\d,ddlZddlZddlZddlTddlmZejdeddZdZd Zd Z d Z d Z d Z dZ dZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZd Z dZ!Gd!d"Z"Gd#d$ej#e"Z#Gd%d&Z$ej%j&e$fzej%_&Gd'd(ej%Z'Gd)d*e'Z(Gd+d,Z)Gd-d.e'Z*Gd/d0e'Z+Gd1d2e'Z,Gd3d4e'Z-Gd5d6e'Z.Gd7d8e'Z/Gd9d:e'Z0Gd;de'Z2Gd?d@e'Z3GdAdBe'Z4GdCdDe'Z5GdEdFe'Z6GdGdHe'e7e8Z9GdIdJe'Z:GdKdLe'Z;GdMdNe'Z<GdOdPe'Z=GdQdRe'Z>GdSdTe'Z?GdUdVe'Z@GdWdXe'ZAGdYdZe'ZBGd[d\e'ZCGd]d^e'ZDGd_d`e'ZEGdadbe'ZFGdcdde'ZGGdedfe'ZHGdgdhe'ZIGdidje'ZJGdkdle'ZKGdmdne'ZLGdodpe'ZMGdqdre'e7e8ZNGdsdte'ZOGdudve'ZPGdwdxeQe(ZRGdydzeSe(ZTGd{d|eUe(ZVGd}d~eWe(ZXGddeYe(ZZGdde[e(Z\Gdde]e(Z^Gdde_e(Z`Gddeae(ZbGddece(ZdGddeFe(ZeGdde9e(ZfGddeEe(ZgGddeNe(ZhGdde,e(ZiGdde.e(ZjGdde0e(ZkGdde1e(ZlGdde4e(ZmGdde,e(ZnGddeMe(ZoGdde@e(ZpGddeBe(ZqdZrdZsGdde'ZtGdde'e7e8ZuGddeuZvdS)N)*) _cnfmergeznThe Tix Tk extension is unmaintained, and the tkinter.tix wrapper module is deprecated in favor of tkinter.ttk) stacklevelwindowtextstatus immediateimage imagetextballoonauto acrosstopasciicellcolumn decreasing increasingintegermainmaxrealrowzs-regionzx-regionzy-region cHeZdZdZdZdZd dZd dZdZdZ d Z d d Z dS) tixCommandaThe tix commands provide access to miscellaneous elements of Tix's internal state and the Tix application context. Most of the information manipulated by these commands pertains to the application as a whole, or to a screen or display, rather than to a particular window. This is a mixin class, assumed to be mixed to Tkinter.Tk that supports the self.tk.call method. c:|jdd|S)aTix maintains a list of directories under which the tix_getimage and tix_getbitmap commands will search for image files. The standard bitmap directory is $TIX_LIBRARY/bitmaps. The addbitmapdir command adds directory into this list. By using this command, the image files of an applications can also be located using the tix_getimage or tix_getbitmap command. tix addbitmapdirtkcall)self directorys ..\python\lib\tkinter\tix.pytix_addbitmapdirztixCommand.tix_addbitmapdirYsw||E>9===c:|jdd|S)zReturns the current value of the configuration option given by option. Option may be any of the options described in the CONFIGURATION OPTIONS section. r!cgetr#r&options r(tix_cgetztixCommand.tix_cgetes w||E66222r*Nc :|rt||f}n|rt|}||ddSt|tr|ddd|zS|jd||zS)aQuery or modify the configuration options of the Tix application context. If no option is specified, returns a dictionary all of the available options. If option is specified with no value, then the command returns a list describing the one named option (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist of the value returned if no option is specified). If one or more option-value pairs are specified, then the command modifies the given option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the command returns an empty string. Option may be any of the configuration options. Nr! configure-)r!r1)r _getconfigure isinstancestr_getconfigure1r$r%_optionsr&cnfkws r( tix_configureztixCommand.tix_configurels  !S"I&&CC  !C..C ;%%e[99 9 c3   D&&uk3s7CC Cw||04==3E3EEFFFr*ct||jdd|S|jddS)aReturns the file selection dialog that may be shared among different calls from this application. This command will create a file selection dialog widget when it is called the first time. This dialog will be returned by all subsequent calls to tix_filedialog. An optional dlgclass parameter can be passed to specified what type of file selection dialog widget is desired. Possible options are tix FileSelectDialog or tixExFileSelectDialog. Nr! filedialogr#)r&dlgclasss r(tix_filedialogztixCommand.tix_filedialogs8  7<<|X>> >7<<|44 4r*c:|jdd|S)aLocates a bitmap file of the name name.xpm or name in one of the bitmap directories (see the tix_addbitmapdir command above). By using tix_getbitmap, you can avoid hard coding the pathnames of the bitmap files in your application. When successful, it returns the complete pathname of the bitmap file, prefixed with the character '@'. The returned value can be used to configure the -bitmap option of the TK and Tix widgets. r! getbitmapr#r&names r( tix_getbitmapztixCommand.tix_getbitmapsw||E;555r*c:|jdd|S)aLocates an image file of the name name.xpm, name.xbm or name.ppm in one of the bitmap directories (see the addbitmapdir command above). If more than one file with the same name (but different extensions) exist, then the image type is chosen according to the depth of the X display: xbm images are chosen on monochrome displays and color images are chosen on color displays. By using tix_ getimage, you