\dhdZddlmZddlZddlZddlmZddlZGddeZ GddeZ Gd d eZ Gd d eZ Gd de Z GddZeZeZdZGddeZdZedkrddlmZeddddSdS)aDidlelib.config -- Manage IDLE configuration information. The comments at the beginning of config-main.def describe the configuration files and the design implemented to update user configuration information. In particular, user configuration choices which duplicate the defaults will be removed from the user's configuration files, and if a user file becomes empty, it will be deleted. The configuration database maps options to values. Conceptually, the database keys are tuples (config-type, section, item). As implemented, there are separate dicts for default and user values. Each has config-type keys 'main', 'extensions', 'highlight', and 'keys'. The value for each key is a ConfigParser instance that maps section and item to values. For 'main' and 'extensions', user values override default values. For 'highlight' and 'keys', user sections augment the default sections (and must, therefore, have distinct names). Throughout this module there is an emphasis on returning usable defaults when a problem occurs in returning a requested configuration value back to idle. This is to allow IDLE to continue to function in spite of errors in the retrieval of config information. When a default is returned instead of a requested config value, a message is printed to stderr to aid in configuration problem notification and resolution. ) ConfigParserN)FontceZdZdS)InvalidConfigTypeN__name__ __module__ __qualname__..\python\lib\idlelib\config.pyrr#r rceZdZdS)InvalidConfigSetNrr r r rr$rr rceZdZdS) InvalidThemeNrr r r rr%rr rc.eZdZdZddZd dZdZdZdS) IdleConfParserzI A ConfigParser specialised for idle configuration file handling NcB||_tj||ddS)zK cfgFile - string, fully specified configuration file name F)defaultsstrictN)filer__init__)selfcfgFile cfgDefaultss r rzIdleConfParser.__init__+s) d[GGGGGGr Fc|||s|S|dkr|||S|dkr|||S||||S)z Get an option value for given section/option or return default. If type is specified, return as type. boolintraw) has_option getbooleangetintget)rsectionoptiontypedefaultr!s r GetzIdleConfParser.Get2sqw// N 6>>??7F33 3 U]];;w// /88GV855 5r cZ||r||SgS)z4Return a list of options for given section, else [].) has_sectionoptionsrr&s r GetOptionListzIdleConfParser.GetOptionListCs/   G $ $ <<(( (Ir cL|jr||jdSdS)z&Load the configuration file from disk.N)rreadrs r LoadzIdleConfParser.LoadJs0 9 ! IIdi  ! !r N)NNF)rr r __doc__rr*r/r3r r r rr'shHHHH6666"!!!!!r rc6eZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ dS) IdleUserConfParserzG IdleConfigParser specialised for user configuration handling. c|||r5||||krdS||||dS||s||||||dS)zReturn True if option is added or changed to value, else False. Add section if required. False means option already had value. FT)r"r%setr, add_section)rr&r'values r SetOptionzIdleUserConfParser.SetOptionTs ??7F + + xx((E11u&%000t##G,, *  ))) HHWfe , , ,4r c\||r|||SdS)zReturn True if option is removed from section, else False. False if either section does not exist or did not have option. F)r, remove_option)rr&r's r RemoveOptionzIdleUserConfParser.RemoveOptiones5   G $ $ 7%%gv66 6ur c^||s||dSdS)z!If section doesn't exist, add it.N)r,r:r.s r AddSectionzIdleUserConfParser.AddSectionns<(( &   W % % % % % & &r c|D],}||s||-dS)z)Remove any