-- Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ps_trace_statement_digest; DELIMITER $$ CREATE DEFINER='root'@'localhost' PROCEDURE ps_trace_statement_digest ( IN in_digest VARCHAR(32), IN in_runtime INT, IN in_interval DECIMAL(2,2), IN in_start_fresh BOOLEAN, IN in_auto_enable BOOLEAN ) COMMENT ' Description ----------- Traces all instrumentation within Performance Schema for a specific Statement Digest. When finding a statement of interest within the performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest table, feed the DIGEST MD5 value in to this procedure, set how long to poll for, and at what interval to poll, and it will generate a report of all statistics tracked within Performance Schema for that digest for the interval. It will also attempt to generate an EXPLAIN for the longest running example of the digest during the interval. Note this may fail, as Performance Schema truncates long SQL_TEXT values (and hence the EXPLAIN will fail due to parse errors). Requires the SUPER privilege for "SET sql_log_bin = 0;". Parameters ----------- in_digest (VARCHAR(32)): The statement digest identifier you would like to analyze in_runtime (INT): The number of seconds to run analysis for (defaults to a minute) in_interval (DECIMAL(2,2)): The interval (in seconds, may be fractional) at which to try and take snapshots (defaults to a second) in_start_fresh (BOOLEAN): Whether to TRUNCATE the events_statements_history_long and events_stages_history_long tables before starting (default false) in_auto_enable (BOOLEAN): Whether to automatically turn on required consumers (default false) Example ----------- mysql> call ps_trace_statement_digest(\'891ec6860f98ba46d89dd20b0c03652c\', 10, 0.1, true, true); +--------------------+ | SUMMARY STATISTICS | +--------------------+ | SUMMARY STATISTICS | +--------------------+ 1 row in set (9.11 sec) +------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+------------+------------+ | executions | exec_time | lock_time | rows_sent | rows_examined | tmp_tables | full_scans | +------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+------------+------------+ | 21 | 4.11 ms | 2.00 ms | 0 | 21 | 0 | 0 | +------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+------------+------------+ 1 row in set (9.11 sec) +------------------------------------------+-------+-----------+ | event_name | count | latency | +------------------------------------------+-------+-----------+ | stage/sql/checking query cache for query | 16 | 724.37 us | | stage/sql/statistics | 16 | 546.92 us | | stage/sql/freeing items | 18 | 520.11 us | | stage/sql/init | 51 | 466.80 us | ... | stage/sql/cleaning up | 18 | 11.92 us | | stage/sql/executing | 16 | 6.95 us | +------------------------------------------+-------+-----------+ 17 rows in set (9.12 sec) +---------------------------+ | LONGEST RUNNING STATEMENT | +---------------------------+ | LONGEST RUNNING STATEMENT | +---------------------------+ 1 row in set (9.16 sec) +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+------------+-----------+ | thread_id | exec_time | lock_time | rows_sent | rows_examined | tmp_tables | full_scan | +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+------------+-----------+ | 166646 | 618.43 us | 1.00 ms | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+------------+-----------+ 1 row in set (9.16 sec) // Truncated for clarity... +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | sql_text | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | select hibeventhe0_.id as id1382_, hibeventhe0_.createdTime ... | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (9.17 sec) +------------------------------------------+-----------+ | event_name | latency | +------------------------------------------+-----------+ | stage/sql/init | 8.61 us | | stage/sql/Waiting for query cache lock | 453.23 us | | stage/sql/init | 331.07 ns | | stage/sql/checking query cache for query | 43.04 us | ... | stage/sql/freeing items | 30.46 us | | stage/sql/cleaning up | 662.13 ns | +------------------------------------------+-----------+ 18 rows in set (9.23 sec) +----+-------------+--------------+-------+---------------+-----------+---------+-------------+------+-------+ | id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra | +----+-------------+--------------+-------+---------------+-----------+---------+-------------+------+-------+ | 1 | SIMPLE | hibeventhe0_ | const | fixedTime | fixedTime | 775 | const,const | 1 | NULL | +----+-------------+--------------+-------+---------------+-----------+---------+-------------+------+-------+ 1 row in set (9.27 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (9.28 sec) ' SQL SECURITY INVOKER NOT