.Popen(command, shell = True) else: process_not_found_utils() elif platform.system() == "Darwin": # PATH seems to be stripped down when WB is started from a binary .app if any(os.path.exists(f+"/mysqluc") for f in os.getenv("PATH").split(":") + ["/usr/local/bin"]): os.system(r"""osascript -e 'tell application "Terminal" to do script "mysqluc -e \"help utilities\""' -e 'tell front window of application "Terminal" to set custom title to "MySQL Utilities"'""") else: process_not_found_utils() else: if not any(os.path.exists(f+"/mysqluc") for f in os.getenv("PATH").split(":")): process_not_found_utils() else: term = get_linux_terminal_program() if term: import tempfile fd, setup_script = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="delme.", dir=mforms.App.get().get_user_data_folder()) f = os.fdopen(fd, "w+") f.write('echo "The following MySQL Utilities are available:"\n') f.write('mysqluc -e "help utilities"\n') f.write('rm -f "%s"\n' % setup_script) f.write('sh -i\n') f.close() os.chmod(setup_script, 0o700) if 'konsole' in term: subprocess.call([term, "-e", "/bin/sh", setup_script]) else: my_env = os.environ.copy() if (("XDG_SESSION_TYPE" in my_env and my_env["XDG_SESSION_TYPE"] == "wayland") or "WAYLAND_DISPLAY" in my_env) and my_env["GDK_BACKEND"]: my_env["GDK_BACKEND"] = "wayland" subprocess.Popen(["/bin/sh", "-c", "%s -e %s &" % (term, setup_script)], shell=False, env=my_env) else: raise RuntimeError("Terminal program could not be found") class CheckForUpdateThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): self.is_running = False self.finished = False super(CheckForUpdateThread, self).__init__() def run(self): if self.is_running: return self.is_running = True try: import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse import json import base64 class LoginForm(mforms.Form): def __init__(self): mforms.Form.__init__(self, None) self.set_title("Apply Changes to MySQL configuration File") content = mforms.newBox(False) content.set_padding(12) content.set_spacing(12) button_box = mforms.newBox(True) button_box.set_spacing(12) self.apply_btn = mforms.newButton() self.apply_btn.set_text("Apply") self.cancel_btn = mforms.newButton() self.cancel_btn.set_text("Cancel") self.cancel_btn.add_clicked_callback(self.cancel_clicked) content.add(button_box, False, True) self.set_content(content) self.set_size(640, 480) self.apply_btn.add_clicked_callback(self.apply_clicked) self.cancel_btn.add_clicked_callback(self.cancel_clicked) def show(self): self.run_modal(self.apply_btn, self.cancel_btn) def apply_clicked(self): self.close() def cancel_clicked(self): self.close() class ProxyAuthenticationHandler(urllib.request.AbstractBasicAuthHandler, urllib.request.BaseHandler): auth_header = 'Proxy-authorization' attempts = 0 class ProxyAuthenticationForm(mforms.Form): def __init__(self): mforms.Form.__init__(self, None, mforms.FormDialogFrame) self.set_size(400, -1) box = mforms.newBox(False) box.set_spacing(12) box.set_padding(12) self.set_content(box) self.set_title("Proxy Authentication") content = mforms.newTable() content.set_padding(12); content.set_row_count(2); content.set_row_spacing(10); content.set_column_count(2); content.set_column_spacing(10); self.username = mforms.newTextEntry() self.password = mforms.newTextEntry(mforms.PasswordEntry) content.add(mforms.newLabel("User Name:"), 0, 1, 0, 1, mforms.HFillFlag | mforms.VFillFlag); content.add(self.username, 1, 2, 0, 1, mforms.HFillFlag | mforms.HExpandFlag); content.add(mforms.newLabel("Password:"), 0, 1, 1, 2, mforms.HFillFlag | mforms.VFillFlag); content.add(self.password, 1, 2, 1, 2, mforms.HFillFlag | mforms.HExpandFlag); box.add(content, True, True) self.ok = mforms.newButton() self.ok.set_text("OK") self.cancel = mforms.newButton() self.cancel.set_text("Cancel") button_box = mforms.newBox(True) mforms.Utilities.add_end_ok_cancel_buttons(button_box, self.ok, self.cancel) box.add_end(button_box, False, True) self.ok.add_clicked_callback(self.accepted) self.cancel.add_clicked_callback(self.canceled) def run(self): return self.run_modal(None, self.cancel) def accepted(self): self.end_modal(True) def