can avoid hard coding the pathnames of the image files in your application. When successful, this command returns the name of the newly created image, which can be used to configure the -image option of the Tk and Tix widgets. r!getimager#rBs r( tix_getimageztixCommand.tix_getimagesw||E:t444r*c<|jddd|S)a@Gets the options maintained by the Tix scheme mechanism. Available options include: active_bg active_fg bg bold_font dark1_bg dark1_fg dark2_bg dark2_fg disabled_fg fg fixed_font font inactive_bg inactive_fg input1_bg input2_bg italic_font light1_bg light1_fg light2_bg light2_fg menu_font output1_bg output2_bg select_bg select_fg selector r!r.getr#rBs r(tix_option_getztixCommand.tix_option_getsw||E8UD999r*c|||jdd|||S|jdd||S)aResets the scheme and fontset of the Tix application to newScheme and newFontSet, respectively. This affects only those widgets created after this call. Therefore, it is best to call the resetoptions command before the creation of any widgets in a Tix application. The optional parameter newScmPrio can be given to reset the priority level of the Tk options set by the Tix schemes. Because of the way Tk handles the X option database, after Tix has been has imported and inited, it is not possible to reset the color schemes and font sets using the tix config command. Instead, the tix_resetoptions command must be used. Nr! resetoptionsr#)r& newScheme newFontSet newScmPrios r(tix_resetoptionsztixCommand.tix_resetoptionss@  !7<<~y*jYY Y7<<~y*MM Mr*N) __name__ __module__ __qualname____doc__r)r/r;r?rDrGrJrPr*r(rrNs > > >333GGGG, 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 5 5 5:::"NNNNNNr*rc eZdZdZddZdZdS)Tkz{Toplevel widget of Tix which represents mostly the main window of an application. It has an associated Tcl interpreter.NTixchtj||||tjd}|jd|:|jd|z|jd|z|jddS)N TIX_LIBRARYzzForm.slaves.. s3777!""1%%777r*roslavesr$rr%rqrjs`r(rz Form.slaves s\7777!!w|| (DG5566777 7r*)rrrQ) rRrSrTrUrrrtrxrzr}rrrrVr*r(rmrms22 BBBB D&&&999333FFFF@@@@77777r*rmc`eZdZdZdddiifdZdZdZdZdZdZ d Z d Z idfd Z d Z dS) TixWidgetaQA TixWidget class is used to package all (or most) Tix widgets. Widget initialization is extended in two ways: 1) It is possible to give a list of options which must be part of the creation command (so called Tix 'static' options). These cannot be given as a 'config' command later. 2) It is possible to give the name of an existing TK widget. These are child widgets created automatically by a Tix mega-widget. The Tk call to create these widgets is therefore bypassed in TixWidget.__init__ Both options are for use by subclasses only. Nc|rt||f}nt|}d}|r|dndg}t|D]\}}||vr |d|z|fz}||=||_||||r|jj||jg|R|rt ||i|_ dS)NrVoptionsr2) rappendlistitems widgetName_setupr$r%rqWidgetrrsubwidget_list) r&masterrstatic_optionsr9r:extrakvs r(r]zTixWidget.__init__!s  !S"I&&CCC..C  )  ! !) , , , ,'[N $$  CAaN""q! ,F$ FC     6 DGLTW 5u 5 5 5 5  % MM$ $ $ $ !r*cL||jvr |j|St|rQ)rAttributeErrorrBs r( __getattr__zTixWidget.__getattr__Ns, 4& & &&t, ,T"""r*cH|jd|j|dS)z1Set a variable without calling its action routine tixSetSilentNr{)r&rws r( set_silentzTixWidget.set_silentSs"  ^TWe44444r*c||}|std|zdz|jz|t|jdzd}||S)zSReturn the named subwidget (which must have been created by the sub-class).z Subwidget z not child of N)_subwidget_nameTclError_namelenrqr)r&rCns r( subwidgetzTixWidget.subwidgetWsn   & & P<$.1AADJNOO O c$'ll1noo !!!$$$r*c|}|sgSg}|D]Q}|t|jdzd} |||K#YOxYw|S)zReturn all subwidgets.rN)_subwidget_namesrrqrr)r&namesretlistrCs r(subwidgets_allzTixWidget.subwidgets_allas%%'' I  DDG Q(D t11$778888 s (A((A,ch |j|jd|S#t$rYdSwxYw)z7Get a subwidget name (returns a String, not a Widget !)rN)r$r%rqrrBs r(rzTixWidget._subwidget_namepsC 7<<d;; ;   44 s # 11c |j|jdd}|j|S#t$rYdSwxYw)z"Return the name of all subwidgets. subwidgetsz-allN)r$r%rqrr)r&rs r(rzTixWidget._subwidget_nameswsX  TWlF;;A7$$Q'' '   44 s:= A  A c|dkrdSt|tst|}t|tst|}|}|D]"}|j|dd|z|#dS)z8Set configuration options for all subwidgets (and self).rgNr1r2)r4r5reprrr$r%)r&r.rwrrCs r( config_allzTixWidget.config_alls R<< FFC(( "&\\F%%% KKE%%'' A AD GLL{C&L% @ @ @ @ A Ar*c ||}|r|rt||f}n|r|}d}|D]3\}}t|r||}|d|z|fz}4|jdd|f|zS)NrVr2r create)rrcallable _registerr$r%)r&imgtyper9rr:rrrs r( image_createzTixWidget.image_creates >F  # YRy11ss rIIKK + +DAq{{ &NN1%%Q *GGy~~w';gEFFFr*cb |jdd|dS#t$rYdSwxYw)Nr delete)r$r%r)r&imgnames r( image_deletezTixWidget.image_deletesG  GLL(G 4 4 4 4 4    DD s  ..)rRrSrTrUr]rrrrrrrrrrVr*r(rrs   $#&!&!&!