\d#dZdgZdZdZdZddlZddlZddlZddl Zddl Zddl Zddl Z ddl Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZddlmZdd lmZd Zd Z d Z!d Z"dZ#dZ$dZ%dZ&dZ'dZ(dZ)ej*dej+Z,dZ-dZ.dZ/dZ0e1ej2Z3dRdZ4dZ5dZ6dZ7dZ8ifdZ9Gd d!e:Z;d"ZGd&d'eZ?Gd(d)e>Z@Gd*d+eZAGd,d-e>ZBGd.d/eBZCd0aDd1ZEd2ZFd3ZGd4ZHd5ZId6ZJd7ZKd8ZLdSd9ZMeBZNeCZOe@ZPdSd:ZQ dTd<ZR dTd=ZSdSd>ZTdUd@ZUGdAdBZVeVZWGdCdDZXdEZYdFZZdVdHZ[dSdIdJdKdLZ\dMZ]dNZ^dOZ_dPZ`eadQkr e`dSdS)WaGenerate Python documentation in HTML or text for interactive use. At the Python interactive prompt, calling help(thing) on a Python object documents the object, and calling help() starts up an interactive help session. Or, at the shell command line outside of Python: Run "pydoc " to show documentation on something. may be the name of a function, module, package, or a dotted reference to a class or function within a module or module in a package. If the argument contains a path segment delimiter (e.g. slash on Unix, backslash on Windows) it is treated as the path to a Python source file. Run "pydoc -k " to search for a keyword in the synopsis lines of all available modules. Run "pydoc -n " to start an HTTP server with the given hostname (default: localhost) on the local machine. Run "pydoc -p " to start an HTTP server on the given port on the local machine. Port number 0 can be used to get an arbitrary unused port. Run "pydoc -b" to start an HTTP server on an arbitrary unused port and open a web browser to interactively browse documentation. Combine with the -n and -p options to control the hostname and port used. Run "pydoc -w " to write out the HTML documentation for a module to a file named ".html". Module docs for core modules are assumed to be in https://docs.python.org/X.Y/library/ This can be overridden by setting the PYTHONDOCS environment variable to a different URL or to a local directory containing the Library Reference Manual pages. helpzKa-Ping Yee z26 February 2001zGuido van Rossum, for an excellent programming language. Tommy Burnette, the original creator of manpy. Paul Prescod, for all his work on onlinehelp. Richard Chamberlain, for the first implementation of textdoc. N)deque)Repr)format_exception_onlycFg}g}tjD]}tj|pd}tj|}||vrItj|r*|||||S)zAConvert sys.path into a list of absolute, existing, unique paths..)syspathosabspathnormcaseisdirappend)dirsnormdirsdirnormdirs ..\python\lib\pydoc.pypathdirsrRs DHx%%goocjS))'""3'' ( " "rw}}S'9'9 " KK    OOG $ $ $ Kctj|j}|dS|jdddD]}t ||}tj|sdS|S)Nr) r modulesget __module__ __qualname__splitgetattrinspectisclass)funcclsnames r _findclassr$^sw +//$/ * *C {t!'',,SbS1!!c4   ?3  t JrcJtj|rZ|jj}|j}tj|r*t t ||dd|jur|}n~|j}nutj|r.|j}t|}|t |||urdSn3tj |rC|j}|j}tj|r|j dz|z|j kr|}n|j}nt|tr4|j}|j}t|}|t |||urdSntj|stj|ri|j}|j}t |||urdStj|r2t |dd}t|t&r ||vr||SndS|jD]7} t+t ||}n#t,$rY-wxYw||cS8dS)N__func__r __slots__)rismethodr&__name____self__r r __class__ isfunctionr$ isbuiltinr isinstancepropertyfgetismethoddescriptorisdatadescriptor __objclass__ismemberdescriptordict__mro__ _getowndocAttributeError)objr#selfr"r!slotsbasedocs r_finddocr>hsd(|$| OD ! ! ! 