\d(jdZddlZddlZddlZddZedkrejedSdS)zDBasic pip uninstallation support, helper for the Windows uninstallerNc:tjd}|dddt jd|dd d d d d ||}t j|jS)Nzpython -m ensurepip._uninstall)progz --versionversionzpip {}z7Show the version of pip this will attempt to uninstall.)actionrhelpz-vz --verbosecountr verbosityzDGive more output. Option is additive, and can be used up to 3 times.)rdefaultdestr)r ) argparseArgumentParser add_argumentformat ensurepipr parse_args_uninstall_helperr )argvparserargss %..\python\lib\ensurepip\_uninstall.py_mainrs  $*J K K KF  1 3 344 F    k     T " "D  & @ @ @@__main__)N)__doc__r rsysr__name__exitrrrstJJ AAAA, z CHUUWWr