# Copyright (c) 2012, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is also distributed with certain software (including # but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as # designated in a particular file or component or in included license # documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional # permission to link the program and your derivative works with the # separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See # the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import platform import threading import random import queue import traceback import socket import select import sys import time import os import mforms import paramiko from workbench.log import log_warning, log_error, log_debug, log_debug2, log_debug3, log_info from wb_common import SSHFingerprintNewError, format_bad_host_exception import grt SSH_PORT = 22 REMOTE_PORT = 3306 # timeout for closing an unused tunnel TUNNEL_TIMEOUT = 3 SSH_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 10 # paramiko 1.6 didn't have this class if hasattr(paramiko, "WarningPolicy"): WarningPolicy = paramiko.WarningPolicy else: class WarningPolicy(paramiko.MissingHostKeyPolicy): def missing_host_key(self, client, hostname, key): import binascii log_warning('WARNING: Unknown %s host key for %s: %s\n' % (key.get_name(), hostname, binascii.hexlify(key.get_fingerprint()))) class StoreIfConfirmedPolicy(paramiko.MissingHostKeyPolicy): def missing_host_key(self, client, hostname, key): raise SSHFingerprintNewError("Key mismatched", client, hostname, key) tunnel_serial=0 class Tunnel(threading.Thread): """This class is a threaded implementation of an SSH tunnel. You should not access the attributes that starts with an underscore outside this thread of execution (e.g. self._server) for this could run into race conditions. Even when accessing its public attributes (those that don't start with an underscore) you should be careful of acquiring the self.lock reentrant lock (and releasing it once done): with tunnel.lock: if tunnel.connecting: ... whatever... """ def __init__(self, q, server, username, target, password, keyfile): super(Tunnel, self).__init__() self.daemon = True self._server = server self._username = username self._target = target self._password = password self._keyfile = keyfile # Acquire and release this lock while accessing the attributes of objects # of this class from the main thread: self.lock = threading.RLock() # This event marks when a random port is selected to be used: self.port_is_set = threading.Event() self.local_port = None self._listen_sock = None self.q = q self._shutdown = False self.connecting = False self._client = paramiko.SSHClient() self._connections = [] def is_connecting(self): with self.lock: return self.connecting def run(self): try: self.do_run() except Exception as e: log_error("Unhandled exception in SSH tunnel: %s\n" % e) def do_run(self): global tunnel_serial tunnel_serial += 1 mforms.Utilities.set_thread_name("SSHTunnel%i"%tunnel_serial) sys.stdout.write('Thread started\n') # sys.stdout.write is thread safe while print isn't log_debug2("SSH Tunel %i thread started\n" % tunnel_serial) # Create a socket and pick a random port number for it: self._listen_sock = socket.socket() while True: local_port = random.randint(1024, 65535) try: self._listen_sock.bind(('', local_port)) self._listen_sock.listen(2) with self.lock: self.local_port = local_port break except socket.error as exc: sys.stdout.write('Socket error: %s for port %d\n' % (exc, local_port) ) err, msg = exc.args if err == 22: continue # retry self.notify_exception_error('ERROR',"Error initializing server end of tunnel", sys.exc_info()) raise exc finally: with self.lock: self.connecting = True self.port_is_set.set() if self._keyfile: self.notify('INFO', 'Connecting to SSH server at %s:%s using key %s...' % (self._server[0], self._server[1], self._keyfile) ) else: self.notify('INFO', 'Connecting to SSH server at %s:%s...' % (self._server[0], self._server[1]) ) connected = self._connect_ssh() if not connected: self._listen_sock.close() self._shutdown = True with self.lock: self.connecting = False if connected: self.notify('INFO', 'Connection opened') del self._password last_activity = time.time() while not self._shutdown: try: socks = [self._listen_sock] for sock, chan in self._connections: socks.append(sock) socks.append(chan) r, w, x = select.select(socks, [], [], TUNNEL_TIMEOUT) except Exception as e: if not self._shutdown: self.notify_exception_error('ERROR', 'Error while forwarding data: %r' % e, sys.exc_info()) break if not r and len(socks) <= 1 and time.time() - last_activity > TUNNEL_TIMEOUT: self.notify('INFO', 'Closing