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To clean up docstrings that are indented to line up with blocks of code, any whitespace than can be uniformly removed from the second line onwards is removed.N)r7r>r8 TypeErrorr.rDrcleandoc)rAr=s r_getdocrIsy V  C { 6""CC *   44  c3  t  C  s #88ct|ptj|}|r(tjdd|pdS)z-Get the doc string or comments for an object.z^ * )rIr getcommentsresubrstrip)rAresults rgetdocrQsC V__ ; 3F ; ;F  :bfWb&--//:: @b@rc\|d}t|dkr |ddfSt|dkr?|ds%|dd|ddfSdd|fS)z>Split a doc string into a synopsis line (if any) and the rest. rrKN)striprlenrOjoin)r=liness rsplitdocrZs IIKK  d # #E 5zzQQx| Uqq!2!2Qx59---- tyy rcD|j}|j|kr |jdz|z}|S)z@Get a class name and qualify it with a module name if necessary.r)r)r)rAmodnamer#s r classnamer]s. ?D G## 3&- Krctj|pctj|pOtj|p;tj|p'tj|ptj| S)z>Check if an object is of a type that probably means it's data.)rismoduler isroutineisframe istracebackiscode)rAs risdatards| ((FGOF,C,CF!&))F-4_V-D-DF#F++F/6~f/E/E GGrc|r@|d||d}|dd}|@|S)z/Do a series of global replacements on a string.rTrrUN)rXr)textpairss rreplacerhsM Qx}}TZZa1122abb   Krct||krTtd|dz dz}td|dz |z }|d|dz|t||z dzS|S)zCOmit part of a string if needed to make it fit in a maximum length.rrUN...)rWmax)rfmaxlenpreposts rcramrpsq 4yy6!fQh]##1fQhsl##DSDzE!DT4$999 Krz at 0x[0-9a-f]{6,16}(>+)$c8td|S)z>Remove the hexadecimal id from a Python object representation.z\1) _re_stripidrNrfs rstripidrts ??5$ ' ''rctj|rdStj|r*t|dd}tj|p|du SdS)zo Returns True if fn is a bound method, regardless of whether fn was implemented in Python or in C. 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If the module *is* found but an exception occurs, it's wrapped in an ErrorDuringImport exception and reraised. Unlike __import__, if a package path is specified, the module at the end of the path is returned, not the package at the beginning. If the optional 'forceload' argument is 1, we reload the module from disk (unless it's a dynamic extension).cDg|]}|dz|S)r)r)rmr s r zsafeimport..s.KKKa!,,tcz2J2JKKKKrNrrT)r rbuiltin_module_names __import__rrr SyntaxErrorr issubclass ImportErrorr#rrr8) r forceloadrsubsrrrrrinfoparts ` r safeimportr s :  ),,3333 LKKK3;KKK 6D=))C!$S!1E#J C((D!!:"%,..0eR4 3;  #CK$5$>EE E K  #END99 9 [ ) ) :ejD.@.@44$D#,..99 9 3#++fd++VV***dddd* Ms%A0A44B D$!D$E E&%E&ceZdZejddejddzZd dZ d dZ e xZ xZ xZ xZxZZejdfdZdS) Doc PYTHONDOCSz%https://docs.python.org/%d.%d/libraryNrUc8||f|z} tj|r |j|Stj|r |j|Stj|r |j|Sn#t$rYnwxYwtj|r |j |S|j |S)z%Generate documentation for an object.) rr_ docmoduler docclassr` docroutiner8r2docdatadocother)r:rAr#argss rdocumentz Doc.documents~$  '' E0E)Ev&& C}t}d/C(C (( G$1G*G G    D   #F + +GLDL$4G-Gt}d##sA$A$A$$ A10A1cxd|odt|zdt|j}t|)z+Raise an exception for unimplemented types.z!don't know how to document object z of type )reprrCr)rG)r:rAr#rmessages rfailzDoc.failsB  %S4::% % %tF||'<'<>   rstdlibc tj|}n#t$rd}YnwxYwtjd|j}tj|}t|ttr|j dvsH| |r| tj |ds|j dvr| drAd|d|j }n=tj ||j d z}nd }|S) z*Return the location of module docs or None (built-in)r ) errno exceptionsgcimpmarshalposixsignalr _thread zipimportz site-packages)z xml.etreeztest.pydoc_mod)zhttp://zhttps://z {}/{}.html/.htmlN)r getabsfilerGr environrr r r r.rCr)rrXformatrOlower)r:rAbasedirrdoclocs r getdoclocz Doc.getdoclocs` %f--DD   DDD  do>>'""7++ vtBxx ( (  _!999oog&&9//"',,w"H"HII 9 O#B B B  !899 Q%,,V]]3-?