&!Z### 555%%%    A A A)+4 G G G Gr*rc"eZdZdZ ddZdZdS) TixSubWidgetzSubwidget class. This is used to mirror child widgets automatically created by Tix/Tk as part of a mega-widget in Python (which is not informed of this)rcd|rT||} |t|jdzd}|d}n #g}YnxYw|s!t||ddd|in|}t t|dz D]c}d|d|dz} || } | };#t$rt|||dd}Y`wxYw|r|d}t||ddd|i||_ dS)Nr.rCr)destroy_physicallycheck_intermediate) rrrqsplitrr]rangejoinrKeyErrorrr) r&rrCrrpathplistparentirws r(r]zTixSubWidget.__init__s~  ))$//D C NN1,--. 3 ! J   tVT4&4 I I I IF3u::>** @ @HHU4AaC4[))@,,Q//AFF@@@)&%(=>=>@@@FFF@  !Ry   tVT4&4 I I I"4s4AA>C#C<;C<cft|jD]}||j|jjvr|jj|j=|j|jjvr|jj|j=|jr"|j d|j dSdS)Nri) rchildrenvaluesrirrrrr$r%rqr&cs r(rizTixSubWidget.destroys dm**,,--::Aqyy{{{{ :- - - $TZ0 :3 3 3 *4:6  " - GLLDG , , , , , - -r*N)rrrkrVr*r(rrsG9:5555@ - - - - -r*rcJeZdZdZifdddZdZdZdZdZifd Z d Z dS) DisplayStylezRDisplayStyle - handle configuration options shared by (multiple) Display ItemsN)rc |.d|vr |d}n!d|vr |d}ntjd}|j|_|jjd|g|||R|_dS)N refwindowzcreate display styletixDisplayStyle)r\_get_default_rootr$r%r7 stylename)r&itemtyper9rr:s r(r]zDisplayStyle.__init__s >b  K##[) 23IJJ)%&75!]]3r22555r*c|jSrQ)rrjs r(__str__zDisplayStyle.__str__s ~r*c|r|rt||f}n|r|}d}|D]\}}|d|z|fz}|S)NrVr2)rr)r&r9r:optsrrs r(r7zDisplayStyle._optionssj  # S"I&&CC  CIIKK % %DAq3q5!*$DD r*cF|j|jddSNrr$r%rrjs r(rzDisplayStyle.deletes   T^X.....r*cP|j|jdd|z|dS)Nr1-%srrus r(rxzDisplayStyle.__setitem__s(  T^[%)UCCCCCr*c R|j|jdg|||RS)Nr1)r3rr7r8s r(rrzDisplayStyle.configs@!t! NKA*.--B*?*?AAA Ar*cJ|j|jdd|zS)Nr,rr)r&rvs r( __getitem__zDisplayStyle.__getitem__s w||DNFE#I>>>r*) rRrSrTrUr]rr7rrxrrrrVr*r(rrs  &( 54 5 5 5 5 5///DDDAAAA?????r*rc.eZdZdZdifdZifdZdZdS)BalloonzBalloon help widget. Subwidget Class --------- ----- label Label message MessageNc gd}t||d|||t|dd|jd<t|dd|jd<dS)N)rinstallcolormapinitwait statusbarcursor tixBalloonlabelrrmessagerr] _dummyLabelrr&rr9r:statics r(r]zBalloon.__init__s4vsBGGG'24FG(I(I(IG$)4T9HI*K*K*KI&&&r*c l|jj|jd|jg|||RdS)zkBind balloon widget to another. One balloon widget may be bound to several widgets at the same timebindNrp)r&widgetr9r:s r( bind_widgetzBalloon.bind_widgets<  TWffiI$--R2H2HIIIIIIr*cR|j|jd|jdSNunbindr{r&rs r( unbind_widgetzBalloon.unbind_widget$  TWh 22222r*)rRrSrTrUr]rrrVr*r(rrsi#KKKK')JJJJ 33333r*rc.eZdZdZdifdZifdZdZdS) ButtonBoxzgButtonBox - A container for pushbuttons. Subwidgets are the buttons added with the add method. Nc Ht||dddg||dS)N tixButtonBox orientationrrr]r&rr9r:s r(r]zButtonBox.__init__&s;4)95sB @ @ @ @ @r*c |jj|jd|g|||R}t |||j|<|S)z$Add a button with given name to box.addr$r%rqr7 _dummyButtonr)r&rCr9r:btns r(rz ButtonBox.add*sOdgl47E4I$--R2H2HIII$0t$<$<D! r*c^||jvr#|j|jd|dSdSNinvokerr$r%rqrBs r(rzButtonBox.invoke18 4& & & GLL(D 1 1 1 1 1 ' &r*rRrSrTrUr]rrrVr*r(rr"se#@@@@22222r*rc6eZdZdZdifdZdZdZdZdZdS)ComboBoxaComboBox - an Entry field with a dropdown menu. The user can select a choice by either typing in the entry subwidget or selecting from the listbox subwidget. Subwidget Class --------- ----- entry Entry arrow Button slistbox ScrolledListBox tick Button cross Button : present if created with the fancy optionNc t||dgd||t|d|jd<t |d|jd<t |d|jd<t |d|jd< t |d|jd<t |d|jd<dS#t$rYdSwxYw) N tixComboBox)editabledropdownfancyrrentryarrowslistboxtickcross)rr]rr _dummyEntryr_dummyScrolledListBox TypeErrorr s r(r]zComboBox.__init__Cs4GGG $ $ $(34'A'AG$'24'A'AG$'3D''B'BG$*?@J+L+LJ' *6tV*D*DD  '+7g+F+FD  ( ( (    DD s0B55 CCcH|j|jd|dS)N addhistoryr{r&r5s r( add_historyzComboBox.add_historyUs"  TWlC00000r*cH|j|jd|dS)N appendhistoryr{r)s r(append_historyzComboBox.append_historyXs"  TWos33333r*cJ|j|jd||dSNinsertr{)r&indexr5s r(r0zComboBox.insert[s$  TWhs33333r*cH|j|jd|dS)Npickr{r&r1s r(r3z ComboBox.pick^s"  TWfe,,,,,r*) rRrSrTrUr]r*r-r0r3rVr*r(rr5sw E E $$111444444-----r*rc6eZdZdZdifdZdZdZdZdZdS)ControlaControl - An entry field with value change arrows. The user can adjust the value by pressing the two arrow buttons or by entering the value directly into the entry. The new value will be checked against the user-defined upper and lower limits. Subwidget Class --------- ----- incr Button decr Button entry Entry label LabelNc t||ddg||t|d|jd<t|d|jd<t |d|jd<t |d|jd<dS)N tixControlrincrdecrrr)rr]rrrr$r s r(r]zControl.