-- Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ps_statement_avg_latency_histogram; DELIMITER $$ CREATE DEFINER='root'@'localhost' PROCEDURE ps_statement_avg_latency_histogram () COMMENT ' Description ----------- Outputs a textual histogram graph of the average latency values across all normalized queries tracked within the Performance Schema events_statements_summary_by_digest table. Can be used to show a very high level picture of what kind of latency distribution statements running within this instance have. Parameters ----------- None. Example ----------- mysql> CALL sys.ps_statement_avg_latency_histogram()\G *************************** 1. row *************************** Performance Schema Statement Digest Average Latency Histogram: . = 1 unit * = 2 units # = 3 units (0 - 38ms) 240 | ################################################################################ (38 - 77ms) 38 | ...................................... (77 - 115ms) 3 | ... (115 - 154ms) 62 | ******************************* (154 - 192ms) 3 | ... (192 - 231ms) 0 | (231 - 269ms) 0 | (269 - 307ms) 0 | (307 - 346ms) 0 | (346 - 384ms) 1 | . (384 - 423ms) 1 | . (423 - 461ms) 0 | (461 - 499ms) 0 | (499 - 538ms) 0 | (538 - 576ms) 0 | (576 - 615ms) 1 | . Total Statements: 350; Buckets: 16; Bucket Size: 38 ms; ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA BEGIN SELECT CONCAT('\n', '\n . = 1 unit', '\n * = 2 units', '\n # = 3 units\n', @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(0 - ', ROUND((@bucket_size := (SELECT ROUND((MAX(avg_us) - MIN(avg_us)) / (@buckets := 16)) AS size FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution)) / (@unit_div := 1000)), (@unit := 'ms'), ')'), REPEAT(' ', (@max_label_size := ((1 + LENGTH(ROUND((@bucket_size * 15) / @unit_div)) + 3 + LENGTH(ROUND(@bucket_size * 16) / @unit_div)) + 1)) - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size), 0)), REPEAT(' ', (@max_label_len := (@max_label_size + LENGTH((@total_queries := (SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution)))) + 1) - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < (@one_unit := 40), '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < (@two_unit := 80), '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND(@bucket_size / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 2) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 2), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 2) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 3) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 2 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 3), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 3) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 4) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 3 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 4), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 4) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 5) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 4 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 5), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 5) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 6) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 5 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 6), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 6) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 7) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 6 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 7), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 7) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 8) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 7 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 8), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 8) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 9) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 8 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 9), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 9) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 10) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 9 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 10), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 10) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 11) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 10 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 11), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 11) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 12) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 11 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 12), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 12) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 13) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 12 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 13), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 13) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 14) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 13 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 14), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 14) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 15) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 14 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 15), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), @label := CONCAT(@label_inner := CONCAT('\n(', ROUND((@bucket_size * 15) / @unit_div), ' - ', ROUND((@bucket_size * 16) / @unit_div), @unit, ')'), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_size - LENGTH(@label_inner)), @count_in_bucket := IFNULL((SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM sys.x$ps_digest_avg_latency_distribution AS b1 WHERE b1.avg_us > @bucket_size * 15 AND b1.avg_us <= @bucket_size * 16), 0)), REPEAT(' ', @max_label_len - LENGTH(@label)), '| ', IFNULL(REPEAT(IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, '.', IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, '*', '#')), IF(@count_in_bucket < @one_unit, @count_in_bucket, IF(@count_in_bucket < @two_unit, @count_in_bucket / 2, @count_in_bucket / 3))), ''), '\n\n Total Statements: ', @total_queries, '; Buckets: ', @buckets , '; Bucket Size: ', ROUND(@bucket_size / @unit_div) , ' ', @unit, ';\n' ) AS `Performance Schema Statement Digest Average Latency Histogram`; END $$ DELIMITER ;