# Copyright (c) 2013, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is also distributed with certain software (including # but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as # designated in a particular file or component or in included license # documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional # permission to link the program and your derivative works with the # separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See # the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import socket import threading import time import random import string from socketserver import TCPServer from socketserver import BaseRequestHandler class TCPCommandListener(threading.Thread): """ This listener is to use a SocketServer.TCPServer on the logic for listening commands the advantage of this version is that is basically a server shipped with python so more error prone. It requires the implementation of a Handler class which will contain all the handshaking logic that was implemented on the original SocketServer (below). There's a specific TODO on this version: need to find the way to tell the server to stop once the command execution has completed. """ def __init__(self, output_handler): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.handshake = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for x in range(8)) self.close_key = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for x in range(8)) self._server = TCPServer(('', 0), lambda r, c, s: HandShakeHandler(r, c, s, (self.handshake, self.close_key), output_handler), False) self._server.server_bind() self.port = self._server.server_address[1] def run(self): self._server.server_activate() self._server.serve_forever() class HandShakeHandler(BaseRequestHandler): """ This is the command handler needed when using the TCPServer distributed in the python standard library It is basically a port of the logic contained on the initial SocketServer class (below) that was created for the management of the command executions. """ def __init__(self, request, client_address, server, handshake_keys, output_handler): self._handshake = handshake_keys[0] self._close_key = handshake_keys[1] # If no handshake, authentication is assummed self._wait_for_right_client = True if self._handshake else False self._client_connected = False self._pinger = None self._closed_by_client = False self._output_handler = output_handler BaseRequestHandler.__init__(self, request, client_address, server) def authenticate_client(self, handshake): if handshake == self._handshake: self.request.send("OK") self._wait_for_right_client = False else: self.request.send("ERROR") self.request.close() self._client_connected = False def _ping(self): if self._client_connected: try: # When client still connected this should succeed self.request.send(".") self._pinger = threading.Timer(1, self._ping) self._pinger.start() except Exception as e: self.exit_status = 1 self.exit_message = repr(e) self._client_connected = False # TODO: Find the correct way to shutdown the server once # it has completed... #self.server.shutdown_request(self.request) #self.server.shutdown() def handle(self): # The server will be waiting for client connections while nothing indicates # The stablished criteria to stop the server are: # - When the thread is stopped # - When a connected client sends the close_key # - When authentication occurred (the right client was connected) and the connection got closed keep_alive = True self._pinger = threading.Timer(1, self._ping) self._pinger.start() # Once a client is connected the server will process the incoming data # There are three scenarios: # - The incoming data is a handshake to identify the server should listen that # specific client # - The incoming message is a message indicating the client has disconnected # - The incoming message is a message indicating the server should STOP listening # - The incoming message is just data that needs processing self._client_connected = True while self._client_connected: try: data = self.request.recv(1024) if data: # If authentication is needed if self._wait_for_right_client: self.authenticate_client(data) # The client has explicitly indicated its processing # is done elif self._close_key and self._close_key == data: self._closed_by_client = True self._client_connected = False # TODO: Find the correct way to shutdown the server once # it has completed... #self.server.shutdown_request(self.request) #self.server.shutdown() else: self.process_data(data) except Exception as e: # Error 10054 indicates the client connection terminated print(("EXCEPTION : ", e)) #if e.errno == 10054: # self._client_connected = False #else: # raise def process_data(self, data): self._output_handler(data) class SocketServer(threading.Thread): """ Custom socket server class handling: - optional handshake with connected client - optional server shutdown based on close_key received by the client This class is currently used to manage the command execution through the admin helper script which communicates to this server by using an instance of the SocketClient class below """ def __init__(self, host, port, handshake = "", close_key = ""): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.host = host self.port = port self._handshake = handshake self._close_key = close_key # If no handshake, authentication is assummed self._wait_for_right_client = True if self._handshake else False self._client_connected = False self._pinger = None self._closed_by_client = False self._bound = False self.exit_status = 0 self.exit_message = "" self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) def bind(self, port, catch_error = True): self.port = port try: self._socket.bind((self.host, self.port)) self.port = self._socket.getsockname() self._bound = True except Exception as e: self.exit_status = 1 self.exit_message = repr(e) def authenticate_client(self, handshake): if handshake == self._handshake: self._connection.send("OK") self._wait_for_right_client = False else: self._connection.send("ERROR") self._connection.close() self._client_connected = False def _ping(self): if self._client_connected: try: # When client still connected this should succeed self._connection.send(".") self._pinger = threading.Timer(1, self._ping) self._pinger.start() except Exception as e: self.exit_status = 1 self.exit_message = repr(e) self._client_connected = False def run(self): try: if not self._bound: self.bind(self.port, False) # The server will be waiting for client connections while nothing indicates # The stablished criteria to stop the server are: # - When the thread is stopped # - When a connected client sends the close_key # - When authentication occurred (the right client was connected) and the connection got closed keep_alive = True while self._wait_for_right_client: self._socket.listen(1) self._connection, self._address = self._socket.accept() # At this point a client is connected self._client_connected = True self._pinger = threading.Timer(1, self._ping) self._pinger.start() # Once a client is connected the server will process the incoming data # There are three scenarios: # - The incoming data is a handshake to identify the server should listen that # specific client # - The incoming message is a message indicating the client has disconnected # - The incoming message is a message indicating the server should STOP listening # - The incoming message is just data that needs processing while self._client_connected: try: data = self._connection.recv(1024) if data: # If authentication is needed if self._wait_for_right_client: self.authenticate_client(data) # The client has explicitly indicated its processing # is done elif self._close_key and data.find(self._close_key) == 0: self._closed_by_client = True self._client_connected = False self._connection.close() # The closing key comes in the format of: # [ ] # Where: # - close_key is the token generated on this class to notify it that the server should be stopped # - status : 0 if all ended OK on the client. Non 0 value on other case # - message: information about the ocurred error key, return_data = data.split(' ', 1) if not return_data.startswith('0'): ret_code, error = return_data.split(' ', 1) self.exit_status = 1 self.exit_message = error else: self.process_data(data) except Exception as e: self.exit_status = 1 self.exit_message = repr(e) self._client_connected = False # Any error starting the server will be printed except socket.error as e: self.exit_status = 1 self.exit_message = repr(e) def process_data(self, data): pass class CustomCommandListener(SocketServer): """ This is the implementationn of a socket server which will be listening for commands executed as admin in local windows, the output is received through a socket it is used only when the output is required and all the received data will be sent to the configured output handler """ def __init__(self, output_handler): self.handshake = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for x in range(8)) self.close_key = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for x in range(8)) SocketServer.__init__(self, '', 0, self.handshake, self.close_key) SocketServer.bind(self, 0) self.host, self.port = self._socket.getsockname() self._handler = output_handler def process_data(self, data): self._handler(data) class SocketClient(object): """ Custom socket client class handling: - optional handshake with server - optional server shutdown based on close_key sent by the client """ def __init__(self, host, port, handshake = "", close_key = ""): self._host = host self._port = port self._handshake = handshake self._close_key = close_key self._connected = False self._authenticated = None def start(self): self._socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: self._socket.connect((self._host, self._port)) self._connected = True # If a handshake is needed the client sends it and waits # for the server's answer if self._handshake: self._socket.send(self._handshake) # Validates the server response validated = None while self._authenticated is None: response = self._socket.recv(1024) if response: self._authenticated = (response == "OK") if not self._authenticated: self._connected = False self.close() except socket.error as e: # Connection was not done, probably target is not listening # This error just gets printed as there's no way to tell the # server if e.errno == 10061: print(e) return self._connected def send(self, data): if self._connected: self._socket.send(data) def close(self, exit_status = 0, msg = ""): if self._connected: # The server is waiting to receive the closing token alone # This delay is inserted so the server reads any pending data time.sleep(2) if self._close_key and self._authenticated: closing_message = "%s %d %s" % (self._close_key, exit_status, msg) closing_message.strip() self._socket.send(closing_message) self._socket.close() self._connected = False