__init__os4 {CLLL&24&@&@F#&24&@&@F#'24'A'AG$'24'A'AG$$$r*cF|j|jddS)Nr:r{rjs r( decrementzControl.decrementv   TWf%%%%%r*cF|j|jddS)Nr9r{rjs r( incrementzControl.incrementyr=r*cF|j|jddSrr{rjs r(rzControl.invoke|   TWh'''''r*cF|j|jddS)Nupdater{rjs r(rCzControl.updaterAr*) rRrSrTrUr]r<r?rrCrVr*r(r6r6asy   $BBBB&&&&&&((((((((r*r6c"eZdZdZifdZdZdS)DirListaRDirList - displays a list view of a directory, its previous directories and its sub-directories. The user can choose one of the directories displayed in the list or change to another directory. Subwidget Class --------- ----- hlist HList hsb Scrollbar vsb Scrollbarc t||ddg||t|d|jd<t |d|jd<t |d|jd<dS)N tixDirListrhlistvsbhsbrr] _dummyHListr_dummyScrollbarr s r(r]zDirList.__init__m4 {CLLL'24'A'AG$%4T5%A%AE"%4T5%A%AE"""r*cH|j|jd|dSNchdirr{r&dirs r(rQz DirList.chdir"  TWgs+++++r*NrRrSrTrUr]rQrVr*r(rErEsJ""$&BBBB ,,,,,r*rEc"eZdZdZifdZdZdS)DirTreeaDirTree - Directory Listing in a hierarchical view. Displays a tree view of a directory, its previous directories and its sub-directories. The user can choose one of the directories displayed in the list or change to another directory. Subwidget Class --------- ----- hlist HList hsb Scrollbar vsb Scrollbarc t||ddg||t|d|jd<t |d|jd<t |d|jd<dS)N tixDirTreerrHrIrJrKr s r(r]zDirTree.__init__rNr*cH|j|jd|dSrPr{rRs r(rQz DirTree.chdirrTr*NrUrVr*r(rWrWsJ ! !$&BBBB ,,,,,r*rWceZdZdZifdZdS) DirSelectBoxaDirSelectBox - Motif style file select box. It is generally used for the user to choose a file. FileSelectBox stores the files mostly recently selected into a ComboBox widget so that they can be quickly selected again. Subwidget Class --------- ----- selection ComboBox filter ComboBox dirlist ScrolledListBox filelist ScrolledListBoxc t||ddg||t|d|jd<t |d|jd<dS)NtixDirSelectBoxrdirlistdircbx)rr] _dummyDirListr_dummyFileComboBoxr s r(r]zDirSelectBox.__init__sW4):YKbQQQ)6tY)G)GI&(:4(J(JH%%%r*NrRrSrTrUr]rVr*r(r\r\s= ' '$&KKKKKKr*r\c(eZdZdZifdZdZdZdS)ExFileSelectBoxaExFileSelectBox - MS Windows style file select box. It provides a convenient method for the user to select files. Subwidget Class --------- ----- cancel Button ok Button hidden Checkbutton types ComboBox dir ComboBox file ComboBox dirlist ScrolledListBox filelist ScrolledListBoxc t||ddg||t|d|jd<t|d|jd<t |d|jd<t |d|jd<t |d|jd<t |d|jd<t |d |jd <t|d |jd <dS) NtixExFileSelectBoxrcancelokhiddentypesrSr_filefilelist)rr]rr_dummyCheckbutton_dummyComboBoxrar%r s r(r]zExFileSelectBox.__init__s4)= {CQSTTT(4T8(D(DH%$0t$<$<D!(9$(I(IH%'5dG'D'DG$%3D%%@%@E")6tY)G)GI&&4T6&B&BF#*?j*Q*QJ'''r*cF|j|jddSNfilterr{rjs r(rrzExFileSelectBox.filterrAr*cF|j|jddSrr{rjs r(rzExFileSelectBox.invokerAr*N)rRrSrTrUr]rrrrVr*r(reresY & &$& R R R R((((((((r*rec(eZdZdZifdZdZdZdS)DirSelectDialoga#The DirSelectDialog widget presents the directories in the file system in a dialog window. The user can use this dialog window to navigate through the file system to select the desired directory. Subwidgets Class ---------- ----- dirbox DirSelectDialogc vt||ddg||t|d|jd<dS)NtixDirSelectDialogrdirbox)rr]_dummyDirSelectBoxrr s r(r]zDirSelectDialog.__init__sG4)=%;R 1 1 1(:4(J(JH%%%r*cF|j|jddSNpopupr{rjs r(r|zDirSelectDialog.popup   TWg&&&&&r*cF|j|jddSNpopdownr{rjs r(rzDirSelectDialog.popdown   TWi(((((r*NrRrSrTrUr]r|rrVr*r(rurusY$$$&KKKK ''')))))r*ruc(eZdZdZifdZdZdZdS)ExFileSelectDialogzExFileSelectDialog - MS Windows style file select dialog. It provides a convenient method for the user to select files. Subwidgets Class ---------- ----- fsbox ExFileSelectBoxc vt||ddg||t|d|jd<dS)NtixExFileSelectDialogrfsbox)rr]_dummyExFileSelectBoxrr s r(r]zExFileSelectDialog.__init__sG4)@%;R 1 1 1'tY)O)OI&*?j*Q*QJ'(6tX(F(FH%+9$ +L+LK(((r*cF|j|jddSrqr{rjs r( apply_filterzFileSelectBox.apply_filter#rAr*cF|j|jddSrr{rjs r(rzFileSelectBox.invoke&rAr*N)rRrSrTrUr]rrrVr*r(rrsY ' '$&MMMM((((((((r*rc(eZdZdZifdZdZdZdS)FileSelectDialogzFileSelectDialog - Motif style file select dialog. Subwidgets Class ---------- ----- btns StdButtonBox fsbox FileSelectBoxc t||ddg||t|d|jd<t |d|jd<dS)NtixFileSelectDialogrbtnsr)rr]_dummyStdButtonBoxr_dummyFileSelectBoxr s r(r]zFileSelectDialog.__init__3s^4)>%;R 1 1 1&8v&F&FF#':4'I'IG$$$r*cF|j|jddSr{r{rjs r(r|zFileSelectDialog.popup9r}r*cF|j|jddSrr{rjs r(rzFileSelectDialog.popdown<rr*NrrVr*r(rr*sY!!$&JJJJ ''')))))r*rc(eZdZdZifdZdZdZdS) FileEntrya_FileEntry - Entry field with button that invokes a FileSelectDialog. The user can type in the filename manually. Alternatively, the user can press the button widget that sits next to the entry, which will bring up a file selection dialog. Subwidgets Class ---------- ----- button Button entry Entryc t||dddg||t|d|jd<t |d|jd<dS)N tixFileEntry dialogtyperbuttonr)rr]rrr$r s r(r]zFileEntry.__init__Ks`4()4c2 ? ? ?