sections that have no options.N)sectionsr/remove_sectionr.s r RemoveEmptySectionsz&IdleUserConfParser.RemoveEmptySectionsssN}} - -G%%g.. -##G,,, - -r cT|| S)z9Return True if no sections after removing empty sections.)rErCr2s r IsEmptyzIdleUserConfParser.IsEmptyys%   """==??""r c|j}|r|ddkr|sx t|d}n4#t$r't j|t|d}YnwxYw|5||ddddS#1swxYwYdStj|jrt j |jdSdSdSdS)zUpdate user configuration file. If self not empty after removing empty sections, write the file to disk. Otherwise, remove the file from disk if it exists. r#wN) rrGopenOSErrorosunlinkwritepathexistsremove)rfnamers r SavezIdleUserConfParser.Save~sI    %U1X__<<>> %/"5#..GG///Ie$$$"5#..GGG/((JJw'''(((((((((((((((((( ** % $)$$$$$ % %__ % %s!<.A-,A-2BBBN) rr r r5r<r?rArErGrTr r r r7r7Osx"&&& --- ### %%%%%r r7ceZdZdZd"dZdZdZ d#dZd Zd Z d Z d Z d Z dZ dZedZ d$dZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZhdZd%dZdZdZdZd Z d!Z!dS)&IdleConfalHold config parsers for all idle config files in singleton instance. Default config files, self.defaultCfg -- for config_type in self.config_types: (idle install dir)/config-{config-type}.def User config files, self.userCfg -- for config_type in self.config_types: (user home dir)/.idlerc/config-{config-type}.cfg Fcd|_i|_i|_i|_|s*||dSdS)N)main highlightkeys extensions) config_types defaultCfguserCfgcfgCreateConfigHandlers LoadCfgFiles)r_utests r rzIdleConf.__init__s]G   % % ' ' '          r c tjt}tjrdn|x|_}|jD]v}ttj |d|d|j |<ttj |pdd|d|j |<wdS)z5Populate default and user config parser dictionaries.zconfig-z.defrIz.cfgN)rMrPdirname__file__idlelibtesting GetUserCfgDiruserdirr\rjoinr]r7r^)ridledirrjcfg_types r r`zIdleConf.CreateConfigHandlerss'//(++'.!PD&>&>&>??)A)ADOH %%7 W^-Ex-E-E-EFF&H&HDL " " H Hr cd}tjd}|dkrbtj|sCtjs5d|zdz} t |tjn#t$rYnwxYwd}|dkrtj }tj ||}tj|sl tj |nV#t$rItjs5d|zdz} t |tjn#t$rYnwxYwtwxYw|S)zfReturn a filesystem directory for storing user config files. Creates it if required. z.idlerc~z. Warning: os.path.expanduser("~") points to z, but the path does not exist.rz2 Warning: unable to create user config directory z( Check path and permissions. Exiting! )rMrP expanduserrQrgrhprintsysstderrrLgetcwdrkmkdir SystemExit)rcfgDiruserDirwarns r rizIdleConf.GetUserCfgDirs{ '$$S)) c>>7>>'** N#$&HIDd44444" c>>ikkG',,w//w~~g&& ! !!!!! ! ! !R#$&STDd44444"   !sBA88 BB#C88E D32E 3 E=E ?E E NTc " |j|||r$|j|||||SnQ#t$rDd|d|d|d|j||||}t ||||YnwxYw |j|||r$|j|||||Sn#t$rYnwxYw|rd|d|d|}t |||||S) aReturn a value for configType section option, or default. If type is not None, return a value of that type. Also pass raw to the config parser. First try to return a valid value (including type) from a user configuration. If that fails, try the default configuration. If that fails, return default, with a default of None. Warn if either user or default configurations have an invalid value. Warn if default is returned and warn_on_default is True. )r(r!z5 Warning: config.py - IdleConf.GetOption - invalid z value for configuration option z from section z: r zU Warning: config.py - IdleConf.GetOption - problem retrieving configuration option . returning default value: )r^r"r* ValueError_warnr]) r configTyper&r'r)r(warn_on_defaultr!warnings r GetOptionzIdleConf.GetOptions 8|J'227FCC H|J/33GV9=34HHH H 8 8 8 8fffggg|J/33GV3MMM OG ':w 7 7 7 7 7  8 z*55gfEE =z266d7=== =    D   8 8  2G ':w 7 7 7s&AAA BBAC C-,C-cJ|j||||dS)z0Set section option to value in user config file.N)r^r<)rrr&r'r;s r r<zIdleConf.SetOptions' Z **7FEBBBBBr c||jvrtd|dkr|j|}n#|dkr|j|}nt d|S)zReturn sections for configSet configType configuration. configSet must be either 'user' or 'default' configType must be in self.config_types. zInvalid configType specifieduserr)Invalid configSet specified)r\rr^r]rrC)r configSetr cfgParsers r GetSectionListzIdleConf.GetSectionListst d///#$BCC C    Z0II ) # #oj1II"#@AA A!!