\d:#bddlZddlZejeZgdZgdZddgZdS)N)F)InstallValidatezValidating installN) InstallFileszCopying new files&File: [1], Directory: [9], Size: [6])InstallAdminPackagezCopying network install filesz$File: [1], Directory: [9], Size: [6])FileCostComputing space requirementsN)CostInitializerN) CostFinalizerN)CreateShortcutszCreating shortcuts Shortcut: [1])PublishComponentszPublishing Qualified Components!Component ID: [1], Qualifier: [2])PublishFeatureszPublishing Product Features Feature: [1])PublishProductzPublishing product informationN)RegisterClassInfozRegistering Class servers Class Id: [1])RegisterExtensionInfozRegistering extension serversExtension: [1])RegisterMIMEInfozRegistering MIME info&MIME Content Type: [1], Extension: [2])RegisterProgIdInfozRegistering program identifiers ProgId: [1])AllocateRegistrySpacezAllocating registry spacezFree space: [1]) AppSearchz$Searching for installed applicationszProperty: [1], Signature: [2]) BindImagezBinding executables File: [1]) CCPSearch!Searching for qualifying productsN) CreateFolderszCreating folders Folder: [1])DeleteServiceszDeleting services Service: [1])DuplicateFileszCreating duplicate filesr)FindRelatedProductsz"Searching for related applicationszFound application: [1]) InstallODBCzInstalling ODBC componentsN)InstallServiceszInstalling new servicesz Service: [2])LaunchConditionszEvaluating launch conditionsN)MigrateFeatureStatesz2Migrating feature states from related applicationszApplication: [1]) MoveFilesz Moving filesr) PatchFileszPatching filesz&File: [1], Directory: [2], Size: [3])ProcessComponentszUpdating component registrationN)RegisterComPlusz,Registering COM+ Applications and Componentsz2AppId: [1]{{, AppType: [2], Users: [3], RSN: [4]}}) RegisterFontszRegistering fonts Font: [1])RegisterProductzRegistering product[1])RegisterTypeLibrarieszRegistering type libraries LibID: [1]) RegisterUserzRegistering userr1)RemoveDuplicateFileszRemoving duplicated filesFile: [1], Directory: [9])RemoveEnvironmentStringsUpdating environment strings!Name: [1], Value: [2], Action [3])RemoveExistingProductszRemoving applicationsz#Application: [1], Command line: [2]) RemoveFileszRemoving filesr6) RemoveFolderszRemoving foldersr!)RemoveIniValueszRemoving INI files entries/File: [1], Section: [2], Key: [3], Value: [4]) RemoveODBCzRemoving ODBC componentsN)RemoveRegistryValueszRemoving system registry valueszKey: [1], Name: [2])RemoveShortcutszRemoving shortcutsr ) RMCCPSearchrN)SelfRegModuleszRegistering modulesFile: [1], Folder: [2])SelfUnregModuleszUnregistering modulesrD)SetODBCFolderszInitializing ODBC directoriesN) StartServiceszStarting servicesr#) StopServiceszStopping servicesr#)UnpublishComponentsz!Unpublishing Qualified Componentsr)UnpublishFeatureszUnpublishing Product Featuresr)UnregisterClassInfozUnregister Class serversr)UnregisterComPlusz.Unregistering COM+ Applications and ComponentszAppId: [1]{{, AppType: [2]}})UnregisterExtensionInfozUnregistering extension serversr)UnregisterFontszUnregistering fontsr/)UnregisterMIMEInfozUnregistering MIME infor)UnregisterProgIdInfoz!Unregistering program identifiersr)UnregisterTypeLibrarieszUnregistering type librariesr3)WriteEnvironmentStringsr8r9)WriteIniValueszWriting INI files valuesr>)WriteRegistryValueszWriting system registry valueszKey: [1], Name: [2], Value: [3]) AdvertisezAdvertising applicationN)GenerateScriptz(Generating script operations for action:r1)InstallSFPCatalogFilezInstalling system catalogzFile: [1], Dependencies: [2])MsiPublishAssemblieszPublishing assembly information*Application Context:[1], Assembly Name:[2])MsiUnpublishAssembliesz!Unpublishing assembly informationrY)RollbackzRolling