(4T8(D(DH%'24'A'AG$$$r*cF|j|jddSrr{rjs r(rzFileEntry.invokeQrAr*cdSrQrVrjs r( file_dialogzFileEntry.file_dialogTs r*N)rRrSrTrUr]rrrVr*r(rr?sY$&BBBB (((     r*rceZdZdZdifdZifdZdifdZdZdZd8d Z d Z d Z d Z d Z dZdZdZdZifdZifdZdZdZeZdZdZdZifdZifdZdZdZdZdZdZ d Z!d9d!Z"d"Z#d#Z$d$Z%d%Z&d&Z'd'Z(d(Z)d)Z*d*Z+d+Z,ifd,Z-ifd-Z.d.Z/d/Z0d0Z1ifd1Z2d2Z3d3Z4ifd4Z5d5Z6d9d6Z7d7Z8dS):HListaHList - Hierarchy display widget can be used to display any data that have a hierarchical structure, for example, file system directory trees. The list entries are indented and connected by branch lines according to their places in the hierarchy. Subwidgets - NoneNc Ht||dddg||dS)NtixHListcolumnsrr r s r(r]zHList.__init__`s64%y13 < < < < Ftw|Wj&K37==b3I3IKKK Kr*cJ|j|jdd|dSNanchorsetr{r&rs r( anchor_setzHList.anchor_setm$  TWhu55555r*cH|j|jdddSNrclearr{rjs r( anchor_clearzHList.anchor_clearp"  TWh00000r*rc|s#|j|jdd||S|j|jdd|d|S)Nrwidthz-charr{)r&colrcharss r( column_widthzHList.column_widthssO 07<<7CGG G7<<7C '00 0r*cH|j|jdddS)Nrallr{rjs r( delete_allzHList.delete_allzs"  TWh.....r*cJ|j|jdd|dS)Nrrr{rs r( delete_entryzHList.delete_entry}s$  TWh77777r*cJ|j|jdd|dS)Nr offspringsr{rs r(delete_offspringszHList.delete_offspringss$  TWh e<<<<>FAE Fr*cz|j|jdd|}|j|S)Nrrr$r%rqr)r&rrs r( info_childrenzHList.info_childrens3 GLL&*e < <w  ###r*cF|j|jdd|S)Nrdatar{rs r( info_datazHList.info_dataw||DGVVU;;;r*cD|j|jddS)Nrrr{rjs r( info_dragsitezHList.info_dragsitew||DGVZ888r*cD|j|jddS)Nrrr{rjs r( info_dropsitezHList.info_dropsiterr*cF|j|jdd|S)Nrrr{rs r( info_existszHList.info_existsw||DGVXu===r*cF|j|jdd|S)Nrrjr{rs r( info_hiddenzHList.info_hiddenrr*cF|j|jdd|S)Nrnextr{rs r( info_nextzHList.info_nextrr*cF|j|jdd|S)Nrrr{rs r( info_parentzHList.info_parentrr*cF|j|jdd|S)Nrprevr{rs r( info_prevzHList.info_prevrr*cx|j|jdd}|j|SNrrr rs r(info_selectionzHList.info_selection1 GLL&+ 6 6w  ###r*cJ|j|jdd|||S)Nitemr,r{)r&rrrs r( item_cgetzHList.item_cgets"w||DGVVUCEEEr*c |||jdd||S|jj|jdd||g|||RdS)Nr)r1rr&rrr9r:s r(item_configurezHList.item_configuresn ;%%dgv{E3OO O TWfk5# '}}S"%% ' ' ' ' ' 'r*c f|jj|jdd||g|||RdS)Nr)rrpr,s r( item_createzHList.item_createsS gvx N6:mmC6L6L N N N N N Nr*cH|j|jdd||S)Nr)rr{r&rrs r( item_existszHList.item_existss w||DGVXucBBBr*cL|j|jdd||dS)Nr)rr{r1s r( item_deletezHList.item_deletes&  TWfhs;;;;;r*cF|j|jd||S)N entrycgetr{rs r(r6zHList.entrycgetsw||DG[%===r*c |||jd|S|jj|jd|g|||RdSNentryconfigurerrs r(r9zHList.entryconfiguresh ;%%dg/?GG G TW. '}}S"%% ' ' ' ' ' 'r*cD|j|jd|SNnearestr{)r&rs r(r<z HList.nearestsw||DGY222r*cH|j|jd|dSNseer{rs r(r?z HList.see "  TWeU+++++r*c b|jj|jddg|||RdSNrrrpr8s r(selection_clearzHList.selection_clear8 TWk7LT]]35K5KLLLLLLr*cF|j|jdd|SNrincludesr{rs r(selection_includeszHList.selection_includesw||DG[*eDDDr*cL|j|jdd||dSNrrr{r&firstlasts r( selection_setzHList.selection_set&  TWk5%>>>>>r*cF|j|jdd|S)Nshowrr{rs r( show_entryzHList.show_entryw||DGVWe<<>>>>><<<>>><<<$$$FFF.0'''' +-NNNNCCC<<<>>>)+'''' 333,,,#%MMMMEEE????=====r*rceZdZdZdifdZdS) InputOnlyz?InputOnly - Invisible widget. Unix only. Subwidgets - NoneNc Dt||dd||dS)N tixInputOnlyr r s r(r]zInputOnly.__init__s&4sBGGGGGr*rcrVr*r(rWrWs?#rHHHHHHr*rWceZdZdZdifdZdS) LabelEntryaLabelEntry - Entry field with label. Packages an entry widget and a label into one mega widget. It can be used to simplify the creation of ``entry-form'' type of interface. Subwidgets Class ---------- ----- label Label entry EntryNc t||dddg||t|d|jd<t |d|jd<dS)N tixLabelEntry labelsiderrr)rr]rrr$r s r(r]zLabelEntry.__init__,`4' 2C = = ='24'A'AG$'24'A'AG$$$r*rcrVr*r(r[r["s?#rBBBBBBr*r[ceZdZdZdifdZdS) LabelFrameaeLabelFrame - Labelled Frame container. Packages a frame widget and a label into one mega widget. To create widgets inside a LabelFrame widget, one creates the new widgets relative to the frame subwidget and manage them inside the frame subwidget. Subwidgets Class ---------- ----- label Label frame FrameNc t||dddg||t|d|jd<t |d|jd<dS)N tixLabelFramer^rrframe)rr]rr _dummyFramer s r(r]zLabelFrame.__init__=r_r*rcrVr*r(rara2s?#rBBBBBBr*rac8eZdZdZifdZifdZdZdZdZdS) ListNoteBookaA ListNoteBook widget is very similar to the TixNoteBook widget: it can be used to display many windows in a limited space using a notebook metaphor. The notebook is divided into a stack of pages (windows). At one time only one of these pages can be shown. The user can navigate through these pages by choosing the name of the desired page in the hlist subwidget.c t||ddg||t|dd|jd<t |d|jd<t |d|jd<dS)NtixListNoteBookrpanerrrHshlist)rr]_dummyPanedWindowrrL_dummyScrolledHListr s r(r]zListNoteBook.