tunnel to %s:%s for inactivity...' % (self._server[0], self._server[1]) ) break last_activity = time.time() if self._listen_sock in r: self.notify('INFO', 'New client connection') self.accept_client() closed = [] for sock, chan in self._connections: if sock in r: data = sock.recv(1024) if not data: closed.append((sock, chan)) else: chan.send(data) if chan in r: data = chan.recv(1024) if not data: closed.append((sock, chan)) else: sock.send(data) for item in set(closed): # set() will remove duplicates from closed list sock, chan = item try: sock.close() except: pass try: chan.close() except: pass self.notify('INFO', 'Client for %s disconnected' % local_port) self._connections.remove(item) if closed and not self._connections and time.time() - last_activity > TUNNEL_TIMEOUT: self.notify('INFO', 'Closing tunnel to %s:%s for inactivity...' % (self._server[0], self._server[1]) ) break # Time to shutdown: for sock, chan in self._connections: try: sock.close() except: pass try: chan.close() except: pass self._listen_sock.close() self._client.close() log_debug("Leaving tunnel thread %s\n" % self.local_port) def notify(self, msg_type, msg_object): log_debug2("tunnel_%i: %s %s\n" % (self.local_port, msg_type, msg_object)) self.q.put((msg_type, msg_object)) def notify_exception_error(self, msg_type, msg_txt, msg_obj = None): self.notify(msg_type, msg_txt) log_error("%s\n" % traceback.format_exc()) def match(self, server, username, target): with self.lock: return self._server == server and self._username == username and self._target == target def _get_ssh_config_path(self): paths = [] user_path = grt.root.wb.options.options['pathtosshconfig'] if grt.root.wb.options.options['pathtosshconfig'] is not None else None if user_path: paths.append(user_path) if platform.system().lower() == "windows": paths.append("%s\ssh\config" % mforms.App.get().get_user_data_folder()) paths.append("%s\ssh\ssh_config" % mforms.App.get().get_user_data_folder()) else: paths.append("~/.ssh/config") paths.append("~/.ssh/ssh_config") for path in paths: if os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser(path)): return os.path.expanduser(path) else: log_debug3("ssh config file not found") return None def _connect_ssh(self): """Create the SSH client and set up the connection. Any exception coming from paramiko will be notified as an error that would cause the failure of the connection. Some of these are: paramiko.AuthenticationException --- raised when authentication failed for some reason paramiko.PasswordRequiredException --- raised when a password is needed to unlock a private key file; this is a subclass of paramiko.AuthenticationException """ try: config = paramiko.config.SSHConfig() config_file_path = self._get_ssh_config_path() if config_file_path: with open(config_file_path) as f: config.parse(f) opts = config.lookup(self._server[0]) ssh_known_hosts_file = None if "userknownhostsfile" in opts: ssh_known_hosts_file = opts["userknownhostsfile"] else: self._client.get_host_keys().clear() ssh_known_hosts_file = '~/.ssh/known_hosts' if platform.system().lower() == "windows": ssh_known_hosts_file = '%s\ssh\known_hosts' % mforms.App.get().get_user_data_folder() try: self._client.load_host_keys(os.path.expanduser(ssh_known_hosts_file)) except IOError as e: log_warning("IOError, probably caused by file %s not found, the message was: %s\n" % (ssh_known_hosts_file, e)) if "stricthostkeychecking" in opts and opts["stricthostkeychecking"].lower() == "no": self._client.set_missing_host_key_policy(WarningPolicy()) else: self._client.set_missing_host_key_policy(StoreIfConfirmedPolicy()) has_key = bool(self._keyfile) self._client.connect(self._server[0], self._server[1], username=self._username, key_filename=self._keyfile, password=self._password, look_for_keys=has_key, allow_agent=has_key, timeout=SSH_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) except paramiko.BadHostKeyException as exc: self.notify_exception_error('ERROR',format_bad_host_exception(exc, '%s\ssh\known_hosts' % mforms.App.get().get_user_data_folder() if platform.system().lower() == "windows" else "~/.ssh/known_hosts file")) return False except paramiko.BadAuthenticationType as exc: self.notify_exception_error('ERROR', "Bad authentication type, the server is not accepting this type of authentication.\nAllowed ones are:\n %s" % exc.allowed_types, sys.exc_info()); return False except paramiko.AuthenticationException as exc: self.notify_exception_error('ERROR', "Authentication failed, please check credentials.