back action:r1)RollbackCleanupzRemoving backup filesr) UnmoveFileszRemoving moved filesr6)UnpublishProductz Unpublishing product informationN)2) AbsentPathN)bytesr`)GBra)KBrb)MBrc) MenuAbsentz"Entire feature will be unavailable) MenuAdvertisez'Feature will be installed when required) MenuAllCDz/Entire feature will be installed to run from CD) MenuAllLocalz4Entire feature will be installed on local hard drive)MenuAllNetworkz4Entire feature will be installed to run from network)MenuCDz Will be installed to run from CD) MenuLocalz%Will be installed on local hard drive) MenuNetworkz%Will be installed to run from network)ScriptInProgressz!Gathering required information...)SelAbsentAbsentz$This feature will remain uninstalled)SelAbsentAdvertisez6This feature will be set to be installed when required) SelAbsentCDz-This feature will be installed to run from CD)SelAbsentLocalz6This feature will be installed on the local hard drive)SelAbsentNetworkz6This feature will be installed to run from the network)SelAdvertiseAbsentz$This feature will become unavailable)SelAdvertiseAdvertisezWill be installed when required)SelAdvertiseCDz-This feature will be available to run from CD)SelAdvertiseLocalz7This feature will be installed on your local hard drive)SelAdvertiseNetworkz6This feature will be available to run from the network) SelCDAbsentzPThis feature will be uninstalled completely, you won't be able to run it from CD)SelCDAdvertisezTThis feature will change from run from CD state to set to be installed when required)SelCDCDz*This feature will remain to be run from CD) SelCDLocalzWThis feature will change from run from CD state to be installed on the local hard drive)SelChildCostNegz-This feature frees up [1] on your hard drive.)SelChildCostPosz-This feature requires [1] on your hard drive.)SelCostPendingz"Compiling cost for this feature...)SelLocalAbsentz'This feature will be completely removed)SelLocalAdvertisezfThis feature will be removed from your local hard drive, but will be set to be installed when required) SelLocalCDzcThis feature will be removed from your local hard drive, but will be still available to run from CD) SelLocalLocalz0This feature will remain on you local hard drive)SelLocalNetworkzlThis feature will be removed from your local hard drive, but will be still available to run from the network)SelNetworkAbsentzYThis feature will be uninstalled completely, you won't be able to run it from the network)SelNetworkAdvertisezYThis feature will change from run from network state to set to be installed when required)SelNetworkLocalz\This feature will change from run from network state to be installed on the local hard drive)SelNetworkNetworkz3This feature will remain to be run from the network)SelParentCostNegNegzThis feature frees up [1] on your hard drive. It has [2] of [3] subfeatures selected. The subfeatures free up [4] on your hard drive.)SelParentCostNegPoszThis feature frees up [1] on your hard drive. It has [2] of [3] subfeatures selected. The subfeatures require [4] on your hard drive.)SelParentCostPosNegzThis feature requires [1] on your hard drive. It has [2] of [3] subfeatures selected. The subfeatures free up [4] on your hard drive.)SelParentCostPosPoszThis feature requires [1] on your hard drive. It has [2] of [3] subfeatures selected. The subfeatures require [4] on your hard drive.) TimeRemainingz+Time remaining: {[1] minutes }{[2] seconds})VolumeCostAvailable Available)VolumeCostDifference Difference)VolumeCostRequiredRequired)VolumeCostSizez Disk Size)VolumeCostVolumeVolume ActionTextUIText)msilibospathdirname__file__rrtables..\python\lib\msilib\text.pyrsf22GGG R3 3 3 j hr