__init__Ls}4):YKbQQQ&7fKL'N'N'NF#'24'A'AG$(;D((K(KH%%%r*c |jj|jd|g|||Rt |||j|<|j|Srr$r%rqr7rrr&rCr9r:s r(rzListNoteBook.addTW TWeTCDMM#r,B,BCCCC$0t$<$<D!"4((r*c,||SrQrrBs r(pagezListNoteBook.pageY~~d###r*c|j|j|jd}g}|D]*}|||+|SNpagesr$rr%rqrrr&rretrs r(rxzListNoteBook.pages\c!!$',,tw"@"@AA * *A JJt~~a(( ) ) ) ) r*cH|j|jd|dSNraiser{rBs r( raise_pagezListNoteBook.raise_paged"  TWgt,,,,,r*N) rRrSrTrUr]rrtrxrrVr*r(rgrgDsEE$&LLLL)))) $$$-----r*rgceZdZdZdifdZdS)MeterzuThe Meter widget can be used to show the progress of a background job which may take a long time to execute. Nc Ft||ddg||dS)NtixMeterrr r s r(r]zMeter.__init__ls34%;R 1 1 1 1 1r*rcrVr*r(rrgs9#111111r*rcFeZdZdZdifdZifdZdZdZdZdZ d Z dS) NoteBookzNoteBook - Multi-page container widget (tabbed notebook metaphor). Subwidgets Class ---------- ----- nbframe NoteBookFrame page widgets added dynamically with the add methodNc zt||ddg||t|dd|jd<dS)N tixNoteBookrnbframerr)rr]rrr s r(r]zNoteBook.__init__xsN4}yk3KKK)5dIIJ*L*L*LI&&&r*c |jj|jd|g|||Rt |||j|<|j|Srrorps r(rz NoteBook.add}rqr*c|j|jd||j||j|=dSrr$r%rqrrirBs r(rzNoteBook.deleteG  TWh--- D!))+++   % % %r*c,||SrQrsrBs r(rtz NoteBook.pagerur*c|j|j|jd}g}|D]*}|||+|Srwryrzs r(rxzNoteBook.pagesr|r*cH|j|jd|dSr~r{rBs r(rzNoteBook.raise_pagerr*cB|j|jdS)Nraisedr{rjs r(rzNoteBook.raisedsw||DGX...r*) rRrSrTrUr]rrrtrxrrrVr*r(rrpsHH#rLLLL )))) &&& $$$---/////r*rceZdZdS) NoteBookFrameN)rRrSrTrVr*r(rrsDr*rcBeZdZdZifdZifdZifdZdZdZdZ dS) OptionMenuzOptionMenu - creates a menu button of options. Subwidget Class --------- ----- menubutton Menubutton menu Menuc t||ddg||t|d|jd<t |d|jd<dS)N tixOptionMenur menubuttonmenurr]_dummyMenubuttonr _dummyMenur s r(r]zOptionMenu.__init__sV49+sBOOO,&>F###r*c d|jj|jdd|g|||RdS)Nrcommandrprps r( add_commandzOptionMenu.add_commands: TWeYNt}}S"7M7MNNNNNNr*c d|jj|jdd|g|||RdS)Nr separatorrprps r( add_separatorzOptionMenu.add_separators: TWe[$PsB9O9OPPPPPPr*cH|j|jd|dSrr{rBs r(rzOptionMenu.delete"  TWh-----r*cH|j|jd|dS)Ndisabler{rBs r(rzOptionMenu.disables"  TWi.....r*cH|j|jd|dS)Nenabler{rBs r(rzOptionMenu.enablerr*N) rRrSrTrUr]rrrrrrVr*r(rrs$&???? %'OOOO')QQQQ...///.....r*rcHeZdZdZifdZifdZdZdZdZifdZ dZ d S) PanedWindowaPanedWindow - Multi-pane container widget allows the user to interactively manipulate the sizes of several panes. The panes can be arranged either vertically or horizontally.The user changes the sizes of the panes by dragging the resize handle between two panes. Subwidgets Class ---------- ----- g/p widgets added dynamically with the add method.c Ht||dddg||dS)NtixPanedWindowr rr r s r(r]zPanedWindow.__init__s.4)9M9;UWZ\^_____r*c |jj|jd|g|||Rt ||d|j|<|j|S)Nrr)rrorps r(rzPanedWindow.addsf TWeTCDMM#r,B,BCCCC$0tDE%G%G%GD!"4((r*c|j|jd||j||j|=dSrrrBs r(rzPanedWindow.deleterr*cH|j|jd|dS)Nr}r{rBs r(r}zPanedWindow.forgetrr*cF|j|jd||S)Npanecgetr{rs r(rzPanedWindow.panecgetsw||DGZ<<.s%111aq!!111r*r)r&rs` r(rzPanedWindow.panessD!!$',,tw"@"@AA111151111r*N) rRrSrTrUr]rrr}rrrrVr*r(rrsHH$&````)))) &&& ...===(*OOOO 22222r*rc.eZdZdZifdZdZdZdZdS) PopupMenuaPopupMenu widget can be used as a replacement of the tk_popup command. The advantage of the Tix PopupMenu widget is it requires less application code to manipulate. Subwidgets Class ---------- ----- menubutton Menubutton menu Menuc t||ddg||t|d|jd<t |d|jd<dS)N tixPopupMenurrrrr s r(r]zPopupMenu.__init__sV4)c2NNN,&>F###r*cR|j|jd|jdS)Nrr{rs r(rzPopupMenu.bind_widget$  TWffi00000r*cR|j|jd|jdSrr{rs r(rzPopupMenu.unbind_widgetrr*cV|j|jd|j||dS)Npostr{)r&rrrs r( post_widgetzPopupMenu.post_widgets(  TWffiA66666r*N)rRrSrTrUr]rrrrVr*r(rrsd$&???? 11133377777r*rc4eZdZdZifdZdZdZdZdZdS) ResizeHandlez;Internal widget to draw resize handles on Scrolled widgets.c Lgd}t||d|||dS)N) rrcursorfgcursorbg handlesize hintcolor hintwidthrrtixResizeHandler )r&rr9r:flagss r(r]zResizeHandle.__init__sE 4): #r + + + + +r*cR|j|jd|jdS)N attachwidgetr{rs r( attach_widgetzResizeHandle.attach_widget$  TWnfi88888r*cR|j|jd|jdS)N detachwidgetr{rs r( detach_widgetzResizeHandle.detach_widget rr*cR|j|jd|jdS)Nrr{rs r(rzResizeHandle.hide rr*cR|j|jd|jdS)NrRr{rs r(rRzResizeHandle.showrr*N) rRrSrTrUr]rrrrRrVr*r(rrsmEE#%++++99999911111111r*rceZdZdZifdZdS) ScrolledHListz0ScrolledHList - HList with automatic scrollbars.c t||ddg||t|d|jd<t |d|jd<t |d|jd<dS)NtixScrolledHListrrHrIrJrKr s r(r]zScrolledHList.