canceled(self): self.end_modal(False) def request_authentication(self): dialog = self.ProxyAuthenticationForm() self.result = dialog.run() self.username = dialog.username.get_string_value() self.password = dialog.password.get_string_value() def http_error_407(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers): authority = req.host if self.attempts > 0: mforms.Utilities.show_error('Proxy Authentication', 'The proxy authentication was incorrect. Please try again.', "OK", "", "") mforms.Utilities.perform_from_main_thread(self.request_authentication, True) if self.result == False: return None self.attempts = self.attempts + 1 raw = "%s:%s" % (self.username, self.password) auth = "Basic " + base64.b64encode(raw.encode()).decode("ascii") if req.get_header(self.auth_header, None) == auth: return None req.add_unredirected_header(self.auth_header, auth) return self.parent.open(req, timeout=req.timeout) proxy_handler = urllib.request.ProxyHandler() proxy_auth_handler = ProxyAuthenticationHandler() opener = urllib.request.build_opener() opener.add_handler(proxy_handler) opener.add_handler(proxy_auth_handler) urllib.request.install_opener(opener) self.json = json.load(urllib.request.urlopen("http://workbench.mysql.com/current-release")) except Exception as error: self.json = None self.error = "%s\n\nPlease verify that your internet connection is available." % str(error) def checkForUpdatesCallback(self): if self.isAlive(): return True # Don't do anything until the dom is built if not self.json: if hasattr(self, 'error'): mforms.Utilities.show_error("Check for updates failed", str(self.error), "OK", "", "") else: try: current_version = (grt.root.wb.info.version.majorNumber, grt.root.wb.info.version.minorNumber, grt.root.wb.info.version.releaseNumber) newest_version = tuple(int(i) for i in self.json['fullversion'].split(".")) if newest_version > current_version: if mforms.Utilities.show_message('New Version Available', 'The new MySQL Workbench %s has been released.\nYou can download the latest version from\nhttp://www.mysql.com/downloads/workbench.' % '.'.join( [str(num) for num in newest_version] ), 'Get it Now', 'Maybe Later', "") == mforms.ResultOk: mforms.Utilities.open_url('http://www.mysql.com/downloads/workbench') else: mforms.Utilities.show_message('MySQL Workbench is Up to Date', 'You are already using the latest version of MySQL Workbench.', 'OK', '', '') except Exception as error: mforms.Utilities.show_error("Check for updates failed", str(error), "OK", "", "") mforms.App.get().set_status_text('Ready.') self.is_running = False self.finished = True return False # Global variable: thread = CheckForUpdateThread() @ModuleInfo.plugin("wb.tools.checkForUpdates", caption="Check for Updates", accessibilityName="Check for Updates") @ModuleInfo.export(grt.INT) def checkForUpdates(): global thread if thread.is_running: return 0 if thread.finished: thread = CheckForUpdateThread() thread.start() mforms.App.get().set_status_text('Checking for updates...') ignore = mforms.Utilities.add_timeout(1.0, thread.checkForUpdatesCallback) # noqa class SSLWizard_GenerationTask: def __init__(self, main, path): self.main = main self.path = path self.config_file = {} def display_error(self, title, message): log_error("%s\n%s\n" % (title, message)) mforms.Utilities.show_error(title, message, "OK", "", "") def verify_preconditions(self): try: if not os.path.exists(self.main.certificates_root) or not os.path.isdir(self.main.certificates_root): log_info("Creating certificates toor directory[%s]" % self.main.certificates_root) os.mkdir(self.main.certificates_root, 0o700) if os.path.exists(self.path) and not os.path.isdir(self.path): self.display_error("Checking requirements", "The selected path is a file. You should select a directory.") return False if not os.path.exists(self.path): if mforms.Utilities.show_message("Create directory", "The directory you selected does not exists. Do you want to create it?", "Create", "Cancel", "") == mforms.ResultCancel: self.display_error("Create directory", "The operation was canceled.") return False os.mkdir(self.path, 0o700) return True except OSError as e: self.display_error("Create directory", "There was an error (%d) - %s\n%s" % (e.errno, str(e), str(traceback.format_exc()))) if e.errno == 17: return True #raise return False def generate_config_file(self, target): self.config_file[target] = os.path.join(self.path, "attribs-%s.txt" % target) f = open(self.config_file[target], "w+") f.write("[req]\ndistinguished_name=distinguished_name\nprompt=no\n") f.write("\n".join(["[distinguished_name]"] + self.main.generate_page.get_attributes(target))+"\n") f.close() def run_command(self, command, output_to = subprocess.PIPE): try: set_shell = True if sys.platform == "win32" else False p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=output_to, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=set_shell) out = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: log_error("Running command: %s\nOutput(retcode: %d):\n%s\n" % (str(command), p.returncode, str(out))) return False return True except ValueError as e: log_error("Running command: %s\nValueError exception\n" % (str(e.cmd))) return False except OSError as e: log_error("Running command: %s\nException:\n%s\n" % (str(command), str(e))) return False def generate(self, path, config_file): days = 3600 tool = "openssl" ca_key = os.path.join(path, "ca-key.pem") ca_cert = os.path.join(path, "ca-cert.pem") # Check if the tool exists log_debug2("Checking tool availability(%s)\n" % tool) if not self.run_command([tool, "version"]): self.display_error("Checking requirements", "The SSL tool (%s) is not available. Please verify if it's installed and the installation directory is in the PATH environment variable" % tool) return False, None, None, None, None, None # Check if path exists if not os.path.exists(self.path): self.display_error("Checking requirements", "The specified directory does not exist.") return False, None, None, None, None, None server_key = os.path.join(path, "server-key.pem") server_req = os.path.join(path, "server-req.pem") server_cert = os.path.join(path, "server-cert.pem") client_key = os.path.join(path, "client-key.pem") client_req = os.path.join(path, "client-req.pem") client_cert = os.path.join(path, "client-cert.pem") client_p12 = os.path.join(path, "client.p12") private_key = os.path.join(path, "private_key.pem") key_store = os.path.join(path, "test-cert-store") params = { 'keylen': 2048, 'days': 3650, 'ca_key': ca_key, 'ca_cert': ca_cert, 'server_key': server_key, 'server_req': server_req, 'server_cert': server_cert, 'client_key': client_key, 'client_req': client_req, 'client_cert': client_cert, 'client_p12': client_p12, 'key_store': key_store, 'private_key': private_key, "config_CA": self.config_file["CA"], "config_server": self.config_file["Server"], "config_client": self.config_file["Client"] } commands = [ #Creating CA key 'openssl genrsa -out "%(ca_key)s" %(keylen)s' % params, # Creating CA Certificate using the authority key 'openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -days %(days)s -key "%(ca_key)s" -out "%(ca_cert)s" -config "%(config_CA)s"' % params, # Create server key and certificate sign request 'openssl req -newkey rsa:%(keylen)s -nodes -keyout "%(server_key)s" -out "%(server_req)s" -config "%(config_server)s"' % params, # Encrypt the server private key 'openssl rsa -in "%(server_key)s" -out "%(server_key)s"' % params, # Generate self-signed certificate (using the key+csr) 'openssl x509 -req -in "%(server_req)s" -days %(days)s -CA "%(ca_cert)s" -CAkey "%(ca_key)s" -set_serial 01 -out "%(server_cert)s" -extensions v3_req' % params, # Create client key and certificate sign request 'openssl req -newkey rsa:%(keylen)s -nodes -keyout "%(client_key)s" -out "%(client_req)s" -config "%(config_client)s"' % params, # Encrypt the client private key 'openssl rsa -in "%(client_key)s" -out "%(client_key)s"' % params, # Generate self-signed certificate (using the key+csr) 'openssl x509 -req -in "%(client_req)s" -days %(days)s -CA "%(ca_cert)s" -CAkey "%(ca_key)s" -set_serial 01 -out "%(client_cert)s"' % params, ] for command in commands: self.run_command(shlex.split(command)) return True, ca_cert, server_cert, server_key, client_cert, client_key def run(self): self.result = False if not self.verify_preconditions(): return False self.generate_config_file("CA") self.generate_config_file("Server") self.generate_config_file("Client") self.result, self.ca_cert, self.server_cert, self.server_key, self.client_cert, self.client_key = self.generate(self.path, self.config_file) return True class SSLWizard_IntroPage(WizardPage): def __init__(self, owner): WizardPage.