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Use upper case Symbols when using the Shift modifier. (Letters will be converted automatically.))rr)rr columnspanrr single)widthheight selectmodeendzns)rrrowspanrvertical)orientr)yscrollcommandz Clear Keys)rr)rrrkeyseq_advancedzEnter new binding(s) for 'z' : z2(These bindings will not be checked for validity!))r)raKey bindings are specified using Tkinter keysyms as in these samples: , , , , , . Upper case is used when the Shift modifier is present! 'Emacs style' multi-keystroke bindings are specified as follows: , where the first key is the 'do-nothing' keybinding. Multiple separate bindings for one action should be separated by a space, eg., .)rrr<< Basic Key Binding Entry)rrew)rrstickrr)#rframe_keyseq_basicgridr r}packrframe_controls_basicmodifier_checkbuttonsziprmrmodifier_labelrhr build_key_stringrlist_keys_finalinsertAVAILABLE_KEYSbindfinal_key_selectedr yviewconfigrr clear_key_seq button_clearframe_keyseq_advancedr advanced_keysframe_help_advanced toggle_level button_level) r basic_title basic_keysrrrlabelcheck help_basicscroll_keys_finaladvanced_title help_advanceds rorzGetKeysFrame.create_widgetsPs"'>"B"B"B $$1V+,1 % 6 6 6D3!B$+!B!B!BDDD $$$42F(,'(***  aqs333%*$KK! !&&1QvA&NNN&(""%dnd6H"I"I   Hh'++Hh??E 9(,(=E)18bRRRE JJ1V!CJ @ @ @38D &x 0 aKFF44f!<===  AaAAcJJJ 't'@.0X G G G##E;N;;;; !!"5t7NOOO !!a1T!JJJ%d&?-7.2.B.HJJJ ##3D3H#III1Q$GGG"4#<(4+/+=??? 1Q1===&+46G%H%H%H" "''Aa./a ( 9 9 9t96$S$S$S$S%Y%Z[[[ 3'''"4#=04AAA S)))$);;   %%!Af1%MMMd6@ B B B  q6:::#41B'CEEE 1QdKKK rqc^tjdkr gd|_n gd|_ddi|_dS)aVDetermine list of names of key modifiers for this platform. The names are used to build Tk bindings -- it doesn't matter if the keyboard has these keys; it matters if Tk understands them. The order is also important: key binding equality depends on it, so config-keys.def must use the same ordering. darwin)rgControlOptionCommand)rAltrgrCtrlN)sysplatformrmrrs rorz'GetKeysFrame.set_modifiers_for_platforms@ <8 # #FFFDNN888DN(&1rqc6|jddr||jd|j|j|j d|_ dS||jd|j |j d|_ dS) z'Toggle between basic and advanced keys.rAdvancedrrTzAdvanced Key Binding Entry >>FN) rcget startswithrrrliftrr focus_setrrrrs rorzGetKeysFrame.toggle_levels   " "6 * * 5 5j A A "      $ $*F $ G G G  & + + - - -  $ ) ) + + +   ( ( * * * DMMM      $ $*I $ J J J  # ( ( * * *  % * * , , ,!DMMMrqNc.|dS)z3Handler for clicking on key in basic settings list.N)rrevents rorzGetKeysFrame.final_key_selecteds rqc|x}}|jd}|r%t||}|||jdd|ddS)z2Create formatted string of modifiers plus the key.rrYrAr[N) get_modifiersrrhrprrrjoin)rkeylistrm final_keys rorzGetKeysFrame.build_key_strings"00222)(,,X66  &%i;;I NN9 % % % 4 1 144455555rqc<d|jD}d|DS)z9Return ordered list of modifiers that have been selected.c6g|]}|S)rh).0rs ro z.GetKeysFrame.get_modifiers..s FFFxHLLNNFFFrqcg|]}||Srr)rmods rorz.GetKeysFrame.get_modifiers..s///3////rq)r)rmod_lists rorzGetKeysFrame.get_modifierss,FF43EFFF//x////rqc|jdd|jdd|jD]}|d|jddS)z#Clear modifiers and keys selection.rrmovetoz0.0ryN)r select_clearrrrr)rrs rorzGetKeysFrame.clear_key_seqsw ))!U333 ""8U333*  H LL     Brqcd|_|j}|s||j|ddS|js||r||r||_dS)NryzNo key specified.titler|message) rrrhstriprkeyerror_titlerkeys_okbind_ok)rkeyss rookzGetKeysFrame.oks ""$$**,,  NN!4T#6  8 8 8 F M T\\$// T\\$5G5G DKrqc|jd}|}|j}d|jD}|ds|||dn|s*|ttzvr|||dnW|dgkr/|ttzd zvrd }||||n!