__init__u4);i[ $ $ $'24'A'AG$%4T5%A%AE"%4T5%A%AE"""r*NrcrVr*r(rr9::$&BBBBBBr*rceZdZdZifdZdS)ScrolledListBoxz4ScrolledListBox - Listbox with automatic scrollbars.c t||ddg||t|d|jd<t |d|jd<t |d|jd<dS)NtixScrolledListBoxrlistboxrIrJ)rr] _dummyListboxrrMr s r(r]zScrolledListBox.__init__"so4)= {CQSTTT)6tY)G)GI&%4T5%A%AE"%4T5%A%AE"""r*NrcrVr*r(rrs9>>$&BBBBBBr*rceZdZdZifdZdS) ScrolledTextz.ScrolledText - Text with automatic scrollbars.c t||ddg||t|d|jd<t |d|jd<t |d|jd<dS)NtixScrolledTextrrrIrJ)rr] _dummyTextrrMr s r(r]zScrolledText.__init__,sn4):YKbQQQ&0v&>&>F#%4T5%A%AE"%4T5%A%AE"""r*NrcrVr*r(rr(s988$&BBBBBBr*rceZdZdZifdZdS) ScrolledTListz0ScrolledTList - TList with automatic scrollbars.c t||ddg||t|d|jd<t |d|jd<t |d|jd<dS)NtixScrolledTListrtlistrIrJ)rr] _dummyTListrrMr s r(r]zScrolledTList.__init__6rr*NrcrVr*r(rr2rr*rceZdZdZifdZdS)ScrolledWindowz2ScrolledWindow - Window with automatic scrollbars.c t||ddg||t|d|jd<t |d|jd<t |d|jd<dS)NtixScrolledWindowrrrIrJ)rr]rerrMr s r(r]zScrolledWindow.__init__Aso4)r{r4s r(r?z TList.seer@r*c b|jj|jddg|||RdSrBrpr8s r(rCzTList.selection_clearrDr*cF|j|jdd|SrFr{r4s r(rHzTList.selection_includesrIr*cL|j|jdd||dSrKr{rLs r(rOzTList.selection_setrPr*rQ)rRrSrTrUr]rrrrrrrrrr0r&rr*r-r0r&r3r6r<r?rCrHrOrVr*r(rrs#rKKKK6661116661113333888333888333!#HHHH777777<<<<<<===$$$555:::666,,,#%MMMMEEE??????r*rc>eZdZdZdifdZdZdZdZdZd d Z dS) TreezTree - The tixTree widget can be used to display hierarchical data in a tree form. The user can adjust the view of the tree by opening or closing parts of the tree.Nc t||ddg||t|d|jd<t |d|jd<t |d|jd<dS)NtixTreerrHrIrJrKr s r(r]z Tree.__init__st4%;R 1 1 1'24'A'AG$%4T5%A%AE"%4T5%A%AE"""r*cF|j|jddSa This command calls the setmode method for all the entries in this Tree widget: if an entry has no child entries, its mode is set to none. Otherwise, if the entry has any hidden child entries, its mode is set to open; otherwise its mode is set to close. autosetmodeNr{rjs r(rCzTree.autosetmode"  TWm,,,,,r*cH|j|jd|dSz8Close the entry given by entryPath if its mode is close.closeNr{r& entrypaths r(rGz Tree.close"  TWgy11111r*cD|j|jd|Sz9Returns the current mode of the entry given by entryPath.getmoder{rHs r(rMz Tree.getmodew||DGY :::r*cH|j|jd|dSz6Open the entry given by entryPath if its mode is open.openNr{rHs r(rQz Tree.open"  TWfi00000r*nonecJ|j|jd||dS)aThis command is used to indicate whether the entry given by entryPath has children entries and whether the children are visible. mode must be one of open, close or none. If mode is set to open, a (+) indicator is drawn next the entry. If mode is set to close, a (-) indicator is drawn next the entry. If mode is set to none, no indicators will be drawn for this entry. The default mode is none. The open mode indicates the entry has hidden children and this entry can be opened by the user. The close mode indicates that all the children of the entry are now visible and the entry can be closed by the user.setmodeNr{r&rImodes r(rUz Tree.setmodes&  TWiD99999r*)rS) rRrSrTrUr]rCrGrMrQrUrVr*r(r>r>sEE #BBBB---222;;;111 : : : : : :r*r>cLeZdZdZdifdZdZdZdZdZd d Z d Z d d Z dS) CheckListzThe CheckList widget displays a list of items to be selected by the user. CheckList acts similarly to the Tk checkbutton or radiobutton widgets, except it is capable of handling many more items than checkbuttons or radiobuttons. Nc t||dddg||t|d|jd<t |d|jd<t |d|jd<dS)N tixCheckListrrrHrIrJrKr s r(r]zCheckList.__init__sw4%w/b : : :'24'A'AG$%4T5%A%AE"%4T5%A%AE"""r*cF|j|jddSrBr{rjs r(rCzCheckList.autosetmoderDr*cH|j|jd|dSrFr{rHs r(rGzCheckList.close#rJr*cD|j|jd|SrLr{rHs r(rMzCheckList.getmode'rNr*cH|j|jd|dSrPr{rHs r(rQzCheckList.open+rRr*onct|j|j|jd|S)zReturns a list of items whose status matches status. If status is not specified, the list of items in the "on" status will be returned. Mode can be on, off, default getselectionr)r&rWs r(rbzCheckList.getselection/s.w  dg~t!L!LMMMr*cD|j|jd|S)z(Returns the current status of entryPath. getstatusr{rHs r(rdzCheckList.getstatus5sw||DG[)<<tY)O)OI&&4T6&B&BF#*?j*Q*QJ'''r*NrlrmrVr*r(rrs. R R R R R Rr*rceZdZddZdS)rrct||||t|d|jd<t|d|jd<t |d|jd<t |d|jd<dS)Nr_rmrrr)rr]r%rrorjs r(r]z_dummyFileSelectBox.__init__sdFD2DEEE)>tY)O)OI&*?j*Q*QJ'(6tX(F(FH%+9$ +L+LK(((r*NrlrmrVr*r(rrs.MMMMMMr*rceZdZddZdS)rbrcpt||||t|d|jd<dS)Nr`)rr]rorrjs r(r]z_dummyFileComboBox.__init__s:dFD2DEEE(6tX(F(FH%%%r*NrlrmrVr*r(rbrbs.GGGGGGr*rbceZdZddZdS)rrct||||t|d|jd<t|d|jd<t|d|jd<t|d|jd<dS)Nrirrhr)rr]rrrjs r(r]z_dummyStdButtonBox.__init__sdFD2DEEE$0t$<$<D!'3D''B'BG$(4T8(D(DH%&24&@&@F###r*NrlrmrVr*r(rrs.AAAAAAr*rceZdZddZdS)_dummyNoteBookFramerc@t||||dSrQrirjs r(r]z_dummyNoteBookFrame.