-?AVAVAXAXYYffo.C.C.E.E.OPPF s  &&r)r)rrr r)rr version_infor rrrrrr docpropertyr sysconfigget_pathr.rrrr r s G"%"22A2"6!788J$$$$ !!!! 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Use help() to get the interactive help utility. 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EXCEPTIONSreturn)rArm)r.r@while)rBzbreak continue if TRUTHVALUE)rz CONTEXTMANAGERS EXCEPTIONS yieldyield)rCrKc"g|] }dD]}||z S)'rr)rprs rrzHelper.?s)LLLaLLAAELLLLr)rfrSurFz'''rr)+r***r&z//%<<>>rC|^~rDrE<=>===!=<>)rDrErSrTrUrVrW)rrR) z+=z-=z*=z/=z%=z&=z|=z^=z<<=z>>=z**=z//=)rNrOrCrPrQrR)jJ)STRINGS OPERATORSr9UNARYAUGMENTEDASSIGNMENTBITWISECOMPLEXzOPERATORS FORMATTINGPOWERzTUPLES LISTS FUNCTIONSz ATTRIBUTES FLOAT MODULES OBJECTSELLIPSISzSLICINGS DICTIONARYLITERALSz def classrZ PRIVATENAMESzPRIVATENAMES SPECIALMETHODS BACKQUOTESzTUPLES FUNCTIONS CALLSzLISTS SUBSCRIPTS SLICINGS)rMrL,rrk:@rrr`rr[]rTYPES)typeszRSTRINGS UNICODE NUMBERS SEQUENCES MAPPINGS FUNCTIONS CLASSES MODULES FILES inspect)stringsz4str UNICODE SEQUENCES STRINGMETHODS FORMATTING TYPES STRINGMETHODS)zstring-methodszSTRINGS FORMATTING FORMATTING) formatstringsr[UNICODE)rlz:encodings unicode SEQUENCES STRINGMETHODS FORMATTING TYPESNUMBERS)numberszINTEGER FLOAT COMPLEX TYPESINTEGER)integersz int rangeFLOAT)floatingz float mathr_) imaginaryz complex cmath SEQUENCES)typesseqz$STRINGMETHODS FORMATTING range LISTSMAPPINGS DICTIONARIESrm)typesfunctionsz def TYPESMETHODS) typesmethodszclass def CLASSES TYPES CODEOBJECTS)zbltin-code-objectszcompile FUNCTIONS TYPES TYPEOBJECTS)zbltin-type-objectsz types TYPES FRAMEOBJECTS TRACEBACKSNONE)zbltin-null-objectrK)zbltin-ellipsis-objectSLICINGSSPECIALATTRIBUTES) specialattrsrKrl)rkz!class SPECIALMETHODS PRIVATENAMESr5) typesmodulesr2PACKAGES EXPRESSIONS)zoperator-summaryzlambda or and not in is BOOLEAN COMPARISON BITWISE SHIFTING BINARY FORMATTING POWER UNARY ATTRIBUTES SUBSCRIPTS SLICINGS CALLS TUPLES LISTS DICTIONARIESr[ PRECEDENCEOBJECTS)objectsrjSPECIALMETHODS) specialnameszbBASICMETHODS ATTRIBUTEMETHODS CALLABLEMETHODS SEQUENCEMETHODS MAPPINGMETHODS NUMBERMETHODS CLASSESr)) customizationzhash repr str SPECIALMETHODSATTRIBUTEMETHODS)zattribute-accesszATTRIBUTES SPECIALMETHODSCALLABLEMETHODS)zcallable-typeszCALLS SPECIALMETHODSr7)sequence-typesz(SEQUENCES SEQUENCEMETHODS SPECIALMETHODSMAPPINGMETHODS)rzMAPPINGS SPECIALMETHODS NUMBERMETHODS)z numeric-typesz*NUMBERS AUGMENTEDASSIGNMENT SPECIALMETHODS EXECUTION) execmodelz%NAMESPACES DYNAMICFEATURES EXCEPTIONS NAMESPACES)namingz3global nonlocal ASSIGNMENT DELETION DYNAMICFEATURESDYNAMICFEATURES)zdynamic-featuresrKSCOPINGFRAMESr@)rztry except finally raise CONVERSIONS) conversionsrK IDENTIFIERS) identifierszkeywords SPECIALIDENTIFIERSSPECIALIDENTIFIERS)z id-classesrK)zatom-identifiersrKLITERALS)z atom-literalsz=STRINGS NUMBERS TUPLELITERALS LISTLITERALS DICTIONARYLITERALSTUPLES TUPLELITERALS) exprlistszTUPLES LITERALSLISTS)ztypesseq-mutable LISTLITERALSr)listszLISTS LITERALS) typesmappingDICTIONARYLITERALSr)r5zDICTIONARIES LITERALS ATTRIBUTES)zattribute-referencesz(getattr hasattr setattr ATTRIBUTEMETHODS SUBSCRIPTS) subscriptionsr7r)slicingsr7CALLS)callsr)powerrr\)unaryrBINARY)binaryrSHIFTING)shiftingrr^)bitwiser) comparisonszEXPRESSIONS BASICMETHODS)booleanszEXPRESSIONS TRUTHVALUE ASSERTION ASSIGNMENT) assignmentr]r]) augassignrDELETION RETURNING IMPORTING)compoundzfor while break continue)truthz if while and or not BASICMETHODS)debuggerpdb)zcontext-managersr) CONDITIONALLOOPINGr4 DEBUGGINGCONTEXTMANAGERSNc"||_||_dSr)_input_output)r:inputr s rrzHelper.