\db (dZddlmZddlmZdgdfdgdfdgd fd gd fd gd fdgdfdgdfdgfdgdfg Zedr!edddejZe dkrddl m Z e dddSdS)aDefine the menu contents, hotkeys, and event bindings. There is additional configuration information in the EditorWindow class (and subclasses): the menus are created there based on the menu_specs (class) variable, and menus not created are silently skipped in the code here. This makes it possible, for example, to define a Debug menu which is only present in the PythonShell window, and a Format menu which is only present in the Editor windows. ) find_spec)idleConffile))z _New Filez<>)z_Open...z<>)zOpen _Module...z<>)zModule _Browserz<>)z _Path Browserz<>N)_Savez<>)z Save _As...z<>)zSave Cop_y As...z<>N)z Prin_t Windowz<>N)z _Close Windowz<>)z E_xit IDLEz<>edit))_Undoz<>)_Redoz<>N)z Select _Allz<>)Cu_tz<>)_Copyz<>)_Pastez <>N)z_Find...z<>)z Find A_gainz<>)zFind _Selectionz<>)zFind in Files...z<>)z R_eplace...z <>N)z Go to _Linez <>)zS_how Completionsz<>)z E_xpand Wordz<>)zShow C_all Tipz<>)zShow Surrounding P_arensz<>format) )zF_ormat Paragraphz<>)z_Indent Regionz<>)z_Dedent Regionz<>)zComment _Out Regionz<>)zU_ncomment Regionz<>)z Tabify Regionz<>)zUntabify Regionz<>)z Toggle Tabsz<>)zNew Indent Widthz<>)zS_trip Trailing Whitespacez <>run))z R_un Modulez<>)zRun... _Customizedz<>)z C_heck Modulez<>)z Python Shellz<>shell))z_View Last Restartz<>)z_Restart Shellz<>N)z_Previous Historyz<>)z _Next Historyz<>N)z_Interrupt Executionz<>debug))z_Go to File/Linez<>)z !_Debuggerz<>)z _Stack Viewerz<>)z!_Auto-open Stack Viewerz<>options))zConfigure _IDLEz<>N)zShow _Code Contextz<>)zShow _Line Numbersz<>)z _Zoom Heightz<>windowhelp))z _About IDLEz<>N)z _IDLE Docz<>)z Python _Docsz<> turtledemo)z Turtle Demoz<>__main__)mainzidlelib.idle_test.test_mainmenu) verbosityN) __doc__importlib.utilridlelib.configrmenudefsappendGetCurrentKeySetdefault_keydefs__name__unittestr!..\python\lib\idlelib\mainmenu.pyr's  %$$$$$######    "    ,                      s_ B 9\D RLOBCCC+(+-- zD *a888888r%