\dTdZddlZddlmZddlTddlmZdZGddeZdS) zidistutils.command.bdist Implements the Distutils 'bdist' command (create a built [binary] distribution).N)Command)*) get_platformcddlm}g}tjD]3}|d|zdtj|df4||}|ddS)zFPrint list of available formats (arguments to "--format" option). r) FancyGetoptformats=Nz'List of available distribution formats:)distutils.fancy_getoptrbdistformat_commandsappendformat_command print_help)rformatsformatpretty_printers (..\python\lib\distutils\command\bdist.py show_formatsr s322222G':: V+T,V4Q79 : : : : [))NGHHHHHceZdZdZddddezfdddd d gZd gZd d defgZdZ dddZ gdZ ddddddddZ dZ dZdZd S)r z$create a built (binary) distribution)z bdist-base=bz4temporary directory for creating built distributionsz plat-name=pz;platform name to embed in generated filenames (default: %s))rNz/formats for distribution (comma-separated list))z dist-dir=dz=directory to put final built distributions in [default: dist]) skip-buildNz2skip rebuilding everything (for testing/debugging))zowner=uz@Owner name used when creating a tar file [default: current user])zgroup=gzAGroup name used when creating a tar file [default: current group]rz help-formatsNz$lists available distribution formats) bdist_rpmgztarzip)posixnt)rpmrbztarxztarztartarr)rzRPM distribution) bdist_dumbzgzip'ed tar file)r'zbzip2'ed tar file)r'zxz'ed tar file)r'zcompressed tar file)r'ztar file)r'zZIP filechd|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_d|_dS)Nr) bdist_base plat_namerdist_dir skip_buildgroupowner)selfs rinitialize_optionszbdist.initialize_optionsLs7    rc|j:|jrt|_n|dj|_|jG|dj}t j|d|jz|_| d|j I |j t j g|_ n*#t$rtdt j zwxYw|j d|_dSdS)Nbuildzbdist.rz;don't know how to create built distributions on platform %sdist)r*r,rget_finalized_commandr) build_baseospathjoinensure_string_listrdefault_formatnameKeyErrorDistutilsPlatformErrorr+)r/r5s rfinalize_optionszbdist.finalize_optionsUs > ! O!-!%!;!;G!D!D!N ? "33G<<GJ gll:+3dn+DFFDO  *** <  2 $ 3BG <=  2 2 2,')+1222 2 = "DMMM ! s -C 'C2cg}|jD]I} ||j|d*#t$rt d|zwxYwt t |jD]}||}||}||jvr|j||_ |dkr|j |_ |j |_ |||dzdvrd|_ | |dS)Nrzinvalid format '%s'r'r )rr rr<DistutilsOptionErrorrangelenreinitialize_commandno_format_optionrr.r- keep_temp run_command)r/commandsricmd_namesub_cmds rrunz bdist.runqs0l K KF K 3F ;A >???? K K K*+@6+IJJJ Ks4<(()) ' 'A{H//99Gt444!%a<'' $  $  8AaCDD>))$%!   X & & & & ' 's &4A)__name__ __module__ __qualname__ descriptionr user_optionsboolean_optionsr help_optionsrDr:r rr0r>rKrrr r s8KM!3%'3|~~67H(K12L($nO  / ? L & '!##NONNO BAB?D99 N###8'''''rr ) __doc__r6distutils.corerdistutils.errorsdistutils.utilrrr rSrrrXs  """"""'''''' I I Ir'r'r'r'r'Gr'r'r'r'r'r