__init__s  rc(|jp tjSr)rr rr@s rrz Helper.inputs{'ci'rc(|jp tjSr)rr rr@s rr z Helper.outputs|)sz)rctjdddkr |dSd|jjd|jjdS)NrTrj?rKrDrz instance>)rstackr+rrr@s r__repr__zHelper.__repr__s\ =??1 a C ' ' DFFF2 (&*^%>%>%>%)^%@%@%@B Brc6||jurM ||dS#t$r(}|j|dYd}~dSd}~wwxYw|||jddS)NrSa You are now leaving help and returning to the Python interpreter. If you want to ask for help on a particular object directly from the interpreter, you can type "help(object)". Executing "help('string')" has the same effect as typing a particular string at the help> prompt. )_GoInteractiverrr rintrointeract)r:requestes r__call__zHelper.__call__s $- - - , '""""" , , , !!Q(((+++++++++ , JJLLL MMOOO K       s" AAAc|jd |d}|sdSn#ttf$rYdSwxYw|}t |dkr6|d|dcxkrdvrnn|d|ddvr |dd}|d vrdS|d kr|n| |) NrSTzhelp> rUrrrErT)rquitr) r rgetlinerEOFErrorrVrWr+rrr:rs rrzHelper.interacts $ # ,,x00%%%x0    mmooGG q  WQZ72;%L%L%L%L*%L%L%L%L%L '!B$-77!!B$-}}-//&    '"""# #s7A  A c|jtjurt|S|j||j|jS)z.Read one line, using input() when appropriate.)rr rr rrr)r:prompts rrzHelper.getlines[ : " "== K  f % % % K     :&&(( (rct|tdurv|}|dkr|n}|dkr|na|dkr|nE|dkr|n)|dddkr.||dn||jvr||n|d vrtt|d n||j vr| |n||j vr| |nn|rt|d |j nTttd |j n7t!|t"r |nt|d |j |jd dS) NrKkeywordssymbolstopicsrzmodules rT)rrrz Help on %s:)r rS)rCrV listkeywords listsymbols listtopics listmodulesrr showsymbolr=evalr showtopicrrrDr.rr rrs rrz Helper.helps ==DHH $ $mmooG*$$d&7&7&9&9&9&9I%%t'7'7'9'9'9'9H$$doo&7&7&7&7I%%t'7'7'9'9'9'9! **  !34444DL(($//'*B*B*B*B555DMM=1111DM))4>>'+B+B+B+BDK'')@)@)@)@ ?#g}T\JJJJJc=>>>>>  ( ( ?$$&&&&'=>>>> $rc|jddtjddzdS)Na Welcome to Python {0}'s help utility! If this is your first time using Python, you should definitely check out the tutorial on the internet at https://docs.python.org/{0}/tutorial/. Enter the name of any module, keyword, or topic to get help on writing Python programs and using Python modules. To quit this help utility and return to the interpreter, just type "quit". To get a list of available modules, keywords, symbols, or topics, type "modules", "keywords", "symbols", or "topics". Each module also comes with a one-line summary of what it does; to list the modules whose name or summary contain a given string such as "spam", type "modules spam". z%d.%drU)r rr*r r/r@s rrz Helper.introsK  F7S%bqb) )** , , , , ,rrPc tt|}||z}t||zdz |z}t|D]}t|D]}||z|z}|t|krb|j||||dz kr9|jdd|dz t||z zz|jddS)NrTrrS)rzrrWryr r) r:itemscolumnsrlcolwr{rowr|rs rrzz Helper.list#sVE]]##E W$q(W4;; $ $CW~~ R R$J$s5zz>>K%%eAh///Wq[(( ))#tax#eAh--7O0P*PQQQ K  d # # # # $ $rc|jd||jdS)NzN Here is a list of the Python keywords. Enter any keyword to get more help. )r rrzrr~r@s rrzHelper.listkeywords0sI     $-$$&&'''''rc|jd||jdS)Nzx Here is a list of the punctuation symbols which Python assigns special meaning to. Enter any symbol to get more help. )r rrzrr~r@s rrzHelper.listsymbols7sI     $,##%%&&&&&rc|jd||jdS)NzN Here is a list of available topics. Enter any topic name to get more help. )r rrzrr~r@s rrzHelper.listtopics?sI     $+""$$%%%%%rcf ddl}n+#t$r|jdYdSwxYw|j||j|}|s,|jdt|zdSt|tdur| ||S|\}} |jj|}n;#t$r.