DETERMINISTIC MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE v_start_fresh BOOLEAN DEFAULT false; DECLARE v_auto_enable BOOLEAN DEFAULT false; DECLARE v_this_thread_enabed ENUM('YES', 'NO'); DECLARE v_runtime INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE v_start INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE v_found_stmts INT; SET @log_bin := @@sql_log_bin; SET sql_log_bin = 0; -- Do not track the current thread, it will kill the stack SELECT INSTRUMENTED INTO v_this_thread_enabed FROM performance_schema.threads WHERE PROCESSLIST_ID = CONNECTION_ID(); CALL sys.ps_setup_disable_thread(CONNECTION_ID()); DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS stmt_trace; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE stmt_trace ( thread_id BIGINT UNSIGNED, timer_start BIGINT UNSIGNED, event_id BIGINT UNSIGNED, sql_text longtext, timer_wait BIGINT UNSIGNED, lock_time BIGINT UNSIGNED, errors BIGINT UNSIGNED, mysql_errno INT, rows_sent BIGINT UNSIGNED, rows_affected BIGINT UNSIGNED, rows_examined BIGINT UNSIGNED, created_tmp_tables BIGINT UNSIGNED, created_tmp_disk_tables BIGINT UNSIGNED, no_index_used BIGINT UNSIGNED, PRIMARY KEY (thread_id, timer_start) ); DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS stmt_stages; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE stmt_stages ( event_id BIGINT UNSIGNED, stmt_id BIGINT UNSIGNED, event_name VARCHAR(128), timer_wait BIGINT UNSIGNED, PRIMARY KEY (event_id) ); SET v_start_fresh = in_start_fresh; IF v_start_fresh THEN TRUNCATE TABLE performance_schema.events_statements_history_long; TRUNCATE TABLE performance_schema.events_stages_history_long; END IF; SET v_auto_enable = in_auto_enable; IF v_auto_enable THEN CALL sys.ps_setup_save(0); UPDATE performance_schema.threads SET INSTRUMENTED = IF(PROCESSLIST_ID IS NOT NULL, 'YES', 'NO'); -- Only the events_statements_history_long and events_stages_history_long tables and their ancestors are needed UPDATE performance_schema.setup_consumers SET ENABLED = 'YES' WHERE NAME NOT LIKE '%\_history' AND NAME NOT LIKE 'events_wait%' AND NAME NOT LIKE 'events_transactions%' AND NAME <> 'statements_digest'; UPDATE performance_schema.setup_instruments SET ENABLED = 'YES', TIMED = 'YES' WHERE NAME LIKE 'statement/%' OR NAME LIKE 'stage/%'; END IF; WHILE v_runtime < in_runtime DO SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP() INTO v_start; INSERT IGNORE INTO stmt_trace SELECT thread_id, timer_start, event_id, sql_text, timer_wait, lock_time, errors, mysql_errno, rows_sent, rows_affected, rows_examined, created_tmp_tables, created_tmp_disk_tables, no_index_used FROM performance_schema.events_statements_history_long WHERE digest = in_digest; INSERT IGNORE INTO stmt_stages SELECT stages.event_id, stmt_trace.event_id, stages.event_name, stages.timer_wait FROM performance_schema.events_stages_history_long AS stages JOIN stmt_trace ON stages.nesting_event_id = stmt_trace.event_id; SELECT SLEEP(in_interval) INTO @sleep; SET v_runtime = v_runtime + (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - v_start); END WHILE; SELECT "SUMMARY STATISTICS"; SELECT COUNT(*) executions, sys.format_time(SUM(timer_wait)) AS exec_time, sys.format_time(SUM(lock_time)) AS lock_time, SUM(rows_sent) AS rows_sent, SUM(rows_affected) AS rows_affected, SUM(rows_examined) AS rows_examined, SUM(created_tmp_tables) AS tmp_tables, SUM(no_index_used) AS full_scans FROM stmt_trace; SELECT event_name, COUNT(*) as count, sys.format_time(SUM(timer_wait)) as latency FROM stmt_stages GROUP BY event_name ORDER BY SUM(timer_wait) DESC; SELECT "LONGEST RUNNING STATEMENT"; SELECT thread_id, sys.format_time(timer_wait) AS exec_time, sys.format_time(lock_time) AS lock_time, rows_sent, rows_affected, rows_examined, created_tmp_tables AS tmp_tables, no_index_used AS full_scan FROM stmt_trace ORDER BY timer_wait DESC LIMIT 1; SELECT sql_text FROM stmt_trace ORDER BY timer_wait DESC LIMIT 1; SELECT sql_text, event_id INTO @sql, @sql_id FROM stmt_trace ORDER BY timer_wait DESC LIMIT 1; SELECT event_name, sys.format_time(timer_wait) as latency FROM stmt_stages WHERE stmt_id = @sql_id ORDER BY event_id; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE stmt_trace; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE stmt_stages; SET @stmt := CONCAT("EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON ", @sql); PREPARE explain_stmt FROM @stmt; EXECUTE explain_stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE explain_stmt; IF v_auto_enable THEN CALL sys.ps_setup_reload_saved(); END IF; -- Restore INSTRUMENTED for this thread IF (v_this_thread_enabed = 'YES') THEN CALL sys.ps_setup_enable_thread(CONNECTION_ID()); END IF; SET sql_log_bin = @log_bin; END$$ DELIMITER ;