__init__(self, owner, "Welcome to MySQL Workbench SSL Wizard") def go_cancel(self): self.main.finish() def create_ui(self): box = mforms.newBox(False) box.set_padding(20) box.set_spacing(20) message = "This wizard will assist you to generate a set of SSL certificates and self-signed keys that are required \n" message += "by the MySQL server to enable SSL. Other files will also be generated so that you can check how to \n" message += "configure your server and clients as well as the attributes used to generate them." label = mforms.newLabel(message) box.add(label, False, True) self.content.add(box, False, True) box.show(True) class SSLWizard_OptionsPage(WizardPage): def __init__(self, owner): WizardPage.__init__(self, owner, "Options") self.generate_files = newCheckBox() self.generate_files.set_text("Generate new certificates and self-signed keys"); self.generate_files.set_active(not self.check_all_files_availability()) self.generate_files.set_enabled(self.check_all_files_availability()) self.update_connection = newCheckBox() self.update_connection.set_text("Update the connection"); self.update_connection.set_active(True) self.use_default_parameters = newCheckBox() self.use_default_parameters.set_text("Use default parameters"); self.use_default_parameters.set_active(False) self.clear_button = newButton() self.clear_button.set_text("Clear Files") self.clear_button.add_clicked_callback(self.clear_button_clicked) self.clear_button.set_enabled(os.path.isdir(self.main.results_path)) def go_cancel(self): self.main.finish() def check_all_files_availability(self): if not os.path.isdir(self.main.results_path): return False if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.main.results_path, "ca-cert.pem")): return False if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.main.results_path, "client-cert.pem")): return False if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.main.results_path, "client-key.pem")): return False return True def clear_button_clicked(self): for filename in os.listdir(self.main.results_path): filepath = os.path.join(self.main.results_path, filename) try: if os.path.isfile(filepath): os.unlink(filepath) except Exception as e: log_error("SSL Wizard: Unable to remove file %s\n%s" % (filepath, str(e))) return self.generate_files.set_active(True) self.generate_files.set_enabled(False) self.main.generate_files_changed() def create_ui(self): box = mforms.newBox(False) box.set_spacing(12) box.set_padding(12) message = "These options allow you to configure the process. You can use default parameters\n" message += "instead of providing your own, allow the generation of the certificates and determine\n" message += "whether to update the connection settings or not." label = mforms.newLabel(message) box.add(label, False, True) box.add(self.use_default_parameters, False, True) box.add(self.generate_files, False, True) box.add(self.update_connection, False, True) button_box = mforms.newBox(True) button_box.set_spacing(12) button_box.set_padding(12) button_box.add(self.clear_button, False, True) self.content.add(box, False, True) self.content.add(button_box, False, True) box.show(True) class SSLWizard_GeneratePage(WizardPage): def __init__(self, owner): WizardPage.