|jdt|zYdSwxYw| dz}|r |pddz|z}|rbddl }dd |zdz} || d } |d d | zz }t!|dS) Nrt Sorry, topic and keyword documentation is not available because the module "pydoc_data.topics" could not be found. zno documentation found for %s rKrSrRelated help topics: rHz %s )pydoc_data.topicsrr rrrrrrCrKeyErrorrVtextwraprXrwrapr) r:topic more_xrefs pydoc_datatargetlabelxrefsr=rrf wrapped_texts rrzHelper.showtopicFs  $ $ $ $ $    K      FF    (9(9%(@(@AA  K  ?$u++M N N N F <<488 # #>>&*55 5 u #*51CC    K  ?$u++M N N N FF iikkD   5[bC'*4E  6 OOO*TYYu{{}}-E-EELD#==r22L 8dii 555 5C c s$// C 4DDc\ ddl}n#t$rYdSwxYw|j||j|}|st dt |tr|||S|\}}|jj|}|r |pddz|z}||fS)a*Return unbuffered tuple of (topic, xrefs). If an error occurs here, the exception is caught and displayed by the url handler. This function duplicates the showtopic method but returns its result directly so it can be formatted for display in an html page. rN)rrKzcould not find topicrKr) rrrrrr&r.rD _gettopic)r:rrrrrrr=s rrzHelper._gettopicfs $ $ $ $ $        (9(9%(@(@AA 5344 4 fc " " 6>>&*55 5 u&u-  5[bC'*4EEzs  c~|j|}|d\}}}|||dS)Nr)r partitionr)r:symbolrrrrs rrzHelper.showsymbolsAf% **3//q% ue$$$$$rc|r>|jd|t|dS|jdi}|fdfd}t ||||jddS)Nzy Here is a list of modules whose name or summary contains '{}'. If there are any, enter a module name to get more help. zI Please wait a moment while I gather a list of all available modules... c|r|dddkr |dddz}|ddkrd||<dSdS)N .__init__rirrrT)find)r r\rxrs rcallbackz$Helper.listmodules..callbacks]:wrss|{::%crcl\9G<<$$q(('(GG$$$)(rc"d|ddSrr)r\rs ronerrorz#Helper.listmodules..onerrorsw-----rrz Enter any module name to get more help. Or, type "modules spam" to search for modules whose name or summary contain the string "spam". )r rr*apropos ModuleScannerrunrzr~)r:rrrrs @rrzHelper.listmoduless   K   F3KK     CLLLLL K     G6= ) ) ) )  . . . . . OO  '  : : : IIgllnn % % % K       rr)rrrM)!r)rrr _strprefixes_symbols_inverserrrsymbols_r rrrr/rr rrArrrrrrrzrrrrrrrrrrrr s$$$ $ y $ f $ . $ $ $ '$ 4$ -$ $ &$ $ %$ %!$" 5#$$$ .%$& '$( 3)$* "+$, '-$. '/$0 l1$2 )3$4 55$6 y7$8 i9$:  ;$< (=$> )?$@ $A$B :C$D !U" H#U$ <%U& 'U( g)UU* )+U, 9-U. 1/U0 A1U2 -3U4 H5U6 .7U> ]?U@ mAUB 'CUD 4EUJ IKUL MMUN EOUP /QUT GUUV ,WUUUZ K[U\ W]U^ 3_U` {U| ?}UUU~ ZU@ :AUB 3CUD )EUF )GUH )IUJ +KUL /MUN -OUP AQUR 9SUT XUUV ;WUX =YUZ E[U\ X]U^ X_UU`;C(7iUUUFn((X(**X*BBBVXXN- ###*)))   *,,," $ $ $ $((('''&&&@6%%% rrceZdZdZddZdS)rz7An interruptible scanner that searches module synopses.Nc|r|}d|_i}tjD]}|dkrd||<||d|dt |jpd}|dd}|dz|z}||dkr |d||tj |D]\} }} |jrn||d|d! tj | |} n#t$rYDwxYw| j } t| d r | |} n#t$r|r ||YwxYwt!t#j| pd}t| d r| |}n{d}nx t(j| }n#t.$r|r ||YwxYw|jr|jdnd}t3|d d}|dz|z}||dkr |||||r |dSdS) NF__main__rTrKrSrrr get_source get_filenamer)r+rr rrr@rrrr _get_specrrrrrrrStringIOrrrrrrr)r:rr completerrseenr\r#rxrrrrsourcer rs rrzModuleScanner.runs !ciikk / 6 6G*$$ !W ;HT7B////%g..6<"D::d++A.D"U?T1Dzz||((--22 w555(/(=g(N(N(N$ 2$ 2 $Hguy {w++++",Xw??DD"H6<00;!!'!2!27!;!;$!!!"-#GG,,, !