###r c|jd|rdnd}|||}||dz}|dkrd}||dz}||dS) zReturn dict of theme element highlight colors. The keys are 'foreground' and 'background'. The values are tkinter color strings for configuring backgrounds and tags. rYr)rz -foregroundcursornormalz -background) foreground background)r]r, GetThemeDict)rthemeelementr_ theme_dictforebacks r GetHighlightzIdleConf.GetHighlights~ !OK8DDUKKyy &&sE22 'M12 h  G'M12"$777r c|dkr|jd}n#|dkr|jd}ntdiddddd dd dd dd dd dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd}|D]q}|||s8|ds#d|d|d||}t |d|||||||||<r|S)a)Return {option:value} dict for elements in themeName. type - string, 'default' or 'user' theme type themeName - string, theme name Values are loaded over ultimate fallback defaults to guarantee that all theme elements are present in a newly created theme. rrYr)zInvalid theme type specifiedznormal-foregroundz#000000znormal-backgroundz#ffffffzkeyword-foregroundzkeyword-backgroundzbuiltin-foregroundzbuiltin-backgroundzcomment-foregroundzcomment-backgroundzstring-foregroundzstring-backgroundzdefinition-foregroundzdefinition-backgroundzhilite-foregroundzhilite-backgroundgrayzbreak-foregroundzbreak-backgroundzhit-foreground)zhit-backgroundzerror-foregroundzerror-backgroundzcontext-foregroundzcontext-backgroundzlinenumber-foregroundzlinenumber-backgroundzcursor-foregroundzstdout-foregroundzstdout-backgroundzstderr-foregroundzstderr-backgroundzconsole-foregroundzconsole-background)zcontext-z linenumber-zL Warning: config.IdleConf.GetThemeDict - problem retrieving theme element z from theme z. returning default color: r))r^r]rr" startswithr~r*)rr( themeNamerrrrs r rzIdleConf.GetThemeDict!s 6>> [1II Y   4II=>> > !#I!#I!$Y!%Y!%Y ! %Y ! %Y !%Y!$I!$I!( !( !$I!$F!#9!#9! !!!""+#,#,%.%.(1(1$-$-$-$-$-%.%.A!!!D @ @G((G<< @&&'BCC @ @$GGYYYg @ g{Iw???&]]wg+@@E'NN r c,|dS)z9Return the name of the currently active text color theme.Themecurrent_colors_and_keysr2s r CurrentThemezIdleConf.CurrentThemees++G444r c,|dS)z0Return the name of the currently active key set.Keysrr2s r CurrentKeyszIdleConf.CurrentKeysis++F333r cP|dkrdnd}|d|ddd}d }|r|d|d d }|s|d|d d }|r-|r|jn|j}|||r|S|dkrd n|S)aReturn the currently active name for Theme or Keys section. idlelib.config-main.def ('default') includes these sections [Theme] default= 1 name= IDLE Classic name2= [Keys] default= 1 name= name2= Item 'name2', is used for built-in ('default') themes and keys added after 2015 Oct 1 and 2016 July 1. This kludge is needed because setting 'name' to a builtin not defined in older IDLEs to display multiple error messages or quit. See https://bugs.python.org/issue25313. When default = True, 'name2' takes precedence over 'name', while older IDLEs will just use name. When default = False, 'name2' may still be set, but it is ignored. rrYrZrXr)rTr(r)rdname2rnamez IDLE Classic)rr]r^r, default_keys)rr&cfgnamer)rsources r rz IdleConf.current_colors_and_keysms0")G!3!3++..)