\nPlease refer to logs for details", sys.exc_info()) return False except socket.gaierror as exc: self.notify_exception_error('ERROR', "Error connecting to SSH server: %s\nPlease refer to logs for details." % str(exc)) return False except paramiko.ChannelException as exc: self.notify_exception_error('ERROR', "Error connecting SSH channel.\nPlease refer to logs for details: %s" % str(exc), sys.exc_info()) return False except SSHFingerprintNewError as exc: self.notify_exception_error('KEY_ERROR', { 'msg': "The authenticity of host '%(0)s (%(0)s)' can't be established.\n%(1)s key fingerprint is %(2)s\nAre you sure you want to continue connecting?" % {'0': "%s:%s" % (self._server[0], self._server[1]), '1': exc.key.get_name(), '2': exc.fingerprint}, 'obj': exc}) return False except IOError as exc: #Io should be report to the user, so maybe he will be able to fix this issue self.notify_exception_error('IO_ERROR', "IO Error: %s.\n Please refer to logs for details." % str(exc), sys.exc_info()) return False except Exception as exc: self.notify_exception_error('ERROR', "Authentication error, unhandled exception caught in tunnel manager, please refer to logs for details", sys.exc_info()) return False else: log_debug("connect_ssh2 OK\n") return True def close(self): self.notify('INFO', 'Closing tunnel') self._listen_sock.close() self._shutdown = True def accept_client(self): try: local_sock, peeraddr = self._listen_sock.accept() except Exception as e: self.notify_exception_error('ERROR', 'Error accepting new tunnel client: %r' % e,sys.exc_info()) return self.notify('INFO', 'Client connection established') transport = self._client.get_transport() try: sshchan = transport.open_channel('direct-tcpip', self._target, local_sock.getpeername()) except paramiko.ChannelException as exc: self.notify_exception_error('ERROR', 'Could not open port forwarding SSH channel: %s' % exc) local_sock.close() return except Exception as e: self.notify_exception_error('ERROR', 'Remote connection to %s:%d failed: %r' % (self._target[0], self._target[1], e), sys.exc_info()) local_sock.close() return if sshchan is None: self.notify_exception_error('ERROR', 'Remote connection to %s:%d was rejected by the SSH server.' % (self._target[0], self._target[1]), sys.exc_info()) local_sock.close() return self.notify('INFO', 'Tunnel now open %r -> %r -> %r' % (local_sock.getsockname(), sshchan.getpeername(), self._target)) self._connections.append((local_sock, sshchan)) class TunnelManager: def __init__(self): self.tunnel_by_port = {} self.inpipe = sys.stdin self.outpipe = sys.stdout def _address_port_tuple(self, raw_address, default_port): if type(raw_address) is str: if ':' in raw_address: address, port = raw_address.split(':', 1) try: port = int(port) except: port = default_port return (address, port) else: return (raw_address, default_port) else: return raw_address def lookup_tunnel(self, server, username, target): server = self._address_port_tuple(server, default_port=SSH_PORT) target = self._address_port_tuple(target, default_port=REMOTE_PORT) for port, tunnel in list(self.tunnel_by_port.items()): if tunnel.match(server, username, target) and tunnel.isAlive(): with tunnel.lock: return tunnel.local_port return None def open_tunnel(self, server, username, password, keyfile, target): try: port = self.open_ssh(server, username, password, keyfile, target) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() return (False, str(traceback.format_exc())) return (True, port) def open_ssh(self, server, username, password, keyfile, target): server = self._address_port_tuple(server, default_port=SSH_PORT) target = self._address_port_tuple(target, default_port=REMOTE_PORT) password = password or '' keyfile = keyfile or None if keyfile is not None: keyfile = keyfile.decode('utf-8') found = None for tunnel in list(self.tunnel_by_port.values()): if tunnel.match(server, username, target) and tunnel.isAlive(): found = tunnel break if found: with tunnel.lock: log_debug('Reusing tunnel at port %d' % tunnel.local_port) return tunnel.local_port else: tunnel = Tunnel(queue.Queue(), server, username, target, password, keyfile) tunnel.start() tunnel.port_is_set.wait() with tunnel.lock: port = tunnel.local_port self.tunnel_by_port[port] = tunnel return port def wait_connection(self, port): tunnel = self.tunnel_by_port.get(port) if not tunnel: return 'Could not find a tunnel for port %d' % port error = None close_tunnel = False tunnel.port_is_set.wait() if tunnel.isAlive(): while True: # Process any message in queue. Every retrieved message is printed. # If an error is detected in the queue, exit returning its message: try: msg_type, msg = tunnel.q.