+2;v+>+>??E2Dv~66$%227;;#!!*!5!;!;D!A!A&!!!"-#GG,,, !>D^S6>4466q99QSD"6*T::D-::<<$$S))Q..HT7D111   IKKKKK  s62D DD0EE E 0GG+*G+rN)r)rrr@rrrrrrs.AA888888rrcd}d}tj5tjdt|||ddddS#1swxYwYdS)zAPrint all the one-line module summaries that contain a substring.cf|dddkr |dddz}t||od|zdSNr r riz- )r)r r\rxs rrzapropos..callbacksF 233<; & &crcl\1G gt+t ,,,,,rcdSrrr\s rrzapropos..onerrors rignorerN)warningscatch_warningsfilterwarningsrr)rrrs rrrs---    " "<<)))Hc7;;;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>> import time >>> import pydoc Define a URL handler. To determine what the client is asking for, check the URL and content_type. Then get or generate some text or HTML code and return it. >>> def my_url_handler(url, content_type): ... text = 'the URL sent was: (%s, %s)' % (url, content_type) ... return text Start server thread on port 0. If you use port 0, the server will pick a random port number. You can then use serverthread.port to get the port number. >>> port = 0 >>> serverthread = pydoc._start_server(my_url_handler, port) Check that the server is really started. If it is, open browser and get first page. Use serverthread.url as the starting page. >>> if serverthread.serving: ... import webbrowser The next two lines are commented out so a browser doesn't open if doctest is run on this module. #... webbrowser.open(serverthread.url) #True Let the server do its thing. We just need to monitor its status. Use time.sleep so the loop doesn't hog the CPU. >>> starttime = time.monotonic() >>> timeout = 1 #seconds This is a short timeout for testing purposes. >>> while serverthread.serving: ... time.sleep(.01) ... if serverthread.serving and time.monotonic() - starttime > timeout: ... serverthread.stop() ... break Print any errors that may have occurred. >>> print(serverthread.error) None rNceZdZdZdZdS)!_start_server..DocHandlercT|jdrd}nd}|d|dd|z||j||j|ddS) zProcess a request from an HTML browser. The URL received is in self.path. Get an HTML page from self.urlhandler and send it. z.csstext/css text/htmlz Content-Typez%s; charset=UTF-8rN) r r send_response send_header end_headerswfiler urlhandlerr)r: content_types rdo_GETz(_start_server..DocHandler.do_GET. s y!!&)) +) *   s # # #   ^-@<-O P P P       J  T__ <)))/ : : : : :rcdSrr)r:rs r log_messagez-_start_server..DocHandler.log_message> s DrN)r)rrr9r;rrr DocHandlerr., s2 : : :      rr<c&eZdZdZfdZdZdS) _start_server..DocServerc||_|j|f|_||_|j||j|jd|_dSNF)hostaddressrr<rhandlerr)r:rAportrs rrz)_start_server..DocServer.__init__D sGDI It,DL$DM I  tT\4< @ @ @DIIIrc|jsQ|jgggd\}}}|r||jQ|dSry)rselectsocketrhandle_request server_close)r:rdwrexrFs rserve_until_quitz1_start_server..DocServer.serve_until_quitK s{i *#]]DK,>,>,@,@+A2r1MM B*'')))i *        rcv|j||jr||dSdSr)r<server_activaterr@s rrOz0_start_server..DocServer.server_activateR sD I % %d + + +} $ d##### $ $rN)r)rrrrMrO)rFsr DocServerr>B sL         $ $ $ $ $rrPc6eZdZfdZfdZdZdZdS)#_start_server..ServerThreadc||_||_t||_j|d|_d|_dSr@)r7rArrDThreadrservingerror)r:r7rArD threadings rrz,_start_server..ServerThread.__init__Y sG(DODID DI   % %d + + + DLDJJJrc: jj__jj_t|j_|j |j |j }||_ | dS#t$r}||_Yd}~dSd}~wwxYw)zStart the server.N)server HTTPServerr<rCrMessage MessageClass staticmethodr7rArDready docserverrMrrV)r:docsvrrr<rPemailhttps rrz'_start_server..ServerThread.runa s !