&,d!<<  H>>&'7B>GGD G>>&'62>FFD  (/AT__T\Fg**400  !(G!3!3~~9J9J9L9LLr c^tjdddkrdStjdkrdSdS)NwinzIDLE Classic WindowsdarwinzIDLE Classic OSXzIDLE Modern Unix)rsplatformr r r rzIdleConf.default_keyss7 < u $ $)) \X % %%%%%r c ||dd}||dd}|D]}||vr||dD]}|||rtg}|D]m}|d|dddrQ|s|r8|rd }nd }|d||ddd r||X||n|S|S) zReturn extensions in default and user config-extensions files. If active_only True, only return active (enabled) extensions and optionally only editor or shell extensions. If active_only False, return all extensions. r)r[r) AutoComplete CodeContextFormatParagraph ParenMatchenableTrr)r( enable_editor enable_shellF)r)r(r)RemoveKeyBindNamesrappendrRr) r active_only editor_only shell_onlyextns userExtnsextn activeExtnsr's r GetExtensionszIdleConf.GetExtensionssr''##I|<<>>++##FL99;;  # #D5   T"""5  D LL      K 1 1>>,h'-"// 1# 1j 1&4%4FF%3F>>,V26V:?*AA5(..t444#**4000 Lr cd|DS)z:Return extnNameList with keybinding section names removed.c<g|]}|d|S)) _bindings _cfgBindings)endswith).0ns r z/IdleConf.RemoveKeyBindNames..s*YYYaqzz:W/X/XYYYYr r )r extnNameLists r rzIdleConf.RemoveKeyBindNamessYY<YYYYr cd}d|zdz}|dD]"}||D] }||kr|} #|S)zReturn the name of the extension binding virtualEvent, or None. virtualEvent - string, name of the virtual event to test for, without the enclosing '<< >>' N<<>>rr)rGetExtensionKeys)r virtualEventextNamevEventrevents r GetExtnNameForEventzIdleConf.GetExtnNameForEventsp  $t+&&1&55 # #D..t44 # #F??"G #r c|dz}|}i}|jd|r:|jd|}|D]}d|zdz}||}|||<|S)a Return dict: {configurable extensionName event : active keybinding}. Events come from default config extension_cfgBindings section. Keybindings come from GetCurrentKeySet() active key dict, where previously used bindings are disabled. rr[rr)GetCurrentKeySetr]r,r/) r extensionNamekeysName activeKeysextKeys eventNames eventNamerbindings r rzIdleConf.GetExtensionKeyss!>1**,,  ?< ( 4 4X > > )6DDXNNJ' ) ) y(4/$U+!(r c|dz}i}|jd|r]|jd|}|D]:}|d||d}d|zdz}|||<;|S)aReturn dict {configurable extensionName event : keybinding list}. Events come from default config extension_cfgBindings section. Keybindings list come from the splitting of GetOption, which tries user config before default config. rr[rdrrr)r]r,r/rsplit)rrrrrrrrs r __GetRawExtensionKeyszIdleConf.__GetRawExtensionKeyss!/ ?< ( 4 4X > > )6DDXNNJ' ) ) ..$h 2)GGGLuwwy(4/!(r c4|dz}||}|jd|r]|jd|}|D]:}|d||d}d|zdz}|||<;|S)aReturn dict {extensionName event : active or defined keybinding}. Augment self.GetExtensionKeys(extensionName) with mapping of non- configurable events (from default config) to GetOption splits, as in self.__GetRawExtensionKeys. rr[rdrrr)rr]r,r/rr)rr bindsNameextBindsrrrrs r GetExtensionBindingszIdleConf.GetExtensionBindingss"K/ ((77 ?< ( 4 4Y ? ? *6DDYOOJ' * * ..$iB)HHHMy(4/")r cr|dd}|d||dd}|S)zReturn the keybinding list for keySetName eventStr. keySetName - name of key binding set (config-keys section). eventStr - virtual event, including brackets, as in '<>'. rZrdF)r)r)rr)r keySetNameeventStrrrs r GetKeyBindingzIdleConf.GetKeyBindingsE QrTN ..Y16!888= r c||}tjdkr1|D]\}}d|D}||kr|||<|S)z/Return CurrentKeys with 'darwin' modifications.rc:g|]}|ddS)z.%s&BBB!qyy*55BBBr ) GetKeySetrrsritems)rresultkvv2s r rzIdleConf.GetCurrentKeySetst 0 0 2 233 <8 # #   # #1BBqBBB77 "F1I r c||}|d}|D]J}||}|r1|D].