__init__rkr*N)rrmrVr*r(rrrnr*rceZdZddZdS)rlrc@t||||dSrQrirjs r(r]z_dummyPanedWindow.__init__rkr*NrlrmrVr*r(rlrlrnr*rlcB|jd|jS)zzReturns the qualified path name for the widget. Normally used to set default options for subwidgets. See tixwidgets.py tixOptionNamer{)rs r( OptionNamers 9>>/69 5 55r*crd}|D]}|dz|zdz|zdz||zdz} |S)Nrgz{{z} {z - z}} )keys)dictstypes r( FileTypeListrsQ A HH HtOe #d *U 2T$Z ?% G Hr*ceZdZdZdS)CObjViewaBThis file implements the Canvas Object View widget. This is a base class of IconView. It implements automatic placement/adjustment of the scrollbars according to the canvas objects inside the canvas subwidget. The scrollbars are adjusted so that the canvas is just large enough to see all the objects. N)rRrSrTrUrVr*r(rrs Dr*rceZdZdZdifdZdZdZdZddZddZ d Z d Z d Z dd Z d ZdZdZdZdZddZdZdZdZdS)Grida}The Tix Grid command creates a new window and makes it into a tixGrid widget. Additional options, may be specified on the command line or in the option database to configure aspects such as its cursor and relief. A Grid widget displays its contents in a two dimensional grid of cells. Each cell may contain one Tix display item, which may be in text, graphics or other formats. See the DisplayStyle class for more information about Tix display items. Individual cells, or groups of cells, can be formatted with a wide range of attributes, such as its color, relief and border. Subwidgets - NoneNc Vg}||_t||d|||dS)NtixGridr9rr]rs r(r]z Grid.__init__s24FCDDDDDr*c>|j|dddS)zRemoves the selection anchor.rrNr#rjs r(rzGrid.anchor_clears   T8W-----r*c`||j|ddS)z3Get the (x,y) coordinate of the current anchor cellrrIr r$r%rjs r( anchor_getzGrid.anchor_get s&}}TW\\$%@@AAAr*cB|j|dd||dS)z/Set the selection anchor to the cell at (x, y).rrNr#r8s r(rzGrid.anchor_sets$  T8UAq11111r*c||j|dd|dS|j|dd||dS)zdDelete rows between from_ and to inclusive. If to is not provided, delete only row at from_Nrrr#rs r( delete_rowzGrid.delete_rowsK : GLLx 6 6 6 6 6 GLLxr : : : : :r*c||j|dd|dS|j|dd||dS)zjDelete columns between from_ and to inclusive. If to is not provided, delete only column at from_Nrrr#rs r( delete_columnzGrid.delete_columnsK : GLLx5 9 9 9 9 9 GLLx5" = = = = =r*c>|j|dddS)zUIf any cell is being edited, de-highlight the cell and applies the changes.editrNr#rjs r( edit_applyzGrid.edit_apply#s"  T67+++++r*cB|j|dd||dS)zmHighlights the cell at (x, y) for editing, if the -editnotify command returns True for this cell.rrNr#r8s r(edit_setz Grid.edit_set(s&  T65!Q/////r*cd|r|ddkrd|z}|j|d|||S)z&Get the option value for cell at (x,y)rr2r6r#)r&rrr.s r(r6zGrid.entrycget-s=  "fQi3&&6\Fw||D+q!V<<|j|dd||Srr#r8s r(r zGrid.info_bbox=sw||D&&!Q777r*cD|j|dd|||dS)zMoves the range of columns from position FROM through TO by the distance indicated by OFFSET. For example, move_column(2, 4, 1) moves the columns 2,3,4 to columns 3,4,5.moverNr#r&rroffsets r( move_columnzGrid.move_columnAs(  T68UB?????r*cD|j|dd|||dS)zMoves the range of rows from position FROM through TO by the distance indicated by OFFSET. For example, move_row(2, 4, 1) moves the rows 2,3,4 to rows 3,4,5.rrNr#rs r(move_rowz Grid.move_rowGs(  T65%V<<<<>>>,,, 000 === BBBB LLL888@@@ === BBB//// 6664III2-----r*rceZdZdZdifdZdS) ScrolledGridzScrolled Grid widgetsNc Vg}||_t||d|||dS)NtixScrolledGridrrs r(r]zScrolledGrid.__init__s34):FCLLLLLr*rcrVr*r(rrs;#MMMMMMr*r)wr^warningsr\rwarnDeprecationWarningWINDOWTEXTSTATUS IMMEDIATEIMAGE IMAGETEXTBALLOONAUTO ACROSSTOPASCIICELLCOLUMN DECREASING INCREASINGINTEGERMAINMAXREALROWS_REGIONX_REGIONY_REGION TCL_DONT_WAITTCL_WINDOW_EVENTSTCL_FILE_EVENTSTCL_TIMER_EVENTSTCL_IDLE_EVENTSTCL_ALL_EVENTSrrXrmr __bases__rrrrrrr6rErWr\rerurrrrXViewYViewrrWr[rargrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rr>rYButtonr CheckbuttonrnEntryr$FramereLabelrListboxrMenur Menubuttonr ScrollbarrMTextrr%rLrmrroraryrrrbrrrlrrrrrrVr*r(rs4   -                         ~N~N~N~N~N~N~N~N@!!!!!Z!!!.)7)7)7)7)7)7)7)7Z#>3tg=GGGGGGGGX3-3-3-3-3-93-3-3-p(?(?(?(?(?(?(?(?^33333i333622222 222&*-*-*-*-*-y*-*-*-X(((((i(((B,,,,,i,,,*,,,,,i,,,,KKKKK9KKK&(((((i(((D)))))i)))0))))))))((((((I(((8)))))y)))*        2@=@=@=@=@=Iue@=@=@=DHHHHH HHHBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB$!-!-!-!-!-9!-!-!-F11111I111&/&/&/&/&/y&/&/&/P     I   ........8'2'2'2'2'2)'2'2'2R77777 77741111191110 B B B B BI B B BBBBBBiBBBBBBBB9BBB B B B B BI B B BBBBBBYBBB.....Y...,TTTTTITTT((((()(((2 2 2 2 2 29 2 2 2Q?Q?Q?Q?Q?IueQ?Q?Q?f*:*:*:*:*:9*:*:*:\.<.<.<.<.< .<.<.