||vrd }||||nd Sd S)zValidity check on user's 'basic' keybinding selection. Doesn't check the string produced by the advanced dialog because 'modifiers' isn't set. rcg|] }|D]}| Srr)rrrls rorz(GetKeysFrame.keys_ok..s<111(/11!$1111rqr[zMissing the final Key)r|rzNo modifier key(s) specified.rrg)rrzBThe shift modifier by itself may not be used with this key symbol.z'This key combination is already in use.TF) rrhrrr~endswithr FUNCTION_KEYS MOVE_KEYS)rrrrmr key_sequencesmsgs rorzGetKeysFrame.keys_oksR (,,X66 &&(( #11D,F111 }}S!!  NN5#:  < < < < =9#<<< NNt#B  D D D DG9$$#i/2BBCC&C NNtSN A A A A ] " ";C NNtSN A A A A4urqc ||d}|||dS#t$r+}||j|d|Yd}~dSd}~wwxYw)z:Return True if Tcl accepts the new keys else show message.cdSrrrrqroz&GetKeysFrame.bind_ok..sdrqTz2The entered key sequence is not accepted. Error: rNF)runbindrrr)rrbindingerrs rorzGetKeysFrame.bind_ok s iill33G KKg & & &4    NN-d-'*--  / / /55555  s1 A& A!!A&r)__name__ __module__ __qualname__rr{rrrrrrrrrrr __classcell__rs@rorsrs,s*N6...WWWr 2 2 2"""     666000       >       rqrscleZdZdddfd ZedZejdZd dZd dZxZ S) GetKeysWindowF)_htest_utestct||d|d<|dd|||dz|dzz z}||s/| dz| dzz ndz}| d|d|| |t|||x|_} |d|jt#|} t%| d d |j |_t%| d d |j |_|jd d dd|jd ddd| ddd| dd||t3|||s*||dSdS)a parent - parent of this dialog title - string which is the title of the popup dialog action - string, the name of the virtual event these keys will be mapped to current_key_sequences - list, a list of all key sequence lists currently mapped to virtual events, for overlap checking _htest - bool, change box location when running htest _utest - bool, do not wait when running unittest rrvF)rrrurCWM_DELETE_WINDOWOK)rrrCancelr)rrrrrtopTboth)sideexpandrbottomr)r%rN)rzr{withdraw resizableupdate_idletasks winfo_rootx winfo_widthwinfo_reqwidth winfo_rooty winfo_heightwinfo_reqheightgeometryrrsframeprotocolcancelrrr button_ok button_cancelrr transientrgrab_set deiconify wait_window) rr|rr}r~rrryr2 frame_buttonsrs ror{zGetKeysWindow.__init__st     ] e5111     ! !  ""A%(;(;(=(=q(@@B    ! !%v""$$a'$*>*>*@*@!*CCC!$& k!kkakk""" 5)$8MNNN U ($+666d  D&':::#M)*DKAAA !!!<<< Aaaa@@@ d 888s333 vd   NN             rqc|jjSrr2rrs rorzGetKeysWindow.resultJs z  rqc||j_dSrr>)rvalues rorzGetKeysWindow.resultNs! rqNc|j||dSr)r2r grab_releasedestroyrs rorzGetKeysWindow.okRs4   rqcdd|_||dS)Nry)rrBrCrs ror4zGetKeysWindow.cancelWs,   rqr) rrrr{propertyrsetterrr4rrs@rorrs!,,,,,,,\!!X! ]""]" rqr__main__)mainz!idlelib.idle_test.test_config_keyruF) verbosityexit)run)%__doc__tkinterrrrr tkinter.ttkrrr r r r r tkinter.simpledialogrrirr tuplerjdigits ALPHANUM_KEYSPUNCTUATION_KEYSWHITESPACE_KEYS EDIT_KEYSr rrprsrrunittestrHidlelib.idle_test.htestrK GetKeysDialogrrqrorYs;:::::::::::KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK...... 8 f,v}<== 5677, -  6 "22]B!"$-.09:(kkkkk5kkk\@@@@@H@@@F zD ,FFFF++++++C  rq