}|||vrd||<||||</K|S)zReturn event-key dict for keySetName core plus active extensions. If a binding defined in an extension is already in use, the extension binding is disabled by being set to '' rrd) GetCoreKeysr_IdleConf__GetRawExtensionKeysvalues)rrkeySetrrrrs r rzIdleConf.GetKeySet+s !!*--((Q(77  3 3D0066G 3$33Eu~88)+$+ENF5MM r c:d|zdz|vS)zReturn True if the virtual event is one of the core idle key events. virtualEvent - string, name of the virtual event to test for, without the enclosing '<< >>' rr)r)rrs r IsCoreBindingzIdleConf.IsCoreBinding=s% \!$&4+;+;+=+===r > <><><><><><><><><>c *idddgdddgddd gd d d gd dgddgddgddgddgddgddgddgddgddgdd gd!d"gd#d$gid%d&gd'd(gd)d*gd+d,gd-d.gd/d0gd1d2gd3d4gd5d6gd7d8gd9d:gd;dgd?d@dAgdBdCgdDdEgdFdGgidHdIgdJdKgdLdMgdNdOdPgdQdRgdSdTgdUdVgdWdXgdYdZgd[d\gd]d^gd_d`gdadbgdcddgdedfgdgdhgdidjgdkgdlgdmgdngdogdpgdqgdr}|r|jds|s8|jds|sdt|du}t|ds|nO|D]L}|||}|r|||< ||jvr#dv|dw|dx||}t|ds||M|S)yaReturn dict of core virtual-key keybindings for keySetName. The default keySetName None corresponds to the keyBindings base dict. If keySetName is not None, bindings from the config file(s) are loaded _over_ these defaults, so if there is a problem getting any core binding there will be an 'ultimate last resort fallback' to the CUA-ish bindings defined here. z<>z z z<>z z z <>z z z<>z zz<>z z<>z z<>zz<>z<>z z<>zz<>z z<>zz<>zz<>z<>zz<>z z<>zz<>zz<>z z<>z z<>z z<>z z<>z z<>zz<>z z<>zz<>z z<>zz<>zz<>z z<>z zz<>zz<>z z<>z z <>z z <>zz<>zz<>z zz<>z z<>zz<>zz<>z z<>z z<>z z<>z z<>z z<>z z<>zz<>zrzrzzzz zzz z )rrrrrrrrZz7 Warning: config.py - IdleConf.GetCoreKeys - key set z( is not defined, using default bindings.zX Warning: config.py - IdleConf.GetCoreKeys - problem retrieving key binding for event z from key set r|)r^r,r]r~rformer_extension_events)rr keyBindingsrrrs r rzIdleConf.GetCoreKeysOsq;  6;  }5; -7; $mX%> ; - ; $m_ ;  ; }o;  ; x; & ~;  ; #YK; & ; ; .!1!;" %yk#;;$  {%;& "M?';( (-);* +]O+;, -;. /;0 #ZL1;2 ./@3;4 & {5;6  7;8 yk9;: '):(;;;< =;> }f5?;@ *A;B !>"2C;D E;;;F M?G;H i[I;J "$5#6K;L %~7G&HM;N  O;P ">!?Q;R "=!>S;T !=/U;V #]OW;X -Y;Z "M?[;\  ];^ %}o_;` ";!z1IdleConf.GetExtraHelpSourceList..s qtr )key) r^r]rr/r*findrstriprsort) rr helpSourcesrr-r'r;menuItemhelpPaths r GetExtraHelpSourceListzIdleConf.GetExtraHelpSourceLists)    V,II ) # #/II"#@AA A'' 44 A AF-- VS-AAEzz#"$$kk#&&q))q)) AH A""Xhv$>@@@^^,,,r c\|d|dz}|S)zReturn a list of the details of all additional help sources. Tuples in the list are those of GetExtraHelpSourceList. r)r)r)rallHelpSourcess r GetAllExtraHelpSourcesListz#IdleConf.GetAllExtraHelpSourcesLists3 55i@@++F334r cN|||dd}|||ddd}|||dd d }|d krJtd d |}tj|}|d}|d}|d krd}|ddk}|||rdndfS)aRetrieve a font from configuration (font, font-size, font-bold) Intercept the special value 'TkFixedFont' and substitute the actual font, factoring in some tweaks if needed for appearance sakes. The 'root' parameter can normally be any valid Tkinter widget. Return a tuple (family, size, weight) suitable for passing to tkinter.Font fontcourierrz font-sizer10rz font-boldrrr TkFixedFontT)rrQrootfamilysize weightboldr)rractual) rrrr&r r!r$f actualFonts r GetFontzIdleConf.GetFonts GVYOO~~j';U&*,,~~j';#)++ m # #-4@@@AQJ)Ff%Dqyyh'61D:ff(;;r c|jD]@}|j||j|AdS)zLoad all configuration files.N)r]r3r^rrs r razIdleConf.LoadCfgFilessR? % %C OC % % ' ' ' L  " " $ $ $ $ % %r cX|jD]!