__init__(self, owner, "Generate certificates and self-signed keys") self.ca_cert = os.path.join(self.main.results_path, "ca-cert.pem").replace('\\', '/') self.server_cert = os.path.join(self.main.results_path, "server-cert.pem").replace('\\', '/') self.server_key = os.path.join(self.main.results_path, "server-key.pem").replace('\\', '/') self.client_cert = os.path.join(self.main.results_path, "client-cert.pem").replace('\\', '/') self.client_key = os.path.join(self.main.results_path, "client-key.pem").replace('\\', '/') self.table = mforms.newTable() self.table.set_padding(12) self.table.set_column_count(3) self.table.set_row_count(7) self.table.set_row_spacing(8) self.table.set_column_spacing(4) row, self.country_code = self.add_label_row(0, "Country:", "2 letter country code (eg, US)") row, self.state_name = self.add_label_row(row, "State or Province:", "Full state or province name") row, self.locality_name = self.add_label_row(row, "Locality:", "eg, city") row, self.org_name = self.add_label_row(row, "Organization:", "eg, company") row, self.org_unit = self.add_label_row(row, "Org. Unit:", "eg, section, department") row, self.email_address = self.add_label_row(row, "Email Address:", "") row, self.common_name = self.add_label_row(row, "Common:", "eg, put the FQDN of the server\nto allow server address validation") message = "Now you must specify the parameters to use in the certificates and self-signed key generation.\n" message += "This may include some data refering to youself and/or the company you work for. All fields are optional." self.parameters_box = mforms.newBox(False) self.parameters_box.set_padding(20) self.parameters_box.set_spacing(20) self.parameters_label = mforms.newLabel(message) self.parameters_panel = mforms.newPanel(mforms.TitledBoxPanel) self.parameters_panel.set_title("Optional Parameters") self.parameters_panel.add(self.table) self.parameters_box.add(self.parameters_label, False, True) self.parameters_box.add(self.parameters_panel, False, True) self.default_label = mforms.newLabel("The wizard is ready to generate the files for you. Click 'Next >' to generate \nthe certificates and self-signed key files...") def add_label_row(self, row, label, help): control = mforms.newTextEntry() self.table.add(mforms.newLabel(label, True), 0, 1, row, row+1, mforms.HFillFlag) self.table.add(control, 1, 2, row, row+1, mforms.HFillFlag|mforms.HExpandFlag) l = mforms.newLabel(help) l.set_style(mforms.SmallHelpTextStyle) self.table.add(l, 2, 3, row, row+1, mforms.HFillFlag) control.set_size(100, -1) return row+1, control def set_show_parameters(self, value): self.parameters_box.show(bool(value)) self.default_label.show(not value) def get_attributes(self, target): def get_value_default(text_control, default_value): current_value = text_control.get_string_value().encode('utf-8') if not current_value: return default_value return current_value default_cn = 'localhost' if target == 'CA': default_cn = 'issuer' l = [] l.append("C=%s" % get_value_default(self.country_code, "US")) l.append("ST=%s" % get_value_default(self.state_name, "California")) l.append("L=%s" % get_value_default(self.locality_name, "Redwood Shores")) l.append("O=%s" % get_value_default(self.org_name, "Oracle")) l.append("OU=%s" % get_value_default(self.org_unit, "MySQL")) l.append("CN=%s" % get_value_default(self.common_name, default_cn)) l.append("emailAddress=%s" % get_value_default(self.email_address, "any@localhost")) return l def create_ui(self): self.content.add(self.parameters_box, False, True) self.content.add(self.default_label, False, True) def go_cancel(self): self.main.finish() def go_next(self): log_debug2("Setting up in path %s\n" % self.main.results_path) task = SSLWizard_GenerationTask(self.main, self.main.results_path) task.run() if task.result == False: return self.ca_cert = task.ca_cert self.server_cert = task.server_cert self.server_key = task.server_key self.client_cert = task.client_cert self.client_key = task.client_key f = open(os.path.join(self.main.results_path, "my.cnf.sample"), "w+") f.write("""# Copy this to your my.cnf file. Please change to the corresponding # directory where the files were copied. [client] ssl-ca=%(ca_cert)s ssl-cert=%(client_cert)s ssl-key=%(client_key)s [mysqld] ssl-ca=%(ca_cert)s ssl-cert=%(server_cert)s ssl-key=%(server_key)s """ % {"ca_cert" : os.path.join("", os.path.basename(self.ca_cert)).replace('\\', '/'), "server_cert" : os.path.join("", os.path.basename(self.server_cert)).replace('\\', '/'), "server_key" : os.path.join("", os.path.basename(self.server_key)).replace('\\', '/'), "client_cert" : os.path.join("", os.path.basename(self.client_cert)).replace('\\', '/'), "client_key" : os.path.join("", os.path.basename(self.client_key)).replace('\\', '/') }) f.close() log_debug2("SSL Wizard generation task result: %s\n" % str(task.result)) self.main.go_next_page() class SSLWizard_ResultsPage(WizardPage): def __init__(self, owner): WizardPage.