%!7 $. !*/-*? '(4T_(E(E %"49diDD!''')))))     sA9A>> BBBcpd|_|j|_|j|_d|j|jfz|_dS)NTz http://%s:%d/)rUrA server_portrDr)r:rYs rr^z)_start_server..ServerThread.readyn s5DL DI*DI&$)TY)??DHHHrcpd|j_|d|_d|_d|_dS)z&Stop the server and this thread nicelyTNF)r_rrXrUrr@s rstopz(_start_server..ServerThread.stopt s4"&DN  IIKKK"DN DLDHHHrN)r)rrrrr^rf)r<rPrarbrWsr ServerThreadrRW sw              @ @ @      rrgg{Gz?) http.server email.messagerFrWrYBaseHTTPRequestHandlerrZrTrrVrUtimesleep) r7hostnamerDrgthreadr<rPrarbrFrWs @@@@@@r _start_serverrosJpMMMT[7,$$$$$$$DK*$$$*%%%%%%%%%%%y'%%%N\*h 5 5F LLNNNl6> 3l6> Mrr1c G fddt}|fd fd fd fdfd fdfd  fd  fd }|d r |d d}|dkrtjtjt }tj||}t|5}d| cdddS#1swxYwYn|dkr ||Std|d|)aThe pydoc url handler for use with the pydoc server. If the content_type is 'text/css', the _pydoc.css style sheet is read and returned if it exits. If the content_type is 'text/html', then the result of get_html_page(url) is returned. ceZdZfdZdS)_url_handler.._HTMLDocc @d}d|z}d|d|dd|d S)razpydoc_data/_pydoc.cssz1zH Pydoc: z z z*
r)r:rbrccss_pathcss_link html_navbars rrdz#_url_handler.._HTMLDoc.page sE.HC HUUHHHkkmmmmXXX? ?rN)r)rrrd)rvsr_HTMLDocrr s. ? ? ? ? ? ? ?rrwctjdtjddtjd}d|dtjdd S) Nz [rrriz=
)rGrpython_version python_buildpython_compiler)rrs rrvz!_url_handler..html_navbar s++x/F/H/H/H/H/7/D/F/Fq/I/I/I/7/G/I/I/I/IKLL077DKK(9(E(E(EFFFF+H Hrcd}d}dtjD}||}|ddd|zg}i}tjD]+}|||,|ddd |fS) zModule Index page.cd|d|dSNrrrrr#s r bltinlinkz3_url_handler..html_index..bltinlink 15ttt< Index of Modules
cg|] }|dk| S)rr)rr#s rrz4_url_handler..html_index.. s,((($J&&&&&rz

zBuilt-in Modulesrzf

pydoc by Ka-Ping Yee<ping@lfw.org>

zIndex of ModulesrK) rhr rr}rrr rrrX)rrhnamesrcr!rrs r html_indexz _url_handler..html_index s = = =,, =  ((#":(((##E955UT__ &3&3348 3 3C OODJJsD11 2 2 2 2 ' ( ( ("2778#4#444rc g fd}tj5tjdd}t|||dddn #1swxYwYd}g} d} D]&\}}||||z'| d|zd d |z}d |fS) zSearch results page.cv|dddkr |dddz}||od|zfdSr%r)r r\rx search_results rrz3_url_handler..html_search..callback sPrss|{**!#2#,5  '4+?D4K!@ A A A A Arr(cdSrrr's rrz2_url_handler..html_search..onerror srrNcd|d|dSrrrs rrz4_url_handler..html_search..bltinlink rrz-Search Resultszkey = %srryzSearch Results) r)r*r+rrrhrrrrX) rrrrrrhr#rxrcrrs @r html_searchz!_url_handler..html_search s  B B B B B  $ & & @ @  #H - - -    OO  #w  ? ? ?  @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ = = =,, ;  ( 3 3JD$ NN99T??T1 2 2 2 2T__  gv{{7';';===))sINDEXTopicsr)rhrrrr~r}rr)rrhrrcrs r html_topicsz!_url_handler..html_topics s B B B,, 2  v}))++,,##E955T__ gx)))!!rcd}ttj}d}||}|dd|z}d|fS)zIndex of keywords.rcd|d|dSrrrs rrz6_url_handler..html_keywords..bltinlink rrKeywordsr)rhrrrr~r}rr)rhrrrcrs r html_keywordsz#_url_handler..html_keywords s,, 2  v++--.. B B B##E955T__ +++8##rctj}t||}||\}}||jvrd}nd}d|z}d|z}|d|}|rQt| }d} ||} dd|}|d|d |||ffS) zTopic or keyword help page.KEYWORDTOPICrz