}|j|"dS)z2Write all loaded user configuration files to disk.N)r^rTr*s r SaveUserCfgFileszIdleConf.SaveUserCfgFiless9< % %C L  " " $ $ $ $ % %r )F)NNTF)TFFr4)"rr r r5rr`rirr<rrrrrr staticmethodrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr(rar,r r r rVrVs        HHH"""HIM,1&&&&PCCC$$$ 8 8 8BBBH555444$M$M$ML&&\&)-49''''RZZZ   $$(   "$>>>   ^^^^@@<<<4%%% %%%%%r rVc|f|z}|tvrI t|tjn#t$rYnwxYwt|dSdS)Nrp)_warnedrrrsrtrLadd)msgrs r r~r~su &3,C '  #CJ ' ' ' ' '    D  C s - ::cFeZdZdZdZdZedZdZdZ dZ dS) ConfigChangesaManage a user's proposed configuration option changes. Names used across multiple methods: page -- one of the 4 top-level dicts representing a .idlerc/config-x.cfg file. config_type -- name of a page. section -- a section within a page/file. option -- name of an option within a section. value -- value for the option. Methods add_option: Add option and value to changes. save_option: Save option and value to config parser. save_all: Save all the changes to the config parser and file. delete_section: If section exists, delete from changes, userCfg, and file. clear: Clear all changes by clearing each page. c|g|_tjD]'}i||<|j||(dS)z)Create a page for each configuration fileN)pagesidleConfr\r)r config_types r rzConfigChanges.__init__sM #0 1 1K "D  J  d;/ 0 0 0 0 1 1r c\||}t|}||vri||<||||<dS)z0Add item/value pair for config_type and section.N)str)rr7r&itemr;pages r add_optionzConfigChanges.add_option%s?K E  $  DM#W dr c<tj|||rPtj||||kr&tj|||Stj||||S)zcReturn True if the configuration value was added or changed. Helper for save_all. )r6r]r"r*r^r?r<)r7r&r:r;s r save_optionzConfigChanges.save_option-s  { + 6 6w E E Q";/33GTBBeKK' 4AA'4PPP ,66weLLLr c tjdd}|D]}d}||}|D]i}|dkr'tjddd}||D]\}}|||||rd} j|r&tj|d}dD]&}tj|'||S)zSave configuration changes to the user config file. Clear self in preparation for additional changes. Return changed for testing. rXFr T)rZrY)r6r^rTrDrr>clear)rchangedr7cfg_type_changedr;r&r:r;s r save_allzConfigChanges.save_all:s3  %%'''  K$  $D 0 0k))$V,;;KHHH'+$#'=#6#6#8#800KD%'' WdEJJ0+/(0   -224440 1 1K  [ ) . . 0 0 0 0 r c|||vr |||=tj|}|||dS)zjDelete a section from self, userCfg, and file. Used to delete custom themes and keysets. N)r6r^rDrT)rr7r& configpages r delete_sectionzConfigChanges.delete_sectionXsX d;' ' '[!'*%k2 !!'***r cB|jD]}|dS)zClear all 4 pages. Called in save_all after saving to idleConf. XXX Mark window *title* when there are changes; unmark here. N)r5r@)rr;s r r@zConfigChanges.clearcs. J  D JJLLLL  r N) rr r r5rr<r-r>rCrFr@r r r r3r3 s$111$$$ M M\ M<   r r3cddlmd\}}fdfd}|tj|tjt d|d|d dS) Nr)crc32)rrct|}tdz a|dtat |dS)Nrzutf-8)encoding)r9lineencodecrcrr)objtxtrIs r sprintz_dump..sprintrsE#hh  eCJJJ00#66 c r c td|dt|D]}||}|||D]c}|||}|||D]-}|dz||||z.ddS)N z = )rrsortedrZrCr-r*)r_rrCr&r-r'rQs r dumpCfgz_dump..dumpCfgzs dC#((**%% K KC3x((**H F3KKK F8   # K Kc(**733ww%KKFF6E>CHLL&,I,IIJJJJK  K K Kr z lines = z, crc = rd)sep)zlibrIr6r]r^rr)rLrNrUrIrQs @@r _dumprXnsID# K K K K K GH     GH  ,j#2666666r __main__)rXzidlelib.idle_test.test_configrF) verbosityexit)r5 configparserrrMrs tkinter.fontrrg Exceptionrrrrr7rVr6r9r/r~dictr3rXrunittestrXr r r ras6&%%%%% ((((( ((('''''y'''#####9###&!&!&!&!&!\&!&!&!P@%@%@%@%@%@%@%@%Dj %j %j %j %j %j %j %j %Z 8:: #%%_____D___F777: zD (AEBBBBBBr