__init__(self, owner, "Results") self.update_connection = True def set_update_connection(self, value): self.update_connection = value def go_next(self): if self.update_connection: self.main.conn.parameterValues['sslCA'] = self.main.generate_page.ca_cert.replace('\\', '/') self.main.conn.parameterValues['sslCert'] = self.main.generate_page.client_cert.replace('\\', '/') self.main.conn.parameterValues['sslKey'] = self.main.generate_page.client_key.replace('\\', '/') self.main.conn.parameterValues['useSSL'] = 4 self.main.go_next_page() def create_ui(self): message = "The wizard was successful. " if self.update_connection: message += "Click on the finish button to update the connection. " message += "To setup the server, you should \ncopy the following files to a inside %s:\n\n" % self.main.conn.parameterValues['hostName'] message += " - %s\n" % str(os.path.join(self.main.results_path, "ca-cert.pem")).replace('\\', '/') message += " - %s\n" % str(os.path.join(self.main.results_path, "server-cert.pem")).replace('\\', '/') message += " - %s\n" % str(os.path.join(self.main.results_path, "server-key.pem")).replace('\\', '/') message += "\n\nand edit the config file to use the following parameters:" label = mforms.newLabel(message) self.content.add(label, False, True) f = open(os.path.join(self.main.results_path, "my.cnf.sample"), "r") config_file = mforms.newTextBox(mforms.VerticalScrollBar) config_file.set_value(f.read()) config_file.set_size(-1, 150) self.content.add(config_file, False, True) f.close() label = mforms.newLabel("A copy of this file can be found in:\n%s" % str(os.path.join(self.main.results_path, "my.cnf.sample").replace('\\', '/'))) self.content.add(label, False, True) return class SSLWizard(WizardForm): def __init__(self, parent, conn, conn_id): WizardForm.__init__(self, parent) self.conn = conn self.conn_id = conn_id self.certificates_root = os.path.join(mforms.App.get().get_user_data_folder(), "certificates") self.results_path = os.path.join(self.certificates_root, self.conn_id) self.set_title("SSL Wizard") self.intro_page = SSLWizard_IntroPage(self) self.add_page(self.intro_page) self.options_page = SSLWizard_OptionsPage(self) self.add_page(self.options_page) self.generate_page = SSLWizard_GeneratePage(self) self.add_page(self.generate_page) self.results_page = SSLWizard_ResultsPage(self) self.add_page(self.results_page) # Set the default selection values self.generate_page.set_show_parameters(not self.options_page.use_default_parameters.get_active()) self.results_page.set_update_connection(self.options_page.update_connection.get_active()) self.generate_page.skip_page(not self.options_page.generate_files.get_active()) # Setup up the callbacks for the options self.options_page.use_default_parameters.add_clicked_callback(lambda: self.generate_page.set_show_parameters(not self.options_page.use_default_parameters.get_active())) self.options_page.update_connection.add_clicked_callback(lambda: self.results_page.set_update_connection(self.options_page.update_connection.get_active())) self.options_page.generate_files.add_clicked_callback(lambda: self.generate_files_changed()) def generate_files_changed(self): self.generate_page.skip_page(not self.options_page.generate_files.get_active()) @ModuleInfo.export(grt.INT, mforms.Form, grt.classes.db_mgmt_Connection, grt.STRING) def generateCertificates(parent, conn, conn_id): try: log_info("Running SSL Wizard\nParent: %s\nUser Folder: %s\nConn Parameters: %s\nConn ID: %s\n" % (str(parent), mforms.App.get().get_user_data_folder(), str(conn.parameterValues), conn_id)) p = mforms.fromgrt(parent) log_info("Running SSL Wizard\n%s\n" % str(p)) r = SSLWizard(p, conn, conn_id) r.run(True) except Exception as e: log_error("There was an exception running SSL Wizard.\n%s\n\n%s" % (str(e), traceback.format_exc()))