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Use port '0' to start the server on an arbitrary port. Set open_browser to False to suppress opening a browser. rNz"Server commands: [b]rowser, [q]uitzServer ready atzserver> rrzServer stopped) webbrowserrorrVrrUrrrr+rrrf)rDrrmr serverthreadserver_help_msgrs rbrowsers s  x>>L l !!!(>  . OOL, - - - ( #\%5 6 6 6 / " " "& +J''iikk#::CZZOOL$45555/***& +"8,    GGGGG # (!!###&''''' ( (|# (!!###&'''' ('((s+B C,+D?,D D? DD??-E,crt|to"|tjdkSr)r.rDrr sep)rs rispathr s( a   5!&&..A"55rcd|vs#tj|vstj|vrdStjt }tj|}|}||vr5tj||s||| dtj|S)zEnsures current directory is on returned path, and argv0 directory is not Exception: argv0 dir is left alone if it's also pydoc's directory. Returns a new path entry list, or None if no adjustment is needed. rKNr) r curdirgetcwdr rrcopysamefileremoveinsert) given_pathargv0 stdlib_dir script_dir revised_paths r_get_revised_pathr s Z29 22bikkZ6O6Ot**J''J??$$LZ(8(8Z(P(PJ'''29;;''' rcttjtjd}||tjdd<dSdS)zEnsures current directory is on sys.path, and __main__ directory is not. Exception: __main__ dir is left alone if it's also pydoc's directory. rN)rr r argv)rs r_adjust_cli_sys_pathr s< %SXsx{;;L"  rc,ddl}Gddt}t |tjddd\}}d}d}d}d}d}|D]C\} } | d krd }d }| d krt | dS| d krd }| }| d krd }| dkrd }| }D|rt |||dS|s||D]A} t| rEtj | s&td| ztj d t| r.tj | rt| } |rNt| r/tj | rt!| n*t#| nt$| #t&t(f$r.} t| tj dYd} ~ ;d} ~ wwxYwdS#|j|f$rtj tj tjdd} td| tjYdSwxYw)z@Command-line interface (looks at sys.argv to decide what to do).rNceZdZdS)cli..BadUsageN)r)rrrrrBadUsager srrrTzbk:n:p:wFrz-bTz-kz-pz-wz-n)rmrzfile %r does not existapydoc - the Python documentation tool {cmd} ... Show text documentation on something. may be the name of a Python keyword, topic, function, module, or package, or a dotted reference to a class or function within a module or module in a package. If contains a '{sep}', it is used as the path to a Python source file to document. If name is 'keywords', 'topics', or 'modules', a listing of these things is displayed. {cmd} -k Search for a keyword in the synopsis lines of all available modules. {cmd} -n Start an HTTP server with the given hostname (default: localhost). {cmd} -p Start an HTTP server on the given port on the local machine. Port number 0 can be used to get an arbitrary unused port. {cmd} -b Start an HTTP server on an arbitrary unused port and open a web browser to interactively browse documentation. This option can be used in combination with -n and/or -p. {cmd} -w ... Write out the HTML documentation for a module to a file in the current directory. If contains a '{sep}', it is treated as a filename; if it names a directory, documentation is written for all the contents. )rr)getoptrrr rrrrr r existsrexitrrrrrrrrrVrrr*r)rroptsrwriting start_serverrrDrmoptvalargrrs rclir sMMM#####9###M!]]38ABB<<< d    HCd{{# # d{{ d{{# d{{d{{#    4( F F F F F#8^  Cc{{ 27>>##6#6 .4555  #;;*27>>##6#6*$S//C#c{{&rw}}S'9'9&!#  IIcNNN!23   e     $ L( #!!!grw// <<==a@ : FsF; ! ! ! ! ! !!sKAH1H8AHB'F?=H?G>#G93H9G>>HB JJrr)r)rrN)rKN)r1)br@rrrrrr$importlib._bootstraprimportlib._bootstrap_externalimportlib.machineryimportlib.utilrrr rrrMr r1rkr urllib.parserr) collectionsrreprlibr tracebackrrr$r>r7rIrQrZr]rdrhrpr IGNORECASErrrtrwr}rruall_feature_namesrrrrrrrrrrr r r4r_rQrWrrrrrrrrrrrrfr rrrr=rrrrrrrorrrrrrr)rrrrst%%L ( )  $$$$   ++++++   111f   !!! 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