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: continue else: if msg_type == 'KEY_ERROR': if mforms.Utilities.show_message("SSH Server Fingerprint Missing", msg['msg'], "Continue", "Cancel", "") == mforms.ResultOk: msg['obj'].client._host_keys.add(msg['obj'].hostname, msg['obj'].key.get_name(), msg['obj'].key) if msg['obj'].client._host_keys_filename is not None: try: if os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(msg['obj'].client._host_keys_filename)) == False: log_warning("Host_keys directory is missing, recreating it\n") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(msg['obj'].client._host_keys_filename)) if os.path.exists(msg['obj'].client._host_keys_filename) == False: log_warning("Host_keys file is missing, recreating it\n") open(msg['obj'].client._host_keys_filename, 'a').close() msg['obj'].client.save_host_keys(msg['obj'].client._host_keys_filename) log_warning("Successfully saved host_keys file.\n") except IOError as e: error = str(e) break; error = "Server key has been stored" else: error = "User cancelled" close_tunnel = True break # Exit returning the error message elif msg_type == 'IO_ERROR': error = msg break # Exit returning the error message else: time.sleep(0.3) _msg = msg if type(msg) is tuple: msg = '\n' + ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*msg)) _msg = str(_msg[1]) log_debug("%s: %s\n" % (msg_type, msg)) if msg_type == 'ERROR': error = _msg break # Exit returning the error message if (not tunnel.is_connecting() or not tunnel.isAlive()) and tunnel.q.empty(): break time.sleep(0.3) log_debug("returning from wait_connection(%s): %s\n" % (port, error)) # we need to close tunnel so it get opened again, without it we may have problems later if close_tunnel: tunnel.close() del self.tunnel_by_port[port] return error def get_message(self, port): if port not in self.tunnel_by_port: log_error("Looking up invalid port %s\n" % port) return None tunnel = self.tunnel_by_port[port] try: return tunnel.q.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: return None def set_keepalive(self, port, keepalive): if keepalive == 0: log_info("SSH KeepAlive setting skipped.\n") return tunnel = self.tunnel_by_port.get(port) if not tunnel: log_error("Looking up invalid port %s\n" % port) return transport = tunnel._client.get_transport() if transport is None: log_error("SSHTransport not ready yet %d\n" % port) return transport.set_keepalive(keepalive) def close(self, port): pass # tunnels auto-close when inactive #tunnel = self.tunnel_by_port.get(port, None) #if tunnel: # tunnel.num_clients -= 1 # if tunnel.num_clients == 0: # tunnel.close() # del self.tunnel_by_port[port] def send(self, code, arg=''): if arg: self.outpipe.write(code + ' ' + arg + '\n') else: self.outpipe.write(code + '\n') self.outpipe.flush() def shutdown(self): for tunnel in list(self.tunnel_by_port.values()): tunnel.close() tunnel.join() # FIXME: It seems that this function is never called. Should we remove it? def wait_requests(self): #print "SSH Tunnel Manager started, waiting for requests..." self.send("READY") while True: request = self.inpipe.readline() if not request: #print "Exiting tunnel manager..." break try: cmd, args = eval(request, {}, {}) except: self.send("ERROR", "Invalid request") continue if cmd == "LOOKUP": try: port = self.lookup_tunnel(*args) if port is not None: self.send("OK", str(port)) else: self.send("ERROR", "not found") except Exception as exc: self.send("ERROR", str(exc)) elif cmd == "OPENSSH": try: port = self.open_ssh(*args) self.send("OK", str(port)) except Exception as exc: self.send("ERROR", str(exc)) elif cmd == "CLOSE": #self.close(args[0]) self.send("OK") elif cmd == "WAIT": # wait for the SSH connection to be established error = self.wait_connection(args) if not error: self.send("OK") else: self.send("ERROR "+error) elif cmd == "MESSAGE": msg = self.get_message(args) if msg: self.send(msg) else: self.send("NONE") else: log_error("Invalid request %s\n" % request) self.send("ERROR", "Invalid request") """ if "--single" in sys.argv: target = sys.argv[2] if "-pw" in sys.argv: password = sys.argv[sys.argv.index("-pw")+1] else: password = None if "-i" in sys.argv: keyfile = sys.argv[sys.argv.index("-i")+1] else: keyfile = None server = sys.argv[-1] tunnel = Tunnel(None, False) if "@" in server: username, server = server.split("@", 1) else: username = "" print "Starting tunnel..." if type(server) == str: if ':' in server: server = server.split(":", 1) server = (server[0], int(server[1])) else: server = (server, SSH_PORT) if type(target) == str: if ':' in target: target = target.split(":", 1) target = (target[0], int(target[1])) else: target = (target, REMOTE_PORT) tunnel.start(server, username, password or "", keyfile, target) else: tm = TunnelManager() sys.stdout = sys.stderr try: tm.wait_requests() except KeyboardInterrupt, e: pass """